
News | Fun With Islam

Qur'an-Burning Islam Critic Assassinated While Livestreaming in Sweden

Islam critic Salwan Momika shot dead just hours before he was due in court for the Swedish govt's prosecution of him for burning Qurans.

News | International News

Germany: AfD Calls for Ban on Harmful Puberty Blockers  – The European Conservative

Recently the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare said: "the risks with puberty-blocking and gender-confirming hormone treatments for individuals under the age of 18 supersede the possible benefits for the demographic group as a whole."

Miscellaneous | Other Stuff

Two Bombings in One Night? That’s Normal Now in Sweden.

My country just voted in a right-wing government. The almost 500 bombings since 2018 may have something to do with it.

Health & Fitness | COVID

As new lockdowns are ordered across Europe, Swedish COVID death rate has fallen sharply | Just The News

"What we see right now is a rapid fall in the number of cases, and of course some kind of immunity has to be involved in that as nothing else has changed," says Sweden's coronavirus response czar, State Epidemiologist Anders Tegnell.

News | News

How comeback kid Sweden got the last laugh on coronavirus

Sweden's infection rate - once the highest in Europe - is now lower than in Britain, Spain, France or Italy, as well as Scandinavian neighbours Norway and Denmark.

News | News

How bad is covid really? (A Swedish doctor’s perspective) – Sebastian Rushworth M.D.

Ok, I want to preface this article by stating that it is entirely anecdotal and based on my experience working as a doctor in the emergency room of one of the big hospitals in Stockholm, Sweden, and of living as a citizen in Sweden. As many people know, S

Politics | Media Watch

Sweden's Death Toll Hits Zero, Media Calls It a Failure

The narrative is official, if you don't lock down your country, destroy civil liberties and the economy, you're a failure. Success in fighting the Wuhan Virus is measured in indefinitely prolonging the crisis, not in actually dealing with it.

Miscellaneous | Interesting Links

Olof Palme murder: Sweden believes it knows who killed PM in 1986 - BBC News

Prosecutors say Stig Engstrom, who killed himself in 2000, was the man who shot Olof Palme in 1986.

Politics | Politics

Professor: Economic Impact of Lockdown Will Cause More Deaths than Coronavirus

Miscellaneous | Interesting Links

No lockdown in Sweden but Stockholm could see 'herd immunity' in weeks

Sweden went against the grain by keeping public life as unrestricted as possible when the coronavirus hit. Now, it says its strategy appears to be working.

News | Antisemitism Watch

Woman kicked off Swedish 'Big Brother' for anti-Semitism

Producer declares 'zero tolerance for this kind of expression' after Isabel Pereira says 'I hate Jews'

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

The Long Legacy of the Shoah in Scandinavia – Tablet Magazine

Within the Northern European countries that make up Scandinavia there has been a revival of active scholarship and popular interest into the treatment of Jews during World War II. The subject is very much alive in these countries and much more so than in

Politics | Politics

Swedish State TV: 58 Percent of Those Convicted of Rape Foreign Born

"We will see more of this in the future if we do not honestly start talking about what this depends on and explain the cultural differences that exist."

News | Israel/Jewish Community

Under neo-Nazi and jihadist bullying, Swedish Jewish communities are shuttering

In addition to violent harassment from two Jew-hating populations, Swedish Jews also must live under government-enforced strict secularism

News | Antisemitism Watch

Jews are not Swedes, populist right-wing lawmaker says

Bjorn Soder claims he never questioned minorities’ rights as citizens but advocated for their right to preserve a distinct ethnic identity

Miscellaneous | Interesting Links

36 Hours in Stockholm

Glittering waterways, blooming parks and night life aplenty await summer visitors to the Swedish capital.

Music | Music

Langhorns - Mission Exotica [Full Album]

00:00 Spybeat 03:11 In Your Fez 06:03 El Niño 08:02 Duble Decker 13:44 Checkpoint Charlie 15:55 In The Lobby (En el Vestibulo) 19:01 La Ruta del Bacalao 22:0...

Music | Music

The Spotnicks - The Rocket Man (1962)

Swedish guitar-group The Spotnicks with The Rocket Man (1962). This song with its inspiring melody, which is restlessly driving on was adapted by Bo Winberg ...

News | The News

Sweden will 'never go back' to mass immigration, PM says | Daily Mail Online

Sweden Prime Minister Stefan Löfven pledged to change his country's liberal attitude, insisting the massive influx allowed during the 2015 migrant crisis would never happen again.

Politics | Other Politics

Trump cites (fake) attack in Sweden

There has been no recent terrorist attack in Sweden.

News | Antisemitism Watch

Swedish-Jewish Activist Slams Foreign Minister for Tying Paris Massacre to Palestinian Plight, Making Excuses for Murder

Reacting to the blood bath in Paris on Friday night, which left more than 132 dead and hundreds of others seriously wounded, the Swedish foreign minister linked the multi-pronged massacre perpetrated by ISIS terrorists to Palestinian suffering, indicati

News | News

Sweden approves borders of 'Palestine' with Israel erased | Ilya Meyer | The Blogs | The Times of Israel

Here is a picture of Hillevi Larsson. She is a Member of Parliament in......

News | Antisemitism Watch

'Sieg Heil' Receipts Investigated by Swedish Store

A Swedish supermarket apologized after the message "Don't Come Back! Sieg Heil" was found printed on two receipts.

Politics | From the HuffPost

Sweden To Experiment With Six-Hour Workday

A few lucky workers in Gothenburg, Sweden, will scale back to a six-hour workday this summer as part of an unusual government experiment. The test group of government workers will work a six-hour day beginning July 1, while a second control group...