
Politics | The Left

Rashida Tlaib Crosses a Bright Red Line

Rashida Tlaib’s enthusiastic participation in a terrorism pep rally this weekend serves as a reminder that her hatred of Jews and her admiration for political violence has no limiting principle.

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Arab Israelis march in Galilee in solidarity with Gaza

The march, in which protesters shouted anti-Israel slogans and waved Palestinian flags, coincided with Israel's 76th Independence Day.

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Hamas Ally CAIR Has Operated In America For 30 Years

Hamas has already penetrated American society, and CAIR is the tip of the spear.


Pro-Palestinian Demonstrators March Across Major U.S. Cities

Thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of major U.S. cities, attacking Israel while repeating a string of pro-Palestinian demands.

Politics | The "Squad"

Omar Wants To Dismantle Systems That ‘Prioritize Profit.’ Her Campaign Has Funneled $878K To Husband’s Firm.

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) said Tuesday that she wants to dismantle economic and political systems that “prioritize profit without considering who is profiting” even as her re-election campaign has continued to funnel hundreds of thousands of doll

Politics | The "Squad"

What Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib Did During the State of the Union Was Just Disgusting

What Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib Did During the State of the Union Was Just Disgusting

Politics | The "Squad"

Ilhan Omar equates US sanctions against Iran to 'economic warfare'

Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar was one of the 17 members of Congress who called on the Trump Administration to dramatically