
Politics | Politics

Nero Newsom and Elizabeth Warren Earn Community Notes on X for Deceiving the Public

 The other day we covered how California Governor Gavin Newsom was asking President Joe Biden to violate Americans’ freedom of speech and freedom of the press rights. Why? He lied and said it was to stop misinformation.

News | News

PODCAST | Raising The Debt Ceiling Is Still Deficit Spending

LISTEN NOW | We shouldn't be happy with the McCarthy bill that went through the House because it still raises the debt ceiling and it still spends beyond our means. We are nowhere close to spending within our means regarding the revenue stream that g

Politics | Leftist Lies

Wait, WHAT!? Sen. Elizabeth Warren angry Senate MINORITY prevailed after abortion bill was shot down 51-49

Gaslighting on steroids.

News | News

Spendthrift Democrat Elizabeth Warren Wants to Raid Cryptocurrency Wealth

Beware, cryptocurrency sphere! The spendthrift US federal government is starting to take decentralized currency seriously; seeking to...

Politics | Opinion

For Progressives Netanyahu isn't the problem, Israel is

  Just a few years ago, Senator Elizabeth Warren was a bit of joke. With her views placing her at

News | News

Warren Introduces Wealth Tax Targeting 'Millionaires and Billionaires'

A group of US Senators led by Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), have introduced a bill creating a wealth tax, which would impose a two...

Politics | Politics

Elizabeth Warren is still running. Here’s what that means for Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden. - Vox

Warren’s plan to go all the way to the Democratic convention is making some progressives nervous.

Politics | 2024 Election

Politico: Women of color bolt from Elizabeth Warren’s Nevada campaign citing toxic work environment

You'd think a woman of color like Elizabeth Warren would have a plan for that.

Politics | Leftists Are Insane

Warren Gives Elitist Lecture About Spreading Disinformation. Rob Schneider Gives A Fiery Common Man Response.

On Wednesday, Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), who has had her own issues with spreading disinformation, pontificated once again at length, this time calling on other Democratic candidates and “big tech companies” to stop the “spread of false information.

Politics | Climate Change

Elizabeth Warren: To Deal With Chinese Coronavirus We Must Fight Climate Change

Democrat presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren released a plan on Monday to deal with infectious disease outbreaks at home and abroad in part by fighting climate change. Warren’s new plan came in response to the Chinese coronavirus, which has

Politics | Leftists Are Insane

Elizabeth Warren's Supporters Declare That We Must Believe Everything She Says Because She's A Woman

The trouble with Elizabeth Warren’s claims about Bernie Sanders telling her privately that a woman can’t win the presidency is that Elizabeth Warren is a known liar. And it doesn’t help that Bernie Sanders is just about the last person you’d expect to mak

Politics | Leftists Are Insane

Progressives Want To Get Rid Of The Electoral College. This Is How That Would Demolish Our Constitutional System

Progressives like Warren want to abolish the Electoral College because they want to get rid of our constitutional system entirely.

Politics | Climate Change

Elizabeth Warren tells young child that yes, she’ll stop global warming as president

Elizabeth Warren will do "absolutely everything that a president can do by herself" to stop climate change.

Politics | Politics

KNOWLES: It’s True. The ‘Backbone’ Of American ‘Democracy’ Just Secured Liz Warren The Presidency.

On Tuesday’s episode of “The Michael Knowles Show,” Knowles talks about Elizabeth Warren pandering to the tiny intersectional group BlackWomxnFor after they endorsed Warren for president. Video and partial transcript below:  All right, the race for

Politics | Politics

How to Watch Tonight's Democratic Primary Debate | WIRED

Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren will be onstage together at last.

Politics | 2024 Election

President Warren will keep America safe by giving other nations a free first nuclear strike

We're not sure how announcing this policy to our enemies makes us safer.

Politics | 2024 Election

LITWIN: Elizabeth Warren Must Stop Associating With Islamist Radicals

Lately, 2020 presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) has been staking out a position as a defender of the American Muslim community against the alleged white nationalism of Donald Trump. Along with fellow candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT),

Politics | Liberal Hypocrisy

Elizabeth Warren’s passionate embrace of Al Sharpton demonstrates that Trump is ‘blessed with the best enemies’

Democrats cannot get enough of Al Sharpton today. After Donald Trump had the nerve to say mean things about Baltimore and then Sharpton, the Dems are circling the wagons like their political lives depend on it.

Politics | Leftists & Antisemitism

CAIR Leader 'Proud' of Genocidal California Imam :: Middle East Forum

Originally published under the title "The Two Faces of the Billoo Family." California imam Ahmed Billoo recently called for the mass extermination of Jews. Apparently impatient at the border-security protocols at Ben Gurion Airport in Israel, he posted a

Politics | Other Politics

Elizabeth Warren’s Campaign Turned To A Big Donor To Pay For The DNC Voter Database, Despite Her Fundraising Pledge

A campaign aide said Warren didn’t solicit the money herself and that there was no violation of her promise to abstain from pay-for-access fundraising.

Politics | Leftists & Antisemitism

It’s catching! Apparently Elizabeth Warren has a pretty big anti-Semitism problem of her own

Well, we probably shouldn’t hold our breath for Elizabeth Warren to call out the increasingly public displays of anti-Semitism on the Democratic side of the aisle. Not as long as she’s got Max Berger on the payroll:

Politics | Politics

Elizabeth Warren Completes Her Total Abandonment Of Israel

Over the course of her tenure in Washington, Democratic presidential contender Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) has adapted her position on Israel to cater to her most energetic base of support — the far Left.

Politics | Leftists Are Insane

WATCH: Elizabeth Warren Claims Climate Change Is A 'Bigger Threat Than World War II' On Eve Of D-Day Anniversary

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) made her first campaign stop in Michigan on Tuesday,

Politics | The Hall of Idiots

WATCH: Warren Doesn't Know How Many Branches Of Government Exist

Presidential hopeful Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) appeared to not know how many branches of government exist during a Tuesday interview on CNN. Warren joined CNN's Anderson Cooper on "Anderson Cooper 360" to discuss a variety of issues, including the

Politics | Politics

Nikki Haley jokes at fundraising dinner: 'You wanted an Indian woman, but Elizabeth Warren failed her DNA test' - CNNPolitics

Outgoing United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley joked Thursday during the annual Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner that the organizers had "wanted an Indian woman, but Elizabeth Warren failed her DNA test."

Politics | Media Watch

MSNBC analyst finds Cherokee Nation's statement disavowing Elizabeth Warren 'problematic'

Yes, let's make the Cherokee Nation the bad guy in all of this, bullying poor Elizabeth Warren.

Politics | Op-Ed

Warren Is a Fraud. Here’s Why. | National Review

Without that ‘one drop,’ she was just another privileged white woman.

Politics | Politics

Nolte: Establishment Media Reverse Course to Blast Elizabeth Warren

Elizabeth Warren's roll-out of her DNA test is such a fiasco, the media have been forced to reverse course and admit to it.

News | The News

Lindsey Graham to take DNA test to find Native American roots: 'I think I can beat' Elizabeth Warren

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., is ready to show up Sen. Elizabeth Warren, saying Tuesday he plans to take a DNA test to find out whether he has more Native American heritage than she does.

News | The News

‘Killing it today’! Sen. Orrin Hatch takes his ‘Elizabeth Warren’s DNA’ Twitter game to the NEXT LEVEL – twi

No more calls please, we have our winner!

News | The News

Cherokee Nation Blasts Warren For DNA Stunt: 'Inappropriate And Wrong'

The Cherokee Nation blasted Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren for trotting out the results of a DNA test she claims prove she is part Cherokee.

Politics | Politics

The Latest: Cherokee Nation faults Sen. Warren on DNA test

BOSTON (AP) — The Latest on the release of a DNA analysis pointing to Sen. Elizabeth Warren's Native American heritage (all times local):

News | The News

Warren Releases Study Showing She's Supremely White. Media Then Pretend She's Native American.

On Monday, Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) utterly humiliated herself by releasing a report from Professor Carlos Bustamante of Stanford University stating that there was a possibility that Warren had a Native American ancestor anywhere from six to ten ge

News | The News

Elizabeth 'Fauxcahontas' Warren Navigates 'Indigenous Peoples' Day' On Twitter | Daily Wire

Columbus Day, or "Indigenous Peoples' Day," is a tricky thing to navigate if you're Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), a woman who seemingly advanced her career at Harvard due to her cited Native American heritage, of which the world has yet to se

News | Israel/Jewish Community

Warren, Gillibrand Speak at Rally Hosted By Anti-Israel Activists

Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) and Kirsten Gillibrand (D., N.Y.) spoke Thursday outside the Supreme Court at a rally hosted by prominent Women's March organizers and anti-Israel activists Linda Sarsour and Tamika Mallory.

Politics | Politics

Elizabeth Warren, Progressive Fraud

Elizabeth Warren has largely faked her way to the top ...

Politics | Politics

Elizabeth Warren should apologize to Native Americans (Opinion) - CNN.com

Elizabeth Warren should show she is a real friend to the Native American community by calling Donald Trump out on his rhetoric, writes Simon Moya-Smith.

Politics | Politics

With liberals pining for a Clinton challenger, ambitious Democrats get in position

Warren, Biden and other ambitious Democrats are getting in position for 2016, even if they’re not running

News | The News

This means Warren: Obama backs challenger to Hillary

President Obama has quietly promised Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren complete support if she runs for president — a stinging rebuke to his nemesis Hillary Clinton, sources tell me. Publicly, Ob...

Politics | Woke Insanity

Sen. Elizabeth Warren Blames Reagan For Collapse Of Middle Class | Video | RealClearPolitics

WARREN: I grew up in an America that was investing in kids. It was investing in public universities. It had a higher minimum wage. It was an America that said every kid would get a fighting chance. And that's how we built America�s great midd