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What About the Children? How Can You be Okay with the Children Being Separated from Their Parents? Short Answer: I'm NOT. Long Answer Below:
The moral reality of mass deportation
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PODCAST | Nullification Can Be Applied To A Lot Of Things
Listen now (26 min) | Before we get into this segment of The Captain's America: Third Watch, I wanted to announce the launching of my new book, Nullification: The Case For Decentralizing The Federal Government, now available at Amazon.com in both pri
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PODCAST | Our Lives, Our Fortunes & Our Sacred Honor
LISTEN NOW | If you haven't seen it, the HBO series John Adams is a must-watch over the Independence Day weekend. It's a great depiction of what the Framers and the Founders – and the people of what is now the United States – went through in
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A Day That Changed The World
The world had seen nothing like it. Thirteen upstart British colonies were taking a stand against the most powerful military on the face of the planet. Of course, I am talking about the birth of the United States of America.
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Michigan’s ‘Feel Good' Law Directly Attacks Free Speech
I’ve been a student of history all of my life, although I must admit I was less than enthusiastic about the activity when I attended Butler Junior High School in the western suburbs of Chicago. Then, I looked upon the time spent in Mrs. Schmidt’s soci
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PODCAST | Our Constitution, Russia & Hunter
Listen now (32 min) | Before we get into this segment of The Captain America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, I wanted to share with you a clip from the late Antonin Scalia in which he talks about the benefits of gridlock at the federal government level.
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Can We Measure How Vacuous and Partisan Jeffries Really Is?
I don’t know how much more vacuous House Minority Leader Hakeem Jefferies (D-NY), can be. I also don’t know much more of a substanceless mouthpiece he can be for the Democrats. Republicans – along with 14 Democrats – reversed Biden’s credit scor
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PODCAST | Reports, Testimonies & Censures: So What?
LISTEN NOW | I wanted to say a couple of things about the quality of the spines that Republicans in Washington DC have. First, I want to talk about Adam Schiff. Here's a guy who has been proven – beyond doubt, repeatedly – that he is a serial lia
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The Left’s Obsession With LGBTQ Makes Sense If This Is The Case
If you traverse social media it is impossible not to see the ongoing lexical confrontation between those who are concertedly supportive of the LGBTQ+ movement – and especially as it is “pride” month and those who are increasingly viewing that suppor
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Documentary: The Great Awakening
Watch now (105 min) | After viewing this very well-produced and informative documentary, it is impossible not to be affected by what is held within. The information is solid, fact-based, and it should be the type of thing taught in our schools.
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PODCAST | Eco-Greta Channels Emily Litella
LISTEN NOW | I’d like to mention the lead article over at UndergroundUSA.com titled, The Not Ready for Prime Time Power Players. It all centers on information about the green energy movement that – I think we all have to be honest enough to admit –
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The Not Ready For Prime Time Power Players
The idea is a good one. There’s no doubt about that. Renewable energy. It’s cleaner and, therefore better for the environment, and that’s true whether you believe in man-made climate change or not. But like any new innovation, we should be able to e
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PODCAST | The Reichsführer Of The World Economic Forum Death Star
LISTEN NOW | Who is Klaus Schwab? What's his history? How was he brought up? What was he exposed to? What are his ideas? Where does he want to go? Those answers are part of the introduction that I give in this week’s featured piece at UndergroundU
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Klaus Schwab: Why Does This Fascist Have Influence?
Anyone who is even remotely aware has heard of the World Economic Forum. And if you have heard of the WEF then you are probably familiar with its leader (or should I say “Dear Leader”) Klaus Schwab and his brainchild The Great Reset. Honestly, there i
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PODCAST | Our Own Private Idaho (Expanded)
LISTEN NOW | Before we get into this morning’s segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, I wanted to point you toward the featured article over at Underground USA, If We're Going To Push Back Let's Start At The Beginn
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If We’re Going To Push Back Let’s Start At The Beginning
The far-Left Woke agenda is being increasingly recognized by the overwhelming majority of people as something that is the exact opposite of freedom and opportunity for all, two of the core tenets on which our Republic was created. With a growing number of
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PODCAST | The Foreign Virus That Has Metastasized As Wokeism
LISTEN NOW | Before we get into today's segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, Kyle Warren sitting in for a recovering Captain Matt Bruce, I wanted to play a segment of a podcast presented by the Heritage Foundation. The
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The Fight Against Wokeism Should Be A Bipartisan Effort
Sixty-five percent of Americans don’t believe biological males should be allowed to compete in women’s sports. That constitutes a supermajority in any political sphere. So, why should anyone – anyone – anywhere, at any time feel pressured
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PODCAST | We Need To Do Better With The Gifts They Gave Us
LISTEN NOW | Before we get into this morning’s segment of The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, guest hosted by Kyle Warren, I wanted to say a few words about Memorial Day: what it means and how the woke segment of our society is affe
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PODCAST | The Media Is Already Interfering In The 2024 General Election
LISTEN NOW | I wanted to expound a little bit on the Kennedy candidacy, how the media is not covering it, and why the media is not covering it. Why aren't the media and the DNC getting behind a Kennedy candidacy? Because the fascist Left – the radi
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PODCAST | A Foreign Policy So Bad It’s Non-Existent
LISTEN NOW | I want to expound and reiterate one of the overarching themes of the first segment and that is that our diplomacy in the United States doesn't exist. The State Department under the Biden Administration has completely failed. When you lo
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PODCAST | Kennedy Should Scare The Hell Out Of Biden & The Neo-Fascists
Listen now | I wanted to touch on a point that was made in the second segment. With the announcement by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. that he has tossed his hat in the ring for the Democrat nomination for president in 2024, Republicans have to get serious about
Politics | Politics
Is this a Poison Pill for Biden on China? | The Black Sphere
President Trump continues acting presidential. And rightfully so, because he IS president. Thus, he remains relentless on China.
Politics | Opinion
MAKOVSKY: Calls To Cut Aid To Israel Detrimental To U.S. Interests
With fires raging constantly in California, no one would reasonably argue to cut the firefighters’ budget. Yet several leading Democratic presidential candidates recently called for cutting American military aid to Israel despite it increasingly acting as
Politics | Politics
To Avoid War With Iran, Democrats and Europe Should Support Trump - Bloomberg
The regime’s leaders are the only ones who should be made to answer for Iran’s campaign of terror.
Politics | Iran Terror
If Iran Gets Back to Nukes, Israel Is Better Prepared to Strike. Here's why.
New weapons and friends make an attack on Tehran’s nuclear facilities a more thinkable proposition.
Politics | BDS
In a first, U.S. calls on German banks to close BDS accounts
The account in question belongs to the Jewish Voice for a Fair Peace in the Middle East and is used to raise funds to promote BDS.
Politics | Leftist Lies
Average tax refund jumps to $3,100, dents Democrat claims of tax cut trickery
The average tax refund so far this filing season is more than $3,100, the Treasury Department reported Thursday, putting things on track and denting Democrats’ claims that the 2017 tax cuts were actually hurting Americans’ wallets.
Politics | Politics
Ilhan Omar’s Big Lie | National Review
The Left distorts what happened in El Salvador in the 1980s.
Politics | Politics
AOC's Green New Deal Proposal Is One Of The Stupidest Documents Ever Written
On Thursday, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) released a six-page proposal for her much-ballyhooed Green New Deal. Before so much as reading it, presumably, Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA), who happens to be a 2020 presidential frontrunner, endorsed it:
Politics | Politics
The Costs of Presidential Candor
Predictably, Donald Trump was attacked both by the establishment and the media as “crude,” “unpresidential,” and “gratuitous” for a recent series of blunt and graphic statements on a variety of current policies. Oddly, the implied charge this
Politics | Opinion
US: Why should we fund PA hospitals, when Abbas diverts money to pay terrorists?
State Department defends its defunding of Palestinian Jerusalem hospitals by noting that the PA intends to give monthly stipend to family of terrorist who killed US-born Ari Fuld
Politics | Opinion
Why The Trump Team Is Wrong About Hamas
JNS.org –Donald Trump’s senior Mideast advisers are proposing to give Hamas billions of dollars if it will recognize Israel and...
Politics | Op-Ed
Yes, We Should Fight for Montenegro | National Review
If the NATO alliance cracks, then Europe takes a giant step back to the great-power politics of the past, which led Americans to fight in unimaginably brutal European wars. If it endures, peace prevails.
Politics | Donald Trump
Reciprocity Is the Method to Trump’s Madness | National Review
The president sends a signal: Treat us the way we treat you, and keep your commitments.
Politics | POLITICS
Time For A Reassessment Of NATO? A Military Expert Explains Why Trump Is Right To Question The Alliance
5 questions with Lt. Col. Daniel Davis of Defense Priorities
Politics | POLITICS
An Open Letter from Yale Law Students Illustrates the Decline of the Radical Legal Mind
Progressives’ anti-Kavanaugh hysteria is already in full bloom.
Politics | Opinion
Incoherent U.S. policy on Syria mystifying allies, empowering enemies - International news - Jerusalem Post
Experts contend that both Russia and Iran would be empowered should President Trump move ahead with military withdrawal from Syria.
Politics | POLITICS
A Gun-Control Measure Conservatives Should Consider | National Review
Gun-violence restraining orders can make us all safer while empowering the individual and protecting liberty.
Politics | Corruption
WASHINGTON: US and Islamic State: ‘We did see this coming’ | World | Merced Sun-Star
Like the rest of the world, the U.S. government appeared to have been taken aback last month when Mosul, Iraq’s second largest city, fell to an offensive by jihadis of the Islamic State that triggered the collapse of five Iraqi army divisions and ca