
Humor | Funny Stuff

Damning Leak Reveals Matt Walsh Knew What A Woman Was This Whole Time | Babylon Bee

NASHVILLE, TN — A damning leak from the hacked emails of conservative commentator Matt Walsh has revealed that in spite of the question posed by his documentary What Is A Woman?, he has actually known what a woman was this entire time.

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Pentagon Questions Gender-Neutral Physical Fitness Test as Women Overwhelmingly Fail

In an about-face for the “gender-neutral there are no differences between the sexes” cause de jour, the US Army is admitting that there...

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California Considering Legislation to Ban Retailers from Displaying Boys, Girls Sections

Progressive California lawmakers are considering a bill that would prevent larger retailers from displaying signage designating “boys”...

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‘Equality Act’ Likely to Pass with House GOP Support; Will Change American Culture

House Democrats will, again, bring a bill to the floor in an attempt to codify sexually based identity politics into law. Democrats are set to advance the Equality Act to the US Senate, calling it a simple amendment to federal civil rights law. The Act wo

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FLASHBACK: Biden Called Transgender Women, Biological Men, In Sports The ‘Civil Rights Issue Of Our Time’

After telegraphing his intention to greatly hobble women’s sports last June, President Biden has followed through on his threat to