Miscellaneous | Interesting & Helpful Information
Astronomers Were Skeptical About Dark Matter — Until Vera Rubin Came Along
She built a bulletproof case for exploring the concept. Vera Rubin didn’t “discover” dark matter, but she put it on the map.
Miscellaneous | Interesting & Helpful Information
Saturn’s majestic rings will vanish in just six months from now - Earth.com
Saturn's awe-inspiring rings are the most iconic celestial feature in our solar system. They will vanish in about six months from now.
News | News Items
First of Its Kind Detection Made in Striking New Webb Image - NASA Science
Alignment of bipolar jets confirms star formation theories For the first time, a phenomenon astronomers have long hoped to directly image has been captured by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope’s Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam). In this stunning image of
Science & Technology | Cosmic Research
Thousands of Mysterious ‘Micro Depressions’ Discovered Offshore Near Big Sur
A new survey of the ocean floor off the California coast revealed nearly 15,000 small craters referred to as “micro depressions.”
Science & Technology | Cosmic Research
Water Found in Atmosphere of Planet Beyond Our Solar System
Scientists for the first time have detected water in the atmosphere of an Earth-like planet orbiting a distant star, evidence that a key ingredient for life exists beyond our solar system, according to a study published on Sept. 11.
Science & Technology | Cosmic Research
Scientists find huge world of hidden galaxies, changing our understanding of the universe | The Independent
Scientists have found a vast array of hidden galaxies, which together could change our understanding of how the universe works. The mysterious galaxies, which were previously unknown to researchers, were discovered by a breakthrough new approach that allo
Science & Technology | Cosmic Research
Evidence of 14B year-old 'time machine' star found 35,000 light-years from Earth | Fox News
Astronomers have found evidence of one of the oldest stars in the universe, a star that lived 13.8 billion years ago, nestled inside a star that's nearly as old.
Science & Technology | Cosmic Research
Something Mysterious ‘Five Times Larger Than the Big Island of Hawaii’ Is Discovered Buried on Moon
Scientists have discovered an unknown material on the largest crater of the moon and they are yet not sure what it is all about.
Science & Technology | Cosmic Research
US Navy drafting new guidelines for reporting UFOs | Fox News
The U.S. Navy is drafting new guidelines for pilots and other employees to report encounters with "unidentified aircraft."
Science & Technology | Cosmic Research
Aliens Might Shoot Lasers at Black Holes to Travel the Galaxy
We don't know if aliens exist. But if they did, it'd be cool if they got around using lasers and black holes.
Science & Technology | Cosmic Research
DRAFT Disclosure Announcement for World Leaders
The following DRAFT speech was written by Dr. Greer when requested by two separate points of contact to President Trump and President Putin. The two contacts do not know each other but both requests were made over a few weeks in the Spring of 2018. Dr. G
Science & Technology | Cosmic Research
Mysterious radio signal from space? Astronomers aren’t sure of origins
A mysterious, low-frequency radio signal was detected using a radio telescope based in Canada, astronomers say. The source of the signal is not clear.
Science & Technology | Cosmic Research
10 Amazing Facts About Sri Yantra, The King Of All Sacred Geometries
Get to know here 10 amazing facts about Sri Yantra, the king of all sacred geometries.
Science & Technology | Cosmic Research
Galaxy Distorted by Long-Ago Collision Glows in Gorgeous Hubble Photo
The misshapen galaxy NGC 3256, the product of a long-ago merger between two spiral galaxies, shines in a newly released photo captured by the Hubble Space Telescope.
Science & Technology | Cosmic Research
From meteor showers to a supermoon: 5 astronomy events you won't want to miss this fall
The longer autumn nights will feature many notable celestial events that stargazers can mark down on their calendars.
Science & Technology | Cosmic Research
The Matter with Dark Matter
How do scientists know there's a mysterious substance called "dark matter" that dominates our universe? An astrophysicist explains.
Science & Technology | Cosmic Research
Scientists Now Believe the Universe Itself May Be Conscious – Awareness Act
A new scientific concept has recently come to light, which scientists are calling "panpsychism." Panpsychism says that the universe could be capable of consciousness, which could change everything. For quite some time, scientists have been worki
Science & Technology | Cosmic Research
Earth-like Planet Discovered Near Solar System
European astronomers announced their discovery of a small rocky planet potentially hospitable to life circling the star closest to our own solar system—our nearest neighbor in a galaxy dense with unexplored alien worlds.
Science & Technology | Cosmic Research
Stellar Star Comparison Video Puts Almost Everything Into Perspective | Nerdist
In the span of a few hundred years, humans have gone from feeling very big — at the center of literally everything — to very small. We can thank science for
Science & Technology | Cosmic Research
Planet IX? Astronomers Find Solid Evidence Of New Planet Beyond Pluto
This week astronomers at Cal Tech announced that our solar system may in fact have nine planets (planet IX) after all, and no, it’s not about Pluto.
Science & Technology | Cosmic Research
Nobel Prize in Physics Won by Takaaki Kajita and Arthur B. McDonald for Work on Neutrinos
Two scientists from Japan and Canada have won the Nobel Prize in physics for discoveries relating to neutrinos, which increased understanding of matter and the universe.
Science & Technology | Cosmic Research
Jaw-dropping Andromeda galaxy photo comprises 37 hours of exposure
A pair of "backyard" astrophotographers have collaborated to produce a stunning image of our nearest galactic neighbour.
Science & Technology | Cosmic Research
To Scale: The Solar System on Vimeo
On a dry lakebed in Nevada, a group of friends build the first scale model of the solar system with complete planetary orbits: a true illustration of our place in…
Science & Technology | Cosmic Research
Mostly Mute Monday: See Inside The Swirling Storms Of Saturn — Starts With A Bang! — Medium
Once a complete mystery, the Cassini mission has solved them at last!
Science & Technology | Cosmic Research
Must See: The World's Wonders from Space
Three astronauts returned to Earth from the International Space Station after taking amazing space photos.
Science & Technology | Cosmic Research
Ancient Lake on Mars was Once A Sustainable Place For life, New Study Found
A team of scientists have discovered evidence of an ancient martian lake which may be the remnants of one of the last salty lakes on the Red Planet.
Science & Technology | Cosmic Research
LHC physicists discover five-quark particle
Pentaquarks are no longer just a theory.
Science & Technology | Cosmic Research
Cosmic Confusion: Talk of Multiverses and Big Errors in Astrophysics
At the 2015 World Science Festival, four prominent astrophysicists discussed one of the most troubling puzzles in modern physics, and whether a theory of multiple universes can hope to solve it.