Miscellaneous | Judaism
What Does Amen Mean?
Read on to learn more about what 'Amen;' means. Learn about the significance of this phrase, its meaning, and origins.
Miscellaneous | Jewish Life
How the Prayers of Thousands of Jewish Children Are Protecting Israel
An injured Israeli soldier finds and thanks the American girl whose prayer was with him when he got wounded.
Psychology | Psychology & Psychological Research
Care Focus: Caring for Self; Caring for the World - HeartMath | Blog
As we pause at times during the day to radiate our heart’s care and compassion to all the people suffering in Gaza and Israel and in the Russia-Ukraine war, we can wonder how much of a difference are we making and how else can we help the world. You’r
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Can Prayer Really Change Your Reality?
Our very own Queen Esther teaches us that while practical actions are necessary to succeed in any endeavor, spiritual efforts have the real impact in drawing down God’s blessings.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Is Meditation Kosher? - And if so, why aren’t we doing it? - Chabad
Is it possible to be a good Jew, do mitzvahs, study Torah and pray to G‑d without ever thinking too deeply about who He is and what’s my relationship with Him?
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Judaism: What You Need to Do Before You Pray
By joining forces, prayer won’t be fractured.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Spiritual Physics - Jewish Prayer
What do you do with this powerful love and desire for G‑d, awakened during prayer as a result of our challenges?
Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help
How to Reset Your Balance After an Unexpected Change
Have you ever started your day with good intentions, and then something happens that sets you off? Try reciting this prayer to reset your energy.
News | News
Hostages Freed at Texas Congregation After 10-Hour Standoff
People around the world prayed and dedicated mitzvahs in the merit of those held
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Judaism: Why Is the Contemporary Prayer Book So Long?
During the days of the First Temple, no formal prayer was needed.
News | News
Shelly Schreter – Israel: My Issues with Prayer
Shelly Schreter – Israel: My Issues with Prayer For someone who doesn’t really davven, I have spent a lot of time in shul. I have nothing in principle against davvening, and am familiar with the liturgy and the moves after many years of exposure t
Psychology | Relationships
How to Deal With People Who Try to Bring You Down
Take the time to get to know the people that tear you down.
News | News
Itzchak EvanShayish – MEETING THE REBBE AND SAYING GOODBYE “Who’s Shlomo?” I asked… It was the early winter of 1974. I was learning Torah at Shma Israel, the cauldron whose Rabbis birthed Or Sameach and Aish HaTorah. E
News | News
Shelly Schreter - My Issues with Prayer
Shelly Schreter – My Issues with Prayer For someone who doesn’t really davven, I have spent a lot of time in shul. It’s not that I have anything against davvening, or even that I don’t know the liturgy and the moves, because I actually do, aft
Politics | The "Squad"
‘F***’ Trump’s ‘National Day Of Prayer’: Rashida Tlaib Pushes Nasty Message On Social Media, Backtracks
As our nation takes precautions against the China-originated novel coronavirus, or COVID-19, President Donald Trump announced over the weekend that Sunday March 15 would be a National Day of Prayer, calling on all faiths to pray for protection and strengt
News | News
Jerusalem's best-kept secret comes in form of silent prayer
Did you know Jews pray on the Temple Mount? They do this discreetly, without provocations, and the custom is one
Miscellaneous | Interesting Links!
3-year-old boy goes viral after leading Pre-K class in prayer
In his prayer, Makhi asks God to bless his class' lunch and to "bless all the boys and girls all over the world."
Family & Parenting | Jewish People
Why the Difference Between Men and Women in Jewish Prayer? - Israel Unwired
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Family & Parenting | Jewish People
Men and Women in Jewish Prayer - Israel Unwired
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Miscellaneous | Jewish Life
Palestinians Say Jews On Judaism's Holiest Site Desecrated Jerusalem Mosque By Doing This | Daily Wire
On Monday, a Palestinian media outlet claimed that Jews on the Tremple Mount, the holiest place on earth for Jews, were “desecrating” the Al-Aqsa Mosque, which was built on the spot where the ancient temples of Israel stood, by doing one thing: Prayin
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Why Is a Tallit So Often (Mostly) White? - Questions & Answers
The overwhelming majority of tallits have historically been white, often with stripes. There are a number of reasons for this.
Psychology | Relationships
We were married for 10 years and lonelier than ever – then THIS happened and changed everything | Fox News
Sometimes it can creep into our lives with an unwelcome stealth. I would never have conceived that I could be surrounded by a husband, kids, and friends, and yet still feel its clutches suffocating my heart. But there I was, married 10 years, two kids, bu
Psychology | Psychology & Psychological Research
8 Steps of Gratitude That Will Change Your Life
You can’t force change. You need to allow it. And a key to allowing is accountability. When we take accountability for every aspect of our life we are in the most powerful position to allow change to occur. Implementing these eight steps of gratitude wi
Miscellaneous | Religion & Spirituality
Lodi Man Gets Second Chance At Life When Brain Tumor Vanishes Without Surgery « CBS Sacramento
It’s a medical mystery that’s left several doctors scratching their heads. A suspected malignant brain tumor vanishes without treatment giving a patient a second chance at life.
Politics | Trump Politics
Pastor Brunson's Wife Reveals Dream She Had Before Meeting Trump - 'I Knew Exactly What I Was Supposed to Pray' - The Western Journal
'So I had a specific dream, and specific verses.'
Health & Fitness | Health
How Should Clinicians Respond to Requests from Patients to Participate in Prayer, July 18 - AMA Journal of Ethics
Physicians can respond to patient requests for prayer by first pausing, listening respectfully, and reflecting back their understanding of the request.
News | Interesting Links
The four word prayer that could change everything in your life | Fox News
On the days when I get really fearful, I say a tiny prayer.
News | Interesting Links
Don't dismiss the incredible power of prayer | Fox News
Dismissing prayer is a tragically seamless task for those who have never experienced its powerful ability to sustain – and transform – the heart and soul.
Politics | Trump Politics
VIDEO: Alabama football players surround Trump in prayer after White House ceremony - The American Mirror
A remarkable thing happened while the media was focused on Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s Senate testimony: After a White House ceremony, several Alabama football players huddled around President Trump and prayed with him. WBRC’s Christina Cha
Advice & Self-Help | advice and self help
Power of Prayer: Evidence for Its Efficacy | National Review
For most believers, prayer isn’t a substitute for data-based solutions. It complements other thoughtful action.
Health & Fitness | Spiritual Development
How moms set children's spiritual compass and why it matters - Religion News Service
Mothers are best at conveying "the spiritual life is as real as the earth under our feet: We stand on it and we count on it,” a psychologist says.