Politics | Great Reset
Part 4 of The Great Jet Set: Klaus Schwab, the World Economic Forum, and the New Fascism Part 4: The Path to Totalitarianism - Larry Alex Taunton
(NOTE: This series originally appeared in The Daily Wire.) If you understand nothing else about Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum, get this: they are godless. That matters. From your answer to the question “Does Read more…
Politics | Great Reset
Part 3 of The Great Jet Set: Klaus Schwab, the World Economic Forum, and the New Fascism Part 3: Who is Klaus Schwab? - Larry Alex Taunton
World Economic Forum chairman Klaus Schwab (center) with his Harvard mentor Henry Kissinger and former UK Prime Minister Ted Heath (NOTE: This series originally appeared in The Daily Wire.) The biography of Klaus Schwab, Read more…
Politics | Great Reset
Part 1 of The Great Jet Set: Klaus Schwab, the World Economic Forum, and the New Fascism Part 1: The Perils of Utopia - Larry Alex Taunton
(NOTE: This series originally appeared in The Daily Wire.)When I began researching this series for The Daily Wire a couple of months ago, I scarcely knew
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PODCAST | The Speech Backdrop That Sets The Tone For 2022 & 2024
The Biden administration and its handlers (or should I say the fascist cabal that is now in control in Washington, DC), have telegraphed its playbook. Their strategy for the midterms and 2024 is to run against Donald Trump again, regardless of whether he
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PODCAST | The Mainstream Media Can Be Leashed If We Make It About Policy
In the wake of President Biden's insanely coercive and authoritarian speech that sought to further cement the divide in our country as we approach the Midterm Elections, we see that the puppet masters of the Left - Obama 2.0 - are telegraphing their
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PODCAST | Time To Examine The Worth Of The 'Progressive' Movement?
The turn of the 20th Century introduced fascism to the United States. Under Woodrow Wilson - and continuing under Franklin Roosevelt, the system of government the Framers created ceased to exist because a fundamental protection for the states was removed
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Politics | Ukrraine
Russia's ruble is the strongest currency in the world this year
After its value plunged to less than a U.S. penny, the ruble is now trading 40% higher than before Russia attacked Ukraine. Why?
Politics | Ukrraine
They're Not Laughing Now: Wood-burning Stoves and Firewood in Short Supply in Germany as Citizens Fear Freezing to Death Due to Gas Shortages
In 2018 during his speech to the UN General Assembly President Donald Trump lodged a warning to Germany about their country’s reliance on Russian energy. The German delegation laughed on camera at the remarks. In June Russia announced it will reduce nat
Politics | Ukrraine
In Poland, where coal is king, homeowners queue for days to buy fuel
In Poland's late summer heat, dozens of cars and trucks line up at the Lubelski Wegiel Bogdanka coal mine, as householders fearful of winter shortages wait for days and nights to stock up on heating fuel in queues reminiscent of communist times.
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PODCAST | Replacing the Cult of Personality with an Honest Policy Discussion
The Midterm Elections are just months away and the radical Left, the Biden administration, its Obama 2.0 masters, and the mainstream media want to make the election a rehash of the anti-Trump campaign they executed successfully in 2020. The task at hand i
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ARTICLE & PODCAST | What Has Progressed Under Progressivism?
As we prepare for the onslaught of propaganda that is coming our way (from both sides) during the lead-up to the Midterm Elections, we all need to take a step back from the preferred narratives being foisted upon us by the political Left and mainstream me
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Politics | Great Reset
WEF's "Global Intelligence Collecting AI" to Erase Ideas from the Internet
Naughty GETTR posts? Say bye-bye to your TWITTER account
News | News
PODCAST | Slash & Burn Politics and 'The Chexit'
It is astounding why a rising star amongst the political Right at the national level - a woman with name recognition, a legacy, and a solid base - would attach her entire political career to attempting to settle some kind of score against Donald Trump. Bu
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News | News
PODCAST | Acid Politics Produces Caustic Snowflakes
In the days after the questionably legal FBI raid on Donald Trump's Mar-A-Lago home in Palm Beach, Florida - and after a crazed gunman committed suicide by cop at an FBI office in Ohio, The US Department of Justice and the Department of Homeland Secu
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Okay, Maybe a Plantain Republic
It was very public; vert overt. Pro-administration agents swooped in, searched, and detained prominent members of the opposition – politicians and society leaders – on questionable charges of “subversion” in the hope of eliminating competition in
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‘There’s A Sucker Born Every Minute’
It’s a famous quote erroneously attributed to the circus and sideshow king P.T. Barnum, who also dabbled in politics: “There’s a sucker born every minute.” And while the quote was likely coined by a corrupt banker (imagine that), the notion was no
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PODCAST | The Inflation Reduction Act: When Politics Masquerades As Government
With the looming passage of the poorly-named Inflation Reduction Act, Senate Democrats are proving that the well-being of the nation's citizens comes in second to bullying through even a few of their radically fascist agenda. Hundreds of economists s
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PODCAST | Poking The Bear & Antagonizing China
With Nancy Pelosi's wholly unnecessary and pre-maturely announced trip to Taiwan out there and the Biden administration's move to deploy USAF F-22 Raptor fighter jets to Poland, the radical Left now in charge in Washington is tempting global con
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This Is Why Congress Has Lost The Trust Of The American People
The guilty verdict in the Contempt of Congress case against former Trump confidant Steve Bannon highlights the inequitable (to use a term favored by the radical Left) treatment of those by the US Department of Justice. On the one hand, Bannon faces jail t
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PODCAST | They Need To Stop 'Monkeypoxing' Around With Pandemics
With the release of Dr. Deborah Brix's new book and the revelation that she and Dr. Fauci purposely misled not only the President of the United States but also the American people, the administrative state is tantamount to telling the American people
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Of Course Term Limits Matter...How Could They Not?
I was killing time surfing through some social media feeds when I came across a comment to a post on term limits that was jadedly negative. “Term limits will solve almost nothing. Prove me wrong,” the comment read. Needless to say, I disagree with tha
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PODCAST | The Independent Truckers Strike Back: This Ain't Canada
After we address the attempted assassination of US Rep. Lee Zeldin who is running for Governor of New York, we discuss how the independent truckers in California are artfully expressing their outrage at a new law that coerces them into union membership.
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News | News
PODCAST | When Does Ideological Activism Cost Too Much?
In the aftermath of reports that an illegal alien has been arrested for repeatedly raping a 10-year-
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PODCAST | In The Face Of Tragedy, Score One For The Good Guys
Yet another indignant spawn product of the entitled generation took to shooting innocent people because of his unaddressed psychosis only to have his evil deed cut short by a quick-thinking individual - trained and licensed to concealed carry. Then, as we
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News | News
PODCAST | Activism On The Back Of A 10-Year-Old Rape Victim?
Before we get to yesterday's segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch in which we discuss President Oatmeal's groveling to the Saudis for oil even as he and his team decimate the US fossil fuel industry and sell our strategic reserves
Politics | Food crisis
Satellite Imagery Shows Global Crop Declines – Except For Russia And China
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero
News | News
PODCAST | Will The Independent Truckers Be The Ones To Correct California?
After addressing the childish social media feud between Donald Trump and Elon Musk and touching on the imbecilic response from Vice President Hyena Laugh, the discussion comes down to independent truckers and a Convention of States. With California trying
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News | News
PODCAST | As One Country Mourns Another Seeks to Reaffirm Its Control Over Government
As the people of Japan mourn the assassination of their former Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, the people of the United States stand with them in prayer for their loss. And at the same time, a movement is growing in a very potent way; a movement that seeks to
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News | News
The Left's Hypocrisy On Gun Crime Is Killing People
The big headline from over the Independence Day weekend was that there was yet another mass shooting, this time in the affluent neighborhood of Highland Park, Illinois. A troubled teen opened fire in the predominantly Jewish (and White) neighborhood killi
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The US Supreme Court Decision The Media Won't Cover
The mainstream media complex has shifted into high gear in its far-Left, ideologically anointed, social engineering propaganda campaign on the issue of the US Supreme Court’s ruling overturning Roe v. Wade. Regardless of the fact the ruling did not outl
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News | News
PODCAST | How Long Will We Allow Pelosi's Crew To Blatantly Lie To The People?
In the aftermath of the US Supreme Court's decision to return the purview of the issue of abortion to the states where it has always belonged, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, AOC, and perennial reprobate Maxine Waters all took to the microphones to whip the
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News | News
The Left Is Using The Issues Of Guns & Abortion To Manipulate The People
With the recent US Supreme Court decisions on abortion and gun rights, the political opportunists and agendized media are doing everything they can to play on the emotions of the people. Both disingenuous (or constitutionally illiterate) politicians and s
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News | News
PODCAST | Do You Remember All The Times The Left Screamed 'Constitutional Crisis'?
With the US Supreme Court ruling in favor of the US Constitution and, specifically, the sanctity of the 2nd Amendment, it is a good time for the US Constitution. But the fascist Left is apoplectic that the SCOTUS would dare to have fidelity to the US Cons
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PODCAST | The Globalists Use of Climate Change As The New Chaos Creator
Ever since the 1967 Report from Iron Mountain, which outlined a transition from managed wars to climate change as the vehicle of choice for political transformation, the Progressives (read: fascists) in the United States have continuously hit the climate
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PODCAST | Janet Yellen & The Rest Of The Biden Administration Unqualified
If you have been following the short tenure of Janet Yellen as US Treasury Secretary you will have already noticed that she hasn't been correct in any of the predictions or statements she has issued. From inflation being "transitory" to crypto being
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PODCAST | The Manmade Climate Change Narrative & The Globalization Agenda
I feel it’s important to share a portion of a decades-long, ongoing conversation I am engaged in with a dear friend who has worked for the European Union Commission at the highest levels, serving as an analyst on various critical issues. He continues to
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PODCAST | Adam Schiff's Problem With Sensationalism & The Truth
US Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA), has a problem with the truth. Over the last six years, specifically, he has consistently made claims that he has "evidence" of this and a "smoking gun" for that, and each time the agendized and disingenuous mainstream
- AdamSchiff
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News | News
Why Our Self-Imposed High Gas Prices Are A Direct Threat To The People
Today the national average for gasoline hit $5 per gallon, translating to $65–$80 a fill-up for the average car. If you still need to be convinced that the pain you are feeling at the gas pump isn’t self-inflicted, courtesy of the Green Movement and t
News | News
PODCAST | The Disingenuous Manufactured Media Circus With Ringmaster Pelosi
You know that Nancy Pelosi and the fascist-Left Democrats have nothing to run on in the Midterm Elections when they have to beg a news network to sensationalize a manufactured media circus in what was the January 6th mini-series-esque sitcom broadcast on
News | News
PODCAST | Why I've Changed My Mind On The Need For A Convention Of States
Whenever someone I knew brought up the convening of a Convention of the States my fear centered arou
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PODCAST | From D-Day To The Convention Of States Rubicon
Looking back at the monumental achievements of the Greatest Generation during World War II and especially the D-Day landings, it has become clear that our current federal government has abdicated its obligation to perform for anyone but themselves; our tw
News | News
Why I've Changed My Mind On The Need For A Convention Of States
I have been wary about the call for a Convention of States, an option in the US Constitution under Article V that allows two-thirds of the states to call for a convention to propose amendments to the US Constitution. My reasoning has always been one seate
News | News
PODCAST | Is Making It Hard To Travel Part Of The Plan?
While the mainstream media complex does everything it can to not report on the fact that former US Attorney General has led an effort to gerrymander the reapportionment of congressional districts through the courts, the Biden administration's policie
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News | News
PODCAST | Uvalde: Limited Government Is Essential For The Common Good
While the political opportunists scream in an attempt to score points for their shallowly naive and uneducated positions on “gun control” regarding the Uvalde school shooting, the tragedy – and that’s what it is, a tragedy – spotlights some poin
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PODCAST | The Biden Price Hikes & The Choice Of A Lifetime
As Joe Biden stupidly saber-rattles war in the Pacific Rim, we here at home are suffering from his i
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News | News
PODCAST | Fearporn, ‘Dysinformation’ & Monkeypox
With the economy in crisis, fuel prices and costs of raw materials through the roof, military confro
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Fearporn, ‘Dysinformation’ & Monkeypox
With the economy in crisis, fuel prices and costs of raw materials through the roof, military confrontation being threatened in two theaters, a full-blown invasion on our southern border, and a nation divided to an extent not seen since the US Civil War,
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PODCAST | The Next Elections Actually Need To Be Referendums
The common misunderstanding of the choice facing American voters in the 2022 Midterm Election and th
News | News
The Next Elections Actually Need To Be Referendums
The two political parties, their sycophantic activists, and the mainstream media want you to believe that the upcoming Midterm and General Elections represent a critical choice between two distinctly different visions for our country: one rooted in social
Politics | Great Reset
Trudeau’s Advice for the Poor – Kill Yourself | Armstrong Economics
I reported that Canada has begun a eugenics program, yet again, to remove the undesirables from society legally. The Medical Aid in Dying (MAID) program was initially intended to provide legal euthanasia for people suffering from terminal illnesses. It wa
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PODCAST | Whether At Home Or Abroad It's All About The Guns
The epidemic of mass shootings in the United States recently says less about the lawful availability of guns and ammunition and more about our societal failure. From our governments' failure to address mental health issues that lead to things like Bu
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The Biden Administration’s Pathetic Attempt To ‘Wag The Dog’
The US House of Representatives advanced a bill that would send an additional $40 billion in aid to Ukraine – $7 billion more than what President Biden requested. That raises the total amount of emergency aid issued to Ukraine from the United States alo
News | News
PODCAST | The Truth About The Narrative Of Disinformation
I can't begin to tell you how many times someone has asked me who they can trust when it comes to accurate information in the news. The simple answer is that you should trust no one; no newspaper, no columnist, no talking head, no politician. We live
News | News
The Roe Protests: The Hoodwinking Of The American People
The purposeful manipulation of the American people by the political Left continues in the anticipated Supreme Court Ruling in the matter of Roe v. Wade. Simply put – and it can’t be repeated enough – the Democrats and pro-abortion advocates are bald
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News | News
PODCAST | How Disingenuous Can Our Federal Government Be?
From their declarations about Ukraine and punishing Vladimir Putin with sanctions to their declaration that domestic terrorism is actually a threat to our country to their completely disingenuous and opportunistic moves against cryptocurrency, our federal
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News | News
The ‘New & Inclusive’ Taliban Comes Full Sharia Law Circle After Biden’s Afghan Withdrawal
All women in Afghanistan must be covered head to toe in public, Taliban leader Hibatullah Akhundzada, head of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, decreed Saturday in a move that brings the ruthless and murderous reign of the Taliban back full circle to pr
Politics | Food crisis
Globalists Have Been Planning to Starve the World With Food Scarcity Since at Least 2015
The globalists have been planning a global famine that would collapse American society as early as 2015. This is according to Edward
News | News
The Establishment's Terror About Cryptocurrency And Why They Need To Destroy It
Cryptocurrencies and decentralized finance are striking fear into the souls of the financial elite. From the US federal government to the Federal Reserve and the Security & Exchange Commission, the International Monetary Fund to the World Bank, the manipu
News | News
PODCAST & ARTICLE | The Overturning Of Roe v. Wade Would Not Make Abortion Illegal
Before we get into the meat of this issue it is important to understand that a draft opinion is not a ruling. It is a precursor to a ruling; a moment in time when the US Supreme Court Justices make their cases to the other justices on why they hold the pr
News | News
PODCAST | Censorship, Disinformation & War...It Isn't Cool to Be a Democrat Today
With Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff showboating for film crews in Ukraine to pretend they have done something besides demonizing half of America for the last year and a half - and Biden's new effort to stomp out your freedom of speech, it's just n
Politics | Food crisis
Rockefeller Foundation President Starts Countdown Until All Hell Breaks Loose
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero
Politics | Great Reset
10 Signs the War in Ukraine is part of the Great Reset
A special correspondent Welcome to the second phase of the Great Reset: war. While the pandemic acclimatised the world to lockdowns, normalised the acceptance of experimental medications, precipita…
Politics | Op-Ed
Victor Davis Hanson: The Real ‘Reset’ Is Coming
Joe Biden believes the Ukraine war will mark the start of a “new world order.” In the middle of the COVID global pandemic, Klaus Schwab and global elites…
Politics | Politics
Hunter Biden Tried to Broker Energy Deal With China’s State-Owned Oil Company: Emails
Hunter Biden, the second son of U.S. President Joe Biden, tried to broker a $120 million oil agreement ...
Miscellaneous | Religion
Abp. Viganò endorses Canadian truck drivers, calls for prayers to defeat 'infernal' Great Reset - LifeSite
‘Your protest, dear Canadian truck driver friends, joins a worldwide chorus that wants to oppose the establishment of the New World Order on the rubble of nation states.’
Politics | Politics
COVID-19 Literature Document
Return to Table of Contents 1. Putting SARS-CoV2 and COVID-19 in Perspective – the reality of COVID-19 morbidity and recovery Summary:Putting COVID-19 in context of:- other …
Politics | Politics
Racial Segregation Implemented In Atlanta School
Late last year, Kila Posey met with the principal of Mary Lin Elementary School in Atlanta because she wanted her child with a teacher...
Science & Technology | Science & Technology
NIH Director Ignores Emergency Authorization Status In Hawking COVID Vaccine
The director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Francis Collins, suggested that private-sector businesses require vaccine...
Politics | Politics
Lawmakers Call for Auditing the Decision Making, Messages Processes for CDC
A group of US Senators is crafting legislation that would require an examination of the decision-making and messaging by the Centers for...
Politics | Politics
Congressmen Take Unanswered January 6 Inquiry to the DOJ & Merrick Garland
After months of silence in response to their inquiries, several members of Congress – who have been pressing law enforcement for months...
Science & Technology | Science & Technology
Majority of Physicians Surveyed Have Not and Will Not Get COVID Vaccine
If we are to trust the experts – as the Biden administration has told us we should where the issue of COVID is concerned, then a new...
Politics | Politics
Soros Heavily Finances 'Defund the Police' Movement Contradicting Biden
Betraying a statement by President Biden and a Democrat narrative currently being floated, George Soros, according to Federal Election...
Politics | Politics
Texas Democrats Disenfranchise Their Non-Aligned Constituents
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R), said Democrat state lawmakers who abandoned a special session of the State Legislature to avoid voting on a...
Politics | Politics
Pennsylvania Goes to War Over Election Transparency
The Pennsylvania Department of State last week ordered county boards of elections to not provide any access to third parties that are...
Politics | Politics
Second Teachers’ Union Embraces Critical Race Theory
The American Federation of Teachers (AFT), the largest teachers union in the United States, is going all-in on Critical Race Theory (CRT)...
Politics | Politics
Biden DoJ Fires First Shot in War Against Constitutional State Sovereignty
In a move that can only be characterized as an assault on the sovereignty of States, the Department of Justice has filed a lawsuit...
Politics | Politics
VIDEO: CRT Trainer Says in the Classroom ‘Free Speech Does Not Apply’
Re-writing both the Bill of Rights and US Supreme Court rulings, Critical Race Theory proponents recently led a mandatory “anti-racist”...
Politics | Politics
SOCOM Reinstates ‘Diversity Officer’ After Probe into Calling Trump ‘Hitler’
He was publicly exposed for posting hate speech against President Trump, but now a “diversity officer” for Special Operations Command has...
News | News
Elite School Celebrates the ‘Tarring & Feathering’ of White Women
Taking race-based hate to an all new level, one of Manhattan’s most prestigious schools, the Spence School, has come under fire for...
News | News
We Can’t Abandon Afghan Interpreters, But We Don’t Have to Absorb Them
As the Biden administration winds down the US military presence in Afghanistan, US Sen. Angus King (I-ME), is pressing President Biden to...
News | News
Annual Inflation Rate Soars to Levels Not Seen Since Obama
As expected, inflation exploded in May seeing the consumer price index surge by 5 percent over the past twelve months. This represents...
News | News
Harris Disingenuously Blames Climate for US Southern Border Surge
On her first public relations-centered jaunt outside the United States, Vice President Kamala Harris (D), incredulously attempted to...
Politics | Politics
Squad Member Wannabe Showcases Her Arrogance in Attacking Manchin Over S1
Almost as if on cue, the Marxist members of “The Squad” took to castigating US Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV), because he rightly identified the...
Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness
India Takes Action Against WHO Scientist for Spreading Disinformation
In yet another validation of established medicines in the fight against the COVID virus, Indian authorities have initiated legal action...
Politics | Politics
China Laughably Orders Uyghurs to Make Videos Denying Human Rights Violations
The Communist Chinese government has taken great interest in promoting a series of videos featuring Uyghur men and women deny...
Politics | Politics
White House Announces It Will Use ‛Holder Model’ to Spy on Journalists
The Biden White House has declared that it will embrace the ‟Holder Model” of how to engage with journalists and journalistic...
Politics | Politics
Biden Administration Plan to Racial Discriminate in Grants Blocked in Federal Court
A federal judge in Texas has thrown a wrench into the Biden administration’s race-based discriminatory awarding of grants under the COVID...
Politics | Politics
Partisan DoJ Deputy Unconstitutionally Intimidating the AZ Election Audit
As expected, the Biden administration’s politicized Department of Justice is inserting itself into the Maricopa County Arizona Election...
Science & Technology | Science & Technology
Indian Use of Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine Raises Vaccine Profiteering Questions
Amid a variant spike in COVID cases in India, the world’s second-most populace country, that country’s issued treatment guidance has...
News | News
Election Reform Laws Push Back on a Long-Held False Narrative
Several election reform laws have been enacted, with many more in the processes of making it to desks of governors across the nation...
News | News
Biden Is All Over the Board on Social Media's Attack on the First Amendment
In the aftermath of Facebook’s totalitarian decision to maintain their banishment of former President Trump, the Biden administration...
News | News
More States Join the Push Back Against Critical Race Theory
South Dakota’s governor has signed a pledge to re-institute accurate US history education in that state’s public schools. South Dakota...
News | News
Instagram for Kids? A Horrible Idea That Invites Further Indoctrination
A coalition of child safety advocates is opposing Facebook’s plans to launch a version of Instagram for children under 13 years of age...
Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous
The Growing ‘Second Amendment Sanctuary State’ Movement
Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts signed a proclamation designating his state a “2nd Amendment Sanctuary State,” moving the idea of nullification.
Politics | Politics
Did the White House Bald-Face Lie About a Latin American Border Agreement?
White House Press Secretary, Jen Psaki, was rebuked by one Latin American leader over claims the Biden administration secured commitments...
Politics | Politics
Is One Boston Hospital Implementing Systemic Racism into Medicine?
A Boston hospital appears to have been infected with “woke-ism.” Brigham and Women’s Hospital has announced it will offer “preferential...
Politics | Politics
Parental Enemies List in Hand, School Committee Vows to ‘Silence Opposition’ on Critical Race Theory
A non-sanctioned group of public school officials in Loudoun County, Virginia, public schools has secretly pledged to “silence the...
Politics | Politics
Why Didn't the Man Wearing Body Armor with 6 Guns and Ammo at Grocery Store Get Coverage?
An Atlanta man was arrested after entering a major chain grocery store carrying an AR-15, five other weapons, and an extensive cache of...
News | News
Fourth Revision of Calif. ‘Ethnic Studies Curriculum’ Saturated with Critical Race Theory
Never wanting to be seen as not on the cutting edge of the educational abyss, California’s Department of Education has released a fourth...
News | News
UK Secretly Testing Controversial Web Data Mining Tool
For the last two years in Britain, law enforcement and internet service providers have been quietly colluding to build and test...
News | News
Over 1,000 Baltimore School Officials Make $100K a Year as Students Continue to Fail
An examination of city records reveals that a shocking number of school officials in Baltimore, Maryland are making more than $100,000...
Politics | Politics
New Cuomo Scandal Emerges Over Order Directing COVID Patients into Homes for Disabled
Yet another executive order issued by New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D), has been found to put the most vulnerable to the COVID virus at...
News | Censorship
Wall Street Journal Endorses Section 230 Reforms After Facebook’s 'Phony Fact-Check'
After a second instance where social media publisher Facebook has used partisan fact-checkers to challenge analysis, the Wall Street...
News | News
Drive to Claw Back Power from an Expanding Federal Government Gains Steam
Public sentiment is wide-spread and mounting to confront the unbridled expansion of the federal government’s authority over the sovereign...
News | News
150 Missing Children Recovered in Joint Operation
A joint law enforcement operation months in the planning has recovered 150 children who had gone missing in Tennessee...
News | News
K-12 ‘Woke Civics’ an Effort in Indoctrination
The Washington swamp establishment that brought the education system the Common Core standards and encouraged more federal intervention...
Politics | Demos
Democrats Block Amendment to Prevent COVID Relief-Stimulus Funds from Going to China
An amendment to the House COVID relief-stimulus package that would have prevented any funding from going to the Communist Chinese was...
News | Censorship
Amazon De-Platforms Clarence Thomas Documentary During Black History Month
In an astonishingly racist and biased move the BigTech platform, Amazon has de-platformed a documentary about US Supreme Court Justice...
Politics | Demos
California's Bullet Train Over-Budget; Cost Now Over $100,000,000,000
California's massive high-speed rail project is more than a decade behind schedule and an example of grotesque overspending and mismanagement. Experts now say the project is a complete misreading of what the public needs. The so-called Los Angeles-to-San
News | Censorship
Amazon De-Platforms Book by Conservative Author on Transgenderism Without Explanation
In another move to digitally book burn, Amazon's web store has removed a best-selling book by a conservative author focusing on the science, social science, and politics of transgenderism. Amazon did so without notifying or informing the author why the bo
Politics | Narrative
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Says Math, Showing Your Work, Correct Answers Are Racist
As Bill and Melinda Gates aggressively push for the vaccination of the entire world population against COVID, their non-profit organization
Politics | Politics
Lincoln Project Funneled $45 Million To Companies Owned By Its Founders
A group of high-profile never-Trumpers known as The Lincoln Project has come under scrutiny, not only for the failure of
Politics | Politics
France Now Considers America’s Woke Leftism, Cancel Culture A Global Threat
French President Emmanuel Macron told reporters that the chief threat to national cohesiveness around the world is the extreme woke
Politics | Politics
RED FLAG LAWS: Supreme Court to Decide Whether Police Can Enter Your House, Seize Your Guns Without a Warrant
A case before the US Supreme Court Supreme Court will decide whether law enforcement officers have the right, under the
Politics | Politics
POLL: 64% of Republicans, 15% of Democrats ‘Likely’ to Join Hypothetical New Trump-Led Political Party
A newly released poll reveals that incessant negative media coverage, two impeachments, and a near universal betrayal by elected Republicans
Politics | Op-Ed
Biden Regime Embraces ‘Great Reset’ Plan to Destroy Capitalism - American Greatness
The Biden regime is fully embracing a radical globalist plan that seeks to destroy capitalism and replace it with a socialist system. "The Great Reset"
Miscellaneous | Faith
BREAKING – Cdl. Burke: COVID is being used for ‘Great Reset’ to attack ‘freedom’ and ‘families’
The worldwide spread of Marxist materialism, which has already brought destruction and death to the lives of so many, and which has threatened the foundations of our nation for decades, now seems to seize the governing power over our nation.
Politics | Politics
Tucker Carlson quotes Archbishop Viganò, calls out push for Great Reset
‘[W]hat Viganò wrote is actually true. It’s not a conspiracy theory; it is factually accurate.’
Politics | Politics
full text: Archbishop Viganò's Open Letter to President Trump: GREAT RESET - Taylor Marshall
Here is the official English version of Archbishop Viganò’s open letter to President Trump warning him of Deep State/Deep Church and the Great Reset of 2021: Official Vigano OPEN LETTER TO THE POTUS download. Full text here: DONALD J. TRUMP Sunday,