Entertainment | Entertainment

How the death of Queen Elizabeth II might impact The Crown on Netflix

The death of Queen Elizabeth II on September 8 could shake up how Netflix markets and rolls out the rest of the hit series "The Crown."

Miscellaneous | Other Stuff!

Royal rebranding: What will happen to stamps, coins, banknotes and passports?

We're used to seeing Queen Elizabeth II's portrait and coat of arms in our change and on cereal boxes.

Entertainment | Entertainment News!

The Crown: What Really Happened When Queen Elizabeth Met John and Jackie Kennedy | Vanity Fair

In The Crown’s second season, Queen Elizabeth catches wind of Jackie Kennedy’s unflattering remarks about her and Buckingham Palace.

History | History

The Crown: The Scandal That Rocked Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip’s Marriage | Vanity Fair

When Eileen Parker sued for divorce from Prince Philip’s best friend and equerry Michael Parker, a royal scandal erupted. And Queen Elizabeth, according to frenzied news reports, was none too pleased.