Advice & Self-Help | Meditation and Other Practices
The Baloney Detection Kit
Carl Sagan’s rules for critical thinking offer cognitive fortification against propaganda, pseudoscience, and general falsehood.
Politics | Politics
ANDREW McCARTHY: FBI's role in Hunter Biden laptop scandal is worse than you know
When the Hunter Biden laptop became public in mid-October 2020, thanks to the New York Post’s reporting, it was simply folded into what was a Russian really a disinformation fairy tale.
News | News
The Communist Chinese Influence in America's K-12 Education System
In recent months, US officials have raised concerns over the communist Chinese’s concerted efforts to extend its global influence – and especially its propagandistic influence into the United States – through what it terms “soft power.” This inf
News | News Items
What Were We Thinking? The Top 10 Most Dangerous Ads
A look back at 10 colossally painful advertisements.
News | News
PODCAST | They Shoot Journalists, Don’t They?
LISTEN NOW | Before we get to this morning’s segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, I wanted to touch on something that we didn't talk about today and that was Joe Biden's interview in which he pretty much said –
Politics | The Left
Elder Of Ziyon - “Palestine” is a “climate justice” issue!
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
News | Pallywood
Elder Of Ziyon - Artificial intelligence will supercharge Pallywood and anti-Israel lies
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
Politics | Debunking Lies
Netflix's ‘Farha’ and the Perils of Propaganda
What is the difference between art and propaganda? Well, among much else, propaganda tells you what to think. Art, meanwhile, is meant to teach you how to think—even to think for yourself. One result from that is that propaganda tells you that the world i
Politics | Media Watch
'Anonymous Sources' Are How Media Launder Smear Operations
It happened with the Russia hoax, it happened all during Trump's time in the White House, and it happened again with the Chinese spy balloon.
Politics | Woke Insanity
Cambridge, Massachusetts, Plans To Hold Youth Sports Event For Elementary School ‘Girlx’
The city of Cambridge, Massachusetts, is hosting a youth sports event for “girlx.”
News | News Items
Psychologists are taking aim at misinformation with these strategies
Conspiracy theories and other forms of dis- and misinformation continue to worm their way into the American psyche. Psychologists are on a mission to fight them with these science-backed methods
News | News
PODCAST | Okay, Let's Try This Again...
Listen now (28 min) | Before we get to Friday's segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch in which we talk about the federal GOP, Joe Biden, Southwest Airlines, and a variety of other incredulous and disturbing things, I wanted to take a mom
News | News
PODCAST | The Opportunistic Aggression Of The Political Class
Listen now (48 min) | Before we get to this morning's segment on TalkBack with Chuck Wilder where we discuss “The Government Cares About Your Health? Not By A Long Shot,” I want to take a second to talk about the referrals - the criminal charge r
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News | News
PODCAST | Congress & BigPharma: Picking Your Pocket When You Aren’t Looking
Listen now (28 min) | Before we get to this morning's segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, in which we discuss, at length, the featured article over at UndergroundUSA.com today titled, “The Government Cares About Your
News | News
The Government Cares About Your Health? Not By A Long Shot!
Ronald Reagan was famous for saying that the scariest words that any American could hear were these: “We’re from the government and we’re here to help you.” Anyone who questions the truth of this statement is either oblivious to reality of mentall
News | News
PODCAST | Shoot Ourselves In The Foot? No Problem For The House GOP
Listen now (47 min) | Before I get into our discussion about, “Leftist Activists Prove Points After Being Attacked By Fringe Left Thugs,” I want to give a quick shout-out to the people listening in the countries where you're not supposed to be ab
Miscellaneous | Interesting & Helpful Information
The Fatal Hike That Became a Nazi Propaganda Coup
In 1936, a school group from south London went on a hike in the Black Forest. Despite the heroic rescue attempts of German villagers, five boys died. Over eighty years on, locals are still asking how it happened.
News | News
Missing The Lessons Of History
There is a lot of truth in the adage, “history repeats itself.” Even a pedestrian student of history understands that if we ignore the important moments of history – if we ignore the lessons of history, we both hobble ourselves to being able to capi
News | News
PODCAST & ARTICLE | The United States' Dance With Political Persecution
For the record, I can take or leave Steve Bannon. When he came on the scene at Breitbart all those years ago after Andrew’s death – at which time I was writing for the Big Government section there, the online publication moved away from one of its cor
News | News
PODCAST: The Buffoonery of the Biden's & The Awakening of Gabbard
Last week, former US Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, a former Democrat from Hawaii, stunned her party by rejecting them, announcing that she had left the Democrat Party because of their intolerant and extremist ideology; an ideology centered in divisive racism and se
News | News
Has The Day Of Reckoning Come For The Fascist Progressives?
Since before the election of Barack Obama as President of the United States, I have warned of the coming re-emergence of fascism at the hands of the Progressives. I argued that the Progressive movement was a destructive Fifth Column that meant to kill our
News | News
Is Free Speech In Your Shopping Cart?
It can be argued that the first volley in the attack on Free Speech took place quietly in the fledgling days of the Wilson Administration, when the federal government purposely moved from direct representation of the people to empowering “experts” wit
News | News
PODCAST | Biden Saber-Rattling DefCon 2?
As conditions continue to devolve in Ukraine - and as Russian Vladimir Putin slowly positions himself to the Cat-Bird seat, the idea that all is not as it would seem comes into play. Recently, we had a former head of the Joint Chiefs opine that Putin was
News | News
PODCAST | The Storm We Can See Is Only The Beginning
In this two-part episode I tackle a few subjects because, as they say, when it rains it pours, and we just had one of the worst storms in American history. In the first segment, Matt Bruce and I talk on The Captain's America: Third Watch about Hurric
News | News
PODCAST | The Not So Good Information From The Good Information Foundation
For years - years - I have been telling you how the dark money, special interest, elites have been manipulating the information presented to you to consume. I have talked about David Brock and Media Matters and how the mainstream media complex is bought a
News | News
PODCAST | Uvalde: Limited Government Is Essential For The Common Good
While the political opportunists scream in an attempt to score points for their shallowly naive and uneducated positions on “gun control” regarding the Uvalde school shooting, the tragedy – and that’s what it is, a tragedy – spotlights some poin
News | News
PODCAST | The Biden Price Hikes & The Choice Of A Lifetime
As Joe Biden stupidly saber-rattles war in the Pacific Rim, we here at home are suffering from his i
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News | News
PODCAST | Fearporn, ‘Dysinformation’ & Monkeypox
With the economy in crisis, fuel prices and costs of raw materials through the roof, military confro
News | News
Fearporn, ‘Dysinformation’ & Monkeypox
With the economy in crisis, fuel prices and costs of raw materials through the roof, military confrontation being threatened in two theaters, a full-blown invasion on our southern border, and a nation divided to an extent not seen since the US Civil War,
News | News
PODCAST | The Next Elections Actually Need To Be Referendums
The common misunderstanding of the choice facing American voters in the 2022 Midterm Election and th
News | News
The Next Elections Actually Need To Be Referendums
The two political parties, their sycophantic activists, and the mainstream media want you to believe that the upcoming Midterm and General Elections represent a critical choice between two distinctly different visions for our country: one rooted in social
History | History
Secret UK propaganda campaign stoked Israel hatred to appear authentic
Declassified files show Britain attempted to sow division between Moscow and its Arab allies using fake reports blaming both sides for Egypt's defeat in the 1967 Six Day War
News | News
PODCAST | Whether At Home Or Abroad It's All About The Guns
The epidemic of mass shootings in the United States recently says less about the lawful availability of guns and ammunition and more about our societal failure. From our governments' failure to address mental health issues that lead to things like Bu
News | News
The Biden Administration’s Pathetic Attempt To ‘Wag The Dog’
The US House of Representatives advanced a bill that would send an additional $40 billion in aid to Ukraine – $7 billion more than what President Biden requested. That raises the total amount of emergency aid issued to Ukraine from the United States alo
News | News
PODCAST | The Truth About The Narrative Of Disinformation
I can't begin to tell you how many times someone has asked me who they can trust when it comes to accurate information in the news. The simple answer is that you should trust no one; no newspaper, no columnist, no talking head, no politician. We live
News | News
The Roe Protests: The Hoodwinking Of The American People
The purposeful manipulation of the American people by the political Left continues in the anticipated Supreme Court Ruling in the matter of Roe v. Wade. Simply put – and it can’t be repeated enough – the Democrats and pro-abortion advocates are bald
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News | News
PODCAST | How Disingenuous Can Our Federal Government Be?
From their declarations about Ukraine and punishing Vladimir Putin with sanctions to their declaration that domestic terrorism is actually a threat to our country to their completely disingenuous and opportunistic moves against cryptocurrency, our federal
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News | News
The ‘New & Inclusive’ Taliban Comes Full Sharia Law Circle After Biden’s Afghan Withdrawal
All women in Afghanistan must be covered head to toe in public, Taliban leader Hibatullah Akhundzada, head of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, decreed Saturday in a move that brings the ruthless and murderous reign of the Taliban back full circle to pr
News | News
The Establishment's Terror About Cryptocurrency And Why They Need To Destroy It
Cryptocurrencies and decentralized finance are striking fear into the souls of the financial elite. From the US federal government to the Federal Reserve and the Security & Exchange Commission, the International Monetary Fund to the World Bank, the manipu
News | News
PODCAST & ARTICLE | The Overturning Of Roe v. Wade Would Not Make Abortion Illegal
Before we get into the meat of this issue it is important to understand that a draft opinion is not a ruling. It is a precursor to a ruling; a moment in time when the US Supreme Court Justices make their cases to the other justices on why they hold the pr
News | News
PODCAST | Russia: A Paper Tiger or a True Force to Be Reckoned With
With Russia facing increased resistance in its efforts to take over Ukraine, Putin has exposed the Russian military as less than what it was during the Cold War. But with the Biden administration weak and pushing a domestic policy centered on destroying t
Politics | Opinion
Morality propaganda: Ukrainian refugees, Israel, and money
Over the years I have learned to smell propaganda. Being an Israeli means being under constant attack – both overt and covert. We are threatened with physical violence, terrorism, and war. We are also threatened by more sophisticated and elegant methods s
News | News
SUNDAY DIGEST: US Meets with Venezuela in Effort to Cajole the Socialist Nation Away from Russia
US Meets with Venezuela in Effort to Cajole the Socialist Nation Away from Russia A delegation of senior US officials is in Venezuela for meetings with President Nicolas Maduro's government in a bid to peel Caracas away from Russia amid Moscow's
News | News
The Political Class and Mainstream Media Have Destroyed the People's Ability to Divine the Truth
We have all heard it and many of us have said it. We live in a moment in time when accurate, unmanipulated, and truthful information is at a premium. We cannot trust our mainstream media nor can we trust our elected class. Even advocates and activists are
News | News
The Distrust of Politicians & Mainstream Media Facilitate Western Support of Putin?!
In a perfect example of how an opportunistic and manipulative political class and a disingenuous and agendized media has endangered the world, some on the Right in the United States are so jaded to the consumption of information they are refusing to accep
News | News
What Good Is International Law If Is Is Always Ignored?
In the days after Russia launched its invasion into Ukraine, there is accumulating evidence that Vladimir Putin has ordered warfare tactics that facilitate the commission of war crimes with deadly attacks on civilians and the use of banned munitions.
Politics | Leftist Lies
Control of the Language: The Battle Is On!
The Left has seized control of the English language and is using it as a club to pummel non-conformers.
News | News
PODCAST: We Must All Guard Against Mass Formation Psychosis as the Powers Propagandize About Ukraine
Every military and societal conflict - throughout the history of man - has seen adversaries utilize the tool of propaganda to advance their causes. The conflict in Ukraine is no exception. But the thing that makes this conflict unique is that we have a di
Politics | "Apartheid" State?
Elder Of Ziyon - “Apartheid" is the new "Occupation" - a term used purely for propaganda purposes
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
Politics | Politics
‘What Fresh Propaganda Hell Is This’: New Showtime Docuseries ‘Everything’s Gonna Be All White’ Sparks Debate
There’s a new show about systemic racism premiering on Showtime.
Politics | Big Tech vs Conservatives
Google Is Teaching Employees That Listening To Ben Shapiro Leads To ‘Genocide’
The tech giant Google is holding “antiracist” training for its employees that claims a direct link exists between listening to Ben Shapiro, editor emeritus of The Daily Wire and host of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” and committing “mass murder.”
News | News
China Uses Artificial Intelligence on Social Media To Propagandize America
A massive pro-China “spamouflage” network on social media is being used to distort international perceptions on important issues, such as...
Politics | Politics
“That’s Not Happening and It’s Good That It Is”
A quick and dirty guide to regime propaganda
Politics | Leftist Lies
Washington Post looks into anti-blackness and transphobia in the Byzantine Empire to help us understand the roots of hatred
The Washington Post thought more people should be aware of this book.
Politics | Hollywood Propaganda
Hollywood Is Down With The Clowns, Produces 127 Woke TV Show Episodes Promoting BLM, Systemic Racism, and Defund the Police
Another Communist Goal Achieved
Goal number 21 of the 1963 communist goals is, “Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.” Well done, komrades....
Politics | Politics
China Laughably Orders Uyghurs to Make Videos Denying Human Rights Violations
The Communist Chinese government has taken great interest in promoting a series of videos featuring Uyghur men and women deny...
News | News
Anti-Woke Academics Move to Form Online Education Platform
As mainstream education in the United States takes a knee to woke-ism, scores of scholars, including some distinguished figures from...
News | News
Does the CIA Going ‛Woke’ Serve the Country Or Inane Special Interest?
A disturbing recruitment video produced by the Central Intelligence Agency was packed with political and ideological agenda items that...
News | News
Communist Chinese Change Name of Parent Organization to Propaganda Program in US Schools
The Chinese government, in realizing its propaganda arm targeting US institutions of higher learning has been revealed, is trying to...
News | News
K-12 ‘Woke Civics’ an Effort in Indoctrination
The Washington swamp establishment that brought the education system the Common Core standards and encouraged more federal intervention...
News | News
Wikipedia's Co-Founder Starts Free-Speech Alternative to Now Leftist Platform
One of the co-founders of the online, community-generated encyclopedia, Wikipedia, has announced he is launching a competing website...
Politics | Education or Indoctrination?
Everything Is Politics: Why Johnny Doesn't Know Squat About Civics
American education is in crisis. Almost everyone agrees on that but no one agrees on why. "It's those damn liberals," say some. "It's white privilege!" say others.
Politics | Covid 19
The 'new strain' of COVID propaganda - The Dossier
The unaccountable elite justify their failures to “stop the spread,” while continuing an unabated power grab.
Politics | Politics
WATCH: Whole Foods CEO Says Socialism Is ‘Trickle Up Poverty,’ Doomed to Fail
In an unexpected turn of events, the CEO of Whole Foods, long considered a darling of the Progressive Left, has
Politics | Politics
Ukrainian-Born Incoming Republican House Rep Warns ‘I Grew Up In Socialism’ And ‘It’s Not Pretty’
The fact that 70 percent of millennials say they would vote for a socialist and one in three view communism
Politics | Politics
Forensic Computer Scientist: Up to 120,000 Questionable Votes in Pennsylvania
As the Third Circuit Court of Appeals rules against President Trump’s attorney’s in the matter of vote fraud and ballot
Politics | Politics
REMOVED: Johns Hopkins Study Saying COVID Has ‘Relatively No Effect on Deaths’ Is Expunged
A study critical to the narrative that COVID-19 is a deadly virus with the same killing power as smallpox or
Politics | Politics
Stacey Abrams Recruits Hollywood Elites to Interfere in Georgia Runoffs
Georgians are set to go to the polls on January 5, 2021 to decide who they will have represent them
Politics | Politics
DOMINION: Eric Coomer Allegedly Bragged He ‘Made F**king Sure’ That ‘Trump’s Not Gonna Win’
A September 27, 2020, conference call between leaders of several activist groups found one participant so alarmed by a statement
Politics | Politics
New Lawsuit Seeks to Decertify Georgia Election Results
A new lawsuit filed in the State of Georgia seeks to decertify the 2020 General Election results in that state
Politics | Politics
WATCH: Georgia Senate Candidate Mocks Concealed Carrying Churchgoers
It was 2017, not that long ago, that 26 people died at the hand of a deranged gunman in Sutherland
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Politics | Politics
Seattle Creates ‘Community Panel’ for Non-Violent Criminals; Taxpayers Pay Victim Restitution
Seattle has been under siege since the shooting of George Floyd and the city fathers and county officials have done
- AbsenteeBallots
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Politics | Politics
POTENTIAL FRAUD: Group Linked to Democrat Senate Candidate Probed for Registering Non-Georgia Residents to Vote
State and Election officials from the State of Georgia have made it abundantly clear. If your intend to move to
- AbsenteeBallots
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- VoterRegistrationFraud
Politics | Politics
BATTLE: Mo Brooks Announces Plan to Challenge Electoral College Votes in Congress
Legislatures in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Georgia have all called for inquiries into vote fraud and ballot tampering in contemplation
- AbsenteeBallots
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- VoterRegistrationFraud
Politics | Politics
US INTEL DIRECTOR: China Using ‘Blackmail, Bribery’ to Control U.S. Members of Congress
While Democrats and Progressives have harped on Russian collusion and the threats that nation state allegedly posed to the country
Politics | Politics
House Republicans Introduce Bill to Repeal Fraud-Prone ‘Motor Voter’ Law
Ask any Republican politician or election official what the most potent enemy to a sovereign election is and you will
Politics | Politics
WATCH: Pelosi Admits She Sold Out Americans, Small Business on COVID Relief for Political Purposes
If you ever wanted to gauge just how heartless and despicable Progressive-Democrats can be you need look no further than
Politics | Politics
VIDEO: Warnock Refuses to Renounce Marxism in Debate Against Loeffler
Standing before a COVID safe crowd and the country, courtesy of CNN, two of the opposing candidates in the Georgia
Politics | Politics
Pelosi to Headline Mega-Bucks Fundraiser for Democrats Warnock, Ossoff
The run-off elections for the two US Senate in Georgia are first and foremost the election of representation in the
Politics | Politics
US Pension Money Flows into Chinese Companies: State Department
As the stock markets start to settle down after the tumultuous year that was 2020, many people are starting to
Politics | Politics
Georgia Senate Candidate: ‘The Marxist Critique Has Much to Teach the Black Church’
Aside from muddying the waters when it comes to the separation of church and state, Rev. Raphael Warnock seems to
Politics | Politics
Texas Sues Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin In SCOTUS Over Their Unsafe, Broken Elections
While it is true that each state has dominion over their elections and their election processes, even in federal elections,
Politics | Politics
SURPRISE: Absentee Ballot Chain of Custody Records Missing for Georgia County
In order to maintain ballot integrity, as well as the integrity of the entire election process, officials must be able
News | News
COVID-19 Vaccine Takers May Feel Ill, So The Government Is Issuing Them Covid Papers Proving They’re Safe
Even as the debate over the potency of the COVID virus continues to be had, Big Pharma – in collusion
Politics | Politics
Georgia Dems Ossoff, Warnock Campaign with Anti-Semite Who Compared Jews to ‘Termites’
If it weren’t enough that one Georgia Democrat candidate for the US Senate is an avowed Black Liberation theologian, now
Politics | Politics
DOJ Notified of a Pakistani Link to Nevada’s Election Email System
If worrying about Chinese, Russian, and Iranian interference in the 2020 General Election here in the United States wasn’t enough,
Politics | Politics
Lawsuit Filed in Charges Michigan Illegally Counted or Ignored 500K Ballots
As the Michigan State Legislature works to move impeachment proceedings forward against Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer on a litany of
Politics | Politics
MICHIGAN: Judge Orders Forensic Review of 22 Dominion Voting Machines
In what can only be described as good news for the Trump campaign legal team, a Michigan judge has cleared
News | News
Michigan Secretary of State Issues Order to Delete Election Data Amid Audit Calls
It what can only be seen as an effort to keep the facts from coming to light in the face
News | News
AOC Gets Mocked For Condemning Capitalism While Running Successful Online Store
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), has become famous for her bullhorn mentality in condemning the many benefits of Capitalism. That’s what makes
News | News
VIDEO: Another Georgia Republican Blames Trump for the Nation’s Anger Over Election Fraud
With Georgians facing the election of their lifetimes on January 5, 2021, some Republican election officials have taken to blaming
Politics | Politics
DOMINOES: Georgia Announces Election Fraud Hearings After Pennsylvania, Arizona, And Michigan Bombshells
With a bevy of claims alleging vote fraud, ballot tampering, and non-adherence to legislated election processes, two critical State Senate
News | News
Democrats Create Anti-Trump Billboards Urging Republicans Not to Vote in Georgia Senate Runoffs
At stake is control of the US Senate and whether the United States will exist under one-party rule, and one
News | News
VIDEO: Georgia Lt. Gov. Pushes Back on Vote Fraud Claims Ignoring a Mountain of Evidence
To the amazement of rank and file Republicans and conservatives across the country, Georgia’s executive branch elected officials – Republican,
Politics | Politics
GEORGIA: 17,514 ‘Voters’ Had Permanently Forwarded Out-of-State Mailing Addresses
Georgia state officials – all Republicans – are rallying the wagons around embattled Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger by taking
News | News
UN Declares Itself a ‘Trusted’ COVID Info Source; Seeks ‘New Social Norms’
In a move that leaves most of the world slack-jawed in disbelief, the United Nations is floating the idea that
Politics | Politics
FRAUD: Native Americans Were Bribed With Gas Cards, Vacations To Vote Biden – Soros Money Involved
As if illegally programmed voting machines, ballot tampering, and corrupt election officials weren’t enough to steal an election for the
News | News
Progressive Voter-Advocacy Groups Probed for Illegal Registrations Ahead of Georgia Run-Off
Several Progressive and Left-leaning voter advocacy groups have come under scrutiny for the actions in the State of Georgia. With
News | News
GEORGIA: Democrat Senate Candidate Ossoff Pushes For One-Party Rule Citing ‘Pandemic Crisis’
The most important political contest in the United States will take place on January 5, 2021, in the State of
News | News
DoJ Lawyer: US Can Kill Its Own Citizens Without Review
In an argument before a US federal appeals court, the US Department of Justice (DoJ) argued the United States government
Politics | Politics
Wisconsin Supreme Court Petitioned to Declare All Drop-Box Ballots Illegal, Block Certification
With the vote certification process engaged, a new lawsuit is threatening to throw a wrench into the process; seeking to
News | News
BLM Founder Tells Biden to ‘Abandon Police, Prisons, and Punishment Paradigms’
As the nation tires of the political opportunism and self-centeredness of the Black Lives Matter movement, one of its founders
Politics | Politics
The Disinformationists
Many mainstream pre-election polls predicted that Donald Trump would lose in a landslide. He did not—to the shock of a host of propagandists.
Ice Cube is Tweeting Anti-Semitic Images and Russian Propaganda
Rapper Ice Cube has been sharing anti-Semitic images and Russian propaganda on Twitter recently. See the problematic posts here.
Politics | Media Bias
Don’t Be Fooled: AJ+ Is Al Jazeera | PragerU
There's a social media site whose glitzy videos populate your newsfeed. Its content overflows with typical leftist tropes. No, it's not CNN or MSNBC. You should know what it is and the nefarious people backing it. Raheem Kassam, author of "No Go Zones,"
News | Pallywood
Paid Palestinian Trolls’ Hilarious Propaganda Clip | Israellycool
This is not satire, believe it or not
Politics | Leftist Lies
Internet Mob Uses Fictional Miniseries To Take Down Women’s Rights Champion Linda Fairstein
In today’s polarized atmosphere, false accusations of racism are often hurled about.
Politics | The "Squad"
Rashida Tlaib And The Propaganda Of Her Anti-Semitic Deed | Daily Wire
Freshman congresswoman Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s (D-MI) most recent foray into the news cycle is not simply a vile twisting of history; it is also a mechanism designed to generate conflict.
Politics | Politics
Bill O'Reilly: Bill's Weekly Column - A Bad Moon Rising in America
Using propaganda techniques that would humble Stalin, the media has allied itself with the far-left progressive movement to crush traditional thought in America.
News | The News
Trove of war posters discovered at New Hampshire library
Fragile but mostly in good condition, the posters offer viewers a glimpse of what life was like during war time.
Humor | Cool & Interesting
North Korea accidentally lets world access its internet and it only has 28 websites
North Korea somehow accidentally opened access to all the websites hosted on its servers, revealing that it only has 28 registered domains.