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PODCAST | In Washington There Is No Truth And No Consequences
Listen now | I wanted to talk a little bit about honesty and government. It makes me cringe to use those two words in the same sentence, especially when we're talking about the federal government.
Politics | Politics
Secret report finds flaw in Georgia voting system, but state in the dark
An election security expert says Georgia's voting touchscreens could be hacked and votes changed, but Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger's office won't say whether it's taking steps to improve security.
News | The News
PA County Reports Voting Machine Issues Affecting Republican Ballots; Dominion Releases Statement
Voting machines in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, caused concern this week when registered Republicans and independent voters were seeing Democrat-labeled ballots on primary day.
Politics | Politics
Sidney Powell's 21-page Executive Summary of the Foreign Interference in the 2020 U.S Presidential Election - James Fetzer
Edward Hendrie Sidney Powell has prepared a 21-page executive summary of the foreign interference in the 2020 U.S Presidential Election. It is linked here. Below are some highlights from Powell’s summary report: *** These election systems appear to have
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VIDEO: Ossoff Aide Says He Hides Progressive Values to Sway Georgia ‘Rednecks’
An undercover video has captured a campaign aide to Democrat US Senate candidate Jon Ossoff explaining how the candidate is
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Podcast | Underground USA | United States
Underground USA is an irreverent, brutally truthful, fact-based podcast. If we expunge the people who foment hate and divide, if we can box up those who need to fragment the American citizenry, we as a people have a lot in common, we get along.
Health & Fitness | Death with Dignity
AT&T Building That Was Bombed In Nashville Has Connections To Dominion
The rabbit hole connected with Dominion Voting Systems got a little deeper. Multiple reports have shown there is a clear connection between the bombed AT&T building and Dominion Voting Systems. According to Wikipedia and other outlets, Cerberus Capital Ma
Politics | Voter fraud
BREAKING: Antrim Co. Forensic Report BOMBSHELL Reveals Dominion Machines Were Set At 68.05% Error Rate…Meaning 68.05% Of Ballots Could Be Sent Out For Mass Adjudication, Giving Individuals Or Machines Ability To Change 68.05% Of Votes
This morning, during an emergency hearing, MI 13th Circuit Court Judge Kevin A Elsenheimer granted permission to Attorney Matthew Deperno to release the findings from their forensic examination on 16 Dominion Voting machines in Antrim County, MI where tho
Politics | Politics
WHAT?!: Michigan’s Sec. of State Secured Court Order Redacting Evidence of Vote-Flipping
Michigan Secretary of State, Jocelyn Benson (D), won a court ruling that ordered the redaction of critical evidence found in
Psychology | Dominion
Trump: SolarWinds Breach “May Be China,” MSM Won’t Admit For “Financial Reasons”
"There could also have been a hit on our ridiculous voting machines during the election," said President Trump.
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GEORGIA: Raffensperger Orders A Statewide Signature Matching Audit
Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (R), is now relenting to demands that a statewide signature-matching audit take place. On
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Georgia Whistleblowers Who Called Foul on Ballot Tampering Get Terminated
Two Georgia poll workers who exposed vote fraud and ballot tampering in Fulton County, Georgia, during the November 3, 2020,
Politics | Politics
FORENSICS REPORT: Dominion Machine Software, Like Those Subpoenaed in Arizona, Designed to Influence Elections
An independent forensic audit of the Dominion Voting System machines and software in the troubled Michigan county of Antrim revealed
Politics | Politics
ELECTORAL COLLEGE: Pennsylvania, Michigan Legislatures Open Door for Congress to Challenge Electors
Lawmakers in Michigan and Pennsylvania are making moves, in an official capacity, that send clear messages to members of the
Politics | Politics
Fraud analyst: Counties that used Dominion machines shifted 2-3% of votes to Democrats
Fraud analyst: Counties that used Dominion machines shifted 2-3% of votes to Democrats
Politics | Politics
VIDEO: Oath Keepers Refuse to Recognize Biden as President, ‘We’ll End Up Nullifying And Resisting’
The Oath Keepers, which describes itself as a “non-partisan association of current and formerly serving military, police, and first responders,"
Politics | Politics
BREAKING: FBI, Texas Rangers and US Marshals Raid SolarWinds HQ in Austin -- More News Coming on CEO and Executive Vice President
Last night the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) issued a rare Emergency Directive 21-01, in response to a KNOWN COMPROMISE involving SolarWinds Orion products. This was only the fifth Emergency Directive issued by CISA under the aut
Politics | Politics
Ukrainian-Born Incoming Republican House Rep Warns ‘I Grew Up In Socialism’ And ‘It’s Not Pretty’
The fact that 70 percent of millennials say they would vote for a socialist and one in three view communism
Politics | Politics
Forensic Computer Scientist: Up to 120,000 Questionable Votes in Pennsylvania
As the Third Circuit Court of Appeals rules against President Trump’s attorney’s in the matter of vote fraud and ballot
Politics | Politics
Stacey Abrams Recruits Hollywood Elites to Interfere in Georgia Runoffs
Georgians are set to go to the polls on January 5, 2021 to decide who they will have represent them
Politics | Politics
DOMINION: Eric Coomer Allegedly Bragged He ‘Made F**king Sure’ That ‘Trump’s Not Gonna Win’
A September 27, 2020, conference call between leaders of several activist groups found one participant so alarmed by a statement
Politics | Politics
New Lawsuit Seeks to Decertify Georgia Election Results
A new lawsuit filed in the State of Georgia seeks to decertify the 2020 General Election results in that state
Politics | Politics
WATCH: Georgia Senate Candidate Mocks Concealed Carrying Churchgoers
It was 2017, not that long ago, that 26 people died at the hand of a deranged gunman in Sutherland
- 2A
- AbsenteeBallots
- ActBlue
- Atlanta
- Biden
- Billboards
- Capitalism
- Communism
- Democrats
- Disinformation
- Dominion
- Economy
- Election
- Georgia
- GunRights
- IllegalBallots
- Leftists
- Loeffler
- MadDogPAC
- MailInBallots
- Marxism
- News
- Ossoff
- PhilKline
- Progressives
- Propaganda
- Purdue
- ReallyAmericanPAC
- SecondAmendment
- SocialEngineering
- Socialism
- ThomasMoreSociety
- VoteFraud
- Warnock
Politics | Politics
Seattle Creates ‘Community Panel’ for Non-Violent Criminals; Taxpayers Pay Victim Restitution
Seattle has been under siege since the shooting of George Floyd and the city fathers and county officials have done
- AbsenteeBallots
- ActBlue
- Biden
- Capitalism
- Communism
- communitypanel
- DanSatterberg
- Democrats
- Disinformation
- Dominion
- Economy
- Election
- KingCounty
- Leftists
- MailInBallots
- Marxism
- News
- Progressives
- Propaganda
- reimaginedjustice
- restitution
- restorativejustice
- Seattle
- SocialEngineering
- Socialism
- taxpayers
- victims
- VoteFraud
- WashingtonState
Politics | Politics
POTENTIAL FRAUD: Group Linked to Democrat Senate Candidate Probed for Registering Non-Georgia Residents to Vote
State and Election officials from the State of Georgia have made it abundantly clear. If your intend to move to
- AbsenteeBallots
- ActBlue
- BallotTampering
- Biden
- BradRaffensperger
- Capitalism
- Communism
- Democrats
- Disinformation
- Dominion
- Economy
- Election
- Fraud
- Georgia
- Leftists
- MailInBallots
- Marxism
- News
- NonResident
- Progressives
- Propaganda
- RaphaelWarnock
- SocialEngineering
- Socialism
- StaceyAbrams
- VoteFraud
- VoterRegistration
- VoterRegistrationFraud
Politics | Politics
BATTLE: Mo Brooks Announces Plan to Challenge Electoral College Votes in Congress
Legislatures in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Georgia have all called for inquiries into vote fraud and ballot tampering in contemplation
- AbsenteeBallots
- ActBlue
- Arizona
- BallotTampering
- Biden
- Capitalism
- Communism
- Democrats
- Disinformation
- Dominion
- Economy
- Election
- ElectoralCollege
- Fraud
- Georgia
- Leftists
- MailInBallots
- Marxism
- Michigan
- MoBrooks
- Nevada
- News
- NonResident
- Pennsylvania
- Progressives
- Propaganda
- SocialEngineering
- Socialism
- VoteFraud
- VoterRegistration
- VoterRegistrationFraud
Politics | Politics
GA Rep Says Forensic Tests Run On Sequestered Dominion Equipment Found Votes Switched From Trump to Biden - WayneDupree.com
Remember those sequestered Dominion voting machines in Georgia? TIRED OF THE ADS? BECOME A PREMIUM USER TODAY!! Well, forensic tests have been run on some of them according to GA Rep. Jody Hice, and the findings were that votes did indeed switch from Trum
Politics | Politics
Lawsuit Filed in Charges Michigan Illegally Counted or Ignored 500K Ballots
As the Michigan State Legislature works to move impeachment proceedings forward against Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer on a litany of
Politics | Politics
MICHIGAN: Judge Orders Forensic Review of 22 Dominion Voting Machines
In what can only be described as good news for the Trump campaign legal team, a Michigan judge has cleared
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Michigan Secretary of State Issues Order to Delete Election Data Amid Audit Calls
It what can only be seen as an effort to keep the facts from coming to light in the face
Politics | Politics
Federal Court Is Fast-Tracking Sidney Powell’s Request For A Forensic Exam Of Dominion Voting Machines
A federal appeals court in Georgia has approved an expedited review of pro-Trump attorney Sidney Powell’s request for a forensic review of voting machines
Politics | Politics
Georgia State Farm Arena Footage Shows Poll Workers Staying Behind, Pulling Out Suitcases With Ballots
President Donald Trump's legal team on Thursday presented surveillance footage to a Georgia State Legislature hearing that appears ...
News | News
VIDEO: Another Georgia Republican Blames Trump for the Nation’s Anger Over Election Fraud
With Georgians facing the election of their lifetimes on January 5, 2021, some Republican election officials have taken to blaming
Politics | Politics
DOMINOES: Georgia Announces Election Fraud Hearings After Pennsylvania, Arizona, And Michigan Bombshells
With a bevy of claims alleging vote fraud, ballot tampering, and non-adherence to legislated election processes, two critical State Senate
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Democrats Create Anti-Trump Billboards Urging Republicans Not to Vote in Georgia Senate Runoffs
At stake is control of the US Senate and whether the United States will exist under one-party rule, and one
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VIDEO: Georgia Lt. Gov. Pushes Back on Vote Fraud Claims Ignoring a Mountain of Evidence
To the amazement of rank and file Republicans and conservatives across the country, Georgia’s executive branch elected officials – Republican,
Politics | Politics
GEORGIA: 17,514 ‘Voters’ Had Permanently Forwarded Out-of-State Mailing Addresses
Georgia state officials – all Republicans – are rallying the wagons around embattled Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger by taking
Politics | Politics
FRAUD: Native Americans Were Bribed With Gas Cards, Vacations To Vote Biden – Soros Money Involved
As if illegally programmed voting machines, ballot tampering, and corrupt election officials weren’t enough to steal an election for the
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Progressive Voter-Advocacy Groups Probed for Illegal Registrations Ahead of Georgia Run-Off
Several Progressive and Left-leaning voter advocacy groups have come under scrutiny for the actions in the State of Georgia. With
Politics | Voter fraud
Dominion Systems Were Connected to Internet During Election: Cybersecurity Expert
The user manual for Dominion Voting Systems machines guides users on how to connect to the internet, and ...
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GEORGIA: Democrat Senate Candidate Ossoff Pushes For One-Party Rule Citing ‘Pandemic Crisis’
The most important political contest in the United States will take place on January 5, 2021, in the State of
Politics | Politics
Wisconsin Supreme Court Petitioned to Declare All Drop-Box Ballots Illegal, Block Certification
With the vote certification process engaged, a new lawsuit is threatening to throw a wrench into the process; seeking to
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BREAKING: Pennsylvania GOP Legislature Seeks to Reclaim Power to Appoint Electors
Pennsylvania is making a move that could open a path for other states to affect changes to the regular order
Politics | Politics
Dominion Confirms Clinton Foundation Donation, Former Pelosi Staffer Link - Geller Report News
Pelosi Chief of Staff Nadeam Elshami “is part of a lobbying team representing Dominion."
How is this even remotely ethical?
Is there not one honest Democrat in the whole of that cesspool?
Politics | Voter fraud
HUGE! Sidney Powell Witness Whom NY Times Described as "Always the Smartest Person in the Room" Concludes Hundreds of Thousands of Votes Transferred from Trump to Biden IN ALL BATTLEGROUND STATES
A cyber-crimes expert Dr. Navid Keshavarz-Nia may be the one to save the election for President Donald Trump. Dr. Keshavarz-Nia is not a stranger to the mainstream media. In fact The New York Times published a glowing report on Dr. Navid Keshavarz-Nia way
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MICHIGAN: State Will Hold Gettysburg-Style Election Fraud Hearing On December 1
In a move that mirrors state senate hearings that took place this week in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, a Senate committee in
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VENEZUELA: Socialist Government Now Preventing Doctors Without Borders From Entering Country
As the people of Venezuela suffer the ravages that Socialism serves up as a reward to those who blindly allow
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Facebook Engaged ‘Emergency’ Conservative Censorship Post-Election
Facebook, Twitter, and Google did a tremendous amount of damage to the nation in the run-up to the 2020 General
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House Democrats Seek to Resurrect Earmarks, Special Interest Cronyism
If there was ever proof that the elected class couldn’t care less what their constituents want this is it. With
Politics | Politics
Dominion Engineer Told Antifa He'd "Made Sure" Trump Wouldn't Win, Report Says | News Thud
Vice President of U.S. Engineering Eric Coomer shared anti-Trump posts online Dominion's top engineer told Antifa he'd 'made f**king sure' Trump wouldn't win Dominion's top engineer assured Antifa activists that he had "made f**king sure" that President
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REPEAT: Georgia Sees 800,000 Absentee Ballot Requests For January Election
As the most important election in Georgia’s history since the Civil War looms in the near future, questions of vote
Politics | Voter fraud
Dominion CEO Admits In Testimony: Machines Rely On Chinese Parts From 'Screen Interface Down To Chip Level'
The comments came during Poulos's sworn testimony before the House Administration Committee on January 9th, 2020.
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Georgia Pushes Forward With Mail-In Voting Rule Changes Even As Lawsuits Question Legality
At the center of several of the lawsuits currently being pursued by the Trump campaign is this question. Can a
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ILLINOIS: Chicago Election Board Provided Dominion Complete Access for 2020 Election
As the nation is focused on the lack of system security in the 2020 General Election, now comes news that
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Yale Trained Mathematician Flags 100,000 Pennsylvania Ballots As Likely Fraudulent
As the days count down to the ultimate deadline – the seating of the Electoral College, a flood of evidence
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AOC’s Progressive COVID Solution: ‘Pay People To Stay Home’
It was Margaret Thatcher, the former Prime Minister of Britain, who famously said, “The problem with Socialism is that you
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Soros, Bloomberg-Funded Group Pushes Cash into Georgia Runoff
With the eyes of not only the nation but of the world focused intensely on the State of Georgia and
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SWORN AFFIDAVITS: Georgia Recount Plagued by Potential Voter Fraud, Ballot Tampering
In the most critical recount taking place – and not just for the presidential election, officials and observers in recount
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PHILADELPHIA: Female Trump Lawyer Protected By U.S. Marshals After Receiving Death Threats
As the battle for the White House reaches the level of white-hot intensity, the Marxist-Progressive Left and power-hungry Democrats are
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Trump Lawyer Sidney Powell Says Team Will Sue Officials 'To Invalidate' Election Results
Hours after claiming that President Donald Trump won the election by a landslide and that there is evidence ...
Politics | Voter fraud
HUGE! Attorney Sidney Powell CONFIRMS Alleged Dominion Servers in Germany Were Confiscated -- VIDEO
Last week Rep. Louie Gohmert told Chris Salcedo on Newsmax that people on the ground in Germany report that Scytl, which hosted elections data improperly through Spain, was raided by a large US ARMY force and their servers were seized in Frankfurt. The
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WISCONSIN RECOUNT: Out Of 176 Recount Workers, Only 58 Are Republican
In one of the most outrageous and lopsided politically partisan acts of the 2020 General Election, the Wisconsin Elections Commission
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Election Fraud Expert: Michigan’s Election Results Are ‘Physical Impossibility’
The claims of unexplained anomalies by Wayne County, Michigan, election board canvassers are validated by one renowned election fraud experts
Politics | Politics
SUSPICIOUS: Biden Underperformed Hillary Clinton Nationwide, Except In Four Cities
The lawsuits are flying in states like Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin over a plethora of anomalies where ballots, vote counting,
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VIDEO: Georgia Recount Auditors Call Multiple Trump Ballots for Biden
The date for state certifications of ballots is fast approaching amid a mountain of evidence that there was, indeed, mass
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Democrats Warren, Klobuchar, Wyden Wrote Complaint Against Dominion In 2019
Dominion Voting Systems is front and center in the news today because of “glitches” and flipped vote counts performed by
Politics | Liberal Hypocrisy
[VIDEO] PBS Newshour did piece on Dominion voting system before the election and what they found was troubling…
PBS Newshour did a piece on the Dominion voting systems in Georgia before the election and what they found was troubling to several experts: GEORGIA.????️One week before the election.PBS (Public Broadcasting Systems)
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Georgia Senate Candidate Ossoff Has Pro-Communist China Financial Ties in Hong Kong
One of the candidates in the January 5, 2021, run-off election in Georgia has quietly amended his financial statement to
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Here’s How State Legislatures Can Save a Stolen Election
The Trump campaign has ongoing litigation in four states, Nevada, Arizona, Michigan, and Pennsylvania as recounts happen in Wisconsin and
Politics | Voter fraud
"It's Massive, Criminal Voter Fraud! - It's Going to Blow the Mind of Everyone In This Country!" - Sidney Powell on Dominion Systems (VIDEO)
Trump Attorney Sidney Powell joined Eric Bolling on Sunday to discuss the massive voter fraud the campaign is investigating via the Dominion voting machines. During their discussion Sidney Powell explained what the Trump campaign has found in their invest
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LAWSUIT: Georgia Sec of State Signed Illegal Deal With Democrats Changing How Ballots Are Processed
As Georgia gets ready to execute one of the most critical elections in recent American history, questions about how election
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WISCONSIN: Lawsuit Filed To Remove Nearly 800,000 Ballots Due To Illegal Votes
Wisconsin is one of the critical states that is still in flux where the 2020 General Election is concerned. The
Politics | Politics
Ken Paxton to Newsmax TV: There's a Reason Texas Rejected Dominion
As Dominion Voting Systems software comes increasingly under scrutiny in contested presidential elections this cycle, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton tells Newsmax TV his state tested the software and rejected it.