History | History
The Jews, not Palestinians, were the ones who suffered ethnic cleansing
True ethnic cleansing is what happened to the Jews, 99% of whom were driven out of their pre-Islamic communities in a single generation. On October 7, 2023, Hamas just sought to finish the job.
History | History
13 Facts You Should Know About Bukharian Jews
Bukharian Jews have a rich history that spans thousands of years.
History | History
The Fate of Europe’s Pre-War Synagogues: The Restored Shuls
Drawing some hope and inspiration from the pre-war synagogues which were meticulously restored.
History | History
Scholars EXPOSED for Inventing a Biblical People - The War On the Jews
The war against the Jews began 3,500 years ago with the Hyksos. The strategy is always the same - invent a people than never existed!Link to Exodus Decoded -...
History | History
Gaza’s History with Israel and Jews
Read on to learn about 10 interesting facts about Jewish communities in Gaza, from ancient to modern times.
Politics | Judea & Samaria
Judea and Samaria: What’s in a name?
Throughout the centuries, maps of Palestine included the names “Judea” and “Samaria” with “West Bank” quite lacking.
History | History
Why Israel’s enemies hate cartology
Jordanian Parliament Speaker Ahmad al-Safadi said maps of ancient Israel “express a criminal mentality and malicious ambitions that cannot be tolerated.”
Politics | Opinion
Palestinianism is violence against Jewish indigenousness in Israel
Palestinianism seeks to strip justice and authenticity from Israel’s very existence and to upend its alliance with the human-rights-supporting, democratic world.
Politics | Opinion
Elder Of Ziyon - Chanukah Misunderstood: A Call for Intellectual Curiosity Amidst Exploitation
An exploration of the exploitation of Chanukah as a tool for agendas and an urging of the public to always be intellectually curious.
History | History
Elder Of Ziyon - Full text of the first Jewish Thanksgiving sermon in America, by Gershom Mendes Seixas
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
News | News
Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig: Judicial Activism in Jewish History and Law
Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig: Judicial Activism in Jewish History and Law Once again “Judicial Reform” (or: Judicial Revolution) is on the government’s legislative agenda – notwithstanding the continuing war in Gaza and Lebanon. Before Oct. 7, 2023, Is
Politics | Debunking Lies
Macron’s error: The UN did not create Israel
The League of Nations agreed on “the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country.”
History | Archeology
Archaeology is a big problem for the Palestinian cause
The stone seal that was just discovered doesn’t refer to any indigenous Palestinian holidays, nor does it bear any ancient Palestinian symbols—because none of those things exist.
History | History
Where Did The Name Palestine Come From?
1. Toward the end of the 13th century BCE, the tribes of Israel entered Canaan from the east and
Miscellaneous | Judaism
The Scientific Foreknowledge of the Jewish Sages
Three specific examples of Rabbis from the Talmud knowing things about the natural world that, all things being equal, they should not have known.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Why Jews Still Cry Over the Destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem
Why continue mourning over the destruction of a building that happened so long ago?
Politics | Judea & Samaria
Elder Of Ziyon - To the pioneers of Judea and Samaria, "people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, and do"
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
History | Archeology
Archeological Echoes of David in Jerusalem - Part 3
In part 1 and part 2 of this series, we followed in the footsteps of young David before he became king and while he was on the run from King Saul. In this article, we will follow David to Jerusalem, future site of the Holy Temples and eternal capital of the Jewish people.
History | Archeology
Archeological Echoes of David’s Flight from Saul - Part 2
Follow David's journey as King Soul pursues him across the Land of Israel.
History | Archeology
The Archaeological Echoes of a Young King David - Part 1
Identify Saul's palace, armor similar to Goliath's, and the places that feature in David's youth.
History | History
The Jews of Iran: 10 Amazing Facts
Dive into the rich and surprising history of the Jews of Iran.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
What Is Hasidic Judaism?
Read on to explore the world of Hasidic Judaism. Learn about what it is, what Hasidim wear, and about many of their customs and traditions.
History | History
Blood Libels, Then and Now
JNS.org - This past Wednesday was the 20th of Sivan, which was once a fast day that commemorated the first violent blood libel. (The Vaad Arba Aratzot later redesignated it to commemorate the Cossack massacres of 1648-1649.) In 1144, 12-year-old William o
Miscellaneous | Resources
What Is Zionism?
The bond between Jews and the Land of Israel has been a vital element of Jewish history for over thousands of years. Learn more about what Zionism is here.
Politics | "Apartheid" State?
Israel Is Not Very Good At Apartheid Or Genocide
Israel may be good at a lot of things, including exhibiting and reaffirming its ancient connection to the land, but it’s not very good at apartheid or genocide.
Miscellaneous | Resources
Israel Under Fire – The Attempt to Deny the Foundational Legal, Historical, and National Rights of the Jewish People
False Arab claims attempt to nullify Jewish historical and legal rights to the Land of Israel. - Israel Under Fire – The Attempt to Deny the Foundational Legal, Historical, and National Rights of the Jewish People
Politics | Debunking Lies
Unraveling the false branding of Israel as a settler-colonial state
This platform is built on two fundamental falsehoods to justify atrocities, at least against Jews, and suspends justice and morality that has corrupted many liberation movements in recent centuries.
History | History
Jewish History: 10 Facts You Should Know About Queen Salome Alexandra
A ruler from ancient Judea's Second Temple times, she embodied nobility and righteousness.
History | History
Jewish resistance in Holocaust shown in 'Resistance – They Fought Back'
Paula Apsell’s new film tells the stories of Jews who fought back in the Shoah.
History | History
Some Facts About the Holocaust for Those Just Learning
Between the years 1938 and 1945 the German Nazis and their willing collaborators murdered 6 million Jews and millions of others.
Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous
Netflix Epic on Moses Platforms Biased Scholar Who Expressed Joy on Oct.7
A newly-released Netflix documentary series on the biblical story of Moses has given a platform to an Egyptian scholar who referred to the biblical
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Anti-Fragility: The Jewish People’s Resilience During Dark Times
Major setbacks in Jewish history proved to be the springboard for extraordinary new adventures in Jewish spirit and creativity.
History | Archeology
The Archeology of Tel Lachish and the Stories It Tells
Mentioned extensively in the book of Joshua, the city is fascinating as it is ancient.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Where Is the Ark of the Covenant Today?
The Ark of the Covenant is the holiest item in Judaism. What happened to it?
History | History
The Japanese Abraham – Commentary Magazine
There’s a bestselling book by the psychologist Robert Cialdini titled Pre-Suasion: A Revolutionary Way to Influence and Persuade. In one point in this largely non-Jewish book, we are shown a
History | Archeology
Rare coin engraved with the name 'Eleazar the Priest' found in Judean Desert
Bar Kochba Revolt-era coin discovered along with three others and dated to 132 CE; Israel Antiquities Authority seeks volunteers for 10-day March dig in Judean caves.
Miscellaneous | Resources
How Muslims and westerners have spread the myth of Jewish-Arab coexistence
Muslims have long promoted myths about their harmonious relations with Jews that they allege had always prevailed in Arab lands. These myths strongly resemble those elaborated by elites in the American South about relations between whites and blacks. Both
History | History
Elder Of Ziyon - Israel Belongs to the Jews (Judean Rose)
The Jews aren't white people who came back to Israel from Europe. There has been a continuous Jewish presence in the Holy Land, the Land of Israel.
History | Archeology
Rare First Temple clay seal unearthed in Jerusalem
A rare and exciting archaeological find has been unearthed in Jerusalem, providing a unique glimpse into the ancient past.
History | History
The Search for the Ten Lost Tribes
What happened to the ten tribes and where are they today?
History | History
Jewish Kingdoms Throughout History
There have been several Jewish states inside and outside the Land of Israel during ancient times, some lasting for centuries, others for only a few years.
History | History
Elder Of Ziyon - Does Gaza Belong to the Jews? (Judean Rose)
Is Gaza a part of indigenous Jewish territory as promised to the Jews by God?
Politics | Hamas, Gaza & The Palestinian Authority
Elder Of Ziyon - Let's talk about "destroying cultural heritage" in Gaza
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
News | Jewish Community
Meineket Rivka – The First Published Book by a Jewish Woman
Released posthumously in 1608, this work serves as a Torah-inspired ethical manual for social and spiritual conduct.
Miscellaneous | Jewish Life
Chanukah: Independence & Defiance, Not Tolerance
Far from a “minor” holiday, Chanukah is more crucial than ever.
History | History
On Israel and ‘Root Causes’
According to today's Hamasophiles, Gaza's leadership is justified in their terror attacks against Israel because "Zionists stole their land." Before that…
History | History
There Is No Such Thing As 'Palestinians'
(This column is Part 1 of a series of articles explaining the fallacies that have led to the world’s leftists supporting Palestine, Gaza, and Hamas’ horrors)
The patterns of the anti-Semitic/Marxist/”...
Politics | Opinion
The essence of the Palestinian heritage
UNESCO's decision to declare Tel Jericho a 'heritage site in Palestine' contributes to a great lie and the erasure of Jewish history. Op Ed
News | Antisemitism Watch
Antisemitism is an ancient hatred, merely its expression changes
Motivations ranged from economic oppression to suspicions of Jewish thinkers, as well as psychological biases that fueled fear and xenophobia.
We must reassert Jewish ties to 'Palestinian' land
The most outrageous part of UNESCO’s designation is its collusion with Palestinian efforts to not only erase the city’s Jewish heritage but claim it as their own.
News | The UN
Israel Slams UNESCO Decision to Label Tel Jericho as ‘Palestinian Heritage Site’
Israel slammed the decision, which it said was made “despite the many and sincere efforts of the Secretary-General of UNESCO, Audrey Azoulay, to balance the decision."
Miscellaneous | Jewish Life
The Palm Frond and the Sword - Meir Y. Soloveichik
Striking archeological discoveries are a constant in Israel, but they can still occasionally inspire wonder. That is the case with the uncovering of a weapons
History | Archeology
Archaeologists find 'mystery' ducts near biblical Jerusalem relics
The channels may have been used to prepare a commodity "connected to the economy of the temple or palace", said archaeologist Yuval Gadot in the statement.
History | Archeology
Four 1,900-year-old Roman swords found in Judean Desert, likely from Bar Kochba revolt | The Times of Israel
Apparently stolen by Jewish rebels, the incredibly well-preserved weapons are 'an extremely rare find, the likes of which have never been found in Israel'
Politics | Judea & Samaria
Destroying Jewish History: Palestinian Authority building neighborhood on Joshua's Altar site
A construction vehicle was confiscated after an inspector found that the Palestinian Authority had begun paving roads on the ruins of the historic site.
Politics | Opinion
The End Of Self Rule In Judea: The Interloper's Prey & Lessons For Today
From the blog of Leonard Grunstein at Jewish Standard
News | The Temple Mount
Elder Of Ziyon - What is the Waqf doing on the Temple Mount? The Israel Antiquities Authority says it is "classified.”
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
Politics | Judea & Samaria
Settling every inch of the land in the historic Land of Israel
Any division between Judea and Samaria and the rest of Israel is artificial and not reflective of history, justice, or truth.
Politics | Media Bias
National Geographic Deprecates Jewish Theology and Ignores Archeological Fact
The article does not ignore Jewish claims to the Temple Mount, but it subtly denies their credence while privileging Muslim theology.
Politics | Hamas, Gaza & The Palestinian Authority
Elder Of Ziyon - No, it isn't Israelis who try to use archaeology to erase history. It is Palestinians.
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
History | History
Israel: Who Are the Indigenous People?
The Land of Israel has changed hands many times over the centuries. But it has always been the homeland of one particular people. Noa Tishby, author of…
Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous
Why Are There So Many Kosher Chinese Restaurants?
Here’s what we know: Jews eat Chinese food. North American Jews did so in the early 20th century, when Ashkenazi ...
News | Israel & The Jewish Community
Discovery on Par with Qumran Scrolls: King Hezekiah’s Inscriptions
The discovery presents a breakthrough in the study of the history of Israel in the biblical period.
History | History
Chilling, newly discovered photos show Nazi Kristallnacht up close
Yad Vashem says images are first to show pogrom from indoor vantage point; indicate German public was aware and that violence was coordinated by authorities
Miscellaneous | Judaism
The Not-So-Dead Sea Scrolls
How the Dead Sea Scrolls, considered by many to be the most significant archaeological discovery of the 20th century, speak to Jews in the 21st century.
History | History
The Temple Mount: The Astonishing Israeli Concession of 1967
In a triumphant moment, Israel’s flag was hoisted over the newly conquered Temple Mount—then quickly taken down.
News | Israel & The Jewish Community
It Is NOT Israel Independence Day But Israel REESTABLISHMENT Day
Israel did not become independent from anyone. Jews waited for the British to leave
News | Israel & The Jewish Community
As Palestinians Destroy Jewish Holy Sites, Media Focus On Fake ‘Attacks’ on Al-Aqsa Mosque
Palestinian rioters this week twice damaged Joseph's Tomb, a Jewish holy site under Palestinian Authority control.
History | History
20 years before the Holocaust, pogroms killed 100,000 Jews - then were forgotten
'In the Midst of Civilized Europe' by Jeffrey Veidlinger revisits the brutal violence in 1918-1921 that portended a genocide of Europe's Jews, and was soon overshadowed by it
News | Israel & The Jewish Community
Last Known Survivor of Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, Leon Kopelman, Dies at 97
A Polish soldier lays a wreath during the commemoration of the 78th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, amid the …
Miscellaneous | Chabad
11 Russian Chassidic Songs That Uplift the Soul and Enliven the Spirit - Jewish History
Russian, Belarussian, and Ukrainian peasants
were a source for beloved songs, sometimes with Hebrew or Yiddish added.
History | History
The Jews who fought back during the Holocaust
Our communal sense of history and peoplehood give us the strength to continue while our enemies fall by the wayside. Op-ed.
Miscellaneous | Chanukah
Why Insist on Depicting a Straight-Branched Menorah? - Questions & Answers
Despite the depiction of the Temple menorah on the Arch of Titus, Chabad makes a point of depicting the menorah with straight, diagonal branches. Why?
News | Israel & The Jewish Community
Modern Maccabees: Scope of Jewish resistance to Nazis highly underestimated
Display at London’s Wiener Holocaust Library from December 8 reveals often underestimate rescue efforts and armed uprisings, as Jews fought back against their persecutors
History | History
Special vessels show Jewish continuity in Israel after Roman destruction
The use of chalkstones vessels did not stop with the destruction of city in the second century CE as previously thought, but continued in the Galilee for at least two more centuries.
History | History
It’s Time to Recognize the Contribution of the Jewish Resistance to the Rescue of the Jews of France
Léon Blum, the Jewish socialist politician who served as Prime Minister of France, led the efforts of the “Vichy 80” …
History | History
When George Washington Met Moses
Scholars of religious freedom have called Washington’s letter to Moses Seixas and the congregation a milestone in human rights. For the first time, members of religious minorities were granted full partnership in the nation they inhabited as a matter of p
News | Israel & The Jewish Community
Why Seth Rogen’s Anti-Israel Rant Matters
Seth Rogan told Marc Maron that support for Israel is outdated thinking. His opinion rests on a deep ignorance of the history of Israel and the Jewish people.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
How Two-and-a-Half Tribes Ended Up East of the Jordan - Jewish History
Learn how Moses gave the land east of the Jordan to Reuben, Gad, and half of Manassah, on one condition.
Miscellaneous | Chabad
The Coin Toss Was Not Random - Jewish History
While he was talking,
the future rebbe took out a coin and began to flip it up into the air
News | News
Steve Kramer - Will Jewish History Repeat Itself?
Steve Kramer – Will Jewish History Repeat Itself? The Torah portion (parsha) for the week of June 13, Shelach lecha (Go up there), is well known to contain “the sin of the spies.” Moses had ordered leaders from each of the twelve tribes of Israe
News | Israel & The Jewish Community
Holy Jewish site of Esther and Mordechai set ablaze in Iran - reports - The Jerusalem Post
'Disturbing reports from Iran that the tomb of Esther & Mordechai, a holy Jewish site, was set afire overnight,' ADL National Director Jonathan Greenblatt tweeted.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Jewish History: Who Was Amram?
Amram, son of Kehot, led the Jewish people in
Egypt and fathered three of the greatest leaders in Jewish history.
The Lesson Of Chanukah Is Deeply Relevant In 2019. Here’s Why.
The Jewish holiday of Chanukah — that’s properly spelled “Chanukah” and not “Hanukkah,” by the way — began last evening. At some point over the past century, as American Jewry grew in both rank and number and as a politically
History | History
Historian: New evidence shows FDR's bigotry derailed many Holocaust rescue plans
In his book about Franklin Roosevelt and the Holocaust, Rafael Medoff finds links between the US president's anti-Japanese stances and his policies against Jews fleeing Hitler
News | Jewish Community
A Young Girl's Yom Kippur Under Nazi Rule - Contemporary Voices
Slowly the shelter came to life. My mother got up and prepared breakfast—a few crackers with some jam we still had left. But neither my two sisters nor my mother touched the food . . .
Politics | Politics
Milano Comes Under Fire After Comparing Pence to Himmler
Actress Alyssa Milano came under fire on Sunday after comparing Vice President Mike Pence to the architect of the Holocaust, Heinrich Himmler, with side-by-side pictures on Twitter.
Politics | Politics
Concentration Camps? Stop Hijacking Jewish History | The Jerusalem post
US media has now joined the debate about concentration camps.
Politics | The "Squad"
Fake history: Rashida Tlaib’s grotesque distortion of the making of Israel
Everyone’s heard of Holocaust denial, but there’s a related phenomenon, Holocaust distortion, that involves taking undue credit for rescuing Jews, claims often made by nations that played a role …
History | Archeology
2000 Year Old Jewish Settlement Unearthed in Beer Sheva | The Jewish Press | 28 Adar II
The excavation discovered for the first time evidence of Jewish daily life in the ancient city.
History | Archeology
Recently uncovered Jewish Revolt coin shows rebels aware of impending disaster
Minted on the eve of the destruction of the Second Temple, coin discovered in City of David excavations reads, 'For the Redemption of Zion'
History | Archeology
Archeology is changing the (sur)face of Jerusalem - Jerusalem Post
Archaeology provides the most powerful proof of the authenticity of Jewish history and the connection between the Jewish people and the land of Israel, and particularly, Jerusalem.
History | Archeology
ToI asks the experts: What are the most important finds of Israeli archaeology? | The Times of Israel
From Dead Sea Scrolls to space-age tech, the dramatic history of the ever-developing field is indelibly entwined with that of the nation itself
News | Israel & The Jewish Community
Notre Dame’s Surprising Jewish Treasures
The destroyed cathedral still retains priceless art depicting Jewish heritage in France.
History | History
Who Are the Israelites?
For all practical purposes, Israelite is synonymous with Jew or Hebrew.
History | History
Arabs are torch-bearers for Nazi anti-Semitism | JNS.org
The myth of the Arabs as innocent bystanders, who had no responsibility for the Holocaust—and indeed, paid the price for a European crime when Israel was established—is widely believed.
History | History
The Jewish History of the Tower of London - Jerusalem Post
Site acted as both haven and prison for medieval community members.
History | History
FDR wanted Jews ‘spread thin’ and kept out of U.S., documents reveal
New documents revealed by the FDR library shows the president's secret plans to resettle Jews out of Europe.
History | HISTORY
Why this Holocaust survivor still wears his concentration camp uniform | New York Post
Ed Mosberg’s hands stay steady as he slips into the striped cotton jacket and matching cap — an outfit identical to one he was issued 75 years ago, as a...
History | History
When a Jewish man was lynched for murdering a little girl, the Klan was reborn
On Thanksgiving night in 1915, Joseph Simmons and 15 men gathered at the peak of Stone Mountain, near Atlanta, Georgia. Their faces lit by a flaming cross, they declared that the Ku Klux Klan was…
News | Israel & The Jewish Community
Passed over by Nazis and Communists, remnants of Ukraine's last shtetl prepare to celebrate | The Times of Israel
Numbering just 50 today, the Jews of Bershad have managed to protect their 200-year-old clay synagogue through successive despotic regimes
History | History
The Holocaust's Great Escape | History | Smithsonian
A remarkable discovery in Lithuania brings a legendary tale of survival back to life
History | History
Jewish Actor Dustin Hoffman Weeps After Discovering Great-Grandmother Escaped Soviet Concentration Camp (VIDEO) | Jewish
Famed actor Dustin Hoffman was reduced to tears on Tuesday after learning that his great-grandmother had escaped a Soviet concentration camp before starting a life for herself in America, People magazine reported. The Oscar-winning star, who is Jewish,
History | History
Correcting Mistakes About Hanukkah - The Michael Medved Show
Despite extensive media coverage and rising levels of public partying, the holiday of Hanukkah still causes confusion among both Jewish and non-Jewish Amer
Miscellaneous | Jewish
Morocco’s Rich Jewish History Analogue | Nurit Greenger | The Blogs | The Times of Israel
One of the miracles of the nation of Israel is that Jews from all over the world, with different......
History | History
Auschwitz prisoner No. A7733 finally finds his family - Israel Jewish Scene, Ynetnews
Jewish Scene: Menachem Bodner, a twin survivor of the Mengele experiments, lost his entire family when he was just a little boy. He is still searching for his twin brother, but recently found his first cousins in California thanks to a persistent genealo
News | News
Iron gate bearing Nazis' 'Work sets you free' slogan stolen from former Dachau concentration camp in Germany
Security guards at the site, near Munich, discovered that the gate, measuring 75 by 37 inches and bearing the words 'Arbeit macht frei' was missing yesterday morning.
History | History
Clinging to Judaism: Centuries after Mallorca was declared Jew-free, some still struggle to remain connected
PALMA DE MALLORCA, Spain – Sixty-five year old Miguel Sigura held the prayer book in his hands with the care of a child. Reading the Grace After Meals from the transliterated Hebrew, he stumbled on some of the words and the unfamiliar Hebrew sounds but he was not to be deterred.
History | History
20 Photos That Change The Holocaust Narrative | Pop Chassid
It's time that we looked at the Holocaust differently. Here are twenty pictures to help us do just that.