
Psychology | Health & Wellbeing

The Perimenopause Symptoms and Signs You Need to Know About

Hot flashes and wacky periods can be signs of perimenopause, experts say.

Health & Fitness | Health

What You Should Know About HRT

Hormone-replacement therapy (HRT) can help some women with the hot flashes and sleep issues that menopause can bring. But it’s not right for everyone. Find out why from WedMD's slideshow.

Health & Fitness | Health

What You Should Know About HRT

Hormone-replacement therapy (HRT) can help some women with the hot flashes and sleep issues that menopause can bring. But it’s not right for everyone. Find out why from WedMD's slideshow.

Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help

Could Your Insomnia Be Related to Your Hormones?

Are your sleep, insomnia, and mood problems related to your hormones? This interview with Female Hormone Solution host answers your questions

Psychology | Health & Wellbeing

Using Hypnosis to Regulate Your Sleep + Hormones - Healing Hormones Podcast

Dr. Dyan Haspel-Johnson is a psychologist and hypnosis expert, and she joins us today to discuss hypnosis—specifically, how you can use it to regulate your sleep and hormones. We talk about what hypnosis is, how it is different from meditation, and how

Psychology | Health & Wellbeing

The Best Essential Oils For Perimenopause

The best essential oils for perimenopause, including peppermint, clary sage, and geranium.

Psychology | Health & Wellbeing

Is Hormonal Imbalance Making You Crazy, Moody Or Overweight? | Psychology Today

Symptoms of hormonal imbalance include: fatigue, mood instability, weight gain, foggy brain/memory loss, adult acne, hair loss/facial hair, lower sex drive and/or extreme PMS.

Health & Fitness | Health

Slideshow: Hormone Imbalance: Symptoms and Treatment

Do you always feel tired? WebMD's slideshow tells you if you may have a hormone imbalance.

Health & Fitness | Health

What You Should Know About HRT

Hormone-replacement therapy (HRT) can help some women with the hot flashes and sleep issues that menopause can bring. But it’s not right for everyone.

Pets & Animals | Cat & Dog Resources

Canine Hormone Support for Spayed or Neutered Dogs

Use Canine Hormone Support to help counter the hormonal effects of spaying and neutering and to give your dog the gift of balance.

Health & Fitness | Health Articles

Slideshow: Hormone Imbalance: Symptoms and Treatment

Do you always feel tired? Find out if you have a hormone imbalance.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

New Study Shows How Dads Bond With Their Kids

A new brain imaging study shows that fathers given the hormone oxytocin show increased activity in brain regions associated with reward and empathy when viewing photos of their toddlers. "Our findings add to the evidence that fathers, and not just mothers

Health & Fitness | Health and Nutrition

When Synthetic Hormones Manipulate Women - Weston A Price

Print - PDF - EmailAs always, I’m here to convince you that homeopathy stimulates the body’s natural ability to heal imbalances while synthetic, allopathic methods cause more problems. I’m reminded of the words of Dr. William Osler, a founding profe

Miscellaneous | Health & Fitness

Hormone Replacement Therapy Online | DrFelix

Order hormone replacement therapy tablets or patches safely online without seeing your doctor. DrFelix offers a further supply of pills or patches for HRT.

Health & Fitness | Health News

The Secret Life of Melatonin

Melatonin is a commonly used over the counter sleep aid, but this hormone's effect on fertility and puberty are powerful and not fully understood in humans. Caution should be exercised before any chronic use or using melatonin in kids.