
Politics | Leftists & Antisemitism

Former US Presidential Candidate Howard Dean’s Vile Tweet About Jews | Israellycool

Remember Howard Dean, that guy who was a candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2004 presidential election? Yeah, I had forgotten all about him too - until now.

News | Fun With Islam

Howard Dean: Don't Call Paris Shooters 'Muslim Terrorists'

Howard Dean—that celebrated scholar of Islam—has weighed in on today's murderous rampage in Paris, declaring that he refuses to call the shooters in this and similar cases "Muslim terrorists." According to Dean, the disregard for the lives

News | That's News to Me

Howard Dean: Obamacare Written By "Elitists" Who "Don't Fundamentally Understand The American People"

On MSNBC's Morning Joe today, Howard Dean had a terse reaction to Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber's recently unearthed comments about the "stupidity" of the American voter in regards to passing the legislation. "The problem is not that