
Politics | Politics

Donald Trump Jr. Strikes Deal to Testify Before Senate Intel Committee | National Review

After weeks of contentious negotiation, Donald Trump Jr. has agreed to comply with the Congressional Democrats' subpoena-backed demand that he testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee, the New York Times first reported.

Politics | POLITICS

Bungled collusion is still collusion - The Washington Post

The Russia scandal has entered a new phase, and there’s no going back.

News | News

Trump Jr. releases email chain on conversations with Russian sources

Donald Trump Jr. on Tuesday released a stunning chain of emails detailing his conversations about setting up a campaign meeting with a Russian lawyer who had offered compromising information on Hillary Clinton.

Politics | Trump Politics

EXCLUSIVE: Donald Trump Jr. on Indiana Turkey Hunting, Bob Knight, and What a Trump Administration Means to All Outdoorsmen - Wide Open Spaces

Donald Trump Jr. talked with us about how this election will impact our lives as outdoorsmen, and you need to hear what he had to say.