Politics | Opinion
The child murderers of Gaza
The Bibas children are the latest victims of the child killers of Islam.
Politics | Judea & Samaria
Israel thwarts 'imminent terrorist attack' in northern Samaria
One of the terrorists killed in a series of strikes in Jenin and Qabatiya was released in the November 2023 Israel-Hamas ceasefire, according to the Israeli military.
Politics | Politics
Internal Docs Show Entire Intelligence Community Warned To Avoid ‘Problematic Phrases’ On Islamic Terrorism
DW INVESTIGATES: Top intel agency's DEI newsletter states that terms such as 'Jihadist' and 'Radical Islamists' must be avoided
Politics | Leftists Are Insane
University of Michigan Professor Claims ‘Islamophobia’ Bigger Threat Than Islamic Terrorism
“Islam wasn’t the threat -- Islamophobia was,” says pseudo-academic Juan Cole. His article is a neat summation of the sorry state of American academia today.
News | Fun With Islam
From Colleyville to Fort Hood
The FBI, Joe Biden, and willful blindness about Islamic terror.
News | Fun With Islam
Biden Will Open the U.S. to Jihad; His Supporters Don't Care
The Left sees all Islamic terrorism as a reaction to “Islamophobia,” and so can't and won't oppose that terrorism.
Politics | Opinion
Want to Keep Jews Safe? Criminalize Marijuana – Tablet Magazine
Sarah Halimi’s case marks a new milestone for the already embattled French Jewish community. After a drawn out court case, on Wednesday, Nov. 27, a Paris judge dropped the murder charges against Halimi’s killer, Kobili Traoré, 29, on the grounds that smok
News | Fun With Islam
The failed lessons of the London Bridge attack
The failed lessons of the London Bridge attack on Coffee House | Some readers have been asking me to comment on the latest London Bridge terrorism incident.
Politics | Opinion
London Bridge horror proves we need new solutions to 23,000 jihadists in the UK
Two innocent people are dead because of the Government’s refusal to confront the threat Britain faces from Islamic jihad.
News | Fun With Islam
Why Islamic Terrorism Remains The World's Greatest Threat To Peace
No modern movement has created more mayhem, terrorism, and oppression than political Islam. The Sri Lankan massacre is just another harrowing reminder.
Politics | Leftists Are Insane
Resurfaced: Rep. Ilhan Omar Complains That Americans Say ‘Al Qaeda’ Like It’s a Bad Thing
Rep. Ilhan Omar has been called out over a 2013 interview in which she complained that Americans refer to "Al Qaeda" as though it's a bad word.
Politics | Corruption
Lynch: Transcript Of Orlando 911 Calls Will Have References To Islamic Terrorism Removed
In an interview with NBC's Chuck Todd, Attorney General Loretta Lynch says that on Monday, the FBI will release edited transcripts of the 911 calls made by the Orlando nightclub shooter to the police during his rampage.
News | News
Slain mother Dafna Meir lauded for heroics fighting off stabber | The Times of Israel
Nurse, mother to four and foster mother to two recalled as joyful and always willing to help; to be buried in Jerusalem Monday
News | News
San Bernardino shooter's dad: He was 'obsessed' with Israel | The Times of Israel
In interview with Italian paper, father Syed Farook says his son 'supported the creation of the Islamic State'
News | Israel/Jewish Community
BDS and Hamas: The New Partnership
Hamas is pinning high hopes on BDS to pave the way for the destruction of Israel through boycotts, divestment and sanctions. Hamas believes that such tools are no less important than rockets and suicide bombings, which have thus far failed to achieve the