
Miscellaneous | Judaism

Why Do We Spill Wine at the Seder?

While this custom is simple enough and pretty universal, its reason is far from elementary.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

13 Facts You Should Know About the Book of Esther - Chabad

The biblical book that tells the story of Purim, reading it from a handwritten scroll is one of the four mitzvahs of the holiday.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

13 Facts You Should Know About the Book of Esther

The biblical book that tells the story of Purim, reading it from a handwritten scroll is one of the four mitzvahs of the holiday.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

The Secret to Crushing Antisemitism

To battle evil, we first must understand its source, and then tread carefully so we are not sucked into the vortex of hate.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Hostages Connected to Judaism to Help Them Survive

Recently released hostages recall that reconnecting to their faith and to Jewish observance gave them strength to survive the harsh conditions of captivity.

News | News

Big Jewish Ideas: Why do people convert to Judaism?

Big Jewish Ideas: Why do people convert to Judaism? Why do people convert to Judaism? Led by Meorah Ha-Meir, five individuals share heartfelt stories of their journeys to Judaism. Exploring the challenges, faith, and resilience it takes to embrace a new i

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Is Gaza Jewish?

I had mixed feelings upon seeing the Jewish communities of Gaza and their 9,000 residents being uprooted in 2005. There was the hope of an improved security situation, but on the other hand it seems wrong to declare a region "Judenrein." Anyway this all left me wondering if Gaza is really part of Jewish history?

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Chanukah Miracles - Chabad

Open your eyes. See the miracles and goodness in every coincidence of your day.

Recipes | Recipes

Basic Potato Latke Recipe - Potato Latkes - Kosher Recipe

Latke is Yiddish for “pancake.” On Chanukah, it is traditional to serve potato latkes fried in oil to celebrate the Chanukah miracle

Miscellaneous | Judaism

8 Major Hanukkah Myths - Chabad

Let's bust some urban legends about this wintertime holiday.

News | News

Jonathan Sacks z”l: The Jewish Journey VAYISHLACH

Jonathan Sacks z”l: The Jewish Journey VAYISHLACH Why is Jacob the father of our people, the hero of our faith? We are “the congregation of Jacob”, “the children of Israel.” Yet it was Abraham who began the Jewish journey, Isaac who was will

Miscellaneous | Judaism

How Did David Defeat Goliath?

In the famous narrative, young David slays Goliath, the giant Philistine warrior, using a round pebble he collected from a brook.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

More Than Just Commentary: Rashi with the Rebbe - Chabad

Go to any synagogue in the world and you will find numerous copies of the Five Books of Moses. Beneath the primary text on every page, there lies a subscript penned in an unfamiliar alphabet. This is Rashi - the greatest Torah commentary of all time. What

Miscellaneous | Judaism

11 Facts You Should Know About Kol Nidre

One of the most well-known parts of the Yom Kippur service, its haunting melody signals the beginning of the holiest day of the year.

News | News

Jonathan Sacks z”l: Leadership: Consensus or Command? NITZAVIM-VAYELECH

Jonathan Sacks z”l: Leadership: Consensus or Command? NITZAVIM-VAYELECH The great transition is about to take place. Moses’ career as a leader is coming to an end, and Joshua’s leadership is about to begin. Moses blesses his successor. Then God

Miscellaneous | Judaism

What Is the Jewish Approach to the Apocrypha?

The 24 books of the Bible were
canonized by the Anshei Knesset Hagedolah. Any later works are not
considered Divinely inspired.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

What Can You Learn From the Letter Chet?

Before marrying my grandmother, Rebbetzin Chava Hecht, my grandfather, Rabbi Jacob J. Hecht, told her, “I, being a ‘Yanky,’ an old-fashioned American boy, will marry you only under the following condition: I must be the head of the house.” My grandmother responded, “You can be the head, but I will be the neck, and wherever the neck turns, the head has to follow.”

Miscellaneous | Judaism

14 Facts You Should Know About Kabbalah

Kabbalah is Jewish mysticism, an ancient tradition of Divine wisdom.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

The Scientific Foreknowledge of the Jewish Sages

Three specific examples of Rabbis from the Talmud knowing things about the natural world that, all things being equal, they should not have known.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Spiritual Space - Chassidic Masters

The deeper meaning behind the different opinions in the Talmud and commentaries regarding the menorah’s spatial alignment inside the Temple, and regarding the identity of its miraculous “western lamp.”

Miscellaneous | Judaism

17 Facts You Should Know About the Five Books of Moses

Dictated by God and transcribed by Moses, these books convey God’s instructions on how we can fulfill our life’s mission.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

What Does Amen Mean?

Read on to learn more about what 'Amen;' means. Learn about the significance of this phrase, its meaning, and origins.

News | Interesting Stories

WATCH: Jews Sing to God on Temple Mount During Tisha B’Av | United with Israel

The Temple Mount is considered the holiest site in Judaism, believed to be the location of the ancient Temples.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Why Jews Still Cry Over the Destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem

Why continue mourning over the destruction of a building that happened so long ago?

History | Archeology

The Archaeological Echoes of a Young King David - Part 1

Identify Saul's palace, armor similar to Goliath's, and the places that feature in David's youth.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Should Jews Celebrate the Fall of Evil?

Is it kosher to take joy in the death of evil people?

Miscellaneous | Jewish Wisdom

How Jewish Mothers were the early adopters of health, education and everything else that's good for the world.

If you were an unborn soul making an informed decision about what sort of mother to be born to, in any part of the world, at any point in history, you would certainly choose to be born to a Jewish mother.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

30 Life-Changing Stories of the Rebbe

Since the dawn of the Chassidic movement and before, telling and internalizing stories has had a special place in our culture and ethos.

News | News

Jonathan Sacks z”l: Two Types of Leadership BEHA’ALOTECHA

Jonathan Sacks z”l: Two Types of Leadership BEHA’ALOTECHA In this week’s parsha, Moses has a breakdown. It is the lowest emotional ebb of his entire career as a leader. Listen to his words to God: “Why have You treated Your servant so bad

News | News

Jonathan Sacks z”l – The Pursuit of Peace NASO

Jonathan Sacks z”l – The Pursuit of Peace NASO The parsha of Naso seems, on the face of it, to be a heterogeneous collection of utterly unrelated items. First there is the account of the Levitical families of Gershon and Merari and their tas

Miscellaneous | Judaism

We, the Jewish People, Are a Single Body

We’re human beings. How can the Torah expect you to not hold a grudge against someone who has hurt you?

News | News

Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig: The Problem (& Solution) of Homosexuality in Judaism

Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig: The Problem (& Solution) of Homosexuality in Judaism The annual Gay Pride event is coming up next week in Tel Aviv. Although a bit more muted than in the past, the ultra-Orthodox and most Orthodox are shunning the festivities with

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Faithful and Fortified: The Rebbe and the IDF

The inside story of the Rebbe’s involvement in Israel’s security, as told by its defense and government leaders.

News | News

Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig: The Progressive Racist: An All Too Real Oxymoron

Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig: The Progressive Racist: An All Too Real Oxymoron Is it possible to be a “progressive” and a racist at one and the same time? Unfortunately, yes. Three questions should be asked when someone protests against war and humanitaria

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Anti-Fragility: The Jewish People’s Resilience During Dark Times

Major setbacks in Jewish history proved to be the springboard for extraordinary new adventures in Jewish spirit and creativity.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Where Is the Ark of the Covenant Today?

The Ark of the Covenant is the holiest item in Judaism. What happened to it?

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Purim and the Betrayal of American Jewry - Chabad

Jews feel that Western liberalism has abandoned them. This has happened before. This is what the Purim story can teach us.

News | News

Jonathan Sacks – On Jewish Character PEKUDEI

Jonathan Sacks – On Jewish Character PEKUDEI Pekudei has sometimes been called “The Accountant’s Parsha”, because that is how it begins, with the audited accounts of the money and materials donated to the Sanctuary. It is the Torah’s way of

History | History

Elder Of Ziyon - Israel Belongs to the Jews (Judean Rose)

The Jews aren't white people who came back to Israel from Europe. There has been a continuous Jewish presence in the Holy Land, the Land of Israel.

News | News

Jonathan Sacks – Leadership Means Making Space TETZAVEH

Jonathan Sacks – Leadership Means Making Space TETZAVEH Tetzaveh is, as is well known, the parsha in which for once Moses take second place. In fact, he is not mentioned by name at all, and all the focus is on his brother, Aaron, and on the role he

Miscellaneous | Judaism

How Do You Observe Judaism In Outer Space?

When to pray? When is Shabbat? What to do when time and space are not what they are on earth?

Miscellaneous | Judaism

When a Young Hero Dies - Chabad

There are long lives with little meaning. And there are short lives that never cease to shine.

History | History

The Search for the Ten Lost Tribes

What happened to the ten tribes and where are they today?

Miscellaneous | Jewish Life

The Best Response to Antisemitism

An open letter to an American Jewish college student.

News | News

Jonathan Sacks: The Power of Ruach BESHALLACH

Jonathan Sacks: The Power of Ruach BESHALLACH In September 2010, BBC, Reuters, and other news agencies reported on a sensational scientific discovery. Researchers at the US National Center for Atmospheric Research and the University of Colorado were able

Miscellaneous | Jewish Life

If Your Synagogue Is A Temple To Leftism, It’s Time To Go

<p>College campuses across the country were erupting in Jew-hating outbursts, and parents were rightly worried about their Jewish college-aged kids caught up in the frenzy of hate. On Facebook, a group called Mothers Against College Antisemitism (M.A.C.A.

Politics | The Left

‘New York Times’ to Jews: Forget thy right hand

Marc Tracy, a culture reporter at the paper, penned an article: “Is Israel part of what it means to be Jewish?”

News | News

Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig – Taking Responsibility in the Judaic Tradition

Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig – Taking Responsibility in the Judaic Tradition Why were the Jewish people eventually named after Judah – the fourth son of Jacob and Leah? This is not merely an academic question; rather, it offers not only a major biblica

News | News

Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig – Genesis, Genetics, and AI

Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig – Genesis, Genetics, and AI Around the world, more and more people are worried that artificial intelligence (AI) will render vast swaths of humanity unemployed. As Jews once again start the annual Bible cycle reading with Bre

Miscellaneous | Judaism

The Prevailing Power of Holiness

A federal court’s ruling and the everlasting celebration of ‘Hei Teves’

News | News


Howard Epstein – AGAIN WITH THE JEWISH QUESTION! Last week, I ended this column with a note of optimism thus: “If the disgraceful performances in Congress last week come to be seen as the highwater mark of wokeism, then – albeit at a cost we sho

News | Jewish Community

Meineket Rivka – The First Published Book by a Jewish Woman

Released posthumously in 1608, this work serves as a Torah-inspired ethical manual for social and spiritual conduct.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

What’s Special About the Fifth Night of Chanukah?

This night is reserved for celebration and (extra) gelt. Here’s the reason why.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Why Add a Light Each Night of Chanukah?

The Talmud gives two reasons: to indicate the night and because we always ascend rather than descend.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

How to Light the Menorah - Chabad

Breeze through the Chanukah Menorah lighting with a step by step guide on everything from which menorah is kosher to how to arrange and light your own menorah.

Politics | Politics

Fight Hamas: Fire your (liberal) rabbi - Israel365 News

Your liberal rabbis lied to you. They sold you a watered-down version of the Torah. and convinced you that supporting Hamas is a Jewish political imperative.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

What Does HYD Stand For? - Chabad

The abbreviation, often appearing after the names of those who have been murdered, stands for Hashem yikom damam—may God avenge their blood.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

The Signature Element of Chabad Psychology that Few Understand

The signature metaphor in Tanya to describe all human activity, popping up in some form or another on almost every page, is clothing. Life, according to Tanya, is less about who you are and more about what you wear.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

21 Talmud Facts Every Jew Should Know

The bulk of the Talmudic texts contain analysis of Biblical verses and Torah law, but it’s interspersed with everything from medical advice to stories, from folk sayings to fabric dying tips.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Thanksgiving Meets Chanukah - . . . and they find they have a lot in common.

Hi, America, I’m Thanksgiving. And I’m also Chanukah. Hold my hand. Take a deep breath. Exhale. Now say, “Thank G‑d, we’re free.” Doesn’t that feel good?

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

Fight Hamas: Fire your (liberal) rabbi

Your liberal rabbis lied to you. They sold you a watered-down version of the Torah. and convinced you that supporting Hamas is a Jewish political imperative.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

It Is Time to Declare the Truth About the Jews and Israel

The Torah grants Israel to the Jews and obligates them to protect her people

News | News

Hamas Killed Ariel's Family. This Is What He Asked For - Chabad

Ariel's bar mitzvah is this week, and he is inspired by his Holocaust survivor grandfather.

History | History

The Meaning of Am Yisrael Chai

We always knew how to die together. The time has come for us to know also how to live together.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Psalms for Times of Distress - Chabad

"...if we only knew the power of verses of Psalms and their effect in the spiritual realms, we would recite them constantly." – The Tzemach Tzedek

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

I Am an IDF Fighter and My Faith Will Carry Me Through

God has handed us a mission, and with your support, we will do what we need to.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

7 Paradoxes About the Sukkah That Help Us Break Through Illusions

We depend on our touchstones: psychological security, a stable income, protection from crime. Clothing, food, warm shelter

Miscellaneous | Judaism

What Is Sukkot?

Sukkot is a Jewish holiday celebrated by taking off work, celebrating in a hut, and waving unusual bouquets. This video will give you the whole story.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

13 Facts About Sukkot Every Jew Should Know

Sukkot is a weeklong festival celebrated by dwelling in the sukkah, taking the lulav and etrog and joyous feasting.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Yom Kippur: What Is Kol Nidre?

Kol Nidre is the opening prayer of the holiest day of the year. But is it even a prayer? What is its purpose and meaning?

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Can Prayer Really Change Your Reality?

Our very own Queen Esther teaches us that while practical actions are necessary to succeed in any endeavor, spiritual efforts have the real impact in drawing down God’s blessings.

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

Vandals’ Prank at UC Berkeley Spurs Kosher Awareness Event

Rohr Chabad Center seizes the opportunity to educate community about kosher

Miscellaneous | Judaism

5 Ways the High Holidays of 2023 Are Unique

The 2023 High Holidays feature a full week of Selichot, and Rosh Hashanah over a weekend.

Miscellaneous | Jewish Wisdom

What Can the Hebrew Word for “Parenting” Teach You?

The Latin word parente, the origin of the English word parent, means to bring forth, to give birth, or to produce, highlighting the physical role parents play in the creation of a child.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Rosh Hashanah: What’s It Really All About?

How the Jewish New Year is celebrated and what it tells us about every human being and our relationship to God.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

The 96-Year-Old Survivor Who Did a Last (and First) Mitzvah

The younger of the two boys shared a story. “You know, it seems very quiet now, but this past Friday I experienced the greatest moment of my life.”

Miscellaneous | Judaism

17 Rosh Hashanah Facts Every Jew Should Know

Brush up on basic facts, traditions, and more associated with the Jewish New Year.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Why Are Tefillin Square?

The Talmud gives no actual reason but the Kabbalah provides clues.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

20 Amazing Converts to Judaism You Should Know - Chabad.org

Throughout history the Jewish nation has been enriched by
converts—upstanding men and women who opted to enter the covenant and become
part of the Chosen Nation.

News | News

Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig – In Judaism, BOTH Sides Can Be Correct

Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig – In Judaism, BOTH Sides Can Be Correct Tisha B’Av is now behind us – a historical debacle (actually several) borne of serious disagreements between Jewish camps that led to internal civil war and ultimate loss of soverei

Miscellaneous | Jewish Wisdom

I’m a Chassidic Woman, Here’s My Story

My life is a balancing act. I don’t see the two halves of myself as contradictory.

News | News

Jonathan Sacks – The Complexity of Human Rights MATOT-MASEI

Jonathan Sacks – The Complexity of Human Rights MATOT-MASEI The book of Bamidbar comes to a close that is very strange indeed. Earlier in the parsha of Pinchas we read of how the five daughters of Tzelophehad came to Moses with a claim based on just

News | News

Tsvi Bisk – Are The Haredim Not Authentic Jews

Tsvi Bisk – Are The Haredim Not Authentic Jews In the Mishnah Yehoshua ben Perachia says, “Make for yourself a Rav. Maimonides (the Rambam) and the Maharal both explain that the Mishnah is careful to say “make” for yourself a teacher, not to

Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous

What Is Tikkun Olam? - What does Tikkun Olam mean, who came up with it, and how do I do it? - Chabad.org

Tikkun Olam: In Jewish teachings, any activity that improves the world, bringing it closer to the harmonious state for which it was created.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

How I Made it Through the Talmud - Chabad

It took over eight years, but I complelted all 2,711 pages of the Babylonian Talmud.

News | Articles By Me

Priority: Jewish Unity

Just before this year’s Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day), a horrifying, and not at all surprising, report came out of Tel Aviv University (TAU) called “The Annual Report on Antisemitism Worldwide–2022.” The study found that there were roughly 3,700 attacks on Jews in the United States last year. The year before that, 2021, saw 2,717 attacks. Each set a record for attacks on our people. The incidents included beatings, being spat on, having objects thrown at people, verbal abuse, etc.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

What Are Tefillin?

What are we to make of this ancient Jewish ritual and what do they mean to us today?

Miscellaneous | Chabad

The Rebbe’s Lag BaOmer Message of Hope to Soviet Jewry

The 1980 Russian-language address that took the world by surprise and placed the Soviet regime on notice

Miscellaneous | Judaism

What the 10 Plagues Teach Us About Dealing With Difficult People

Expressing anger not only hurts others but destroys the person who is expressing anger.

Miscellaneous | Jewish Wisdom

In The Zechus of Moshe Rabbeinu

Later at night I got a phone call from my younger sister that lives up north in Israel. She wanted to talk to me about an incident that happened between us, which she felt she had never really asked f

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Q&A: How the Jewish Holidays Can Be a Valuable Tool for Growth

With the Season of our Freedom approaching, it’s a good time to remember that we have everything we need packed inside of us. We can leap over our hurdles and reach our goals—all we need to do is take that inner potential that G‑d gives us and expand it into all its possibilities.

Miscellaneous | Jewish Wisdom

It Took Years, and I’m Finally Proud to Be Jewish

I found out I was Jewish when a girl on my street told me I was a “dirty Jew.”

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Why Purim Isn't The Jewish Halloween

Purim tells a story of the victory of life. Halloween contains an awful lot of the opposite.

Miscellaneous | Chabad

The Tehillim App You’ve Been Waiting For!

Kehot Publication Society and Chabad.org have released a new app that makes &#8220;saying Tehillim&#8221; easier than ever.

News | News

UNPACKED: Watch-Unsafe Spaces: When Being Jewish Means You Don’t Belong

UNPACKED: Watch-Unsafe Spaces: When Being Jewish Means You Don’t Belong Everyone knows that Israel is a tough subject, but something has been changing recently. In the past, Jewish students were openly attacked for defending Israel but now they are

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

ARMED | The story behind the launch of the Rebbe’s Tefillin Campaign

A riveting and unprecedented cinematic experience, ‘Armed’ tells the fascinating story of the launch of the international tefillin campaign. Featuring newly ...

Miscellaneous | Jewish Wisdom

How Much Is G-d Involved in Our Lives?

Our journey has value—not merely as a means to a greater end, but in and of itself.

News | Abortion

Abortion Is Not a Jewish Sacrament

“Our Jewish brothers and sisters,” squad member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez explained during a recent rant, “are able to have an abortion according to their faith.” Many religions...

Miscellaneous | Judaism

12 Facts About Judah Every Jew Should Know

Judah was the fourth son of Jacob and Leah. Compared to a lion, Judah was the ancestor of the royal House of David. He made mistakes and rectified them, blazing a path for others to follow.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Antisemitism: Why the Jews?

Over the centuries, numerous “reasons” have been advanced to explain the phenomenon of Antisemitism. But perhaps there is no reason!

Miscellaneous | Judaism

What Does Jacob’s Ladder Symbolize?

Jacob’s simple ladder foreshadows the trajectory of human development.

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

The Mutating Virus: Understanding Antisemitism | Rabbi Jonathan Sacks

"The hate that begins with Jews never ends with Jews." On 27th September 2016, Rabbi Sacks delivered a keynote address entitled 'The Mutating Virus: Understa...

News | News

Howard Epstein – GOOD DEAL OR BADDIEL?

Howard Epstein – GOOD DEAL OR BADDIEL? Call me hypersensitive if you will, but I have an visceral aversion to anyone who says (worse, writes) “f**k Israel”. It’s bad coming from a gentile, it’s delusional from a Jew and utterly bizarre in th

Miscellaneous | Jewish Wisdom

My Strategy for Avoiding Drowning in Stress

When I leave the ark of my morning prayers, it’s a beautiful world—one that I can work with and add light to.

Miscellaneous | Jewish Wisdom

Battling My Eating Disorder, Day by Day - Dealing with Challenge

I have an eating disorder.The doctors call it anorexia nervosa, but I resent being put in a box with a nice little label.

Miscellaneous | Sukkot

I Never Thought I’d Have My Own Sukkah - Sukkot, Hoshana Rabbah & Simchat Torah

That diffident child peering through the fence at her neighbors never dreamed that when she grew up, she would one day have the joy of sitting in her own sukkah year after year.

Miscellaneous | Sukkot

14 Sukkah Facts Every Jew Should Know - Sukkot & Simchat Torah

The sukkah is the space where we spend as much time as possible during the holiday of Sukkot. Covered with organic material, it reminds us of God's kindness in generations past and in the present times.

Politics | Leftists & Antisemitism

Leftists Most Likely To See Judaism As 'Incompatible' with French Values

Those on the left are far more likely to believe that Judaism is not compatible with French values, while being the most positive about Islam.

News | News

UNPACKED: Watch – When Did Judaism Become a Religion?

UNPACKED: Watch – When Did Judaism Become a Religion? Throughout the ages, people have debated whether Judaism is a religion, a culture, or a nationality…and where Israel fits into the mix. In fact, the Jewish experience encompasses all of these.

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

In the US, some fading Reform and Conservative synagogues go Orthodox to stay afloat

Chabad Hasidic outreach programs reverse decline and bring growth to congregations through a host of programming designed to foster a more traditional community


In the US, some fading Reform and Conservative synagogues go Orthodox to stay afloat

Chabad Hasidic outreach programs reverse decline and bring growth to congregations through a host of programming designed to foster a more traditional community

Miscellaneous | Judaism

The Not-So-Dead Sea Scrolls

How the Dead Sea Scrolls, considered by many to be the most significant archaeological discovery of the 20th century, speak to Jews in the 21st century.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Jews Worldwide to Celebrate Mystical Spring Holiday of Lag BaOmer

Day also marks 41st annual completion of Mishneh Torah and Sefer Hamitzvot

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Passover: Who Authored the Passover Haggadah?

The Haggadah evolved over time, starting from the Second Temple period until it reached its present form.

Miscellaneous | Purim

Shushan Purim - Why Jerusalem celebrates a day later

All cities that were walled at the time when the Israelites, under the leadership of Joshua, entered Canaan, observe Purim on the 15th. This results in the occasional unique phenomenon of a “triple” or three-day Purim.

Miscellaneous | Purim

Thousands of Ukraine Refugees in Europe and Israel Take a Joyous Break For Purim

Late on Tuesday, Miriam Moskovitz, a Chabad-Lubavitch emissary to Kharkov, Ukraine with her husband Rabbi Moshe Moskovitz, received a text from a woman in her community and a photo of fresh-baked hamantaschen.

News | News

Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig – Towards the End of Conservative Judaism?

Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig – Towards the End of Conservative Judaism? Conservative Judaism in America is in deep trouble with several recent news items illustrating just how ominous the situation has become. How did it get to this position? And does it

Miscellaneous | Judaism

17 Facts About Moses Every Jew Should Know

Moses was born in Egypt during the enslavement of the Jews. His parents, Amram and Yocheved, were from the illustrious tribe of Levi.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

The Moses Connection - The Daily Dose of Jewish Wisdom

“Command” in Hebrew is tzivah, which also means “connect.”

History | History

How the Science of Racism Led to the Holocaust - The war against the divine image in man

Can the world survive on ethics devised by human reason? Well, we tried. It’s called the 20th century.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

13 Facts About Jewish Leap Years - Jewish Calendar

The Hebrew leap year ensures that the Jewish calendar remains true to the solar cycle

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Understanding After Doing - The Daily Dose of Jewish Wisdom

At Sinai, we declared, “We will do and we will understand!”

Angels descended from heaven and placed two crowns upon our heads.

Miscellaneous | Jewish Wisdom

12 Women Who Impacted Torah Scholarship

Culled from the span of Jewish history, from the Talmudic era to pre-war Europe

Miscellaneous | Jewish Wisdom

Women First - The Daily Dose of Wisdom

When it came time to give the Torah to the Jewish people, G‑d told Moses to speak with the women first.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Why Did G-d Smite the Firstborn? - Parshah

Our job is to find the divine sparks hidden within each person, each object and each event, and let that shine.

News | News

UNPACKED – The Modern Shift That Divided Judaism | The Jewish Story

UNPACKED – The Modern Shift That Divided Judaism | The Jewish Story As the Age of Enlightenment spread across Europe, 18th-century Jews still faced persecution and were banned from assimilating into modern civilization. A young Jewish German philoso

Miscellaneous | Judaism

When Do Jewish Boys Begin to Wear Their Tallit? - And why do some Ashkenazim wait until after marriage?

The answer to this question really varies depending on your ancestry and/or community custom. Allow me to share some information...

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Do Jews Really Believe In Reincarnation?

Every descent of the soul into this world has a specific Divine purpose. This is the case whether it is the soul’s first descent or a subsequent reincarnation. There are many aspects of gilgul haneshamot—reincarnation of the soul—that are complex and intricate beyond the scope of this response. However, to understand the general purpose for reincarnation, we can look to the three reasons outlined by Rabbi Yeshaya HaLevi Horowitz, as provided by the Kabbalists, in his classic work Shnei Luchot HaBrit (Shaloh).1

News | News

UNPACKED – The Origins of Hasidic Judaism: The Ba’al Shem Tov

UNPACKED – The Origins of Hasidic Judaism: The Ba’al Shem Tov In the aftermath of historical events that impacted Jews of Eastern Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries, two groups rose up that inspired generations of Jews to revolutionize the

News | News

Rabbi Jonathan Sacks z”l – 8 Short Thoughts on Hanukkah

Rabbi Jonathan Sacks z”l – 8 Short Thoughts on Hanukkah H/T Aish.com 1. Inspired by faith, we can change the world Twenty-two centuries ago, when Israel was under the rule of the empire of Alexander the Great, one particular leader, Antiochus

Miscellaneous | Chanukah

Were the Maccabees Wrong to Fight? - Chanukah

When we kindle our Chanukah candles each year, the light that glows is the spirit of faith and determination of the Maccabees.

News | News

UNPACKED – Watch Why So Many Jewish Teens Study This Ancient Music Notation

UNPACKED – Watch Why So Many Jewish Teens Study This Ancient Music Notation   Ta’amei Hamikra, or as it’s called in Yiddish, “trope,” is a millennia-old system of music symbols that determines how each word in the Torah is recited. Alth

News | News


RAV KOOK ON PARSHAT VAYISHLACH:RESTORING THE BROTHERLY LOVE OF YAAKOV AND ESAU “וַיִּשְׁלַ֨ח יַעֲקֹ֤ב מַלְאָכִים֙ לְפָנָ֔יו אֶל־עֵשָׂ֖ו אָחִ֑יו אַ֥רְצָה שֵׂעִ֖יר שְׂדֵ֥ה א

Miscellaneous | Jewish Wisdom

Jewish Wisdom: Mothering Teens Is Harder Than I Thought - Vayishlach

On the one hand,
I saw myself traveling, working long hours, being busy with a busy career; on
the other hand, I always had this desire to be a mommy.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Judaism: Why Is the Contemporary Prayer Book So Long?

During the days of the First Temple, no formal prayer was needed.