
Politics | Politics

'Scientific Socialism' Has Come to Pacific Palisades to Destroy as It Always Does

 "You can’t rebuild the same. We have to rebuild with science. We have to build with climate reality in mind," California Gov. Gavin Newsom told CNN last week in an interview about rebuilding the burned-out Pacific Palisades.

Politics | Blue State/City Life

And Suddenly, Gavin Newsom's Electric Car Mandate Looks Pretty Dumb to LA Fire Victims

 He'll save the inedible bait fish, the weed that no one's ever heard of, elevate meritless executives, and kill the gas car. Those are the highest environmental aspirations of Gavin Newsom, the alleged visionary governor of California, whose distorted priorities have combined to create the conditions for LA Inferno 2025.

Politics | Media Watch

WATCH: Journalists Echo Gavin Newsom's 'Misinformation' Talking Points on California Wildfires

Wildfires are wreaking havoc on Los Angeles, a heavily Democratic city in a heavily Democratic state renowned for being a cesspool of corruption and incompetence. Naturally, the mainstream media have been arguing Republicans are to blame.

Politics | Politics

Shock Video: Newsom's 'Answer' to Hard L.A. Fire Questions Is to Censor People Asking Them

 California Governor Gavin Newsom doesn't want to answer the hard questions about the L.A. fires, so he wants the question askers to be censored.

Politics | Politics

Nero Newsom and Elizabeth Warren Earn Community Notes on X for Deceiving the Public

 The other day we covered how California Governor Gavin Newsom was asking President Joe Biden to violate Americans’ freedom of speech and freedom of the press rights. Why? He lied and said it was to stop misinformation.

Politics | Politics

Where’s the Water? Trump Blames Governor Newsom’s Terrible Leadership for Bone-Dry Fire Hydrants

 President-Elect Donald Trump spoke in Washington, D.C. Wednesday about the leadership failure of Governor Gavin Newsom and California state Democrats which has lead to widespread destruction around the Los Angeles area. He blames Newsom for prioritizing the existence of an endangered fish over being prepared to battle wildfires.

Politics | Blue State/City Life

Gavin Newsom Signs Bill Barring Local Authorities from Requiring Voter ID

Gavin Newsom signed a bill Sunday that will bar local authorities from requiring photo ID to vote, which exceeds the state's requirements.

Politics | Blue State/City Life

Having Solved All Its Other Problems, California Tackles the REAL Issues Like Banning Plastic Bags

 Great news! California has solved its crime problem, its homelessness problem, and its wildfire problem so it can now focus on the really serious issues.

News | Antisemitism Watch

This Powerful California General Was Credibly Accused of Anti-Semitism. Gavin Newsom Gave Him a Promotion.

California governor Gavin Newsom (D.) pledged in October 2022 to combat anti-Semitism "wherever it rears its ugly head." But when a powerful California National Guard general was credibly accused of denigrating a Jewish subordinate as a "kike" lawyer, New

Politics | Liberal Hypocrisy

Gavin Newsom Forces Fast Food Franchises To Pay Their Workers $20 an Hour. His Luxury Restaurants Pay Their Workers Less

California’s fast food franchisees must hike their minimum wage to $20 an hour under a law Gov. Gavin Newsom (D.) hailed as "extraordinarily beneficial." His own luxury restaurants, meanwhile, are paying their workers less.

Politics | Politics

Nothing to See Here! Newsom Crony is the Big Winner With New California Minimum Wage Exemption

 It's no secret that California Governor Gavin Newsom has his sights set on a higher political office than simply being governor of California.

Politics | Leftists & Antisemitism

CAIR's Leader Cheered Hamas's Terror Attack on Israel. Gavin Newsom is Sitting Down With the Group Anyway.

California governor Gavin Newsom (D.) met Thursday with an anti-Israel group that has proved too controversial even for the Biden White House.

Politics | Leftists & Antisemitism

Gavin Newsom Gave Millions to Mosques that Cheer the Annihilation of Jews

California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D.) has awarded millions of dollars in taxpayer funds to mosques whose leaders have preached anti-Semitic hate and called for violence against Israel.

Politics | American Politics

Newsom Publicly Backs Israel. His Private Fundraising Tells a Different Story.

California governor Gavin Newsom (D.) has publicly backed Israel since Hamas’s terror attack earlier this month, even announcing a surprise pit-stop in Israel to offer his state’s support. But privately, he has raised funds for the primary backer of a gro

Politics | Leftists Are Racists

California Goes Full Segregationist With Alert System Just for Missing Black Children

I’v never heard of anyone getting an Amber Alert and wondering what race the missing child was. Yet for some reason, California saw a problem that didn’t exist and addressed it. On Sunday, Gov....

News | News

PODCAST | This Activist Principal Actually Deserves The January 6th Treatment

Listen now | I wanted to touch on two things that we didn't get to talk about too much this morning. The first one was Gavin Newsom's appointment of Laphonza Butler, the director of Emily's List, to fill in for Dianne Feinstein's vacan

Politics | Blue State/City Life

The Hidden Factors Driving up Gas Prices in California

 I am writing to address the concerns raised in a recent letter from your "Oil Czar," Tai Milder, regarding gas price fluctuations in the state. While it is commendable that you are taking steps to better understand these issues, I believe it is imperative to highlight the significant role that local, state, and federal gas taxes, as well as California’s stringent environmental regulatory regime, play in driving up the retail price of gasoline sold in California.

Politics | The Hall of Idiots

Gavin Newsom Says Something So Mind-numbingly Stupid, Only a Leftist Could Believe It

Occasionally a Leftist will utter something so extraordinarily stupid that I am compelled to call it out. Today's honoree is 2024 understudy Gavin Newsom.

Politics | Op-Ed

Gavin Newsom: The Groomed Leftist Who Expects To Be President

If lefty globalists were to spawn the perfect politician in a vat, Gavin Newsom would emerge from the goo.

Politics | Liberal Fascism

Newsom's Nanny State: California Set to Ban Skittles & Other Candy Over Health Concerns

Do you know what poses health risks in California? Everything. Everything poses a health risk in California. Don’t believe me? Start checking labels. You may be surprised at the number of produc...

Politics | Politics

Newsom's Real Spring Break Begins - At an Expensive, Members-Only Bahamas Beach Resort

Newsom's visit is tone-deaf and a slap in the face to struggling Californians, who are footing the bill for his security detail.

Politics | Politics

Gavin Newsom's 'Suicide Pact' With the Truth

California Governor Gavin Newsom’s anti-gun narrative is as thin and ineffective as one-ply toilet paper to a guy on Colon Blow. If you weren’t sure of it before, Newsom’s lame message after two mass shootings in his state in the past few days should make it clear to all.

Politics | Blue State/City Life

Year in Review: California Got Even Crazier in 2022

Progressives had a banger year in California, even by the Golden State’s standards.

Politics | Blue State/City Life

Newsom Humiliated as California's Migration Exodus Is Worst in Nation

Remember when Newsom ran ads in Florida encouraging Sunshine state residents to ditch freedom and move to California? Well, I guess it didn’t work out so well.

News | News

PODCAST | The Storm We Can See Is Only The Beginning

In this two-part episode I tackle a few subjects because, as they say, when it rains it pours, and we just had one of the worst storms in American history. In the first segment, Matt Bruce and I talk on The Captain's America: Third Watch about Hurric

Politics | Blue State/City Life

The Morning Briefing: Once-Glorious California Is Now a Fascist Lunatic Asylum

Top O’ the Briefing
Happy Tuesday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Darren rarely spoke of the unfortunate dung beetle incident that ended his occasionally drunken forays into entomology....

Politics | Blue State/City Life

Gavin Newsom signs bill to punish doctors who spread 'Covid misinformation'

Newsom defended his approval of the bill, AB 2098, permitting the
state medical board to punish doctors for infractions.

Politics | Politics

WHAT HAPPENED? Gavin Newsom had a 10-year plan to end homelessness in San Francisco … back in 2008

Gavin Newsom had a 10-year plan to end San Francisco homelessness back in 2008. How has that worked out?

Politics | Liberal Hypocrisy

File Under French Laundry: Newsom Created a Program to Bus the Homeless Out of San Francisco in 2005

Back when Newsom was mayor of San Francisco, he was concerned enough about the homeless that he bussed them through the Golden Gate and right out of the city.

Politics | Illegal Immigration

Don’t Be a Newsom: California Governor Wants DeSantis and Abbott Investigated for Kidnapping Charges

I would like to propose a new swear word. We already call people jerks, jackasses, lowlifes, SOBs, dirtbags, and jag-offs (for you people in Pittsburgh). I would like to add “Newsom” to the list....

Politics | Opinion

Victor Davis Hanson: Gavin Newsom’s Weird Idea of ‘Freedom’

In a run-up to what is likely to be a 2024 presidential bid, California Governor Gavin Newsom hit upon the bizarre idea of boasting in commercials that…

Politics | Politics

California's Newsom Loads Billions Into the Cash Cannon to Pay Off Voters in November

Gov. Newsom, awash in federally-issued, inflation-inducing COVID greenbacks, will load billions of them into his cash cannon and shoot them all over California.

Politics | Leftists Are Insane

Gavin Newsom Celebrates Primary Win, Declares California the ‘Antidote’ for America

Gov. Gavin Newsom celebrated news of his primary victory by declaring California to be the "antidote" to what ails America.

Politics | The Hall of Idiots

Newsom Criticizes Abbott For Discussing Evil And Mental Health After Mass Shooting

Democratic Governor of California Gavin Newsom criticized Governor Greg Abbott (R-TX) on Wednesday after the tragic mass shooting at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas.

News | News

The Sacramento Shooting Is a Product of Society Not the Gun Industry

In the ongoing promotion of the false narrative that inanimate objects are the reason for deadly violence, the usual suspects on the Left and far-Left are once again calling for more unconstitutional restrictions to be placed on law-abiding citizens.

Politics | Politics

‘Unmask my children now’! Calif. Gov. Gavin Newsom & friends didn’t seem concerned about the ‘science’ at NFC Championship

"Every parent should print out this photo and when their children are told to mask up, present it to the person asking and say no."

Politics | Politics

California: Gavin Newsom’s 2022 Vision

California will be the first state to provide universal health care access for all residents regardless of legal status, Governor Gavin Newsom announced on…

Politics | Politics

Gavin Newsom Proposes Universal Healthcare ‘Regardless Of Immigration Status’

California Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom proposed providing universal healthcare to all low-income residents, regardless of immigration status, living in the Golden State on Monday.

Politics | Liberal Hypocrisy

California’s Gavin Newsom Goes on Vacation to Mexico After Extending ‘State of Emergency’ Order

Just one week after declaring that he would extend a statewide “state of emergency” order, California Governor Gavin Newsom (D-Calif.) left for a vacation to…

Politics | The Hall of Idiots

California Gov. Gavin Newsom signs law banning sale of new gas-powered lawn mowers as early as 2024

So the state with rolling blackouts is going to ban gas-powered generators?

Politics | Liberal Hypocrisy

Hypocrisy Much? Newsom's Daughter Isn't Vaccinated But Your Kids Better Be

California Governor Gavin Newsom’s daughter Montana turned 12 almost a month ago. Newsom announced the first statewide COVID-19 vaccination requirement for schools on October 1....

Politics | Gender Insanity

Gavin Newsom Signs Bill Requiring Gender-Neutral Toy Sections

Having solved all other problems in the state, California Governor Gavin Newsom has now signed into law a bill that mandates large retailers to provide a section for gender-neutral toys....

Politics | Politics

ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES: Gov. Gavin Newsom Makes Universal Vote-by-Mail Permanent in California

Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) on Monday signed legislation making universal vote-by-mail a permanent staple in California.

Politics | Liberal Fascism

Newsom Office Said Biden Supported His Move Abolishing Suburbs In California. Could The U.S. Be Next?

Immediately after winning a recall election, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed legislation that would effectively turn suburbs into cities by forcing towns to allow lots to be subdivided so that lawns were as small as four feet.

Politics | The Decline Of America

Riding Post-Recall Mandate, Newsom Bans Most Single-Family-Only Zoning In California

Less than 48 hours after squashing an attempt to oust him from office, California Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom signed sweeping housing legislation on Thursday afternoon that reportedly bans single-family-only zoning in most neighborhoods across the state.

Politics | Covid 19

California Recall Exit Poll: Pandemic Top Concern, Homelessness Second

The California recall election exit polls show a plurality of citizens in the Golden State consider the pandemic their number one issue.

Politics | The Hall of Idiots

The Morning Briefing: Racist CA Democrats Reject Chance to Elect Historic Black Governor

Top O’ the Briefing
Happy Wednesday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Most struggling magicians are also car thieves.
Not gonna lie, I’ve had that headline at the ready for a while n...

News | News

Hundreds of California Recall Ballots Found in Felon's Car Ahead of Recall Election

Police in Torrance, California, said they discovered hundreds of recall ballots in a vehicle where a felon was found passed out with...

Politics | Corruption

Gavin Newsom Blames Everyone Else for His Recall. Here Are 100 Reasons That Might Jog His Memory.

California Governor Gavin Newsom faces a recall on September 14 and the more desperate he gets,  the lower he goes to save himself. Odds are 50-50 that Newsom will survive. It’s not a good place...

Politics | Politics

Gavin Newsom’s got 99 problems — and Larry Elder is the biggest one

The Democrat faces a recall election in September after 1.3 million Californians signed a recall petition damning his performance.

Politics | Politics

CA RECALL: Why Gavin Newsom and the CA Democratic Party Want the Candidate Choice Question Left Blank

Democrats want the Special Election ballot to be filled out a certain way, and it is diabolical.

News | News

I guess I missed out on Newsom’s cash giveaway

Helping the American economy reopen and get people back to work is a civic obligation not a bargaining chip.

News | News

California governor signs orders to roll back virus rules

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — It's official: Most of California's coronavirus rules governing public gatherings will disappear on Tuesday after Gov. Gavin Newsom signed an executive order Friday afternoon that heralds the end of the pandemic's hold on much of

Politics | Covid 19

Amid Recall Threat, Gov. Newsom Announces ‘$116.5 Million Giveaway for Vaccinated Californians’

On Thursday, California Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom announced a new incentive program to motivate residents of the Golden State to get vaccinated

Politics | The Hall of Idiots

Governor Gavin Newsom Has a New Plan to Beat His Recall: Flat-Out Bribery

“Governor Gaslight” is back.
The last time Gavin Newsom sounded even remotely moderate was, when as a new governor, he said there was “no path forward” to Jerry Brown’s $...

News | News

California reports first ever yearly population decline

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — California’s population fell by more than 182,000 people in 2020, marking the first year-over-year loss ever recorded for the nation’s most populous state. State officials announced Friday that California’s population dipped 0...

Politics | Politics

California recall has enough signatures to make ballot

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — Organizers of the recall effort against California Gov. Gavin Newsom collected enough valid signatures to qualify for the ballot. The California secretary of state’s office announced Monday that more than 1.6 million signatures

News | News

Newsom: No Going Back to Normal After Pandemic Because ‘Normal Accepts Inequity’

If there was any doubt that California’s governor, Gavin Newsom (D), purposely politicized the COVID pandemic for personal gain...

Politics | The Hall of Idiots

Newsom COVID 'Equity' Plan: Vaccinate 2 Million Latinos or California Won't Reopen. This Should Work Out Well.

California Governor Gavin Newsom has completely changed his response to COVID—again—this time leveraging opening the state for all Californians on the backs of low-income Latinos living in the areas w...

Politics | Politics

California: Welcome to the Jungle Recall

In 2010, California voters approved Proposition 14, which fundamentally changed how general elections are conducted in the state. Prior to Prop. 14…

News | News

California Passes Bill Approving $600 Stimulus Payments in the Face of $152 Billion Debt

California, a state that is over $100 billion in debt, passed legislation sending $600 stimulus payments to nearly six million people, a bill Gov. Gavin Newsom (D), is expected to sign. The stimulus checks are part of a $7.6 billion COVID relief package t

News | News

Soros-Backed Los Angeles DA Drops Death Penalty for Cop Killer

Los Angeles' Soros-installed District Attorney, George Gascón, announced Friday that his office won't seek the death penalty for a gang member who killed a police officer. The assailant also shot and killed his own cousin. and his own cousin. Michael Chr

Science & Technology | Science & Technology

New Poll Finds Newsom’s Job Approval Ratings Plunge Amid Looming Recall

A new study out of the left-leaning University of California-Berkeley, found that Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom’s job approval ratings have plummeted in

Politics | Corruption

Recall Gavin Newsom – 8 reasons why the California governor must go

Between Newsom’s arrogance and incompetence, Californians by the millions are being hurt. That is why well over 1.2 million people so far have signed a petition to have him recalled.

News | News

Los Angeles City Councilors Each Employ Between 22 to 36 Aides, Some Making Over $100K

The spendthrift Los Angeles City Council – a city $5.1 billion in debt – allows each council members to employ

Politics | Politics

Newsom recall effort gets $500K boost from Orange County firm

Irvine-based consulting firm Prov 3:9, LLC contributed $500,000 to one of the committees seeking to put a recall elections before California voters.

Politics | Corruption

Dave Rubin has three words in response to California’s stay-at-home order being extended three more weeks

Dave Rubin says what a lot of Californians are thinking.

Politics | Politics

Newsom sued by restaurant owner over California coronavirus shutdown

A California restaurant is suing California Gov. Gavin Newsom and other state officials over an order that forced it to close due to the spread of the coronavirus pandemic after its owner shared a video of a television production with tables set up next t

Politics | Politics

The Morning Briefing: If Lockdowns Work Why Is California a Global COVID-19 Hotspot?

The Mother of All Lockdown Failures 
Happy week before Christmas Friday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. My favorite vegetarian food is beef brisket.
Whilst wrapping up my evening walk —...

News | The News

Two Big LA Restaurants Close Because of ‘Draconian’ Outdoor Dining Ban

Plus, how to help the East Hollywood community cookouts, and the LA Times calls the lack of federal funding for restaurants a ‘national disgrace’

Politics | Politics

'Family Ties' star Justine Bateman signs petition to recall California's Newsom

Justine Bateman was seen singing a petition in support of the recall of Calfornia governor Gavin Newsom after a recent round of coronavirus restrictions.

Politics | Politics

Report: Gavin Newsom's team 'increasingly concerned' about recall efforts

California Gov. Gavin Newsom has already survived five long-shot recall attempts in his...

News | The News

BREAKING: Longtime Newsom Aide Arrested For Allegedly Trying To ‘Suffocate A Child With A Pillow’

A longtime ally of California Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom has been arrested and jailed on multiple felony domestic violence charges including

Politics | Liberal Hypocrisy

The Morning Briefing: Let's Start Jailing Lawmakers Who Violate Their Own COVID Restrictions

Jail ‘Em All
Happy Wednesday, good Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Grooming is once again optional.
We are about to head into another commie COVID curfew period here in my little fishing villa...

News | News

‘No Masks, All Indoors’: Award-Winning Journalist Claims 22 People Attended Newsom Dinner, Not 12, $15k Bar Bill

Award-winning journalist Adam Housley – a previous Emmy, AP, and RTNDA recipient – claimed, Monday, that California Gov. Gavin Newsom's infamous dinner at

Politics | Politics

Hollywood celebrities exempt from California lockdown orders

Newsom’s office said that the order would not apply to workers in the entertainment industry, saying those workers were deemed "essential."

Politics | Politics

Your Political Leaders Hate You And Think You’re Stupid

Since the pandemic began ten months ago, there have been too many instances of elites saying one thing and doing another.

News | News

California Exempts Hollywood Movie Studios From COVID Lockdowns, Restrictions

In the aftermath of getting caught red-handed violating his own travel and gathering restrictions, California Governor Gavin Newsom has exempted

News | News

California Democrats Ignore Their Own COVID-19 Travel Ban, Go To Hawaii For ‘Summit’

Hypocrisy reached a new and cruel high at the hands of California lawmakers who have decided that the travel restrictions

Politics | Politics

Gavin Newsom’s Coronavirus Dinner Scandal Grows: Top California Medical Association Officials Attended

The scandal involving California Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom attending a dinner with several other people amid the coronavirus pandemic grew on

Politics | Liberal Hypocrisy

As California Braces for Curfew, Some Lawmakers Gather in Maui

Several California lawmakers are in Maui, Hawaii, this week, for an annual legislative convention -- despite coronavirus risks.

Politics | Politics

Gov. Newsom in hot water over reported birthday party discouraged by CA's COVID-19 protocol

Gov. Gavin Newsom is catching flack after reportedly attending a birthday party for one of his political advisers that included people from several households.

Politics | Politics

Judge rules to limit California governor powers amid pandemic

A judge ruled on Monday to limit California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s (D) executive powers during a pandemic.

Politics | Politics

Judge rules against Gov. Newsom in lawsuit challenging executive order

A State Superior Court judge ruled against Governor Gavin Newsom in a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of his executive orders.

Politics | Politics

‘Dear Emperor Gavin Newsom’: Comedian Rob Schneider Blasts California Governor Over Thanksgiving Rules

Comedian Rob Schneider is not a fan of California Gov. Gavin Newsom. The Democratic governor last week announced new restrictions about state residents

Politics | Politics

California governor's office tells diners to wear masks 'in between bites'

The office of California Gov. Gavin Newsom has told residents in the Golden State that if they go out to eat, they should be wearing a mask “in between bites” to protect themselves from COVID-19.

Politics | Op-Ed

Saving the Golden State Will Save America - American Greatness

As demonstrated by the torrent of executive orders issued by King Newsom in the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, constitutional rights, and due process go out…

Politics | Woke Insanity

Critical Race Theory as Pandemic Response? California Requires 'Equity' to Ease Lockdowns

California's health department has required counties to further racial "equity" as a benchmark to end coronavirus lockdowns.

Politics | Politics

Gavin Newsom, California governor, signs bill requiring minority quotas for corporate boards

California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed Wednesday a first-in-the-nation bill requiring every corporate board to include at least one director from an "underrepresented community," a year after the state did the same for women.

Politics | Politics

California Gov. Gavin Newsom signs law creating a task force to develop proposals for reparations

California once again leads the way no one wants to follow.

Politics | Liberal Hypocrisy

Kamala, Newsom Take Photo-Op Where CA Home Burned Up. Owner’s Family Blasts: We Can’t Even Go There. You’re Trespassing.

On Tuesday, Democratic vice-presidential candidate Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) joined the governor of her home state, Gavin Newsom, to create a photo-op to push their climate change agenda. The photo was taken on the property of an Auberry, California, f

Politics | Politics

80 Jewish Groups Call for Newsom to Veto High School Ethnic Studies Bill

They argued that the most recent draft of the curriculum has "an anti-Jewish bias."

Politics | Leftist Lies

CA’s Newsom Pledged To Take Pay Cut With Workers. He Still Got Paid In Full, Report Says.

Despite the fact that he asked state workers in May to take a pay cut and promised he would do the same, California Governor Gavin Newsom continued to collect his full monthly salary of $17,479, as the Sacramento Bee reported. As an elected state official

News | News

Trouble for Gavin Newsom’s $1 billion mask deal: Feds reject safety certification - SFChronicle.com

Gov. Gavin Newsom’s assertion that shipments of medical masks the state bought from a Chinese manufacturer had simply been delayed because of federal safety certification issues was thrown into doubt Wednesday when regulators said they had actually rejec

News | News

Newsom: California to begin reopening in 'weeks,' may start school year in July

One precondition for curtailing coronavirus-related restrictions is ensuring that schools and businesses can safeguard the health of their staff.

Politics | Politics

GOP lawmaker accuses California public pension fund of investing in blacklisted Chinese companies | TheHill

Rep. Jim Banks (R-Ind.) on Thursday said that he has written a letter to California Gov.

Politics | Politics

A New Dark Age: California’s Blackouts Are Self-Inflicted

Now, in large parts of California, if you want to keep the lights on during the blackouts, you better have a flashlight or a gas lamp. Twenty-first century green dreams have led to 19th-century realities.