Politics | Opinion
The Next Mutation of American Anti-Semitism
Just as generals are warned not to keep fighting the last war, we should not be monitoring the campus Hamas protest movement according to last year’s benchmarks. As the war
Politics | The Left
Elder Of Ziyon - The ONLY litmus test for being considered "progressive" is an unbridled hate for the Jewish state
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
News | Antisemitism Watch
Elder Of Ziyon - Balaam and the FBI
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
Politics | The Left
Progressive group with terrorism ties illegally failed to report lobbying, experts say
A progressive nonprofit group linked to Palestinian terrorism appears to have unlawfully failed to disclose lobbying, according to tax experts.
Politics | Opinion
Why Are Women in America Cheering for Hamas and Iran?
Are these female protestors for Hamas so afraid of freedom that they appease the most dangerous demons on earth by supporting them?
News | News
Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig: The Progressive Racist: An All Too Real Oxymoron
Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig: The Progressive Racist: An All Too Real Oxymoron Is it possible to be a “progressive” and a racist at one and the same time? Unfortunately, yes. Three questions should be asked when someone protests against war and humanitaria
Politics | The Left
Progressives’ Pro-War Protest Movement
Yesterday’s protests at Columbia highlighted a key difference between the left-wing protests of generations past and the current demonstrations: While both cheer America’s enemies, the 2024 version is ostentatiously, undeniably
Politics | Opinion
The terror of the right delusion
It's so much easier to construct bogeymen than face up to murderous reality
Politics | Woke Insanity
Google's Ultra-Woke Gemini AI Runs Amok Revising History
Google's latest AI chatbot Gemini is facing backlash for generating politically correct but historically inaccurate images in response to user prompts. As users probe how woke the Masters of the Universe have gone with their new tool, Google has been forc
Politics | The Left
The rise of barbaric progressivism
On the Jewish struggle and other epochal matters. Click to read No Delusions, No Despair, by Benjamin Kerstein, a Substack publication with hundreds of subscribers.
Politics | Politics
How Progressive Policies are Designed for Civilizational Suicide › American Greatness
We all understand, in the timeless words of the poet Robert Burns, that the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry. Most Americans are accustomed to…
Politics | The Left
The dangers of progressive antisemitism
The Left’s hostility to Jews is no longer a fringe preoccupation; it has become instinctive, a cultural reflex growing stronger by the day.
Politics | Op-Ed
Victor Davis Hanson: The Hysterical Style in American Politics
The post-Joe McCarthy era and the candidacy of Barry Goldwater once prompted liberal political scientist Richard Hofstadter to chronicle a supposedly long…
News | Israel/Jewish Community
The Greatest Threat to the Survival of Israel is the American Progressive Movement
A couple of years ago, a local Jewish community organization invited me to join a planning session to develop its lobbying agenda in advance of our state’s…
Politics | Opinion
Jews have a home in the conservative movement
The left’s betrayal is an opportunity for Jews to reassess which side truly embraces their most essential values.
Politics | Opinion
Why are you angry at the Auschwitz Museum?
The anti-Israel brigade has lost the moral plot.
Politics | Opinion
Israel’s False Partners
Progressives who divide the world into ‘oppressors’ and ‘the oppressed’ are not our allies.
News | Antisemitism Watch
Elder Of Ziyon - The haters have won. Young Americans are becoming more antisemitic. US Jewry may be doomed.
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
Politics | Opinion
Jewish Progressives: The Day the Delusions (Hopefully) Died
A lot of people woke up on October 7 as progressives and went to bed that night feeling like conservatives. What changed?
Politics | Opinion
Our cities and streets are full of hate
The said never again. And then when 1300+ Jews were slaughtered in a single day - they all took to the streets to rejoice.
Politics | Opinion
The cruelty of the Left
"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so," Ronald Reagan once quipped of his political opponents.
Politics | Opinion
Once, I Was a Peace Advocate. Now, I Have No Idealism Left.
After terrorists killed my cousin Daniel Pearl, my family called for peace. But after the worldwide celebration of our people’s slaughter, my hope for peace is dead.
Politics | The Left
The Cult of ‘Antizionism’
American progressive ideologues have formed a new ideology based on the negation of an all-powerful phantasm they call ‘Zionism.’ To fight them, we need to understand the origins of their beliefs in the Soviet academic propaganda apparatus.
Politics | Politics
When a Congresswoman's Apology Isn't Really an Apology at All
Jayapal's non-apology apology gives us a great insight into the "progressive" mindset of the Democrat's extremist left wing.
Politics | Leftists Are Insane
Sussex theatre ridiculed for issuing Nazi trigger warnings for the Sound of Music - The Jewish Chronicle
Audience members were warned that the play might contain ‘distressing’ themes
Politics | Op-Ed
Gavin Newsom: The Groomed Leftist Who Expects To Be President
If lefty globalists were to spawn the perfect politician in a vat, Gavin Newsom would emerge from the goo.
Politics | Opinion
Giving ‘progressive’ antisemites the benefit of the doubt
Both mainstream Jewish groups and their allies in the Biden administration are determined to avoid taking on left-wing Jew-haters and the ideas that drive them.
Politics | Politics
Why Daniel Penny Was Charged | National Review
Alvin Bragg was elected by a tiny faction of progressives to realize their race-obsessed vision of ‘social justice,’ not to enforce the laws evenhandedly.
Politics | Politics
Progressives Are Declaring War on Basic Economics - The American Spectator | USA News and PoliticsThe American Spectator | USA News and Politics
The United States is fighting wars on multiple fronts. Aside from our involvement in Ukraine and the Middle East, a hot war is being waged against economics. This war is being championed by the progressives in the Democrat Party, backed...
Politics | American Politics
Progressive Democrats Demand Biden Conditions Aid to Israel
14 progressive Democrats on Thursday sent a letter to the Biden administration condemning the Israeli government under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and demanding that the Biden administration draft a plan to ensure that US aid to Israel is not used f
Politics | Politics
Los Angeles County Supervisor Hilda Solis Oversteps on De-Carcerate and De-Populate
Hilda Solis and the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors need to lay off the sauce.
News | Antisemitism Watch
A willful blindness about antisemitism from the left
“Top Story” with Jonathan Tobin and guest Joel Pollak, Ep. 88
News | Israel
'I want progressives in the US to understand that the Palestinians are oppressed by Palestinians'
With the enormous media pressure facing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government over the proposed judicial reform, new Public Diplomacy
Politics | Opinion
Why American Jewish politicians have rushed to defend Ilhan Omar
If Jewish leaders won’t stand up to a powerful antisemite, they should be replaced.
Politics | Media Bias
Noam Blum buries the Courier Journal for their ridiculous Holocaust Remembrance Day article
A Courier Journal opinion piece said 'Jews do not have a monopoly on persecution and atrocities' in an article about Holocaust Remembrance Day.
Politics | Opinion
The unhinged reaction to the new Israeli government
The shallowness of progressive Jews is creating a crisis for the Jewish world
Politics | Indoctrination On Campus
Parents are waking up to the Israeli education system’s anti-Jewish agenda
Activist parents say progressive groups are seeking to empty Israeli education of its Jewish content to suit their left-wing ideology.
Books | Books
A new book challenges progressive Jews
David Bernstein’s “Woke Antisemitism: How a Progressive Ideology Harms Jews” is making waves in Jewish communities across the Western world.
News | News
PODCAST | The Democrats' Bad Trades & Expulsion
Listen now (29 min) | Before I get into how the DNC tossed two-time loser Stacey Abrams under the bus, this week, I need to address the horrific prisoner swap executed by the Biden administration. I've been writing and speaking a lot lately about cul
News | News
Leftist Activists Prove Points After Being Attacked By Fringe Left Thugs
The irony was spectacular in triplicate. A lesbian activist group protesting against transgender men being incarcerated in women’s prisons identifying their Antifa attackers as men because of their sexual organs, and then making an argument against tran
News | News
PODCAST | We Need To Be Honest About The Politicization Of Government
Listen now (46 min) | Recently I penned an article titled, Do We Really Understand The Meaning Of Freedom, in which I laid out several events - recent events - where government, bureaucracy, and special interests have successfully encroached on our freedo
News | News
PODCAST | All Our Political Problems Emanate From The Culture Wars
Listen now (29 min) | It can be successfully argued that a nation's people get the government they deserve for the simple fact that it is the people who vote, at least in republics and democracies. It is arguably true that this adage applies to the U
News | News
Why Won't Stacey Abrams Just Go Away?!
Listen now (27 min) | One would think that after losing high-profile elections twice in a row, Stacey Abrams - a two-time failed candidate - would go quietly into the mist, especially after claiming that the first election was stolen from her. Alas, that
News | Antisemitism Watch
Elder Of Ziyon - Not only Arabs: "Progressives" cheer and justify Arabs treating Jews like garbage
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
News | News
PODCAST | Arrive Alive, Snow & Traveling The Halls Of Power
Before we get to this morning’s segment with Matt Bruce on The Captain’s America” Third Watch – in which we discuss the snow in Buffalo and the response from New York State’s governor-elect, Donald Trump, the Arizona election challenge and some
News | News
PODCAST | We Have So Much To Be Thankful For
Before we get to this episode of The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, I’d like to say a couple words about rushing through life to dispense with Thanksgiving to get to the marketed holiday of Christmas. History has it that New Englan
News | News
PODCAST | Actually, It Is Patriotic To Question Elections And The Election Process
Perhaps a closing thought on the Midterms – although I'm sure there's going to be much more to be said about them going forward. I find it disingenuous to believe that the vote-counting process in Arizona, California, and Nevada can't be
News | News
PODCAST | Voting, Politics & The Cult of Personality
I would like to make a little suggestion and that is this. Instead of allowing the mainstream media to project and tell us who's won before all the ballots are counted, maybe we just wait until the ballots are counted to decide who has won the electi
News | Antisemitism Watch
The new Jew hatred
America’s small Jewish community endures nearly two-thirds of all anti-religious hate crimes annually.
News | News
PODCAST | Being Bullied Into Silence Isn't The American Way
I’d like to start out by saying happy Veterans Day to everyone who served, thank you for your service. And I want to make some comments about bravery, it doesn't always have to fall onto the shoulders of people who actually go onto the battlefield
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News | News
Red Wave! Red Wave!...Wait, Never Mind
The massive House and multiple Senate pick-ups promised are dramatically less than what the vacuous talking heads insisted would come to pass. And as the states continue counting ballots to get to 100 percent vote counts, the hubris displayed by the Washi
News | News
PODCAST | It's Election Day USA
Today is Election Day 2022. The finish line is within sight so we need to expect the dirty tricks to be in full swing. In Arizona, New York, and Pennsylvania especially, true domestic terrorists are targeting our right to free and fair elections. In Arizo
News | News
PODCAST | So This Is What The Left Calls 'Free And Fair' Elections?
Tomorrow is Election Day 2022; the Midterms. And as we get closer to the finish line the far-Left's true colors are starting to show. In Arizona, true domestic terrorists have targeted Kari Lake's campaign, sending hoax-anthrax filled envelopes
News | News
Are We Really As Free As We Are Led To Believe?
Politicians and ideologically-based special interest groups are quick to tell us that we are “free” in the United States. True, the citizens of the United States exist in a state that is much freer in comparison to most nations around the world. But w
Politics | Politics
Kathy Griffin's Twitter account gets suspended after impersonating Elon Musk, new CEO announces strict rules against impersonations
Kathy Griffin's Twitter account was suspended for impersonating Elon Musk, Twitter CEO announced strict new rules against impersonation on the social media platform.
News | News
It's Time to Vote...No Excuses
Over my lifespan, I have witnessed a growing apathy when it comes to exercising our rights to vote. Too many people hold to the notion that one vote doesn't count. That is a ridiculous and clueless notion disproven by the many purple-fingered people
Politics | The Left
Antisemitism watchdog: AOC’s ‘obsession’ with Israel is ‘shameful’
A nonpartisan antisemitism watchdog group has condemned Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) for criticizing the top pro-Israel lobbying group for opposing a progressive congressional candidate in Pennsylvania.
News | News
Diesel, Weasels & Witches
A reminder to parents, please be sure to check your child's trick-or-treat candy. There are reports of candy-looking fentanyl going around. Ingesting just a little bit of it could kill your child. So, please make sure your child knows not to eat any
News | News
???? Watching Out For The Goblins
With Halloween weekend upon us, please be sure to check your child's trick-or-treat candy. There is a candy-looking fentanyl going around and ingesting just a little bit of it could kill your child. You will also want to make sure your child knows no
News | News
Elections Can’t Continue Being About The ‘R’ Or The ‘D’
With the Midterm Elections upon us (early voting is already underway) we all really should take a moment to seriously reevaluate how we go about choosing who runs our government. As it stands today, government exists as an industry and one that significan
News | News
PODCAST | Tempting War Through A Failure To Acknowledge History
If we are guilty of at least one thing in our fast-paced, self-indulgent society it is this. We consistently fail to learn the lessons that an adequate knowledge of contemporary history affords. As the Biden administration - and even former-CIA director a
News | News
Missing The Lessons Of History
There is a lot of truth in the adage, “history repeats itself.” Even a pedestrian student of history understands that if we ignore the important moments of history – if we ignore the lessons of history, we both hobble ourselves to being able to capi
News | News
PODCAST & ARTICLE | The United States' Dance With Political Persecution
For the record, I can take or leave Steve Bannon. When he came on the scene at Breitbart all those years ago after Andrew’s death – at which time I was writing for the Big Government section there, the online publication moved away from one of its cor
News | News
PODCAST: The Buffoonery of the Biden's & The Awakening of Gabbard
Last week, former US Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, a former Democrat from Hawaii, stunned her party by rejecting them, announcing that she had left the Democrat Party because of their intolerant and extremist ideology; an ideology centered in divisive racism and se
News | News
Has The Day Of Reckoning Come For The Fascist Progressives?
Since before the election of Barack Obama as President of the United States, I have warned of the coming re-emergence of fascism at the hands of the Progressives. I argued that the Progressive movement was a destructive Fifth Column that meant to kill our
News | News
Is Free Speech In Your Shopping Cart?
It can be argued that the first volley in the attack on Free Speech took place quietly in the fledgling days of the Wilson Administration, when the federal government purposely moved from direct representation of the people to empowering “experts” wit
News | News
PODCAST | Biden Saber-Rattling DefCon 2?
As conditions continue to devolve in Ukraine - and as Russian Vladimir Putin slowly positions himself to the Cat-Bird seat, the idea that all is not as it would seem comes into play. Recently, we had a former head of the Joint Chiefs opine that Putin was
News | News
PODCAST | The Storm We Can See Is Only The Beginning
In this two-part episode I tackle a few subjects because, as they say, when it rains it pours, and we just had one of the worst storms in American history. In the first segment, Matt Bruce and I talk on The Captain's America: Third Watch about Hurric
Politics | Opinion
Why "progressives" can’t deal with antisemitism
The war against the Jews is also the war against western civilisation
News | News
Debunking Some Of The More Ridiculous Claims About A Convention of States
If you are a regular reader and listener, you know I have come one-hundred-eighty degrees on the issue of a Convention of States. Years back I was against it because I was only exposed to inaccurate information by the very well-funded establishment factio
Politics | Politics
Victor Davis Hanson: The Thinnest Veneer of Civilization
Civilization is fragile. It hinges on ensuring the stuff of life. To be able to eat, to move about, to have shelter, to be free from state or tribal coercion…
News | News
PODCAST | The Biden-Garland Brownshirt Raids In Pennsylvania
The heavy-handed tactics of the Department of Justice and the FBI in using full-on, militaristic brut force against non-violent suspects in their raids has crossed the line from questionable to unacceptable. These are the tactics of the Castro's in C
News | News
PODCAST | This Ian Isn't The James Bond Author
If you live in Florida or on the Southern or Southeastern coasts of the United Sate long enough you are going to be in the crosshairs of a hurricane or tropical storm. Those living on Florida's west coast up into the Big Bend east of Tallahassee are
News | News
PODCAST | The Not So Good Information From The Good Information Foundation
For years - years - I have been telling you how the dark money, special interest, elites have been manipulating the information presented to you to consume. I have talked about David Brock and Media Matters and how the mainstream media complex is bought a
News | News
PODCAST | The Hypocrisy of the Left's ‘Sanctuary Lie’
Vice President Kamala Harris’ insistence that the southern border of the United States is secure is a statement fully encamped in the realm of the absurd. And now that some of the more traditionally far-Left bastions are experiencing the many negative e
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News | News
PODCAST | Biden's Lame Victory Lap & Why Government Shouldn't Pick Winners and Losers
Now that the potential rail strike has been averted, it would seem a perfect time to address the ongoing supply chain issues that the Biden administration has perfectly ignored. The fact that the US Transportation Secretary wasn't even involved in th
Politics | Politics
WATCH: Viral Video of Martha's Vineyard Resident Is a Mask-off Moment for the Left
The left is telling us who they are. Listen to them.
Politics | Gender Insanity
Audio: D.C. Hospital Confirms It Performs Trans Hysterectomies On Girls Under 16 Years Old
A staffer from the Children’s National Hospital in Washington, D.C., confirmed in exclusive audio from Libs of TikTok that it performs so-called gender-affirming hysterectomies on girls younger than 16 years old.
News | News
ARTICLE & PODCAST | What Has Progressed Under Progressivism?
As we prepare for the onslaught of propaganda that is coming our way (from both sides) during the lead-up to the Midterm Elections, we all need to take a step back from the preferred narratives being foisted upon us by the political Left and mainstream me
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Miscellaneous | Education
‘It Just Works’: Progressive Educators Rediscover Power of Phonics after Failing with DEI-Infused Method | National Review
A former school principal told NR that the move to a social-injustice infused teaching method disproportionately harmed minority students.
News | News
PODCAST | Slash & Burn Politics and 'The Chexit'
It is astounding why a rising star amongst the political Right at the national level - a woman with name recognition, a legacy, and a solid base - would attach her entire political career to attempting to settle some kind of score against Donald Trump. Bu
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Politics | Corruption
Progressive CEO Dan Price, who Robert Reich once called ‘the one moral CEO in America’, accused of MULTIPLE sexual assault allegations
Dan has been lecturing other CEOs about THEIR behavior. Let THAT sink in.
News | News
PODCAST | Acid Politics Produces Caustic Snowflakes
In the days after the questionably legal FBI raid on Donald Trump's Mar-A-Lago home in Palm Beach, Florida - and after a crazed gunman committed suicide by cop at an FBI office in Ohio, The US Department of Justice and the Department of Homeland Secu
Politics | Opinion
Progressives for jihad
The woke set’s sympathy for Palestinian Islamic Jihad is deranged.
Politics | Politics
George Soros Gaslights On Crime - The American Conservative
Billionaire progressive activist doubles down on defending the Narrative
News | Antisemitism Watch
Elder Of Ziyon - The other Abraham Accords benefit that the progressives won't talk about: Far less antisemitism
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
Politics | Op-Ed
Victor Davis Hanson: America Is More Fragile Than the Left Understands
The Left has been tempting fate since January 2021—applying its nihilist medicine to America on the premise that such a rich patient can ride out any toxic…
News | Antisemitism Watch
We must stop sweeping woke antisemitism under the rug
Ignorance may not be antisemitic, but crafty denial of history is, as is skewing Jewish values to bolster up false claims. Op-ed.
Politics | Opinion
Victor Davis Hanson: The Selfish Californian
We hear plenty of reasons for the perfect storm that imploded California. One-party, progressive government, of course. Decades of unchecked illegal immigration…
Politics | Opinion
Elder Of Ziyon - 05/18 Links Pt2: Denying Jewish Identity Is the Epitome of Anti-Semitism; How the Guardian's anti-Israel bias colours everything
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
Politics | Opinion
Progressively Sliding into Antisemitism
From the blog of Rachel Wahba at The Times of Israel
News | News
PODCAST | Censorship, Disinformation & War...It Isn't Cool to Be a Democrat Today
With Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff showboating for film crews in Ukraine to pretend they have done something besides demonizing half of America for the last year and a half - and Biden's new effort to stomp out your freedom of speech, it's just n
News | News
The Absolute Danger Of Biden’s Disinformation Governance Board
We should all be very concerned with how far we have allowed the fifth columnists to go with manipulating speech and our right to free speech. From the absurd notion of political correctness to social media and internet censorship to the newly created DHS
News | News
PODCAST | Maybe DHS Should Consider Putting a Fence Around Disney
As DHS Secretary Mayorkas humiliates himself before Congress in continuing to push the false narrative of the snowflake "domestic terrorism" threat, perhaps the Left could better serve itself by putting a fence around Disney Woke-World given that Florida&
News | News
The Political Redefinition of Meanings & How the Status Quo Benefits
The redefinition of words and phrases by those in political power is nothing new, especially for what has to be identified as today’s fascist Left. Under the “kinder, gentler” moniker of Progressivism, they have been establishing redefinitions to th
Politics | Second Amendment
Progressives Shocked to Find Gun Buybacks Don’t Decrease Gun Crime
Who would have thought gun buybacks were a ridiculous way to curb gun violence?
Politics | Opinion
Elder Of Ziyon - Here is what the "progressive" opponents of the Israel Relations Normalization Act of 2021 actually oppose
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
News | News
‘You couldn’t tell who was Jewish’: Whoopi Goldberg attempts to apologize on Stephen Colbert’s show, doubles-down instead
"This gets worse as it goes on."
Politics | Politics
Every Progressive Fundraising E-Mail This Weekend | National Review
Diversity is our strength. But unless we are united, that diversity is meaningless.
News | Antisemitism Watch
Biden Cabinet Member Backs NJ Congressman’s Charge That Progressive Hecklers Shouted ‘Jew!’ at Event
US Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D-N.J.). Photo: Kristie Boyd, US House Office of Photography. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo has corroborated Rep. …
Politics | The "Squad"
AOC's Grasp on American Governance Is a 'Farce'
Progressive Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, echoing the complaint of the Democratic Party establishment, believes that Sen. Joe Manchin engaged in an “egregious breach” of President Joe Bid...
Politics | Leftists Are Insane
Could the Bubonic Plague Could Be the End Result of Progressive Urban Policies?
Poor sanitation in cities run by progressives is leading to increases in rat-borne diseases. If we are not careful, the Bubonic plague will be back in no time.
Politics | Hamas, Gaza & The Palestinian Authority
Israel: What is the '2-state solution' about?
Last week, after the House of Representatives overwhelmingly approved the supplemental spending bill for the Iron Dome program, everyone
Politics | American Politics
The Squalid "Squad" Is Trying to Destroy Bipartisan Support for Israel
The fact that the Squad picked on the Iron Dome to make its stand against Israel is significant. The Iron Dome is a system developed jointly by the United States and Israel that is purely defensive. It does not kill, injure, or threaten anyone. It only
Politics | Opinion
Israel: Progressives Hand Democrats Another Embarrassment
With majority Democrats locked in a bitter internecine struggle over just how much of Joe Biden’s domestic agenda they can pass in one fell swoop, the
Politics | Liberal Hypocrisy
Whether It's Racism, Mental Illness, or Intentional, Progressives' Silence on the Larry Elder Attack Is Deafening
We all know why they're silent, but it's disappointing nonetheless.
Politics | Education or Indoctrination?
Oregon Gov. Kate Brown suspends state’s proficiency standards for reading, writing, and math in the name of ‘equity’
The law is expected to benefit Latino, Latina, and Latinx students.
Psychology | Personality
David Brooks Reconsiders ‘Bobos in Paradise’ - The Atlantic
The creative class was supposed to foster progressive values and economic growth. Instead we got resentment, alienation, and endless political dysfunction.
News | Jewish Community
Jew Hatred: The New Furies of the Oldest Hatred
Take a good look at who is speaking out against Jew-hate. And who is staying silent.
Politics | Opinion
With Israel under Attack, Watch for Progressive Anti-Semitism
Not only does history's oldest virus—anti-Semitism—today receive 24/7 assistance from social media, but it metastasizes as quickly as deadly new strains of COVID-19, spawning Jew-hatred and hate
News | News
Biden Is All Over the Board on Social Media's Attack on the First Amendment
In the aftermath of Facebook’s totalitarian decision to maintain their banishment of former President Trump, the Biden administration...
News | News
More States Join the Push Back Against Critical Race Theory
South Dakota’s governor has signed a pledge to re-institute accurate US history education in that state’s public schools. South Dakota...
News | News
Portland Cedes Its Streets to Antifa; Heavily Armed Gangs Accost Drivers
Video posted on Twitter of a Thursday confrontation appears to show heavily armed Antifa protesters assaulting a driver at gunpoint and...
News | News
PODCAST: So, Now Achieving Racial 'Equity' Requires the Dumbing Down of America's Kid
The California Department of Education is suggesting - strongly suggesting - that schools eliminate advanced placement math classes, not because students weren't qualifying, but because AP math classes are, get this, "racist." Frank and Andy address this
News | News
COVID Wasn’t Enough, Now We Have to Deal with Crashing Chinese Space Debris
As if unleashing the COVID virus on the world wasn’t egregious enough, now a chunk of launch debris from a Chinese rocket, measuring the...
News | News
Yet Another Black-on-Asian Attack; When Will the Black Community Act?
In yet another race-based and unprovoked attack, an Asian man, who was walking his 1-year-old child in a stroller, was attacked by a...
News | News
Why the ‛War on Police’?
Police officers take an oath of office to uphold the law. They do not take an oath to support a political party or ideology...
News | News
Black Communists Smear Anne Frank; Book Burn with Her Diary
A woke Black communist movement in Colorado has exhibited its core value of hate in a social media post that calls Anne Frank a...
News | News
The Systemic Racism & Hate Inside the Modern Day Democrat Party
In a demonstration of how Democrats embrace a two-tiered idea of justice, the chairman of the Lamar County Democrat Party of Texas was...
News | News
The Stupidity the Woke Movement Inflicts Upon Society
In a move that screams ‟lowest common denominator,” the California Department of Education’s mathematics curriculum framework for 2021...
News | News
In Portland, the Prosecution of Crimes Is Subjective
After almost a year of chaos and destruction in Portland at the hands of Black Lives Matter protesters and Antifa anarchists, it appears...
News | News
Who Does the Nation Turn to When the FBI Goes Rogue?
A joint letter from the ranking members of two prominent House committees to FBI Director Christopher Wray called on him to provide a...
News | News
Does the CIA Going ‛Woke’ Serve the Country Or Inane Special Interest?
A disturbing recruitment video produced by the Central Intelligence Agency was packed with political and ideological agenda items that...
Politics | Politics
Biden provides a peek into the progressive Jewish mindset
US Jews are portrayed as driven by values not religion, engaged in left-wing activism and threatened by antisemitism that comes only from the right
Politics | Opinion
For Progressives Netanyahu isn't the problem, Israel is
Just a few years ago, Senator Elizabeth Warren was a bit of joke. With her views placing her at
News | News
Instagram for Kids? A Horrible Idea That Invites Further Indoctrination
A coalition of child safety advocates is opposing Facebook’s plans to launch a version of Instagram for children under 13 years of age...
Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous
The Growing ‘Second Amendment Sanctuary State’ Movement
Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts signed a proclamation designating his state a “2nd Amendment Sanctuary State,” moving the idea of nullification.
Politics | Politics
Did the White House Bald-Face Lie About a Latin American Border Agreement?
White House Press Secretary, Jen Psaki, was rebuked by one Latin American leader over claims the Biden administration secured commitments...
Politics | Politics
Is One Boston Hospital Implementing Systemic Racism into Medicine?
A Boston hospital appears to have been infected with “woke-ism.” Brigham and Women’s Hospital has announced it will offer “preferential...
Politics | Politics
Parental Enemies List in Hand, School Committee Vows to ‘Silence Opposition’ on Critical Race Theory
A non-sanctioned group of public school officials in Loudoun County, Virginia, public schools has secretly pledged to “silence the...
Politics | Politics
Why Didn't the Man Wearing Body Armor with 6 Guns and Ammo at Grocery Store Get Coverage?
An Atlanta man was arrested after entering a major chain grocery store carrying an AR-15, five other weapons, and an extensive cache of...
Politics | Op-Ed
What Happened to Our Country? – RedState
"It is all insane. It will all get far worse before any of it even has a chance of getting any better. Perhaps it will take decades or more. If it happens at all."
Politics | Politics
Progressives against Civil Rights | City Journal
As activists trade equality for “equity,” they jettison the principles of the civil rights movement.
News | News
Fourth Revision of Calif. ‘Ethnic Studies Curriculum’ Saturated with Critical Race Theory
Never wanting to be seen as not on the cutting edge of the educational abyss, California’s Department of Education has released a fourth...
News | News
UK Secretly Testing Controversial Web Data Mining Tool
For the last two years in Britain, law enforcement and internet service providers have been quietly colluding to build and test...
News | News
Over 1,000 Baltimore School Officials Make $100K a Year as Students Continue to Fail
An examination of city records reveals that a shocking number of school officials in Baltimore, Maryland are making more than $100,000...
Politics | Politics
New Cuomo Scandal Emerges Over Order Directing COVID Patients into Homes for Disabled
Yet another executive order issued by New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D), has been found to put the most vulnerable to the COVID virus at...
News | Censorship
Wall Street Journal Endorses Section 230 Reforms After Facebook’s 'Phony Fact-Check'
After a second instance where social media publisher Facebook has used partisan fact-checkers to challenge analysis, the Wall Street...
News | News
Drive to Claw Back Power from an Expanding Federal Government Gains Steam
Public sentiment is wide-spread and mounting to confront the unbridled expansion of the federal government’s authority over the sovereign...
Politics | Demos
The Racism Industry's Biggest Lies
Nothing has been more common during the last years than accusations of “racism.” President Biden has said that he is going to lead a “great battle…to achieve racial justice and root out systemic racis...
Politics | Woke Insanity
And Then They Came to Cancel Pepe Le Pew
It should be clear now that the New York Times is waging culture war against everything and seeks to impose Year Zero. Its latest attack focuses on cartoon skunk Pepe Le Pew. Apparently, the amorous F...
News | News
150 Missing Children Recovered in Joint Operation
A joint law enforcement operation months in the planning has recovered 150 children who had gone missing in Tennessee...
News | News
K-12 ‘Woke Civics’ an Effort in Indoctrination
The Washington swamp establishment that brought the education system the Common Core standards and encouraged more federal intervention...
Politics | Demos
Democrats Block Amendment to Prevent COVID Relief-Stimulus Funds from Going to China
An amendment to the House COVID relief-stimulus package that would have prevented any funding from going to the Communist Chinese was...
News | Censorship
Amazon De-Platforms Clarence Thomas Documentary During Black History Month
In an astonishingly racist and biased move the BigTech platform, Amazon has de-platformed a documentary about US Supreme Court Justice...
Politics | Demos
California's Bullet Train Over-Budget; Cost Now Over $100,000,000,000
California's massive high-speed rail project is more than a decade behind schedule and an example of grotesque overspending and mismanagement. Experts now say the project is a complete misreading of what the public needs. The so-called Los Angeles-to-San
News | Censorship
Amazon De-Platforms Book by Conservative Author on Transgenderism Without Explanation
In another move to digitally book burn, Amazon's web store has removed a best-selling book by a conservative author focusing on the science, social science, and politics of transgenderism. Amazon did so without notifying or informing the author why the bo
News | Antisemitism Watch
"Progressive" Jewish groups are against IHRA working definition of antisemitism because it could be "misused"
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.