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Robert Kennedy Jr's Speech on August 23rd, 2024: Video & Transcript
How the Democratic Party lost its way
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Interference: The Anatomy of "Regime Change" in the Age of "Congressional Oversight"
10 easy steps to overthrow a government without starting a war:
Politics | Politics
CLAY TRAVIS: When the Dems lose a Kennedy, they've lost the plot
An alliance between Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. makes the elections day decision easy: It's Trump or nothing, says Clay Travis.
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PODCAST | The Beginning Of The Greatest Divide
LISTEN NOW | The neo-fascist Left of the Democrat Party – formerly known as the Progressives – which has run roughshod over the Democrat Party for the last, at least, thirty years, is a minority. They're a vocal minority; they're a bully min
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Can We Measure How Vacuous and Partisan Jeffries Really Is?
I don’t know how much more vacuous House Minority Leader Hakeem Jefferies (D-NY), can be. I also don’t know much more of a substanceless mouthpiece he can be for the Democrats. Republicans – along with 14 Democrats – reversed Biden’s credit scor
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PODCAST | Reports, Testimonies & Censures: So What?
LISTEN NOW | I wanted to say a couple of things about the quality of the spines that Republicans in Washington DC have. First, I want to talk about Adam Schiff. Here's a guy who has been proven – beyond doubt, repeatedly – that he is a serial lia
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PODCAST | The Media Is Already Interfering In The 2024 General Election
LISTEN NOW | I wanted to expound a little bit on the Kennedy candidacy, how the media is not covering it, and why the media is not covering it. Why aren't the media and the DNC getting behind a Kennedy candidacy? Because the fascist Left – the radi
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Setting The World Stage For War
As the Biden administration executes every diplomatic blunder to inch the world closer to global conflict, it would serve us well to recall the history of the major conflicts of the United States and who was at the helm at the genesis of each. An accurate
Politics | Politics
Exclusive: Vacant Supreme Court seat will likely influence U.S. election turnout, poll shows
U.S. President Donald Trump said he expects a second tax overhaul to be unveiled in October or a bit earlier, and he is considering cutting the corporate tax rate to 20 percent from 21 percent.
Politics | Politics
Donald Trump Made Justice Kennedy an Offer He Couldn’t Refuse | Vanity Fair
Behind the scenes, the president worked for months to assure Kennedy his legacy would be in good hands. “I think the Gorsuch nomination had a huge impact,” one law professor said.
Politics | Other Politics
Kennedy’s Retirement Could Clear Path for Trump’s Environmental Rollbacks
On issues like climate change and water pollution, Justice Anthony M. Kennedy was often a decisive vote.
Politics | Op-Ed
Justice Kennedy Retires, and the Legal and Political Ramifications Are Immense | National Review
The next few months may well define the Supreme Court for a generation — and help decide who controls Congress. Buckle up. It’s going to be a wild ride.
Politics | Woke Insanity
Hot take: With Justice Kennedy retiring, it's time to report to the death camps
Justice Kennedy is retiring and we're in Nazi Germany all over again.
News | News
Anthony Kennedy retiring from Supreme Court
The retirement gives President Donald Trump another chance to fundamentally reshape the top of the judiciary.
Politics | Politics
Exclusive — ‘Chappaquiddick’ Producer Mark Ciardi: This Film Isn’t for ‘the Right or the Left, It’s for the
Film producer Mark Ciardi joined Thursday's edition of SiriusXM's Breitbart News Tonight to discuss his latest movie, "Chappaquiddick."
Politics | Politics
CNN mocked for glorifying JFKs ‘legendary’ infidelity after harping on sex allegations against Trump | Fox News
CNN was slammed for hypocrisy over the weekend when the network glorified President John F. Kennedy’s infidelity after spending significant coverage painting President Trump as a monster for an alleged affair that occurred prior to his political career.
Politics | Other Politics
The Story Behind JFK's Official White House Portrait
Before Kehinde Wiley's striking depiction of Barack Obama, another presidential portrait stood out from the rest.
Politics | Politics
JFK assassination documents released
A long-secret tranche of government documents pertaining to the JFK assassination is being released
History | History
CIA confirmed Oswald contacted Cubans, Soviets before assassination, memo shows - Washington Times
Three days after John F. Kennedy was shot and killed in Dallas, U.S. intelligence officials told President Lyndon B. Johnson that they had confirmed that assassin Lee Harvey Oswald had recently traveled to Mexico City to visit both the Cuban and Soviet em
News | Interesting Stories
Rare Zapruder footage: Multiple JFK assassins
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