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It is astounding why a rising star amongst the political Right at the national level - a woman with name recognition, a legacy, and a solid base - would attach her entire political career to attempting to settle some kind of score against Donald Trump. Bu
Business & Finance | NFTs
The Fakest Show On Earth
With the passage of the so-called "Inflation Reduction Act," which actually raises taxes on every financial class and carves out almost $400B for green energy cronies, the politicians in Washington prove they are as fake as the Cardiff Giant.
Business & Finance | NFTs
The Arrogance of Ignorance
The Biden administration pokes the Bear in the East as Nancy Pelosi forces China's hand in the West, all while a nascent nuclear-capable Iran makes inroads in South America...
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The Double-Edged Sword of Duplicity
Both men were found in Contempt of Congress: one for putting guns into the hands of Mexican drug cartels and the other because he dared to exercise his constitutionally protected free speech. One never went to trail, the other was convicted...
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Stop Monkeypoxing Around
With Dr. Brix revealing in her book that she and Fauci -- and the entirety of the CDC/NIH complex misled the President AND the American people, how can we ever trust them again?
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The Son of a Used Car Salesman
After pontificating that he was going to turn Saudi Arabia into a "pariah state," the son of a used car salesman now finds himself begging a ruthless regime to increase oil output in order to appease his ecozealot voting base.
Business & Finance | NFTs
When Credibility Is Shot
The politicization of the Center for Disease Control & Prevention found political operatives deceiving both the medical community and the American public about COVID and the COVID vaccines. Only a fool would believe anything they have to say until that ag
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The Arrogance of Entitlement
Multiple generations of entitlement and falsely executed self-esteem building has led to generations that increasingly devalue life. From the very beginning to the end days, life - to those obsessed with the "now" is increasingly disposable.
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The Summer of Joy's False Promise
Since 2016, Chicago has experienced 4,401 homicides, culminating in 21,146 shooting victims, with 317 of those homicides occurring in 2022 to date. The victims of these homicides, per the Chicago Police Department’s own data, are overwhelmingly Black. C
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A False Generation Shift
Anyone who thinks it through realizes that a complete shift to electric vehicles - given that less than 10 percent of our electricity comes from renewable energy - requires a robust fossil fuel industry. When you charge your EV you charge using 90% fossil
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One in a Series: Green-Eyed Megalomania
As the truth trickles out about Bill Gates and the crimes against humanity his organization has perpetrated on the world through his vaccination programs, we begin to see what is really in his soul...
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The Finance of Green Death
People are suffering through an economic downtown that was and is completely avoidable. We must hold those responsible to account.
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The Degasification of America
Who knew that it would be flatulent cows that would be the downfall of Western Civilization and the Human Race? Thank the good Lord above that we have the brilliance of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to guide us out of the intellectual desert.
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Federal Reserve's Powell, Global Financiers Demonstrate Ignorance & Fear on Cryptocurrencies
Demonstrating either a significant fear through a lack of knowledge on the subject or an understanding that has produced well-warranted fear, Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell said cryptocurrencies, including stablecoins, present risks to the US financi
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Legislation Introduced That Would Give US Treasury Secretary 'Unchecked, Unilateral Power' to Ban Crypto Transactions
A new bill introduced in the US House of Representatives by US Rep. Jim Himes (D-CT), would give perhaps the least educated public official on cryptocurrencies, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, “unchecked and unilateral power” to ban cryptocurrency
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Proof That Congress Is Poorly Suited To Engage Cryptocurrency Sphere
If the controversial US infrastructure bill is passed in its current form, it may force crypto companies to leave the country as there's...