Politics | Debunking Lies
Elder Of Ziyon - Fact check for Massachusetts educators: "Does the US give more federal aid to the average Israeli citizen than to the average American?"
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
News | In The News
New England Lockdowns Rolled Out for an Obscure Virus After a SINGLE Case
If you reside in one of four Massachusetts municipalities, the governing authorities are treating you to a fresh set of lockdowns on the flimsiest of pretenses.
News | In The News
Ice cream shop offering free cones for kids who recite the Pledge of Allegiance
An ice cream shop in Massachusetts is promoting patriotism by offering free ice cream to children who can recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
Politics | Leftists Are Racists
Massachusetts School Districts Roll out 'Anti-Racist' Struggle Session Groups for White Teachers
Of all the ridiculous ideas progressives are pushing in the education space, the idea of racial "affinity groups" has to rank among the top five.
News | Fun With Islam
'Unconstitutional': In Massachusetts, Leftists Want to Give Islam Privileged Status
In the authoritarian state toward which the Left is working, the more who believe they have a duty to obey the ruler, the better. Muhammad commands just that.
News | Antisemitism Watch
Massachusetts school board member calls Jew a ‘kike’ on live TV
Calls mount for Bob Hoey to resign after saying of former school district leader: 'We lost the kike, oh, I mean, the Jewish guy'
News | Israel/Jewish Community
Antisemitic Desecration of Massachusetts Jewish Cemetery Worse Than Originally Thought, Cops Say
Headstone vandalized at Jewish cemetery in Fall River, Massachusetts. Photo: Fall River Police Department. Police in Fall River, Massachusetts, said …
Politics | Education or Indoctrination?
Amherst College Releases Insane 'Common Language Document'
On Wednesday, Amherst College in Massachusetts released a new “Common Language Document” for its students which lays out "definitions" about everything from capitalism to drag queens.
News | Antisemitism Watch
‘Destroy Israeli Forces, Free Palestine’ Posters Target Hillel Building at Tufts University
A poster found outside the Hillel building at Tufts University. Photo: Naftali Brawer. About two dozen offensive posters were found …
Politics | Illegal Immigration
ICE: Once-Deported Illegal Alien Now Faces Rape, Assault Charges in Massachusetts
An illegal alien from Brazil, who was deported once in 2007, was arrested in Massachusetts in late June and now faces charges of rape, assault and battery, and solicitation of a felony, reported U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
Miscellaneous | Interesting Links
Massachusetts’s Rejection of Common Core Test Signals Shift in U.S.
As states have rejected tests tied to the Common Core standards, no about-face has resonated more than that of Massachusetts, known as a leader in education reform.