News | News
Jonathan Feldstein: Make Yousef Smile Again
Jonathan Feldstein: Make Yousef Smile Again What would you do if a superhero called out to you for help? Imagine Wonder Woman or Superman appealing to you in a way only you can pitch in. That’s how I felt in a quiet moment I never prepared for, in the w
Books | Books
Will I Save Her Life Or Will She Save Mine? | LynneCurryAuthor.com
A dramatic flash fiction of a woman fleeing danger who parachutes to escape with herself and her baby...will she make it to safety?
Books | Books
SNEEK PREVIEW: My Favorite Short Story | Workplace Coach Blog
Your Sneek Preview: My Favorite Short Story
Books | Books
Two Free Months of After Dinner Conversation: an ethics & philosophy magazine | Workplace Coach Blog
Two free months of After Dinner Conversation; a magazine that publishes stories, like mine, that have an ethics or unique philosophical message
Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help
Just for Fun | Workplace Coach Blog
Just for fun, a poem with humor; when do you figure it out?
Psychology | Personality
There Is Always Another Part: An Origin Story
How one author's words led me to an insight which continues to shape both my personal and professional lives.
Advice & Self-Help | Spiritual Awareness
The dark side of livestreaming: Periscoping a rape
Livestreaming presents new challenges to tech companies and adds a level of urgency to the potential for abuse.
Advice & Self-Help | Spiritual Awareness
The Sky & The Rise Of A Broken Spirit
Every evening the sky would digest the Sun. A point of escape merged between the light and the darkness. A shadow in time only lasts a few seconds. Morning light washed over the sky unzipping purpo…