Politics | Judea & Samaria Sovereignty
The Most Important Lesson from the Horrendous Hebron Massacre of 1929
The Hebron massacre of 1929 decimated the oldest Jewish community in the Holyland of Israel, which existed in Israel since Second Temple times 2,000+ years ago!
History | History
October 7 Happened Before, in Hebron
A brutal massacre nearly a century ago in Judaism’s second-holiest city makes clear that murderous Palestinian rage against Jews has little to do with Israel or Zionism
Politics | Judea & Samaria
Elder Of Ziyon - Palestinians in Hebron celebrate the murder of a Jew
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
Politics | Media Bias
Elder Of Ziyon - Judaism's second holiest site was Judenrein yesterday - but no one reported that
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
News | News
UNPACKED: Hebron 1929: The Most Important Moment You Never Heard Of.
UNPACKED: Hebron 1929: The Most Important Moment You Never Heard Of. In the summer of 1929, the British-controlled region of Palestine saw growing fault lines between Arabs and Jews. Tensions rose until they erupted one fateful day. In the city of Hebron
Politics | Hamas, Gaza & The Palestinian Authority
Elder Of Ziyon - In a Palestinian society where guns are cheap and violence is admired, people murder each other
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
Politics | Judea & Samaria
Elder Of Ziyon - When an elevator to help the disabled is a “racist Judaization crime"
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
Politics | Opinion
Did Abraham use a smartphone?
One anachronistic untruth is the same as any other. If ancient Hebron can baldly be called "Palestinian", any claim can be accepted. Op-ed.
News | News
Elder Of Ziyon - Jews buy a building in Hebron. So, naturally, they are accused of "stealing" it.
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
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Elder Of Ziyon - Google Maps calls second holiest Jewish spot by its usurped Muslim name
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
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Palestinian woman stabs Israeli officer in Hebron, is shot dead
Officials say border guard, slightly hurt in attack, manages to fire back; incident comes hours after another Palestinian woman was shot dead in West Bank
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"Human Rights organization" founder decries "herds of colonists performing Talmudic rituals" at Cave of the Patriarchs
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
History | History
Elder Of Ziyon - Hebron proves: It’s the Jew-hatred
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
Politics | Hamas, Gaza & The Palestinian Authority
Somehow, thousands of Muslims manage to make it past those "oppressive checkpoints" in Hebron
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
History | History
Hebron Remembered
The Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron. Photo: Wikimedia Commons. The Torah reading for Shabbat Chaye Sarah (November 23) begins …
History | History
Hebron Riots of 1929: Anti-Jewish Terrorism Predates the 1967 War
Arab rejection of Israel and Zionism emerges from an all-or-nothing view of justice and honor. It has never brooked compromise or moderation.
News | News
'We Are Not Foreigners in Hebron, We Will Stay Here Forever,' Israeli PM Netanyahu Declares During Historic Visit to City
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu looks up while his wife Sara touches the outside wall of the Cave of the …
Politics | Media Bias
At Start of Travel Season, AP Runs Hatchet Job Against Pro-Settlements Duty Free Chain | The Jewish Press
Simon Falic also told the AP: “We are proud to support organizations that help promote Jewish life all over the Land of Israel.”
Politics | Judea & Samaria
Jews Celebrate EPIC Building Dedication in Hebron - Beit HaShalom
It finally happened! The Jews have moved into Beit HaShalom (House of Peace), the four-story residential complex purchased by Jews in Hebron.
News | News
Ramadan 'Iftar' Kosher Meal in Hebron Brings Israeli 'Settlers' and Palestinians Together
Ramadan ‘Iftar’ Kosher Meal in Hebron Brings Israeli ‘Settlers’ and Palestinians Together A leading Palestinian businessman served a kosher spread to his Israeli guests at a traditional fast-breaking “Iftar” meal, which Muslims eat during the
News | Media Bias
BBC Distorts Reality of Life in Hebron | HonestReporting
The BBC takes Hebron, one of the most complex places in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and creates a spectacularly misleading and one-sided narrative.
Politics | Opinion
Painting a Fuller Picture on Hebron
Less than a year ago I decided it was high time for me to visit Hebron. After all, Hebron is the world's oldest Jewish city,