
Politics | Politics

Liquor Company Asks Consumers Not to Buy Its ‘Rittenhouse Rye’ Brand To Celebrate Kyle Rittenhouse Verdict

In an odd marketing move, whiskey and bourbon distiller and distributor Heaven Hill posted a statement to its official Twitter account Sunday asking people who are buying its ‘Rittenhouse’ branded rye not to purchase the drink if they intend to use it to cheer the verdict in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial.

Politics | Joe Biden/Biden Administration

Psaki Doubles Down on Biden's Rittenhouse Smear

The White House is refusing to apologize to Kyle Rittenhouse for Joe Biden falsely linking Rittenhouse to white supremacists last year.
“Would the president ever apologize to the acquitted Kenos...

Politics | BLM

Black Lives Matter Responds After Rittenhouse Says He Supports Their Movement

Black Lives Matter took to social media on Monday after clips surfaced from Kyle Rittenhouse’s interview with Fox News host Tucker Carlson that showed Rittenhouse saying that he supported “the BLM movement” and the activist network’s right to peacefully protest.

Politics | Media Watch

The Media Can't Stop Lying About Kyle Rittenhouse

When it comes to the liberal media, there seems to be an unspoken rule to never abandon the narrative, even when it’s been proven false.
We’ve seen this before, of course. Even after it wa...