Politics | Debunking Lies
Elder Of Ziyon - Fact check for Massachusetts educators: "Does the US give more federal aid to the average Israeli citizen than to the average American?"
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
Politics | The Left
Israeli-American Civic Action Network Exposes LA Teachers Union Antisemitism in Leaked Video
The United Teachers of Los Angeles (UTLA) held their "Leadership Conference" August 1-3. These "educators" are supposed to be the bright lights at the forefront of progressive education.
News | News
Teachers Union Official Compiled List Of Nearby Wealthy Jews, Calling Them ‘Gluttons And Thieves’
A Maryland teacher is on leave while the school system investigates her for a string of anti-Semitic social media posts that included creating a list of wealthy Jews in her county, claiming they horde wealth while contributing nothing to society, and calling for “class war.”
Politics | Leftist Lies
'There's No Such Thing as Learning Loss,' Says L.A. Teachers Union Chief
Cecily Myart-Cruz, head of United Teachers Los Angeles told Los Angeles magazine in a recent interview, "There's no such thing as learning loss."
News | News
Nation’s Largest Teachers’ Union Will Debate Resolution Accusing Israel of ‘Ethnic Cleansing’
The nation's largest teachers' union will debate two resolutions aimed at boycotting Israel and recognizing a Palestinian state at a conference this week.
News | News
San Francisco's Teacher Union Outs Themselves as Anti-Semitic
In a move that has nothing – zero – to do with education, the United Educators of San Francisco’s voted to endorse the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement, accusing Israel of committing “apartheid and war crimes.” The m
Politics | Corruption
LA Teachers Union Demands Defunding Of Police, Medicare-For-All And Ban On New Charter Schools As Conditions For Reopening
A major Los Angeles teachers union said in a research paper issued Thursday that the reopening of schools should be conditioned upon the passage of Medicare for All.
Politics | Op-Ed
Opinion | Teachers Unions Don’t Really Strike for ‘the Kids’
When the United Auto Workers walk off the job, no one pretends they care about car buyers.