
Health & Fitness | Health News

Three Ways Your Cell Phone Can Save Your Neck

Cell phones are often blamed for neck problems. We show three ways your phone can promote healthy baseline posture that actually improves neck health.

Health & Fitness | Health News

Posture Workouts in a Swimming Pool

Training in water lifts weight off joints and provides resistance. Use with healthy posture principles for optimal results in swimming and on land.

Health & Fitness | Health News

Eyeglasses, Posture, and Headaches

Vision and headachesWe know that challenges with our vision can cause headaches. Squinting in bright light or straining the eyes to bring hazy text into focus can easily result in strain or pain in the eyes, temples, top of the head, or elsewhere. Wh

Health & Fitness | Health News

How not to Hunch like your Parent and Grandparent

Hunching is learned rather than inherited, so the Gokhale Method uses healthy posture principles and carefully honed techniques to reeducate the body.

Health & Fitness | Health News

Cultivating a J-Spine with Chair Pose (Utkatasana) | Gokhale Method Institute

As a student and teacher of yoga and practitioner of the Gokhale Method, I choose yoga poses that make good use of my time. “Chair pose” is well worth the time investment. In fact, it has become one of my favorite strength-building postures. It is use

Health & Fitness | Health News

How to Sit on the Floor, Part 2: Squatting | Gokhale Method Institute

This is the second post in our multi-part series on floor sitting. For Part 1 on floor sitting, click here.Why squat? Squatting isn’t something we do much in industrialized societies beyond childhood, but if you can do it healthfully, it is an eminently p

Health & Fitness | Health News

How to Improve Your Posture in a Day | Gokhale Method Institute

Pop-up Courses ensure an excellent teacher:student ratio for lots of direct attention.Our newly-crafted Pop-up Course fills a gap in our group class offerings. After many years of experimentation, we are excited about this format as it enables more peopl

Health & Fitness | Health News

Humans Learn through Repetition | Gokhale Method Institute

Learning and internalizing techniques doesn’t always happen immediately — or without assistance from a teacher.I spent many years developing and perfecting the Gokhale Method Foundations Course. After years of crafting the language, honing the metapho

Health & Fitness | Health News

When Is It Good to Pull Back Your Shoulders? | Gokhale Method Institute

This is the second post in our series on shoulder positioning. Read Part 1 here!Typing with shoulders too far forward.Often, in industrialized cultures, the shoulders are slumped or held forward. There are so many daily tasks in the modern world that make

Health & Fitness | Health News

Improving Your Neck Placement: a New Metaphor | Gokhale Method Institute

Note the forward head and neck placement of both these High Street pedestrians. This usually results from tucking the pelvis (see the man (right)), but can also become a habit independent of pelvic position (see woman (left)). Here our Bristol teacher Cl

Health & Fitness | Health News

Improving Your Neck Placement: a New Metaphor | Gokhale Method Institute

Note the forward head and neck placement of both these High Street pedestrians. This usually results from tucking the pelvis (see the man (right)), but can also become a habit independent of pelvic position (see woman (left)). Here our Bristol teacher Cl

Health & Fitness | Health News

Journey with Joan Baez | Gokhale Method Institute

Feeling happy after a lesson. If you ask Joan Baez what keeps her in good enough shape to do worldwide musical tours at age 78, she will hand you a little brown card that says “Esther Gokhale, Creator of the Gokhale Method.”My wooden business card.

Health & Fitness | Health News

Why Does the Oldest Chinese Buddha Figure Slump? | Gokhale Method Institute

 The oldest surviving Chinese Buddha figure shows surprisingly slumped posture. Note the forward head, absence of a stacked spine, and tucked pelvis. He would not look out of place with a smartphone in his hand!This surprisingly hunched Chinese Buddha fi

Health & Fitness | Health News

Improving Your Neck Placement: a New Technique | Gokhale Method Institute

I’ve taught stretchlying on the side for decades. So it’s a (welcome) surprise to discover a way of arranging the neck that is both more effective in adding additional neck length and more relaxing for the neck muscles. It takes good form to be able

Health & Fitness | Health News

"I Found I Could Defeat Sciatica:" Norm's Story | Gokhale Method Institute

Photo courtesy Norman Crawford.Norm, a hydrologic analyst and author now 82 years of age, originally hails from Alberta, Canada. When Norm was 16 years old, he accepted a summer job in Lake Louise (also known as Lake of the Little Fishes by the local Ston

Health & Fitness | Health News

Is Belly Breathing Good for You? | Gokhale Method Institute

It’s common for students to arrive at our classes with strong notions about breathing. Among these is “Belly breathing is good breathing; chest breathing is bad breathing.” I disagree with this widespread belief and present varying amounts of pushba

Health & Fitness | Health News

Posture and Pregnancy: A Report | Gokhale Method Institute

During my first pregnancy in 2011–12 I had — compared with other women — only a little trouble; I felt relatively fit. At the time, the occasional pain in my lower back and my permanent shoulder/ neck pain seemed normal because I had suffered them s

Health & Fitness | Health News

Holiday Health (Posture Tips) | Gokhale Method Institute

The holidays are upon us and ‘tis the season for cooking, cleaning and entertaining. You may find yourself especially reliant upon your body as you enjoy the added festivities. We want to help keep you safe and healthy with some seasonal posture tips! S

Health & Fitness | Health News

How to Text with Good Posture | Gokhale Method Institute

There’s nothing inherently problematic about the activity of texting from a posture point of view. The problems arise because we have poor habits in how we hold objects in front of us, how we read, and also because what’s on our cell phones tends to b

Health & Fitness | Health News

Choosing a Bed | Gokhale Method Institute

Students often ask me if there is a particular mattress that is in line with the Gokhale Method. While I do have a few suggestions, the most important part of lying down is how you do it. Stretchlying on your back or side to put some extra length in your

Health & Fitness | Health News

How to Lose Weight By Changing Your Posture | Gokhale Method Institute

There are several ways the Gokhale Method helps a person lose weight. I discovered this benefit of the method from students reporting back to me that they had lost 10 pounds without changing anything other than their posture. This happened frequently enou

Health & Fitness | Health

Good Posture: 9 Tips to Straighten Up

Poor posture can wreak havoc on your overall health. WebMD shows you 9 habits that lead to poor posture and shares tips to save your spine.

Pets & Animals | Cat & Dog Resources

Man’s Best Friend for Posture, Part I | Gokhale Method Institute

One of the great strengths of the Gokhale Method is that you learn it doing practical activities, like sitting and walking; you then practice it during your day-to-day life. Regular tasks like driving the car and household chores, and leisure activities l

Health & Fitness | Health News

How to do Pull-ups with Healthy Posture | Gokhale Method Institute

Our company’s deepest goal is to support people in being more sturdy in the world. Posture is a key ingredient for this, as is fitness. It’s commendable when people take on a fitness regimen of any kind; the companion undertaking needs to be to learn

Health & Fitness | Health

Are You Walking The Proper Way? 5 Steps You Should Take On Your Next Walk - DrWeil.com

This tip is courtesy of Dr. Weil on Healthy Aging: Your Online Guide to the Anti-Inflammatory Diet. For more nutrition and health guidance, start your 14-d

Psychology | Health & Wellbeing

Towel Roll Exercise to Increase Your Neck Curve

Here is a simple exercise that can help you hold your upper cervical correction longer. And at the same time it can help your body move bak toward a more nor...

Health & Fitness | Health News

5 Common Posture Myths

Actually, posture is key to optimal health. Just as a building needs a solid foundation and structure to remain strong in wind, rain, and earthquakes, so does your body. Proper alignment of the…

Health & Fitness | Health News

How to Not Sway Your Back in the Shower

As your mother always said, practice makes perfect. Luckily, every day you are presented with countless opportunities to perfect your posture while sitting, walking, sleeping and…showering. Yes, that…

Miscellaneous | Interesting & Helpful Information

10 Simple Postures That Boost Performance

Psychological research suggests simple actions can project power, persuade others, increase empathy, boost cognitive performance and more...

Psychology | Health & Wellbeing

Why the Best Anti-Aging Technique may be as Simple as Standing

Forget the Foutain of Youth! The best anti-aging technique is far more simple than you think. Discover why more time standing up can slow down aging.

Health & Fitness | Health News

These Glutes Are Made For Walking

The Gokhale Method is a powerful core strength building and easy to implement tool into your daily life. It improves posture effortlessly, simply, and in a very time and cost effective way. I highly recommend the program! It is the most powerful workout I have found in a very long time. I love it.

Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness

Lost Posture: Why Some Indigenous Cultures May Not Have Back Pain

There are a few populations in the world where back pain hardly exists. One woman thinks she has figured out why, and she's sharing their secrets. Have Americans forgotten how to stand properly?

Health & Fitness | Health News

Lost Posture: Why Some Indigenous Cultures May Not Have Back Pain

There are a few populations in the world where back pain hardly exists. One woman thinks she has figured out why, and she's sharing their secrets. Have Americans forgotten how to stand properly?

Health & Fitness | Health News

The spine gives structure to your life: Keep it fit with good posture

Christiane Carman believed she had good posture. Then one day she woke up with a crick in her neck, a nagging little pain on the left side that didn't go away. Soon it was shooting down her left arm. By the time she landed at UCLA's Spine Clinic, the pain

Pets & Animals | pets and animals

How To Understand What Your Cat Is Trying To Say

Humans are lucky. We have complex verbal and physical languages that can get across pretty much any message that we feel we need to.