Politics | Blue State/City Life
In Los Angeles, a Carnival of Grievance Politics
What a spectacle, what a carnival, what a glorious, over-the-top bacchanal of grievance politics we’ve seen unfolding in Los Angeles this week.
Politics | Politics
L.A. City Councilman Mike Bonin Takes the Coward's Way out, Claiming He Needs to Attend to 'Health and Wellness'
L.A. City Councilman Mike Bonin, reputation in tatters, has decided he will not seek re-election.
Politics | Liberal Hypocrisy
Top L.A. Democrat Pushed To Cut LAPD Funding While Having Private LAPD Detail At Her Home Since April
Los Angeles City Council President Nury Martinez, a Democrat, pushed to make drastic cuts to the Los Angeles Police Department’s (LAPD) funding amid a nationwide campaign by the far-left to defund police departments — a move she made while having an
Miscellaneous | The Hometown
LA Council Members Want To Restrict Contributions From Big Developers: LAist
Developers of large residential and commercial buildings would be barred from contributing if their projects require approvals from city officials.