Psychology | Personality
A Neuroscientist Explains the 5 Red Flags We Should Identify Within Ourselves
London-based therapist, coach and neuroscientist Bobbi Banks broke the five tell-tale behaviors down in an Instagram post.
Advice & Self-Help | Couples and Relationship Support
How a Soft Start-Up Can Cool Down Your Heated Argument | Connect Couples Therapy & Marriage Counseling
Caught up in conflict? Try a soft-start up. When you use a soft start-up, you and your partner can focus on the problem instead of who’s to blame.
Advice & Self-Help | Couples and Relationship Support
What’s ahead for clinical practice?
As telehealth settles into a new normal, new policies around reimbursement and data privacy are still being hammered out.
Psychology | Health & Wellbeing
Sometimes your therapist needs their own therapist – and that’s a good thing | Gill Straker and Jacqui Winship | The
Supervision for psychotherapists can play a vital role in illuminating relational blind spots that may be affecting the therapeutic process
Advice & Self-Help | Self-care Tips
Why Talking to Strangers Is the Best Thing You Can Do for Your Mental Health
If we can only break through the awkwardness barrier, striking up conversations at random is the cheapest form of therapy there is.
Psychology | Health & Wellbeing
988 Lifeline Dialing Code Launches
On July 16, 2022, the dialing code 988 will become available across the US to route callers to the existing National Suicide Prevention Lifeline network.
Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help
Navigating thorny topic in therapy
Clinicians and ethics experts share guidance on maneuvering disclosures about politics, religion, and other hot-button topics that can affect the therapeutic relationship.
Advice & Self-Help | Couples and Relationship Support
Why Won't My Therapist Just Tell Me What to Do?
Find out why your therapist may not tell you what to do about a certain situation, depending on the type of therapy you get.
Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help
Shame and Mental Health
To overcome shame, you have to believe that it’s possible to heal. If you’re ready to get started, take that small first step in finding someone you trust. You might be surprised by how quickly you can find freedom.
Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help
Is This the End of the Private Practice Therapist? - Mental Health Match
What does the growing "uber-ization" of therapy mean for private practice therapists, their clients, and the future of therapy?
Psychology | Psychology
5 Things Therapists Wish Everyone Knew About Mental Health | Psychology Today
Most people who walk into my therapy office tell me that they had thought about getting help for years. But they were afraid to reach out to a therapist.
Psychology | Psychology
Why So Many People Are Reluctant to Try Therapy
There should never be a sense of shame or embarrassment in raising your hand for help when you need it.
Psychology | Health & Wellbeing
Telephone psychotherapy: Ensuring patients have access to effective care
Research evidence suggests phone-only psychotherapy is effective for patients.
Pets & Animals | Other Kinds Of Animals
Therapy Ponies Are Bringing ‘Comfort and Joy’ to Dementia Patients | Mental Floss
The latest superstar emotional support animals are a herd of Shetland ponies visiting patients in Scotland.
Psychology | Personality
Five myths about psychology - The Washington Post
No, we don’t use only 10 percent of our brains.
Psychology | Health & Wellbeing
9 Reasons Why People Resist Starting Therapy
It is not uncommon to feel anxious.
Psychology | Health & Wellbeing
The scientific process to heal any emotional trauma | Ladders
It’s important to note that when it comes to healing suppressed pain or emotional trauma, you don’t have to sit on someone’s couch and re-hash the past.
Psychology | Personality
When Complex Trauma Is Misdiagnosed as Anxiety | The Mighty
A woman shares the difference between anxiety from complex trauma and generalized anxiety.
Advice & Self-Help | Meditation and Other Practices
Facebook Is Full of Emotional-Support Groups - The Atlantic
People are sharing their deepest secrets on Facebook. Does the social network understand what it’s gotten into?
Psychology | Health & Wellbeing
This is how psychotherapy for depression changes the brain – Research Digest
By Alex Fradera. Understanding the neural correlates of psychotherapy could help enhance its effectiveness.
Psychology | Personality
Desiring to alter personality not enough unless you take concrete action to change –
By Christian Jarrett. Active behavioural change is required to achieve shifts in personality.
News | Animal Links
Colleges Can Reduce Stress Among Students With Therapy Dogs - Study Finds
A recent study by the University of British Columbia shows that therapy dogs are an effective way to help bring much-needed relief to our often-stressed student bodies.
Psychology | Health & Wellbeing
If You’re a Student Who’s Struggling With Mental Health, These 7 Tips Will Help | Thrive Global
Here’s how to deal when you’re feeling like “the sky is falling.”
Psychology | Health & Wellbeing
When the Mind Goes Dark - Mindful
When depression hits, can meditating help you work through it? Maybe, but not always. Psychologists weigh in on when mindfulness therapies can (and can’t) help to ease depression.
Advice & Self-Help | Meditation and Other Practices
10 Mindful Attitudes That Decrease Anxiety - Mindful
By exerting more conscious control over our behaviors and attitudes, we learn to work with our intention, wise effort, and capacity to be kind to ourselves.
Advice & Self-Help | Meditation and Other Practices
The search for Meaning
Welcome to the Monitor on Psychology digital edition! This interactive format allows you to easily read, share with friends, and click on web links to get further resources.
Advice & Self-Help | Meditation and Other Practices
With Short, Intense Sessions, Some Patients Finish Therapy in Just Weeks - The New York Times
The new psychological approach targets anxiety, PTSD and other mental disorders. Fewer people drop out with short-term treatment, and relief is quicker.
Psychology | Health & Wellbeing
Short Depression Test | HealthyPlace
Short depression test helps determine if you have symptoms of depression and need treatment. Take online depression test. Instantly scored. Free.
Psychology | Personality
Positive Self-Talk: 7 Things Mentally Healthy People Tell Themselves
The messages we give to ourselves every day have enormous power. Anything that is repeated and repeated and repeated can become "truth" -- even when it isn't. Any coach will tell you that practice doesn't necessarily make perfect but it certainl
Psychology | Personality
Rewiring Your Avoidant, Anxious, or Fearful Attachment Style
Sometimes it's less about figuring things out and more about practicing behaviors that will help rewire your emotional system and give you the freedom to change.
Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help
5 Things My Therapist Didn't Tell Me About Depression (That I Wish I Had Known)
Depression is complicated.
Psychology | Personality
What Makes Complex Trauma So Complex?
"Complex trauma" is a term increasingly used to describe multiple instances of trauma, the effects of which are cumulative and experienced over time.
Advice & Self-Help | Meditation and Other Practices
Advice From Therapists on What to Do When You Feel Lonely
A new study highlights how widespread the loneliness epidemic really is. Here’s how to make yourself feel better when you feel alone or isolated.
Psychology | Personality
A New Approach to Understanding Social Anxiety
There’s more to social anxiety disorder than just its symptoms says new research
Miscellaneous | Interesting & Helpful Information
Therapy for schizophrenia
Nick has been on the street due to schizophrenia; He is a very bright and loving 40 year old with whom I have been having lunch with, twice a week for the past 3 months. Nick’s Heart opened up and he is willing to receive professional help. Nick inher
Psychology | Personality
How Depression Places a Lens Between You and the World Around You
It changes the way you perceive things.
Psychology | Health & Wellbeing
Fighting through the darkness
During the fourth year of my Ph.D. program, I found myself walking through the door of my university's counseling center, seeking help for a dangerously strong urge to commit suicide. With the help of the compassionate people in that office, I pulled thro
Advice & Self-Help | Meditation and Other Practices
What Meditation Did For Me – and Can For You Too
Author Dan Harris and meditation expert Joseph Goldberg discuss how even the busiest, most distracted person can find a calmer state of mind.
Psychology | Health & Wellbeing
Treating #Depression by Training Your #Amygdala
A recent study indicates that increasing activity in the amygdala during positive memory retrieval can have a strong antidepressant effect in depressed individuals.
Miscellaneous | Interesting & Helpful Information
A New Way To Understand And Treat Depression
It can pull you out of the hustle of daily life — and into meaning-making.
Psychology | Psychology & Psychological Research
How to Change Your Personality -- Science of Us
A big new study promises you are (probably) not stuck with yourself.
Advice & Self-Help | Addiction & Recovery
Therapy for Addictions and Compulsions
People may develop addictions or compulsions to mask or find relief, however temporary, from greater psychological concerns, such as depression or anxiety.
Psychology | Psychology & Psychological Research
For Better Talk Therapy, Try Napping
Doctors are finding creative ways to make cognitive behavioral therapy more effective.
Psychology | Health & Wellbeing
How Does That Make You Feel?: True Confessions from Both Sides of the Therapy Couch
How Does That Make You Feel?: True Confessions from Both Sides of the Therapy Couch [Sherry Amatenstein] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. How Does That Make You Feel? obliterates the boundaries between the shrink and the on
Psychology | Hypnosis Information
The Truth About Hypnosis: 10 Myths & Misconceptions
For many years, I have taught seminars for both health care professionals and for the public
News | Animal Links
Good News: Cats Are Good For Your Health
See how cats contribute to your life in many ways.
News | Animal Links
How Pets Improve Your Health
Learn about the positive benefits pets have on our human health from veterinarian Dr. Eva Evans for Pets Best pet health insurance.
Health & Fitness | Health News
Can Cryotherapy’s Chill Help Muscles, Joints?
Can a few minutes in a frigid cryotherapy chamber speed muscle recovery after a hard workout, ease joint pain and encourage healing?
Psychology | Parenting and Kids
5 Questions to Ask a Child Psychologist
Find the right psychologist for your child and your family.
Psychology | Parenting and Kids
Calming Stormy Feelings: A Child's Introduction to Psychotherapy: Sarah Abel, Karen Zilberstein:
Calming Stormy Feelings: A Child's Introduction to Psychotherapy- Knowing how to help children with their feelings can be challenging for all parents, but when feelings grow too strong, they create storms that burst through and change the way children act. This book aims to introduce parents and children to the world of feelings and psychotherapy.
Health & Fitness | Health News
5 Qualities That Tell You a Therapist Is Effective | Psychology Today
So how do you find a good therapist? A professor of psychology weighs in.
News | Good News
Miniature Therapy Horses Are Just What The Doctor Ordered
These miniature therapy horses are basically magical creatures. One of them is even named Magic. Magic, who often wears a custom tuxedo, made Time magazine's list of the top 10 heroic animals in history
Miscellaneous | Interesting & Helpful Information
Talking To A Therapist Could Be The Secret To Sleeping Better
Sleeping pills may not be the only option for the 50million to 70 million Americans suffering from chronic insomnia. A new review of research suggests that talking to a therapist should be the first
Advice & Self-Help | Dr. Eleanor's Websites & Social Media Links
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