Advice & Self-Help | Meditation and Other Practices
The Baloney Detection Kit
Carl Sagan’s rules for critical thinking offer cognitive fortification against propaganda, pseudoscience, and general falsehood.
News | News
Why You Should Talk to Yourself in the Third Person
Evidence suggests that there are real benefits of talking to yourself in the third person—in your head, not out loud.
Psychology | Individual to Collective Thought
Intelligence, Feeling, and Critical Thinking - American Greatness
Recently, I had two conversations, one with a woman with whom I once had more than a platonic relationship, the other with my first cousin, who had always been…
Psychology | Personality
Success Depends More on Good Critical Thinking Than on IQ
Why some smart people make foolish decisions. By Alex Fradera
Politics | The "Squad"
Ocasio-Cortez Attacks Senator’s ‘Critical Thinking,’ Does Not Go As Planned | Daily Wire
Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) embarrassed herself on Monday after she tried to attack Sen. Rick Scott's (R-FL) "critical thinking" abilities over comments Scott made but was unable to understand that Scott was being sarcastic.
Health & Fitness | Health News
The Earliest Sign of Alzheimer's: Navigation Could Be Critical
Memory problems may not be the first sign of Alzheimer’s.
Advice & Self-Help | Empowering Tools for Growth
Utilizing Blended Learning To Encourage Critical Thinking: An e-Learning Solutions Perspective
Critical Thinking Can Help Learners Learn and Retain Better in e-Learning Solutions. Utilizing Blended Learning To Encourage Critical Thinking.