Politics | Politics
Senate Dems Fail To Overturn Supreme Court Hobby Lobby Ruling
Democratic Senators’ attempt to nullify the Supreme Court’s ruling in Hobby Lobby and force religious employers to pay for every type of contraceptive coverage required by Obamacare failed to pass a cloture vote Wednesday. The bill, introduced by De
Politics | Op-Ed
The Left's Hollow Complaints About Hobby Lobby | RealClearPolitics
Progressives are fond of saying that they stand for empathy and compromise, and are quick to blame conservatives for polarizing our politics. Their feverish reaction last week to the Supreme...
Politics | Interesting Links
Democrats on Hobby Lobby: ‘Misspeaks,’ ‘opinion’ and overheated rhetoric
All too often, rhetoric gets ahead of the facts when Democrats discuss the Supreme Court's Hobby Lobby ruling.
Politics | Interesting Links
Ten of the Most Hysterical Hobby Lobby Reactions
American women have plunged into a bottomless dungeon of servitude -- by the Supreme Court no less -- in the new ruling that Hobby Lobby can be exempted from paying for employees’ abortifacients. Or so the liberal media and
Politics | Op-Ed
Does reaction to Hobby Lobby reveal the dark side of American liberalism?
Turn on a cable TV news discussion and it won't be long before somebody is accusing somebody else of being a bigot. And that somebody will almost always be the liberal. In the liberal determination to attribute political problems to the evil isms -- racis
News | The News
When Hobby Lobby's Critics Find Out How Much It Pays Employees, They Might Want To Get A Job There
After today’s Supreme Court decision allowing it to refrain from providing emergency contraceptive coverage to its employees, arts and crafts store Hobby Lobby is not exactly in the left’s good graces.
However, maybe they’ll sing a different tune when they hear how much Hobby Lobby pays its workers.
Politics | Woke Insanity
Eugene Robinson: Hobby Lobby Sort of Like Segregationists
Hobby Lobby's objection on religious grounds to paying for abortion-causing contraceptives for its employees reminds Eugene Robinson of segregationists who cited the Bible in support of their views. In his great magnimity, Robinson allowed that the Hobb
Politics | Op-Ed
The New York Times Once Defended ‘The Religious Liberty Of All Americans’
While the New York Times may be upset about Monday's Supreme Court Hobby Lobby decision (see their editorial board's calm, evenhanded op-ed on the issue
News | Health Care
Supreme Court Exempts Religious Companies From Obamacare Contraceptive Mandate
By a 5-4 vote in the case of Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby Stores, the Supreme Court ruled this morning that the federal government cannot require
News | The News
Supreme Court backs Hobby Lobby in contraceptive mandate challenge
The decision was one of two final rulings to come down on Monday, as the justices wrapped up their work for the session.
Politics | Politics
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Supreme Court ruled Monday that some corporations can hold religious objections that allow them to opt out of the new health law requirement that they cover contraceptives for women.