
Humor | Funny Stuff

Damning Leak Reveals Matt Walsh Knew What A Woman Was This Whole Time | Babylon Bee

NASHVILLE, TN — A damning leak from the hacked emails of conservative commentator Matt Walsh has revealed that in spite of the question posed by his documentary What Is A Woman?, he has actually known what a woman was this entire time.

Politics | Politics

Biden's Supreme Court Pick Sexually Assaulted Me 25 Years Ago

The news that Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer is retiring is still fresh. He won’t even officially retire until October, and the Biden administration will likely spend months vetting potent...

Politics | Politics

Every Progressive Fundraising E-Mail This Weekend | National Review

Diversity is our strength. But unless we are united, that diversity is meaningless.

Humor | Humor

Aaron Rodgers Beats Fiancée, Murders A Few Guys On The Street So NFL Will Embrace Him Again

GREEN BAY, WI - Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers stirred up controversy last week when it was discovered that instead of taking the safe and effective Covid vaccine, like all the other NFL players, he had immunized himself by drinking a pint of

Science & Technology | Science & Technology

Artist Is Mocking The Stupidity Of Modern Technology In His Funny Comics (28 New Pics)

We all take the age of computers for granted, but hey, why don't we all laugh at it for a bit? Meet System32Comics, the C++-approved tech webcomics for your inner nerd.

Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help

Brenda's Beaver Needs a Barber - Famadillo.com

Yes, Brenda's Beaver Needs a Barber is a real book.  Brenda's Beaver Needs a Barber is the fun story about a woman and her beaver. Nothing more. Please

Humor | Humor

AOC Cancels Event Honoring Arafat After Learning he Visited Israel - The Mideast Beast

New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has backed out of an event honoring former Palestinian Liberation Organization chairman Yasser Arafat

Humor | Political Humor

Oscars To Have New Inclusion Rule To Ensure Absolutely No One Cares About Oscars [Satire]

The Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences has developed a new inclusion requirement for Oscar-nominated films. The Academy says it wants to make sure the winning films contain significant roles for groups who are under-represented in Hollywood, lik

Humor | Political Humor

How to Celebrate July 4 Without Getting Canceled for Glorifying White Supremacy

The United States of America turns 244 this weekend. Normally that would be cause for celebration, but not anymore, now that the prevailing cultural sentiment demands that athletes issue statements to explain why they didn't take a knee during the nationa

Politics | Politics

Nation's Murderous Psychopaths Undecided On Whether They’ll Follow New Gun Laws

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Democrats such as Beto O’Rourke have proposed a number of new gun laws, such as universal background checks, a ban on magazines that hold more than ten bullets, and possibly even a “mandatory buyback” of some weapo

Politics | Politics

The Honkley Meme is a symbol of white supremacy - NPC Daily

Despite what you may have heard from alt-right hate mongers like Tim Pool and Paul Joseph Watson, clowns are indeed a symbol of racism and white supremacy. And it’s not just that weird toad thing the SPLC-designated hate group Four Chan has named “Hon

Entertainment | Entertainment

12 Things You Might Not Know About MAD Magazine | Mental Floss

As fast as popular culture could erect wholesome depictions of American life in comics, television, or movies, MAD Magazine was there to tear them all down.

Humor | Political Humor

WATCH: Ben Shapiro Finally 'Interviews' Ocasio-Cortez | Daily Wire

Fresh off the hysteria over a conservative media personality posting an obviously satirical fake interview with Democratic candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro posted an obviously satirical fake interview with America

Humor | Political Humor

WALSH: Mankind Will Be Extinct Within 50 Years If We Do Not Abolish Plastic Straws

I thought I had witnessed the zenith of human courage when Billy Joel recently announced in an interview that "Nazis aren't good people." Joel is risking his career, perhaps even his li

Politics | The Hall of Idiots

Ocasio-Cortez Responds To Parody Video Mocking Her. She Gets Crushed.

Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez responded to a hilarious parody video produced by CRTV that mocked her as lacking intelligence and being willing to mislead people.

Humor | Humor

Man With No Plans Just Too Exhausted To Go Out - The Onion - America's Finest News Source

Exhilarated for every minute of his multiday binge, local man Todd Caramanica told reporters Thursday that his relapse into crippling alcoholism has been the greatest week of his life.

Entertainment | Movies & Other Stuff

'SNL' Has Never Been More Popular and Less Fun

Everyone is watching to see how the show takes on Donald Trump, and it’s been a real slog.

Humor | Humor

Plan For Future Still Involves Drumming For Lifehouse | The Onion - America's Finest News Source

SOUTH BEND, IN—Fifteen years after first envisioning the path he hoped his professional life would take, local man Brent Gibbs is still planning his future around being the drummer for Los Angeles-based alternative rock band Lifehouse, sources confi...

Humor | Humor

Apple Fans Demand Other Products They Can Feel Directly Against Skin At All Times | The Onion - America's Finest News So

SAN FRANCISCO—Following Monday’s unveiling of the highly anticipated Apple Watch, fans of Apple across the nation reportedly called on the company to manufacture more products that they can feel pressed against their skin at all times.

Humor | Humor

Iranian Team Openly Working On Bomb In Negotiating Room | The Onion - America's Finest News Source

VIENNA—Asserting the Middle Eastern nation’s right to a safe, peaceful energy program, members of the Iranian diplomatic team attempted to seek more favorable terms of a deal with the P5+1 global powers while openly assembling a nuclear weapon...

Humor | Humor

Siblings Quietly Relieved Oldest Brother Setting Bar So Low | The Onion - America's Finest News Source

CHARLOTTE, NC—Explaining how the 25-year-old’s personal and academic shortcomings had made their relationship with their parents far easier, siblings Eric and Theresa Conrad confided to reporters Friday that they were quietly relieved their ol...

Humor | Humor

Neighbors Come Together To Watch BMW Owner Struggle In Snow | The Onion - America's Finest News Source

EVANSTON, IL—Putting aside their own responsibilities and quickly gathering at their neighbor’s driveway, Foster Street residents reportedly came together Monday to watch a BMW owner struggle to free his car from the snow.

Entertainment | Entertainment

Princess Leia Walks Around NYC, Gets Harassed by Everyone From Yoda to Darth Vader | Adweek

The universe was shaken when we watched hidden-camera footage of a woman walking around NYC and getting harassed. Then we saw what happens when a white man suffers the same fate. Now, in the latest parody of the Hollaback!

Humor | Humor

Documentary Viewer Can’t Wait To Find Out Which 4 Lads From Liverpool Changed Music Forever | The Onion - America's Fi

DETROIT—Yearning with breathless anticipation to learn more about the hugely influential band, documentary viewer Jeremy Rosen told reporters Wednesday that he could not wait to find out which four lads from Liverpool had changed the face of music f...

Humor | Funny Stuff

22 Words That Have A Totally Different Meaning In The South

It's more than a region, it's a state of mind.

Humor | Humor

Obama Sleeping With Louisville Slugger Under Bed Now | The Onion - America's Finest News Source

WASHINGTON—Following the latest security breach at the White House over the weekend, President Obama told reporters Monday that he is taking extra safety precautions by now sleeping with a Louisville Slugger under his bed.

Politics | Interesting Links

Andrew Klavan: Democrats at War

In which our host, Andrew Klavan, discusses the lies, double-speak, failures and foibles of Democrats at War. TRANSCRIPT: RT - DEMOCRATS AT WAR! I’m Andrew Klavan and this is the Revolting Truth! Today, in a Revolting Truth special, we bring you a story

Humor | Humor

Watchdog: Obstructionist Israel Plans to Continue Existing –...

The report calls on Netanyahu to negotiate the complete relinquishing of all Israeli territory in good faith.

Business & Finance | Advertising/Marketing

Zany, Boozy 'Mad Men'-Era Illustrations by Virgil Partch

After the last few years of watching sad-bastard mid-century businessmen get hammered on Mad Men, the new collection of Virgil Partch's illustrations from roughly the same period, Cork High and Bot...