
Entertainment | Entertainment

Why James Bond Creator Ian Fleming Didn't Originally Want Sean Connery to Play 007

Everyone thinks of Sean Connery as the ideal James Bond. Everyone but 007 creator Ian Fleming, that is.

Books | Books

This Week in History: James Bond's Beginnings

This week marks the 70th anniversary of the beginning of an incredible literary career that spawned more than just great books.
For years, Ian Fleming dreamed of writing a spy novel. He was in the mid...

Politics | Woke Insanity

‘The Name Is Bond. James Bond. My Pronouns Are...’ 007 Novels Get Woke Makeover

The arbiters of acceptable statements want to close off every possible way for you to have a thought that strays from their orthodoxy. That's why Bond is dead.

Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

The 5 Best James Bond Books

Some of Ian Fleming's Bond novels are a cut above the rest. Here the 5 best; all the stories are fairly self-contained and can be picked up out of order.