Politics | Opinion
Netanyahu is right about Israel’s ‘deep state’
Like the anti-Trump “resistance,” the country’s liberal establishment is waging a war against the prime minister as a bid to hold on to power, not an effort to save democracy.
Politics | Politics
Victor Davis Hanson: Can We Let the Voters Decide—Not the FBI, CIA, DOJ, Lawyers, Prosecutors, and Judges?
When Donald Trump seemed to have a lock on the 2016 Republican primary, the Democratic Party concluded that the people could not be counted on to do the “right…
News | National News
New Biden Rule Aims To Entrench The Deep State Forever
The Biden administration’s rule seems designed to ensure the deep state will remain unaccountable to the president — and the American people.
News | National News
Rule Preventing Federal Employees from Being Fired Finalized by Biden Administration | National Review
The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) issued a rule on Thursday designed to prevent career bureaucrats from being involuntarily shifted into employment categories exempt from civil service protections.
Politics | Politics
New York Times Calls Deep State 'Kind of Awesome'
I do not hold The New York Times in very high regard. I hold the opinion section of the New York Times in even lower regard. This article and video by Adam Westbrook and Lindsay Crouse demonstrates why.
Politics | Politics
SCOTUS Can Help Drain the Swamp by Overturning Chevron - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics
The “major questions” doctrine does not go far enough to reduce regulatory power. It’s time for SCOTUS to overrule ‘Chevron.’
News | News
Political Reprobates Of The Left Prove Their Lust For Power Eclipses All
As if the world needed any more proof that the globalist-aligned, neo-fascist American Left has a debilitating addiction to power, now comes the 2023 “selling of the souls” in the politically-motivated packaging of aid to Israel and a new traunch mone
News | News
Biden Administration Wants To Continue Spying On Americans In The US
If you had any misgivings about the totalitarian, unconstitutional nature of today’s neo-fascist Left in the United States this development should quell those misgivings. A bipartisan bill moving through Congress
Politics | Politics
Who Buried The Biden Bribery Scandal?
The Biden bribery breadcrumbs leave only one possible conclusion: Corrupt deep-state partisans buried the evidence.
Miscellaneous | Other Stuff
Our Right to Self-Government in Jeopardy from Entrenched Managerial Ruling Class › American Greatness
On the Fourth of July, we celebrate our independence. While we all enjoy fireworks and barbeques, this is supposed to be the commemoration of a revolutionary political act, our separation from Great…
Politics | Politics
'Highly Credible' Source Reveals FBI Election Interference Scandal
More important to America's future than unearthing Biden family corruption is uncovering corrupt bureaucrats who violate the rule of law.
Politics | Politics
Abandon the Swamp › American Greatness
Suppose a document drops in the wilderness and no one is around to hear it. Does it make a sound? I submit that John Durham just tested this Bishop Berkeleyesque query. The special counsel spent four…
Politics | Politics
It Doesn't Matter How Well Trump Polls, The System Is Rigged
Unless the managerial elite and Big Tech are brought to heel, it doesn’t matter how much better Trump polls than Biden.
Politics | Politics
Tucker Carlson: Biden is done
Fox News host Tucker Carlson explains why permanent Washington is tired of President Biden's leadership on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight.' #FoxNews #TuckerSubscrib...
Politics | Politics
Is the Deep State Coming After Joe Biden? - The American Spectator | USA News and PoliticsThe American Spectator | USA News and Politics
The second half of Joe Biden’s presidential term has officially gotten off to an ignominious start. Earlier in the week, CBS News first broke the story that Biden had been storing classified documents, taken from his previous stint as vice...
News | News
PODCAST | We Need To Be Honest About The Politicization Of Government
Listen now (46 min) | Recently I penned an article titled, Do We Really Understand The Meaning Of Freedom, in which I laid out several events - recent events - where government, bureaucracy, and special interests have successfully encroached on our freedo
News | News
PODCAST | All Our Political Problems Emanate From The Culture Wars
Listen now (29 min) | It can be successfully argued that a nation's people get the government they deserve for the simple fact that it is the people who vote, at least in republics and democracies. It is arguably true that this adage applies to the U
News | News
PODCAST | The Speech Backdrop That Sets The Tone For 2022 & 2024
The Biden administration and its handlers (or should I say the fascist cabal that is now in control in Washington, DC), have telegraphed its playbook. Their strategy for the midterms and 2024 is to run against Donald Trump again, regardless of whether he
News | News
PODCAST | The Mainstream Media Can Be Leashed If We Make It About Policy
In the wake of President Biden's insanely coercive and authoritarian speech that sought to further cement the divide in our country as we approach the Midterm Elections, we see that the puppet masters of the Left - Obama 2.0 - are telegraphing their
News | News
PODCAST | Time To Examine The Worth Of The 'Progressive' Movement?
The turn of the 20th Century introduced fascism to the United States. Under Woodrow Wilson - and continuing under Franklin Roosevelt, the system of government the Framers created ceased to exist because a fundamental protection for the states was removed
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News | News
PODCAST | Replacing the Cult of Personality with an Honest Policy Discussion
The Midterm Elections are just months away and the radical Left, the Biden administration, its Obama 2.0 masters, and the mainstream media want to make the election a rehash of the anti-Trump campaign they executed successfully in 2020. The task at hand i
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Politics | Politics
Victor Davis Hanson: The Strangest Thing About ‘Semi-Fascist’ Trump
For the Left, Donald Trump is synonymous with “fascism” (or “semi-fascism,” as Joe Biden put it the other day). And for Liz Cheney and most of the NeverTrumpers…
News | News
ARTICLE & PODCAST | What Has Progressed Under Progressivism?
As we prepare for the onslaught of propaganda that is coming our way (from both sides) during the lead-up to the Midterm Elections, we all need to take a step back from the preferred narratives being foisted upon us by the political Left and mainstream me
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News | News
PODCAST | Slash & Burn Politics and 'The Chexit'
It is astounding why a rising star amongst the political Right at the national level - a woman with name recognition, a legacy, and a solid base - would attach her entire political career to attempting to settle some kind of score against Donald Trump. Bu
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Politics | FBI news
Does Donald Trump Have Jeffrey Epstein’s List of Clients? - The American Spectator | USA News and PoliticsThe American Spectator | USA News and Politics
Does Donald Trump have Jeffrey Epstein’s list of clients? The Deep State, Bureaucracy, Swamp, Administrative State, Military-Industrial Complex, Democrats, Media,...
News | News
PODCAST | Acid Politics Produces Caustic Snowflakes
In the days after the questionably legal FBI raid on Donald Trump's Mar-A-Lago home in Palm Beach, Florida - and after a crazed gunman committed suicide by cop at an FBI office in Ohio, The US Department of Justice and the Department of Homeland Secu
News | News
Okay, Maybe a Plantain Republic
It was very public; vert overt. Pro-administration agents swooped in, searched, and detained prominent members of the opposition – politicians and society leaders – on questionable charges of “subversion” in the hope of eliminating competition in
News | News
‘There’s A Sucker Born Every Minute’
It’s a famous quote erroneously attributed to the circus and sideshow king P.T. Barnum, who also dabbled in politics: “There’s a sucker born every minute.” And while the quote was likely coined by a corrupt banker (imagine that), the notion was no
News | News
PODCAST | The Inflation Reduction Act: When Politics Masquerades As Government
With the looming passage of the poorly-named Inflation Reduction Act, Senate Democrats are proving that the well-being of the nation's citizens comes in second to bullying through even a few of their radically fascist agenda. Hundreds of economists s
News | News
PODCAST | Poking The Bear & Antagonizing China
With Nancy Pelosi's wholly unnecessary and pre-maturely announced trip to Taiwan out there and the Biden administration's move to deploy USAF F-22 Raptor fighter jets to Poland, the radical Left now in charge in Washington is tempting global con
News | News
This Is Why Congress Has Lost The Trust Of The American People
The guilty verdict in the Contempt of Congress case against former Trump confidant Steve Bannon highlights the inequitable (to use a term favored by the radical Left) treatment of those by the US Department of Justice. On the one hand, Bannon faces jail t
News | News
PODCAST | They Need To Stop 'Monkeypoxing' Around With Pandemics
With the release of Dr. Deborah Brix's new book and the revelation that she and Dr. Fauci purposely misled not only the President of the United States but also the American people, the administrative state is tantamount to telling the American people
News | News
Of Course Term Limits Matter...How Could They Not?
I was killing time surfing through some social media feeds when I came across a comment to a post on term limits that was jadedly negative. “Term limits will solve almost nothing. Prove me wrong,” the comment read. Needless to say, I disagree with tha
News | News
PODCAST | The Independent Truckers Strike Back: This Ain't Canada
After we address the attempted assassination of US Rep. Lee Zeldin who is running for Governor of New York, we discuss how the independent truckers in California are artfully expressing their outrage at a new law that coerces them into union membership.
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News | News
The US Supreme Court Decision The Media Won't Cover
The mainstream media complex has shifted into high gear in its far-Left, ideologically anointed, social engineering propaganda campaign on the issue of the US Supreme Court’s ruling overturning Roe v. Wade. Regardless of the fact the ruling did not outl
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Politics | Politics
Supreme Court Targets the Real Enemy
News analysis The flurry of rulings from the Supreme Court has everyone’s head spinning. The most significant among ...
News | News
The Absolute Danger Of Biden’s Disinformation Governance Board
We should all be very concerned with how far we have allowed the fifth columnists to go with manipulating speech and our right to free speech. From the absurd notion of political correctness to social media and internet censorship to the newly created DHS
News | News
PODCAST | Maybe DHS Should Consider Putting a Fence Around Disney
As DHS Secretary Mayorkas humiliates himself before Congress in continuing to push the false narrative of the snowflake "domestic terrorism" threat, perhaps the Left could better serve itself by putting a fence around Disney Woke-World given that Florida&
News | News
Mitch McConnell’s Two-Faced Back Room Declarations Should End His Career
If – and this is a huge if, by the by – the Republican Party is smart enough to realize the absolute need to reinstitute its founding principles and purge its ranks of the self-serving and opportunistic status quo then they would use the two faces of
News | News
PODCAST | Winkin, Blinken & The Need for Common Ground
A perfect example of useless talk came to us in Secretary of State Blinken and Defense Secretary Austen's meeting with Ukrainian President Zelinsky, going to the war-torn country without badly needed weapons. It's the kind of gratuitous and time
Politics | Politics
America's Administrative State is the 'Very Definition of Tyranny'
Business owners must bear in mind the stark reality that the agencies that regulate them will not go away and will continue to exercise jurisdiction, perform inspections, and wield discretionary
News | News
The Fascist Scheme of Federally Centralized Government
The word has been so misused over time that its meaning has been turned on its head. Fascism is not a product of right-wing ideology. It is – and there is no disputing this if you are being honest – a political philosophy more intricately aligned with
Politics | Politics
Now You're Talking: Trump Offers a Proposal to Destroy the Deep State
Wouldn't government work more smoothly if the president were able to clear out unelected and unaccountable government employees who obstructed his agenda?
News | Interesting Links
Will Deception and Division Destroy America’s Freedom? ABSOLUTELY NOT! - The Stream
I want to make a few things absolutely clear. I’m 78 years old. We will soon have our 25th grandchild — 11 grand and 14 great. We love our three children, our grandchildren and great-grandchildren. I love you, your family,...
Politics | Biden Admin
Biden's Cover Up: Deep State Wipes Online Records of U.S. Military Equipment Given to Afghan Forces; Public Links to Reports About Quantities and Billions in Costs Are GONE
Several webpage links – detailing the cost and inventory of billions in high-tech weaponry that was handed to the Taliban – have been removed from federal websites at the request of the corrupt Biden regime. The authoritarian decision for US a
News | News
If You Don't Suspect Provocation At The Jan. 6 Riot, Start Paying Attention
It's required to ask at the outset of leftists' 1/6 'Truth Commission': How much of what led to Donald Trump supporters 'storming the capitol' was a setup?
News | News
Amid Turmoil, SEC Names Wife of Disgraced FBI Agent Peter Strzok as Division Director
In the wake of the Security and Exchange Commission’s questionable inaction regarding the GameStop event, the regulatory agency has hired
News | News
Mitch McConnell vs Rand Paul: Mitch Courted By Deep State To Whip Republicans Into Impeaching Trump
Reports are emerging that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), is being privately urged to support a conviction vote in
Politics | Politics
China ‘Sought to Influence’ 2020 US Election, Director of National Intelligence Assesses
Director of National Intelligence (DNI) John Ratcliffe assessed that China interfered in the 2020 federal elections, according to ...
News | News
Lincoln Project Builds ‘Hit List’ of Trump Officials, Staff
The Lincoln Project, an assembly of extreme Republicans who embraced the ‘Never Trump’ movement, are attempting to resurrect a ‘hit
Politics | Politics
Attorney Sidney Powell drops more bombshells…
Sidney Powell, who left the Trump campaign legal team to pursue other avenues of massive electoral fraud she uncovered shortly after the November elections, continues to reveal stunning information garnered from her continued investigative work proving be
Miscellaneous | Faith
D.C. Archbishop Adopts ‘McCarrick Doctrine’ for Pro-Abortion Politicians
Washington D.C. Archbishop Wilton Gregory said he will not deny Communion to Joe Biden, upholding the practice of former Cardinal McCarrick.
News | The News
U.S. Atty Declines to Investigate 'Thugs' Who Attacked Rand Paul at RNC
Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) on Monday revealed that the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Columbia has declined to investigate the funding sources of the "thugs" accused of attacking him after President Donald Trump's 2020 White House nomination accept
News | News
Getting into the Subject of the 'Uncensored'
In this episode of Underground USA I introduce Pete D'Abosca, an independent journalist and political guy with National File. Pete and I will be doing a 3-times weekly podcast for National File so we decided to shake it down here. Don't worry, U
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Politics | Politics
FBI Texts Provide Further Proof Of Plot To End Trump’s Presidency
FBI agents took out employment insurance policies right before the start of the "Crossfire Hurricane" investigation...but what made them so nervous?
Politics | Politics
Judicial Watch: State Dept Records Show US Embassy in Ukraine Monitored Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Donald Trump Jr., Rudy Giuliani, Journalists and other U.S. Citizens in Potential Violation of Federal Law - Judicial Watch
(Washington, DC) Judicial Watch announced today that it received 372 pages of records from the U.S. Department of State that confirm prior Judicial Watch reporting that the Ukraine Embassy under then-Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch monitored, in potential
News | International News
TikTok’s Parent Company Employs Chinese Communist Party Members in Its Highest Ranks
More than 130 employees at ByteDance, the Chinese owner of video-sharing application TikTok, are part of a Chinese ...
Politics | Trump Politics
Trump, Barr, And Grenell Are Close To Breaking The Deep State
With the appointment of new Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell, President Trump and AG Barr have the Deep State on the run.
Business & Finance | Business
Defusing the Debt Bomb
Commentary President Donald Trump's new budget confirms that without corrective action, trillion-dollar deficits will be with us for ...
Politics | Corruption
Alex Vindman Is Living Proof That The Deep State Exists, And Is Corrupt
Democrats and the Deep State have elevated more policy disagreements to what amounts to an attempted coup. Just listen to Alex Vindman.
Politics | Politics
‘I Don’t Know’: Kamala Harris Stumped When Asked What Laws Trump Lawyer Broke
Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) was unable to answer when initially asked what specific laws Rudy Giuliani, President Donald ...
Politics | Politics
Trumped Out?
The new post-Mueller media narrative is “weariness” and “exhaustion” with President Trump’s tweets, his cul de sac Sharpie controversy, his ideas about buying Greenland, his unorthodox art-of-the-d…
News | News
Israeli Researchers: Hezbollah Launders Millions By Overseeing The European Drug Trade
The top conservative news source out there
Politics | Corruption
Lawsuit Exposes How Media, Deep State Hatched The Russiagate Hoax
Svetlana Lokhova’s lawsuit exposed the outline intelligence operatives and their media cronies used to spread the Russiagate fiction.
Politics | Donald Trump
President Trump claimed he revoked John Brennan's security clearance — but he never did
The former CIA director is one of Trump's most outspoken critics
Politics | Corruption
Did Obama Allow Comey to Brief Trump on the Russian Prostitute Story As Payback?
We are three years into the biggest political scandal in American history and former President Barack Obama has yet to be asked about his role in orchestrating the international subterfuge that Donald Trump’s campaign colluded with the Kremlin to rig th
Politics | Iran
The Iran echo chamber tries to save its nuclear deal
Whatever the opposite of a rush to war is—a crawl to peace, maybe—America is in the middle of one.
Politics | Politics
Spygate: The Inside Story Behind the Alleged Plot to Take Down Trump
Efforts by high-ranking officials in the CIA, FBI, Department of Justice (DOJ), and State Department to portray President ...
News | News
Clinton Contractor Described ‘Cover-up Operation Work Ticket’ in Newly Uncovered Email
A newly obtained internal message from the Denver-based Platte River Networks firm that serviced the personal email system ...
History | The Constitution
Mueller’s Report Is a Rerun from the Nixon Era
The best book on Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report—and one that few people have actually seen—came out in January. In fact, the most relevant chapter was published originally in 1992, in an academic journal, and that article was based on a con
Politics | Politics
Federal Government Spent More on Food Stamps in 1 Month Than Trump Wants for 1 Year on Wall
Trump asked for around $5 billion for the year. Lawmakers balked - but the federal government blows through that amount every month for food stamps.
Politics | Politics
Brett Kavanaugh, Christine Blasey Ford and the links to George Soros
Look at what’s going on with Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation proceedings for the Supreme Court, and the fingerprints of George Soros are all over it.
Politics | Politics
Opinion: Is Jeff Sessions a Player in the Mueller Coup?
'Why did Sessions do what he knew could spell the end of the Trump presidency?'
Politics | Politics
You want to talk about separating families? Let's talk about Mollie Tibbetts.
Go ahead and play your word games and tell me about the cruelty of borders, the kindness of sanctuary cities and the political wisdom of abolishing ICE. And then tell me about Mollie Tibbetts.
Politics | Politics
Swedish State TV: 58 Percent of Those Convicted of Rape Foreign Born
"We will see more of this in the future if we do not honestly start talking about what this depends on and explain the cultural differences that exist."
News | News
The IG’s Report May Be Half-Baked | National Review
But who knows? In dealing with the FBI, Clinton got kid gloves while Trump got scorched earth.
Politics | Politics
PANDORA'S BOX: Trump/Russia May Expose Extent of "Five Eyes" Allied Spying | Sara A. Carter
Over the past month, a number of articles have made reference to the timeline surrounding the Obama administration’s counterintelligence operation into President Donald Trump’s campaign ‘s alleged ties to Russia. Investigations conducted