
Politics | The Hall of Idiots

DNC Taps Kamala HQ Staffers to Run New Rapid Response Initiative Named 'FactPostNews' and BAHAHA

 The DNC has decided to tap the geniuses who embarrassed themselves SO MUCH during Kamala Harris's campaign, Kamala HQ to run some sort of fact-checking account on X.

News | News

Is Free Speech In Your Shopping Cart?

It can be argued that the first volley in the attack on Free Speech took place quietly in the fledgling days of the Wilson Administration, when the federal government purposely moved from direct representation of the people to empowering “experts” wit

News | Censorship

Wall Street Journal Endorses Section 230 Reforms After Facebook’s 'Phony Fact-Check'

After a second instance where social media publisher Facebook has used partisan fact-checkers to challenge analysis, the Wall Street...