
Science & Technology | Cool Stuff

'Remarkable' Mathematical Proof Describes How to Solve Seemingly Impossible Computing Problem

You enter a cave. At the end of a dark corridor, you encounter a pair of sealed chambers. Inside each chamber is an all-knowing wizard. The prophecy says

Science & Technology | Cool Stuff

Chip that entangles four photons opens up possibility of inviolable quantum encryption

Unlike classical encryption, which relies on mathematical algorithms, quantum encryption assures security based on physical principles. Detection of espionage or interference is guaranteed by unavoidable alteration of the ...

Science & Technology | Cool Stuff

Longstanding physics mystery may soon be solved, thanks to Einstein and quantum computing | Live Science

The nature of quantum entanglement remains an outstanding problem in physics. But Albert Einstein's theories, along with insights from quantum computing, could finally put the mystery to rest.

Science & Technology | Cool Stuff

Entangled quantum circuits further disprove Einstein's concept of local causality

A group of researchers led by Andreas Wallraff, Professor of Solid State Physics at ETH Zurich, has performed a loophole-free Bell test to disprove the concept of "local causality" formulated by Albert Einstein in response to quantum mechanics.

Science & Technology | Cool Stuff

'Spooky Action' Heats Up: Atoms Entangled at Room Temperature

The world of the very small can get pretty wacky — particles can be in two or more places at once, and even become entangled, wherein actions on one entity can affect its partners across the cosmos. Physicists have broken all kinds of r

Science & Technology | Cool Stuff

Here's A Photo Of Something That Can't Be Photographed

This seems like a normal, if blurry photograph of an object — a regular old cat stencil. The catch is, however, that the photons that hit the camera lens couldn't and didn't interact with the stencil in any way. So why can you see it?

Science & Technology | Cool Stuff

The Peres conjecture is false: One of the most famous problems in quantum information physics solved

Since 1999, the conjecture by Asher Peres, who invented quantum teleportation, has piqued the interest of many scientists in the field. According to his hypothesis, the weakest form of quantum entanglement can never result in the strongest manifestation o

Science & Technology | Cool Stuff

Spooky Quantum Physics Demonstration Tonight: How to Watch Live - Yahoo News

From Yahoo News: Dive headlong into the weird world of quantum mechanics tonight (Oct. 1) with Harvard physics professor Subir Sachdev who will explain the link between the strange phenomena of spooky quantum entanglement and the wonder of weightless levi