Gaming | Video Games
How Did the Duck Hunt Gun Work? | Mental Floss
The Duck Hunt gun, officially called the NES Zapper, seems downright primitive next to today's technology. But in the late '80s, it filled plenty of young heads with wonder.
Science & Technology | Cool Stuff
Why Drinking Straws Don't Work In Space
Why would it be impossible to suck a liquid into your mouth using a straw on the moon? This question was originally answered on Quora by C Stuart Hardwick.
Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous
Ask the Captain: Why was my plane towed to the gate?
Is this a fuel-saving measure and, if so, why isn't it used all the time?
Science & Technology | Cool Stuff
The Real Reason Why There's A Tiny Hole In Airplane Windows
It's all-too-easy to let your mind wander when you're confined to a tiny box of space while hurtling 40,000 feet in the air at hundreds of miles per hour, but rest assured: every single window on the airplane has the same hole, and there's a good reason.
Science & Technology | Cool Stuff
The Science of Popping Popcorn
Two French researchers have at last figured out the precise science of how popcorn pops (before you add butter and salt)!