
Business & Finance | Advertising/Marketing

Is McCann Mad at 'Mad Men' Yet?

If McCann hoped the final season would offer some fun moments of nostalgia, the show's writers haven't made it easy

Business & Finance | Advertising/Marketing

McCann's Mad Men Tweets Help Lift the Agency's Mentions by 46% | Adweek

Since it's been part of the program's storyline from practically the beginning, McCann has been tweeting about Mad Men episodes for years. But for the final season, it has been cast as an extreme antagonist as it swallows up the fictional subsidiary Sterl

Business & Finance | Advertising/Marketing

McCann Makes the Best of a Brutal Portrayal in ‘Mad Men’ - CMO Today - WSJ

"Mad Men" has for years skewered the misogynist culture of the 1960s, but the latest episode has painted a particularly unflattering picture of one non-fictional advertising agency: McCann-Erickson.On Sunday's premiere of the final batch of epis