Miscellaneous | Interesting Stuff
Lomo's Daylight Developing Tank Lets You Develop 35mm Film Anywhere
Lomography's new Lomo Daylight Developing Tank lets photographers easily develop 35mm film anywhere, anytime.
Visual Arts | Visual Arts
The 14 Fantastic Winners of the 2024 Ocean Art Underwater Photo Contest
All 14 2024 Ocean Art Underwater Photo Contest category winners have been announced, and they're breathtaking.
Science & Technology | Science
Space photo of the week: Space X's Polaris Dawn astronauts 'touch the void' on 1st-ever private spacewalk
SpaceX Polaris Dawn astronaut Jared Isaacman briefly "touched the void" as he embarked on the first-ever private spacewalk Thursday (Sept. 12).
Miscellaneous | Interesting Links
How To Digitize Your Film Negatives Using Your Smartphone Camera
There is a variety of apps you can use to scan and reverse the colors of your negatives, although some have limitations or require online accounts.
Miscellaneous | Interesting Stuff
This Lego Camera Is a Real, Working 35mm Film Camera
A clever Lego builder has designed a fully-functional 35mm film camera built using 595 Lego bricks, and it could become a real product.
Visual Arts | Visual Arts
Photographer Visits Unusual McDonald's Across the World
A photographer has spent six years visiting over 50 countries across six continents in search of interesting McDonald's restaurants.
Science & Technology | Science
The 10 Best James Webb Space Telescope Photos (So Far)
The James Webb Space Telescope has turned two years old. To celebrate the occasion, here are its 10 best space photos so far.
Visual Arts | Visual Arts
How to Photograph Fireworks Like a Pro
If you want to nail some spectacular shots on the 4th of July or New Year's, you'll want to pay attention to a few key tips.
Miscellaneous | Interesting Links
6 Ways to Be a Better Photographer, According to Pros
Best practices gleaned from decades of shooting.
Miscellaneous | Other Stuff
Photographer Sues Woman Over Her 90-Year-Old Grandmother's Wallpaper
Photographer sues woman who posted image of her grandmother's apartment, featuring his photo-based wallpaper, on a property rental website.
Pets & Animals | Animals!
Is the border collie the world's most intelligent dog? Stunning photography reveals just how clever this sheep dog is
Photographer and farmer Amy Bateman documents the day-to-day behaviour of her working border collies, offering an intimate view into the life of this highly intelligent sheep dog.
Science & Technology | Science & Technology
I took moon pics with 3 phones. This one had the best shot.
I used three phones to take pictures of the moon; this one did the best.
Books | Books
Top 10 books every aspiring photographer should read
Get inspired, boost your technique and understand photography more broadly with these classic and modern photography titles. Working on your photogra...
Science & Technology | Science & Technology
7 iPhone Camera Tricks You Should Add To Your Skills
In an age where smartphones are our primary cameras, mastering the art of iPhone photography can greatly enhance your photography skills. The iPhone's .
Miscellaneous | Interesting Links
Photographer Spent Eight Years Capturing Life on the Gritty New York Subway in the 1970s and 1980s
Willy Spiller spent 8 years photographing the NYC subway in the 1970s and 1980s, now his work is being republished in a new edition of "Hell on Wheels".
Visual Arts | Digital Photography
This Photographer Shares His Edited Photos To Show How Much Online Images Are Photoshopped
Taking a good picture isn't easy. Taking an awesome picture is even harder. And taking an impossible picture is, well, impossible.
Visual Arts | Art
Want to Become a Great Photographer? Focus on These 5 Tips
From technical mastery to a distinct creative style, here are 5 things you need to focus on to become a great photographer.
Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous
Amazing Photos From The Old Wild West You Might Be Surprised Exist
In the 1800s, the Wild West was a lawless land where bands of outlaws roamed free. It was a time of heroes and villains, adventure, and danger. Surprisingly, some photos from this era still exist, offering a unique glimpse into an often romanticized perio
Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous
50 Must-See Moments In History
No one can predict the future, but we can better understand the present by looking back at history. Here are 100 must-see historical moments – significant events that have shaped our world. From wars and revolutions to scientific discoveries and technol
News | News
Lia Baram – My Recent Photos from Kfar Saba Israel
Lia Baram – My Recent Photos from Kfar Saba Israel Lia is ten years old and loves taking photos of her environment. Enjoy her latest ones.
Science & Technology | Science & Technology
A.I. Imagery Is Not Photography, It Never Will Be
Artificial intelligence can now generate images that look indistinguishable from photographs, but should the creations be considered "photos"?
Science & Technology | Science & Technology
Smithsonian Places 4.5 Million Historic Images Into the Public Domain
Part of the Smithsonian’s Open Access platform, the institution invites you to get creative with its images.
Miscellaneous | Other Stuff
Couple Finds Trove of 2,000 Cameras and Lenses in Storage Unit
A couple in Massachussetts has found a treasure trove of over 2,000 vintage cameras and lenses while cleaning out a storage unit.
Science & Technology | Cool Stuff
NASA Releases Stunning 4K Video of Apollo 13 Views of the Moon, Ending All Conspiracy Theories - news.scienceclub
NASA has developed a stunning view of the Moon using data from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) and combined with the views recorded by Apollo 1
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Photographer Catches Falcon Hitching a Ride on a Goose
A wildlife photographer captured a "once in a lifetime" photo of a peregrine falcon hitching a ride on a goose.
Visual Arts | Digital Photography
Animated Chart: The Smartphone Effect on the Camera Market
Have smartphones fully replaced cameras? This video charts 70 years of camera sales and how smartphones have affected the market.
Miscellaneous | Interesting Links
Pentax Launches New 35mm Camera Project After Film Resurgence
Ricoh has announced it's launching research and development into new Pentax film cameras after a surge in interest in analog photography.
Science & Technology | Technology
Newer iPhones Allow You to Measure Someone's Height Instantly — Here's How - MacRumors
iPhone 12 Pro and Pro Max, iPhone 13 Pro and Pro Max, and iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max models feature a LiDAR Scanner next to the rear camera that can...
Science & Technology | Technology
How to Record Video With Background Music on iPhone - MacRumors
This article explains how to record a video on iPhone while playing music from any app. Keep reading to learn how it works. Have you noticed that...
Science & Technology | Technology
How to Remove the Background From Any Image on iPhone
Apple's Visual Lookup feature makes it so easy to remove the messy background from your photos. Learn how to take advantage of it.
Visual Arts | Visual Arts
1950s Photo Studio is a Perfectly Preserved Time Capsule | PetaPixel
E. Chambré Hardman was a prominent British photographer in the 20th century, his career started in the 1920s and stretched into the 1970s.
History | History
Artist Colorizes Old Photos, And They Might Change The Way You Perceive History
To give you a better idea of reality back in the day, we want to show you some works of Sebastien de Oliveira. He is an illustrator and a photographer who colorizes old photos, giving them more life.
Miscellaneous | Interesting Stuff
AI Photo Restoration Brings Victorian Portraits to Life
It's like the pictures from Harry Potter.
Visual Arts | Photography
Kodak is Hiring Film Technicians: 'We Cannot Keep Up with Demand'
Eastman Kodak is hiring technicians as the company struggles to keep up with consumer demand for color film.
Entertainment | Movies & Other Stuff
Backyard Astrophotographer Uses $500 Telescope to Photograph Same Spot Captured by NASA’s $16B Space Telescope
This brilliant astrophotographer compares his photo of the Pillars of Creation captured with a $500 telescope to the one taken by NASA‘s $16 billion space telescope.
Miscellaneous | Other Stuff
“Vintage Weird Celebrates Genuine, Verifiable Vintage Weirdness”: 115 Of The Weirdest Pics From This Facebook Group
A list of fascinating photos celebrating genuine, verifiable vintage weirdness from the Vintage Weird Facebook group.
Visual Arts | Photography
Thomas Hoepker Looks Back at Six Decades of Photojournalism — Blind Magazine
The Magnum Photos member revisits his storied career in a new exhibition and monograph.
Pets & Animals | Animal Rescue Stories
This Kentucky Photographer Takes Heartwarming Photos of Pets Looking for a Forever Home
Every dog and cat deserves their own glamour shots!
Visual Arts | Photography
The Dennis Hopper Photograph That Caught Los Angeles
The actor stopped at an intersection, took out his Nikon, and made history.
Science & Technology | Science
How I Took a Photo of the Andromeda Galaxy from My Backyard
Photographer Brennan Gilmore shares how he captured a stunning photo of the Andromeda galaxy from his own backyard.
Visual Arts | Photography
Canon Is Planning Huge Announcements | Fstoppers
Canon has been chugging along the last few years, releasing some impressive mirrorless cameras and lenses. It seems they have no intention of stopping, with another major announcement of multiple cameras and lenses coming soon. Canon Rumors is reporting t
Travel | Travel
People Are Sharing The Coolest Picture They've Ever Taken On Vacation, And It's Better Than Any Instagram Feed You'll See
"I spent four days camping out there, just me and a local guide. I took a million photos, but this was one of my favorites."
Visual Arts | Photography
Macro Photographer Captures Eye-mazing Portraits Showcasing the Swirling Beauty of the Iris
Photographer Giannina Roche captures macro photography that focuses on the swirling beauty of the iris of the eye.
Science & Technology | Cool Stuff
‘Morning Star’ Venus to Shine Its Brightest From Wednesday Morn—With Mars, Mercury, Moon, and More in February
This particular week in February coincides with the rise of the “morning star,” like a diamond in the ...
Science & Technology | Cool Stuff
Look at This Picture of a Single Atom | What Do Atoms Look Like?
This award-winning photo shows a single atom floating in an electric field—and you can see it with the naked eye if you really look hard.
Visual Arts | Photography
How to Photograph Low Light Cityscapes: The Best Gear and Techniques
If you follow these tips, techniques, and gear recommendations, you'll never be disappointed with your low-light cityscape photos again.
Miscellaneous | NEW YORK CITY
A Teenager's Photos of 1970s Brooklyn NYC
Anthony Catalano’s photographs of Brooklyn, New York City, in the mid-1970s were mostly developed in his darkroom in Boro Park darkroom in the 70s. “Remember the snow storm of ’78?” he asks. Born and raised in Brooklyn, Anthony died on March 1st, 2014.
Science & Technology | Cool Stuff
Astrophotographer snaps his 'clearest ever photo of the SUN' | Daily Mail Online
Andrew McCarthy, an astrophotographer from Arizona, layered 150,000 individual pictures of the glowing ball of fire to convey the intricate stunning detail of the solar system's largest star.
Pets & Animals | Other Kinds Of Animals
Ten Hilarious Winners of the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards
The annual contest is a joyful celebration of the natural world
History | History
55 Iconic American History Photos And The Stories Behind Them
From the Civil War to the Great Depression to the Space Race, these famous photos show American history as it really happened.
News | News
Assaf Erez – Explores His New Photos of Israel
Assaf Erez – Explores His New Photos of Israel Assaf takes us to the beach and on the streets of the cities and villages throughout Israel.
Home Improvement | In the Garden
The 10 Most Photographed Gardens Around the World
From the New York Botanical Garden to Singapore’s Gardens by the Bay, here are the horticultural locales that visitors love to photograph.
Science & Technology | Science & Technology
The Best iPhone Camera Apps of 2021
As there is not a one-size-fits-all best camera for all, there certainly is not any single best iPhone app, but these are the best for most.
Visual Arts | Photography
How to Shoot Portraits: Tips for Beginner Photographers | Shutterbug
If you're a beginner photographer who wants to learn how to shoot portraits, there are lots of resources out there. One place we turn to frequently for great beginner photography portrait tips is Bach Photography. In the below video, Bach explains in plai
Visual Arts | Photography
Photographer Wanders NYC Streets To Reveal Neo-Noir Stories Hiding in Plain Sight
Photographer Nicolas Millers' neo-noir images capture the cinematic nature of life in historic New York City.
News | News
Assaf Erez – Presents Once Again His Unique Photos on Israel
Assaf Erez – Presents Once Again His Unique Photos on Israel Assaf provides us with his unique and often off-beat view of a side of Israel most would see as every day. But he views it through a lens of an Israeli that has spent all his life in Israe
Visual Arts | Visual Arts
Ed van der Elsken at the Rijksmuseum: an exhibition full of surprises | Financial Times
An unfinished book found in Dutch photographer’s archives is just one of the discoveries on show
Home Improvement | In the Garden
Favorite Autumn Gardens from Garden Photo of the Day - FineGardening
Fall is often a favorite time of year for gardeners. Winter is dreary. Spring is frenetic, filled with garden chores. Summer is hot, and we’re constantly worried about if we […]
Visual Arts | Photography
This Photo by Stephen Dalton Isn't Photoshopped. It's Kodachrome!
Photographer Stephen Dalton shot this photo of a Lacewing Fly in the 1970s using Kodachrome. It's a single photo with no Photoshop.
Science & Technology | Tech News
iPhone 12 Pro Max camera: Why this pro photographer is super excited - CNET
A longer zoom, a bigger image sensor and vastly improved night mode? Count me in.
Miscellaneous | Stuff
5 photo tricks to try with your iPhone while you're bored in quarantine this fall
Self isolating at home? Here are five great ways you can keep your creativity skills on point.
Pets & Animals | Other Kinds Of Animals
Hilarious Finalists of the 2020 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards
Check out the hilarious finalists of the 2020 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards, which show the humor of animals.
Music | Music
Beatles photographer Astrid Kirchherr dies aged 81
Beatles photographer Astrid Kirchherr dies aged 81 | Music | The Guardian
Miscellaneous | Other Stuff!
Getty uses remote working in effort to preserve photo archive
Site in London seeking to prevent damage to millions of images during UK lockdown
Science & Technology | Cool Stuff
Space Images | Curiosity's 1.8-Billion-Pixel Panorama
NASAs Curiosity rover captured its highest-resolution panorama of the Martian surface between Nov. 24 and Dec. 1, 2019.
Visual Arts | Photography
Look Inside the Van of a Female Photog Who Lives Full-Time on the Road
Photography and Camera News, Reviews, and Inspiration
Style & Fashion | Style & Fashion
Lancôme and Photographers Duo Mert & Marcus Announce a Flaming Hot New Make-up Collection
/CNW/ -- Lancôme and Mert & Marcus unveils a unique make-up capsule collection. The world's leading luxury beauty brand and the photographers duo bring their...
Miscellaneous | Stuff I Like
Concorde's last flight: Is this the greatest aviation photograph of all time?
In 2003, Lewis Whyld took an instantly classic photograph of the Concorde on its last flight, soaring over the Clifton Suspension Bridge in Bristol, United Kingdom.
Visual Arts | Digital Photography
Awesome phone photography: How to take great-looking pictures on iPhone or Android
Here's how to get the best results from your smartphone photography, whether you're on iPhone or Android.
Style & Fashion | Style & Fashion
Photographer to the stars Terry O'Neill dies aged 81
He took some of the first photographs of The Beatles, and his death is described as the "end of an era".
Visual Arts | Photography
New video pits the iPhone 11 Pro against a Canon DLSR, and it’s closer than ever
YouTuber Matti Haapoja has put the iPhone 11 Pro to the test against a $7,500 DSLR camera – can you tell which image is from the iPhone?
Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous
Life in Alaska in the Round-the-Clock Darkness of Polar Night | The New Yorker
Coralie Kraft writes on the photo series “Polar Night,” by the photographer Mark Mahaney, which chronicles a two-month winter period of uninterrupted darkness in Utqiagvik, Alaska.
Entertainment | Entertainment
"It Was the Last Good Time": Celebrity Photographer Randall Slavin Shares Candid Photos from '90s Hollywood Hangouts
“It was the last good time where you could fully let go, and I was fortunate to have a front row ticket to most of it,” he says, reflecting on the photos in his new book, We All Want Something Beautiful.
Visual Arts | Photography
Photography Cheat Sheet: Privacy and Copyright for Photographers
Today's photography cheat sheet is all about the rights and responsibilities of photographers when it comes to matters concerning copyright and privacy.
Science & Technology | Cool Stuff
Space Photos: The Most Amazing Images This Week! | Space
See the best photos on Space.com this week.
Visual Arts | Photography
In the Mirrorless Age, Here’s an Argument for a DSLR
Mirrorless cameras might be the future. But there's a reason why most professional photographers still choose to shoot with a DSLR.
Entertainment | Celebrities!
Celebrities on Planes in the 1970s: The Photos
In these photographs from the same decade—when air travel wasn't the nightmare it is today—movie stars and musicians relax, party, and pose on their private jets.
Miscellaneous | Interesting Stuff
8 photographers share the best way to store and organize the photos on your phone
Headlines about crushing student loan debt seem to have made a pretty strong impression on college-bound students in Generation Z, defined as a more-than 70 million strong cohort of teens and young adults born after 1996 — or more generally as those…
Science & Technology | Science
This Milky Way Photo on Nat Geo is Raising Eyebrows
National Geographic recently published a series of gorgeous photos by photographer Beth Moon that shows some of the world’s oldest trees under the stars. But one photo, in particular, is now raising eyebrows after sharp-eyed readers noticed something strange about it.
Visual Arts | Photography
Garry Winogrand's Color Street Photo Exhibit is Enthralling and Confusing
Garry Winogrand Color is a fantastic exhibit at the Brooklyn Museum that showcases much of the photographer's rarely seen slide film.
Miscellaneous | Interesting Stuff
The Infinite Scroll: Life under the unbreakable lure of the screen.
“Phoning it in” means to do something with very little effort or enthusiasm. The idiom seems oddly prescient now, given that it dates back to a time before the internet.
Miscellaneous | Interesting Stuff
People Are Faking Travel Using Random Objects And It's So Ridiculous It's Kinda Funny
This is why I have trust issues.
Miscellaneous | Other Stuff
14 Influencers Talk About Their Most Popular Image on Instagram - Feature Shoot
© Christopher Anderson Christopher Anderson “To be honest, this IG thing confuses me. Some images I am convinced will be crowd pleasers don’t generate interest, and then some that I almost don’t post because I think they are not good en
News | Interesting Links
Unearthing Photography’s Time Capsule - The New York Times
Four trailblazing photographers — Robert Frank, Robert Heinecken, Dave Heath and John Wood — collaborated on a project that was hidden for 30 years.
Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous
The New York City Subway in the 1970s: The Photos
The MTA gives New Yorkers plenty to complain about these days, but hey: at least they got rid of all that graffiti (and crime).
History | History
History Comes to Life Through Beautiful Colorized Photographs
"The Paper Time Machine" is a book that pulls together 124 colorized historic photos by Jordan Lloyd of Dynamichrome and Wolfgang Wold of Retronaut.
Science & Technology | Tech
The Best Camera Apps for the iPhone | Digital Trends
Smartphone cameras are nothing to scoff at, but there's something to be said for an app that works to extend the functionality of your phone. If you're looking to improve your Instagram game, or to simply capture better stills, we've rounded up some of th
Science & Technology | Science & Space
Apollo Astronauts Weren’t Just Heroes—They Were Fantastic Photographers | WIRED
Inside the golden age of space photography.
Science & Technology | Technology
How to shoot on iPhone - Photography - Apple
Portrait Lighting on iPhone 8 Plus makes it easy to add artistic studio lighting effects to your portraits.
Science & Technology | Cool Stuff
Hubble captures mysterious nebula in gorgeous new image – BGR
You might think that with so many telescopes at its disposal NASA and the astronomy community at large would have plenty of time to gaze at whatever they want, but space is just so big that even some of the most interesting anomalies in the sky fall throu
Miscellaneous | Things To Do: Los Angeles
Inside the New Hotel Figueroa, L.A. Culture Comes to Life Through the Lens of Estevan Oriol
The iconic chronicler of Chicano street culture is the hotel's first artist in residence
Pets & Animals | I Love Dogs
Pet Photographer Kaylee Greer Highlights Dogs in Shelters: Photos
Kaylee Greer, a pet photographer, is using her talent to highlight dogs in shelters — find out more
Visual Arts | Photography
The Mystery Man Who Spent 20 Years Photographing North American Buildings
His name was Barry Gfeller, and he left behind an astonishing 50,000 previously unseen images.
Visual Arts | Photography
Quick Tip: How to Use Your Camera’s Live View Mode to Get the Correct Exposure Every Time | Shutterbug
Here’s a simple trick that will help you get the right exposure in your photos without all the unnecessary stress. According to photographer Pierre T. Lambert who shares the quick tip in the short video below, the technique will speed up your shooting p
Visual Arts | Photography
Olloclip has the Killer iPhone Camera Lens Kit You've Been Waiting For | The Manual
Smartphones ushered in this latest generation of mobile “prosumer” photography. While smartphone cameras aren’t yet up to par with their DSLR counterparts, they’re getting there. Thanks to clever add-on lenses like the latest from olloclip, they m
Science & Technology | Cool Stuff
NASA Captures Exploding Star
NASA scientists captured images of a supernova, or an exploding star, for the first time and we are totally transfixed by the video. While NASA has been able
Pets & Animals | Animals
Wildlife photographer captures osprey carrying shark, carrying fish in 'one-in-a-trillion photograph' | Fox News
A photographer in Florida captured a stunning photo of an osprey carrying a small shark in its talons. The shark also had a fish in its mouth.
Miscellaneous | Mid Century
These photos show an idealized vision of midcentury America… with a subtle hint of weirdness
Not much is known about Nina Leen, the Russian-born Life photographer who moved to New York in 1939 and proceeded to spend the next four decades making some of the best — and least remembered —…
Pets & Animals | I Love Dogs
8 Pro Tips for Taking Incredible Pictures of Your Pets
Fido and Fluffy deserve to be captured like the stars they are.
Science & Technology | Technology
This is How Smartphone Cameras Have Improved in the Past 5 Years
DxOMark has published an interesting look at how smartphone cameras have evolved and improved over the past half decade, starting from when the camera test
Pets & Animals | Animals
Giant Pacific Octopus totally engulfs scuba diver [Video]
This incredible footage was recorded by Dennis Chow at Dillon Rock near the amazing Browning Pass, just north of Port Hardy on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. While exploring a wall during this particular dive, Dennis, Shaz and Wes noticed a Giant Pac
Visual Arts | Visual Arts
Apply the Rule of Thirds in your Photography - streetbounty.com
The Rule of Thirds is a basic compositional Tip that can make your photographs more visually pleasing in an instant. Learn how to apply this simple tip.
Visual Arts | Photography
52 Week Photography Challenge for 2018 - DIY Photography
The first two Dogwood Photography 52 Week Challenges were an amazing success, with tens of thousands of photographers participating from around the world. We enter the third year of the challenge with the Community Challenge! This challenge has been creat
Science & Technology | Tech
Twenty tips for creating better looking drone footage - DIY Photography
Shooting with a drone gives you an entirely new perspective and opens up plenty of new possibilities. Whether you use it for photography or video, using a drone requires some skill and planning if you want to make the best out of it. Stewart Carroll from
Visual Arts | Photography
How To Overcome Fears Of Photographing Strangers
HAPTIC presents the Ultimate Beginner's Guide for Street Photography Series -- visualizations of essential photography lessons and tips by ANNETTE KIM. Annette researched, synthesized, and visualized the key lessons to present to you a fun, easy to read V
Visual Arts | Photography
Here’s Why You Should Use Vintage Lenses with Your Modern Mirrorless Digital Camera | Shutterbug
There’s been a growing trend among digital photographers to use vintage lenses on modern mirrorless cameras. Why would you want to do that? Among other reasons is that old manual focus lenses often sell for a fraction of the cost of their current autofo
Miscellaneous | Interesting Links
These are 15 of the best photos scientists took in 2017 — and they show the world in stunning ways
For their jobs, scientists explore the most unique corners of our world, observing the beauty of nature. There's lots of incredible photo opportunities.
Miscellaneous | OTHER STUFF
Photographing Eastern Europe's Fading Jewish Architecture – Tablet Magazine
Photographer David Kaufman looks at the world through a historical lens. Quite literally, in fact, as he shoots with bellows, the folding attachment used on cameras since the Civil War. Though Kaufman is fascinated by the past, his old-fashioned equipmen
Pets & Animals | Animals
Photographer captures cats midair in ninja poses
Hisakata Hiroyuki, a talented photographer from Japan, has managed to snap a group of mortal tomcats in a variety of high-flying kung fu poses. Using his own rapid-fire reactions, he photographs the lovable cats flying through the air, their legs and paw
Pets & Animals | Animals
Photos: The Supreme Cat Show
The one-day Supreme Cat Show is one of the largest cat fancy competitions in Europe with over one thousand cats being exhibited. Exhibitors travel from all over to enter their cats into categories including Persian, Semi-Longhair, British, Foreign, Burmes
Miscellaneous | Interesting Links
Photos: abandoned real-life ghost town
In the hills east of the Sierra Nevada Mountains in California, they used to mine gold. Now, Bodie is a ghost town, and for those allowed in at night, its slowly deteriorating houses, vehicles, and shops tell a story of time against the backdrop of the st
News | Interesting Stories
Man Captures Photo of 'Ghost' in Famous 'Haunted' Hotel: 'I Was in Shock'
He said they didn't notice what they'd taken a photo of until later.
Visual Arts | Photography
This is the Kit This Pro Uses for Travel Photography And Why He Chose It
Photographers! Let's talk a little about this! This is the Kit This Pro Uses for Travel Photography And Why He Chose It
History | History
This woman’s portraits of wartime Greyhound passengers reveal faces of fatigue and resolve
World War II must have been exhausting, even on the home front. Beside the stress of waiting for loved ones to return from overseas, training for new jobs, or being forcibly detained, Americans were…
Science & Technology | Tech
Google's New Algorithm Makes Your Photos Perfect—Before You Take Them | WIRED
Snap a photo and the neural network can identify exactly how to make it look better in under 20 milliseconds.
Visual Arts | Photography
Top 10 Best Cameras For Travel Photography - The Adventure Junkies
Travel Cameras 101. Find out why you need a good camera, what to consider when choosing one and the best cameras for travel photography available.
Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous
This video series teaches you all the Photoshop basics for free
Popular YouTube channel TastyTuts has put together this 33-video Beginner's Guide to Adobe Photoshop—a godsend for anybody who wants to learn Photoshop from scratch.
Visual Arts | Photography
The Top 10 Things I Wish I Had Known as a Beginner Photographer
Oh the road to becoming the best photographer you can be, you come across loads of useful information... and some not-so-useful information. Sometimes, it'
Entertainment | Entertainment
People Are Sharing Photos of Real-Life Places That Belong in a Wes Anderson Film
Director Wes Anderson has a specific style to his films. One subreddit finds places around the work with a Wes Anderson look, and the results are whimsical.
Visual Arts | Photography
How to Isolate a Moving Subject: Panning for Beginners
Panning with a moving subject is a great way to show motion whilst also separating your subject from the background. Learn how to achieve this effect in th
Visual Arts | Photography
Transforming a Boring Photo Into a Dramatic One With Photoshop
The mere mention of image manipulation may make some photographers cringe, but there’s no denying that some skill with Photoshop can enable you to completely transform an image.
Visual Arts | Photography
How to Make the Jump from Amateur to Professional Photographer
What makes a pro photographer a pro? How do you do it? Do you just wake up one day and the photo gods anoint you a pro? Do you have to pass the pro photogr
Science & Technology | Cool Stuff
NASA’s latest Jupiter image will blow you away
This image, taken by the Juno spacecraft’s JunoCam, was snapped in May as the spacecraft raced passed Jupiter. I don’t have to tell you that it’s a spectacular and breathtaking look at the gas giant. Like the other incredible pictures we’ve seen o
History | History
23 Of The Oldest Color Photos Ever Taken
Here's what the world looked like in color, over 100 years ago.
History | History
Why Colorizing Old Photos Requires a Ton of Research
Artists go out of their way to make the recreations authentic.
Science & Technology | Technology
Apple Just Revealed the Secrets to Taking Perfect iPhone Pictures
Apple has just launched a new website brimming with tips and tutorials to help users realize the full potential of their iPhone 7 camera.
History | LA History
A Victorian Tourist's Photo Album Of Los Angeles, Circa 1894
The fledgling city was sold into being through real estate and railroad ads, which promised a paradise of health, beauty, and endless potential.
Visual Arts | Photography
How to Take More Risks in Street Photography
Dear friend, I think the reason why street photography is fun is because it is risky.
Science & Technology | Social Media
This instagrammer’s epic shots of Yosemite National Park will make you want to travel right now
This collection of pics that will make you wanna pick your climbing gear, camping tent and head to California to enjoy one hell of an outdoor experience.
Miscellaneous | Other Kinds of Whatnot
5-Minute Tutorial Reveals How To Make Boring Photos Look Awesome | Bored Panda
There are a ton of bad photos online and it's mostly because people simply can't be bothered with editing. But as this tutorial will show you, you don't need to
Miscellaneous | NEW YORK CITY
Vibrant Street Photographs of New York City by Henry Kornaros
Henry Kornaros is a talented 17-year-old self-taught photographer and filmmaker from Vermont who currently based in New York City.
Visual Arts | Photography
Take up film photography in the digital age
Digital cameras may be easier to use, but many hobbyists still enjoy taking photos on film. Find out how, and why, you might want to try shooting on film.
Visual Arts | Photography
The Man Who Photographed a Forgotten America by Moonlight - Feature Shoot
Late Arrival, 2011 Diner, 2011 Noel Kerns is an American time traveler. His camera has taken him on road trips across Texas, down Route 66, and through the ghost towns of the American West. He’s found these bygone patches of the United States under the
Music | Vinyl Records!
Long Play: Analogue photos that capture the essence of record culture
Photographer Arne Reimer has spent over ten years capturing the essence of vinyl culture on analogue film for new photo book, Long Play.
Miscellaneous | Social Media
How Instagram Swelled To 500 Million Users While Others Struggled To Grow
Instagram now has half a billion users. How did the photo-sharing app outpace Twitter and keep us so addicted?
Science & Technology | Cool Stuff
This surreal image of Saturn is not a painting
The new image shows off Saturn's hexagonal jet stream in the planet's north pole.
Visual Arts | Photography
7 tips for capturing high-quality photographs with your smartphone (Paid Content By Vodafone Australia)
Get the shot of a lifetime with these smartphone camera tricks.
News | Interesting Stories
'Shark stepping on a Lego' photo goes viral; here's the real story
A toothy tweet takes a bite out of social media, but did you know the photo was taken by a shark-attack survivor?
Visual Arts | Photography
15 Pics That Show Photography Is The Biggest Lie Ever | Bored Panda
The internet is full of beautiful and amazing photographs, but do you ever stop and wonder just what went into that perfect shot? I'm not just talking about the
Visual Arts | Photography
5 Tips to Capture Lightning | Sony | Alpha Universe
Don Smith's top tips for shooting daytime lighting...how to get the shot & keep safe!
Visual Arts | Photography
One Photographer's View of NYC, Before and After 9/11
“There was something magical about them, two rectangles that grew so tall."
Miscellaneous | Stuff
Getty Images says photographer suing it for $1 billion gave up her right to complain
A photographer who put thousands of pictures in the public domain gave up her right to complain when others sell them, photo agencies and affiliated companies say in court papers.
Visual Arts | Photography
10 Tips For Photographing Your Children
You don't have to be a professional to be photographing high-quality images of your favorite subjects.
Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous
The Weird Ways Americans Try to Make the Wilderness Comfy | WIRED
To be able to unplug and enjoy nature, you need outhouses and food trucks.
Visual Arts | Visual Arts
The best iPhone photographs of 2016 – in pictures
The winners of the 9th annual iPhone photography awards have been announced, chosen from thousands of entries from 139 countries
Science & Technology | Technology
10 ways to make your summer photos amazing
Tips and tricks for capturing the great outdoors with your iPhone camera.
Entertainment | Entertain Me
Lucille Ball Vintage Photos - 32 Rare Photos of Lucille Ball
Bet you've never seen Lucille Ball like this before.
Sports | My Sporting News
Remembering Muhammad Ali: A tribute to a boxing legend
View the Remembering Muhammad Ali: A tribute to a boxing legend photo gallery on Yahoo Sports. Find more news related pictures in our photo galleries.
Music | Music
1976-1978: CBGB's House Photographer Seminal Shots
David Godlis was eyewitness to the 1970s New York punk scene. These are just a few of his seminal shots!
Entertainment | Entertainment News!
See Photographer Dafydd Jones's Party Photos From the 80s and 90s | Vanity Fair
Jones recently decided to go back through his archive and reprint photos taken for *Tatler* and *Vanity Fair.*