
News | News

Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig Despite it All: Purim Humor

Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig Despite it All: Purim Humor The Talmud states that with the start of the month of Adar, Jews should try to be as joyous as possible. Thus, it’s a longstanding Jewish tradition to offer Purim jokes and/or other types of humorous f

Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help

It Happened Late Valentine's Day Night | LynneCurryAuthor.com

poem: it happened late Valentine's Day NIght: a bit of poem, a bit of whimsey, a bit of inspiration

Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help

Stress Junkies Rock | LynneCurryAuthor.com

humor: stress junkies rock: a fun look

Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help

A hotbed of conflict: the breakroom sagas & a surprise ending | Workplace Coach Blog

A hotbed of conflict: the breakroom sagas & a surprise ending: how 4 workplaces straightened out their culprits by outing them

Politics | Joe Biden/Biden Administration

Biden Wants to Build an 8,000-Mile Ocean Train, and I Say Let's Do This!

On today’s installment of “What the Hell Did Biden Actually Just Say?” we have the alleged president of the most powerful country in the world announcing his plan to build, and I quo...

News | News

Mike Drop: Americans go Boston Tea Party on British bloke over fainting redcoats

British soldiers were dropping in the heat and Americans noted that the temperature wasn't even very high. A Brit took issue with them and … BOOM!

Humor | Funny Stuff

Damning Leak Reveals Matt Walsh Knew What A Woman Was This Whole Time | Babylon Bee

NASHVILLE, TN — A damning leak from the hacked emails of conservative commentator Matt Walsh has revealed that in spite of the question posed by his documentary What Is A Woman?, he has actually known what a woman was this entire time.

Entertainment | Miscellanneous Trek

Star Trek: The Funniest Episodes in the Franchise, Ranked

In a dark and emotional universe where transporter malfunctions, space anomalies, and alien threats abound, comedic breaks are welcome.

Pets & Animals | Animals

11 Things Only Cat Owners Understand

Love them or hate them, there are certain things about cats we all know to be true. But then there are some things only cat owners truly understand...

Humor | Humor

How to Survive in the Third World States of America

It’s 2028. Our non-binary Emporer/Empress Kamala Harris has outlawed guns, meat, combustible engines, gas stoves, and testicles. Americans are starving except for those lucky enough to live in t...

Humor | Humor

15 Funny Gen X Memes That Captures The Gen X Life

There are a lot of things that make Gen X unique, and one of those things is their sense of humor. Sit back and enjoy these Gen X Memes

Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous

CONFIRMED: Soccer Is the Greatest Threat to Freedom and Democracy

What happened: FIFA, the international soccer federation, refused to let the Danish national team practice in shirts promoting "human rights for all" at the World Cup, which begins later this month in Qatar.

Psychology | Great Websites

The Far Side Comic Strip by Gary Larson - Official Website | TheFarSide.com

Visit the official online home of The Far Side comic strip by Gary Larson for your daily dose of Gary’s classic cartoons.

Humor | Political Humor

Kamala Harris Quotes As Motivational Posters

Post these on Twitter to show everyone how much you admire strong women and love paying more money for gas and groceries.

Humor | Funny Stuff

I made the Pufferfish Meme in Minecraft - YouTube

So I made the pufferfish eating a carrot meme in Minecraft, and added a few extra things. Just vibe checking, Peta don't sue me. " I made the Pufferfish Meme...

Humor | Humor

Ottowa Towing Companies Tell Canadian Government They Have COVID

Yep. Have to self quarantine for several weeks just to make sure we don't spread covid around. Sorry Justin we can't help you. That is the way to take care of the sorry bastards killing kids with this crap. I love it. Tell the Canadian Government to…

Humor | Funny Stuff

The Epic Prank John Madden Pulled on 'Saturday Night Live'

John Madden played a prank on producer Dick Ebersol in 1982 while hosting 'Saturday Night Live.'

Humor | Humor

Christmas Shoplifting in California! - YouTube

Grab your Magnesium Breakthrough at https://magnesiumbreakthrough.com/jpUse Code "JP2021" For a DealCheck Out My Merch Here - https://awakenwithjp.comTake a ...

Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help

Just for Fun | Workplace Coach Blog

Just for fun, a poem with humor; when do you figure it out?

Humor | Political Humor

Analysis: Bald Weirdos To Play Outsized Role in 2022 Election

The Democratic Party's hopes of preserving President Joe Biden's agenda by retaining control of Congress in 2022 could rest on a unique demographic poised to play an outsized role in the upcoming midterm elections. According to a Washington Free Beacon an

Science & Technology | Science & Technology

Artist Is Mocking The Stupidity Of Modern Technology In His Funny Comics (28 New Pics)

We all take the age of computers for granted, but hey, why don't we all laugh at it for a bit? Meet System32Comics, the C++-approved tech webcomics for your inner nerd.

Humor | Humor

Stacey Abrams Declares Self Israeli Prime Minister

With Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu failing to form his right-wing government, former Georgia state legislator Stacey Abrams has declared

Entertainment | Movies

There's An Online Page That Collects Bad Amazon Movie Reviews And Here's 30 Of The Funniest Ones

Who knew that reading a well-put Amazon movie review can be more entertaining than 2-hour cinematic boredom?

Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help

Stress Junky - Workplace Coach Blog

If your work pace resembles a jet stream, you’ve probably heard all that advice about relaxing. Forget those critics—what do they know? Go for maximum stress. Stress hormones, particularly adrenaline, give you the cheapest biochemical high legally ava

Humor | Political Humor

How to Celebrate July 4 Without Getting Canceled for Glorifying White Supremacy

The United States of America turns 244 this weekend. Normally that would be cause for celebration, but not anymore, now that the prevailing cultural sentiment demands that athletes issue statements to explain why they didn't take a knee during the nationa

Pets & Animals | I Love Dogs

82 People Share Their "Dumbest Dog" Stories On Twitter

We like to think that our dogs are the smartest, most adorable, friendliest creatures on Earth. But even the greatest doggo geniuses have dumb moments, and some canines seem like they’re born as giant floofy derps.

Entertainment | Quarantine Life: Things To Do

A Meme Account About a Mall Is Now a Lifeline | WIRED

The parody Twitter account devoted to The Americana at Brand is absurd. But now that LA residents are stuck at home, it's a strange source of comfort.

Food & Drink | Food & Drink

Why are Triscuits called Triscuits? A shocking investigation

Enlightened snackers' cabinets are likely stocked with tasty, wheat crackers called Triscuits, which we always assumed were named after three different grains or something. This week, an intrepid writer uncovered the truth. Prepare to have your minds

News | Good News

75 Examples Of Hilariously Positive Graffiti

Even the simplest scribbles have a purpose of expressing an opinion, frustration, or simply affirmation that one exists and wants to be heard.

Humor | Humor

Ricky Gervais Explains Why He Reached Into the Chest of Hollywood and Pulled Out Its Heart Sunday Night

Ricky Gervais Explains Why He Reached Into the Chest of Hollywood and Pulled Out Its Heart Sunday Night

Humor | Humor

Comedian Ricky Gervais Criticizes Hollywood for Ethical Compromise, Political Lecturing, in Golden Globes Speech

British comedian Ricky Gervais chastised Hollywood’s elites during his opening monologue at the Golden Globes award ceremony on ...

Humor | Humor

Watch: Deranged Leftist Tries to Steal Trump 2020 Sign and Gets a Shocking Surprise

Watch: Deranged Leftist Tries to Steal Trump 2020 Sign and Gets a Shocking Surprise

Humor | Humor

Hillary Tweets White House Christmas Photo and 'Even the Tree Was Crooked'

Hillary Tweets White House Christmas Photo and ‘Even the Tree Was Crooked’

Humor | Humor

Tomi Lahren responds to left-wing backlash over her AOC Halloween costume: 'Calm down' | Fox News

Fox Nation host Tomi Lahren urged everyone to take a deep breath after many on the Left were quick to criticize the host for her depiction of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez this Halloween.

Humor | Humor

Boy Suspects Brother Knows Of His ‘Phased Plan’ To Take Over Entire Bedroom

"It's all mine. I tried to beat him up and got the crap kicked out of me, but that only proves he cheated. All four times. "

Entertainment | Entertainment

12 Things You Might Not Know About MAD Magazine | Mental Floss

As fast as popular culture could erect wholesome depictions of American life in comics, television, or movies, MAD Magazine was there to tear them all down.

Humor | Humor

Nathan’s Famous Fourth of July hot dog eating contest by the numbers | Fox Business

Here’s a look at some of the numbers behind Nathan’s Famous hot dog eating contest.

Entertainment | Entertainment

MAD Magazine to Cease Publication

MAD Magazine will cease publication later this year, according to reports. Blogger Jedidiah Leland reportedly discovered the news after a MAD editor confessed to the magazine's doom in a Facebook group, and shortly thereafter, cartoonist Ruben Bolling see

Entertainment | Mad Men

‘Not Great, Bob!’: The Making of Mad Men’s Greatest Meme

The writers and actors behind season six’s “In Care Of” take us behind the scenes of the elevator confrontation that will live on in pixelated infamy.

Humor | Humor

US Attorney General William Barr stuns conference with incredible BAGPIPES display

WILLIAM Barr, 69, grabbed a set of bagpipes from one member of the NYPD pipe band who had already been playing the event. And he got a rousing ovation from musicians and gathered attorneys alike.

Miscellaneous | Other Kinds of Whatnot

The best and worst April Fools’ jokes from around the web | TechCrunch

TechCrunch - Reporting on the business of technology, startups, venture capital funding, and Silicon Valley

Politics | Politics

Sen. Mike Lee on the Green New Deal

Sen. Mike Lee on the Green New Deal

Humor | Humor

Ex-'Tonight Show' host Jay Leno says late-night shows too political, misses 'civility' | Fox News

Former "Tonight Show" host Jay Leno has lamented how political late-night television has become in recent years.

Humor | Humor

Grateful Kid gets Soup as a Present for Christmas

Little Girl Gets Instant Noodles for Christmas and Her Reaction Is Priceless

Pets & Animals | Other Kinds Of Animals

Kitten Hilariously Learns That the Floating Triangles Reflected in the Mirror Are Attached to Her Head

While sitting on her human's bed, a funny little Scottish straight kitten named Mimo spotted a couple of floating triangles reflected in the dresser

Entertainment | Entertainment

John C. Reilly Singing Together With An Entire Pub In Ireland Will Make Your Night

Whatever you are doing tonight, it’s not better than being at O’Connor’s Pub in Doolin, Ireland. There is nothing but pure joy and happiness coming out of that place tonight. Well, except for...

Politics | Politics

Cory Booker gets George Costanza 'bad boy' lampooning for 'Spartacus' claim - Washington Times

Sen. Cory Booker's attempt to liken himself to Kirk Douglas' "Spartacus" has turned into a comedic goldmine for Republicans and conservatives.

Sports | My Sporting News

CJ McCollum's 'Im trying Jennifer' reply has become NBA Twitter's new favorite meme

Twitter had a field day with McCollum's response to a trolling fan

Sports | Surfing/Skating/SUPing

The funniest surfing memes of all time

Do you think surfing the web is a sport? Have you caught a wave with an ironing board? Take a look at the craziest and funniest memes about surfing and surfers.

Family & Parenting | Kids

Nostalgic Summer Bucket List: Ways to Give Your Kid a 1980s summer

Here's how to give your kids an unplugged, retro summer a la Stranger Things.

Humor | Funny Stuff

My Dinosaur Is a Service Animal (with Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard) - CollegeHumor Video

Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard are just trying to take their Anxiety Raptor on the plane, and Raph is giving them a hard time for some unimaginable reason. Watch "My Dinosaur Is a Service Animal (with Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard!)"

Pets & Animals | Animals

Signs that your cat definitely owns you

Anyone who owns a cat knows one thing for sure: you do NOT own that cat. You are just a host who is ensuring that the cat enjoys living at your home. Your cat actually owns you and you are her servant!

Politics | Politics

Aging senators ask 'Mr. Zuckerberg' for tech support in hilarious Senate hearing meme

The internet roasted clueless lawmakers during Mark Zuckerberg's Senate hearing.

Politics | Politics

Tina Fey Knows Why Hillary Lost the Election

Tina Fey concisely and hilariously explains why Hillary Clinton lost the election.

Humor | Political Humor

WALSH: 13 Words That Are Even More Offensive And Sexist Than 'Mankind' | Daily Wire

At a recent town hall, Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau explained that the word "mankind" is not inclusive enough. "Peoplekind" is the acceptable form.

Miscellaneous | Interesting Stuff

Here's what happens when you don't realize the guy you're nudging out of your photo is Jerry Seinfeld

Broderick was shopping with his pal Seinfeld when a fan asked for a picture -- but Seinfeld didn't make the cut and got nudged out of the shot.

Entertainment | Entertainment

This Photoshop Guru Is So Good, You Won’t Know What’s Real Anymore

Photoshop. It's both a blessing and a curse, allowing for amazing creativity with images, changing the way we see and experience things in so many ways. Of course that also means that we can never be quite sure if what we are looking at is real or not!

Family & Parenting | Kids

22 Hilarious Jokes for Kids

Encourage them to get punny with these kid-approved quips that require little to no explanation from parents.

Humor | Funny Stuff

If Your Boss Was A Cat

Cats are magnificent animals. They are smart, curious and independent. Maybe these qualities helped The Business Cat to reach business heights.

Miscellaneous | Interesting Stuff

Florida Girls Are Pissed That Hipsters Stole LaCroix from Them - Broadly

"Stop appropriating my Fort Lauderdale slut water!" said one native who has drank the sparkling water since the mid-2000s.

Pets & Animals | Animals

Stubborn vocal cat refuses to go inside

Timo must be hanging out with some huskies lately because that is one stubborn cat! Just listen!

Pets & Animals | Animals

Grumpy cat scolds raccoon for stealing cat food [Video]

This plotting raccoon thought he could grab a few bites of cat food while no one was looking, but not under this grumpy cat's watch! After a few smacks to the face and much to the angry cat's surprise, the mischievous outsider remains unphased and continu

Health & Fitness | Psychology!

10+ Hilarious Comics For Socially Awkward People

The hilarious webcomics mostly revolve around one nerdy girl who always picks the worst words for conversations. Her everyday struggles include her love life, her career, and other common themes.

Family & Parenting | Kids

10 Reasons You Can’t Stand Caillou

If you're in the majority of adults annoyed by Caillou, we're willing to bet one of these 10 reasons is why.

Humor | Humor

Man With No Plans Just Too Exhausted To Go Out - The Onion - America's Finest News Source

Exhilarated for every minute of his multiday binge, local man Todd Caramanica told reporters Thursday that his relapse into crippling alcoholism has been the greatest week of his life.

Pets & Animals | Animals

Squirrel served daily ice cream mini-cones at North Carolina shop

A North Carolina squirrel is living the dream: two special mini cones of ice cream per day served up by her human friends.Putter the squirrel lives in a tree above Fantasy Isle Ice Cream and Mini Golf in Holden Beach and has gotten quite comfo

Miscellaneous | NEW YORK CITY

21 excuses that only work in New York

New Yorkers may have a reputation for being rude, but the fact is we follow a completely different set of rules. While we might seem like flakes, there's just a

Pets & Animals | I Love Dogs

Owner gives adorable 3-legged dog cartoon arms on Instagram

Bradley the dog may only have three legs, but his humans have turned his missing limb into an adorable personality trait thanks to some some funny doodles.

Humor | Humor

The internet needed a Photoshop battle to make sense of Trump sitting in an 18-wheeler

If a photo of Trump in a truck hits the internet, a Photoshop battle will inevitably ensue. And it did. Right here.

Humor | Humor

23 Hilariously Accurate Tweets About Trader Joe’s Parking Lots

"My car insurance doesn't cover Trader Joe's parking lot."..

Miscellaneous | NEW YORK CITY

17 things all New Yorkers can agree on

New Yorkers speak different languages, wear different styles and live in many different kinds of neighborhoods, but there's still some things we all find c

Music | Music

One Guy Responsible for 90% of Venue’s New Rules

Nearly all of the rules at one local venue were created in direct response to the actions of one individual over the last decade.

Family & Parenting | Kids

Dear Toddler, I Love You, But You Need To Chill - Close to Classy

I love you, but I can’t peel you off one more floor, or haul you out of another restaurant screaming and crying because your juice was too juicy.

Humor | Funny Stuff

The Joker's Still Getting Away… Celebrating 50 Years of 'Jingle Bells, Batman Smells'

Why did “Jingle Bells” get this particular spoof? Spike Jones’s uptempo romp, Yogi Yorgesson (“Yingle Bells“), and the Three Stooges (“Jingle Bells Drag“) showed that “Jingle Bells” could be played for broader comedic effect. As writer R

Humor | Humor

Cubs Fan Ready To Get Completely Drunk Again On Only 2 Days’ Rest - The Onion - America's Finest News Source

The Onion, America's Finest News Source.

News | Interesting Stories

'Shark stepping on a Lego' photo goes viral; here's the real story

A toothy tweet takes a bite out of social media, but did you know the photo was taken by a shark-attack survivor?

Miscellaneous | The Hometown

Bill Hader explains how he and Fred Armisen came up with ‘The Californians’

They, like us, are obsessed with LA driving directions

Politics | Politics

'Taco trucks on every corner' sounds like the greatest campaign promise since Herbert Hoover

If Hillary Clinton doesn't run a campaign ad by next week promising a taco truck on every corner, she's really missed an opportunity.

Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

Guy Documents His First Week Of Work At Target, And It Couldn’t Get More Hilarious

If you thought that working at a retail store is boring, we've got news for you. Well, actually Tumblr user kimpossibooty does. He recently uploaded a very detailed and hilarious story about his first week working at Target, and it is pure gold.

Pets & Animals | Animals

Cat bullies man out of living room - Holy Kaw!

You can take the cat out of the street, but you can’t take the street out of the cat. Watch as this formerly-stray cat bullies a man out of its living room.

Entertainment | Trailers, Videos & Clips

Watchmen Gets An Honest Trailer

The folks over at Screen Junkies have crafted an Honest Trailer for Watchmen, which...well, it's [...]

Entertainment | Entertain Me

9 Disgusting Moments from Ren and Stimpy (Pictures)

In a way, gross moments are what made Ren & Stimpy the show that it was. When you tuned in to the Nick TV show, you pretty much expected disgusting Ren and Stimpy vis...

Humor | Funny Stuff

Mtn Dew Kickstart: Puppymonkeybaby | Super Bowl Spot

When three friends decide to stay home for the night, a surprise visitor arrives with MTN DEW Kickstart on a mission to change their minds. #puppymonkeybaby ...

Humor | Humor

Colbert hilariously skewers Ted Cruz over 'Basketball Ring'

Ted Cruz's "basketball ring" comment was the ultimate alley-oop for late night comedy. Stephen Colbert had a great time laughing at the gaff.

Humor | oh the humanity....

Pickle Wizard

Pickle Wizard Want To Mess With Someone's Mind?Mail Them Pickles!!! If you're here, odds are a pickle has been bestowed upon you

Humor | oh the humanity....

You've got to be kidding: Man dons hooves and lives as a GOAT

ONE man was curious about what life was like as a goat – so he decided to live among them.

Entertainment | It doesn't get any better...

A fat cat on a treadmill under water

Trying to lose some weight. The original unedited video.

News | News

£200m ship possibly to be named Boaty McBoatface thanks to an online poll

The British public have decided to christen this magnificent ship with a ridiculous name

Humor | Funny Stuff

Teenagers React to Windows 95, Can't Imagine the Hardships | Digital Trends

None of today's teens were alive for the launch of Windows 95. Watch a few react to that operating system, and mid-90s technology, in this video.

Miscellaneous | Interesting Stuff

37 Amazing Chalkboard Signs Outside Restaurants That Are Hilarious AF

Chalkboard signs. The only little creative space (yes I'm being sarcastic) that restaurant owners use to lure hungry customers into their humble shacks. Bu

Humor | Humor

The X-Men face off against Donald Trump in fan trailer

Whatever your feelings about Donald Trump are, you have to admit he'd make a pretty powerful mutant.

Politics | Other Politics

Watch John Oliver Annihilate Donald Trump, Re-Brand 'Drumpf' | Rolling Stone

John Oliver took aim at Donald Trump on 'Last Week Tonight,' rebranding the Republican frontrunner 'Donald Drumpf.'

Music | Music

19 Things Only Beatles Fans Will Find Funny

Because sometimes, all you need is LOLz...and to "move like Lennon."

Humor | Because we all need a laugh

Of Course Donald Trump Is a Terrible Christian

Even this nonbeliever can recognize a Pharisee when he sees one

Miscellaneous | Other Stuff

33 things that will definitely happen to you when moving to Chicago

Your first year after moving to Chicago can be full of surprises, but the following are all pretty much guaranteed

Humor | Funny Stuff

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Hilariously Summarized and Made Fun of in 90 seconds

Crude summaries of Star Wars are always great but here’s an especially silly one from Movie Blast. Instead of just simplifying the story (which it does), it also pokes fun of the movie and in turn, skewers all of us at the same time. Rey becomes Ray Rom

Sports | My Sporting News

The Best Super Bowl Memes & Photoshops | Terez Owens

If you’re having trouble viewing this Stackerdecks post: Click Here

Politics | The circus we run our country with

29 funniest reactions from comedians to the final (and Trump-less) GOP debate before Iowa.

This was it, folks! The last Republican debate before the pivotal Iowa caucus next week. Donald Trump opted not to participate, holding a rally of his own a few blocks away, and the lack of Big Orange

Entertainment | Entertainment

WATCH: Nothing Can Prepare You For THE CHICKENING | Birth.Movies.Death.

Directors Nick DenBoer and Davy Force have created something you simply have to see to believe.

Pets & Animals | Dogs & Other Animals

17 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Get A Weimaraner

Think this regal looking hound is the right dog for you? If you're going to get a Weimaraner think again. Save yourself a huge mistake and read this...

Politics | Other Politics

Taking Bialystock of Donald Trump | Bleader | Chicago Reader

Can Larry David help us understand Donald Trump? This isn't working for Donald Trump, and I'm concerned about him. No matter what he does he can't stop running for president.

Entertainment | Star Wars


When I was a kid, there are two things I wanted badly and never got... A real dog and a Kenner AT-AT Walker. Music by Blithe Field http://www.myspace.com/swa...

Entertainment | Star Wars

Darth Vader daily life photos by Paweł Kadysz | BGR

When Darth Vader isn’t using the force to battle his own son or punish disobedient soldiers under his command, when he’s not blowing up stars, and when he’s not chasing rebels, he probably has a pretty mundane life.

Miscellaneous | Other Kinds of Whatnot

Dad accidentally films his entire Vegas vacation in selfie mode

A man on his vacation in Las Vegas accidentally films the entire trip in selfie-mode. Of course, his son posted the whole video on YouTube.

Miscellaneous | Fun Stuff

11 Things That Happen When You Look Much Younger Than You Are | Sarah Bourassa

But even though I feel like I'm getting closer to my 30s, I often get mistaken for an 18-year-old. Such is the dilemma of a woman who looks younger than she is.

Miscellaneous | Los Angeles Stuff

The 10 Most Shameful Things to Admit in Los Angeles | L.A. Weekly

Los Angeles is one of the most diverse cities in the world. Unfortunately, that diversity doesn't always extend to its opinions. This is a city that has...

Entertainment | Movies & Other Stuff

A Jeopardy! contestant made Alex Trebek say the words “Turd Ferguson” · Newswire · The A.V. Club

Alex Trebek seems like a nice man; he smiles, he speaks in a soft tone, he changes up his facial hair on a relaxing, generational scale. He certainly doesn’t seem to deserve the enduring nightmare that was forced upon him when Will Ferrell, Norm Macdonald, Darrell Hammond, and a team of Saturday Night Live writers brought the show’s “Celebrity Jeopardy” series of sketches to life.

Humor | Humor

Things No Self-Respecting Adult Should Be Doing on Facebook

Welcome to the Internet in the 21st century: where teenagers pretend to be 30-year-olds, and 30-year-olds act like teenagers.