Politics | Opinion
The Case Against a Palestinian State: Part 1
From the blog of Raphael BenLevi at The Times of Israel
Politics | Opinion
Time to nix 'Palestine': Terrorists aren't entitled to a state
The one-dimensional, tunnel-vision demand for the two-state solution (2SS) is a recipe for continuing the conflict, not for resolving it.
Politics | Politics
If you support a Two State Solution, you support the destruction of Israel - Charles Haspel
Does Israel Really Need Another Existential Threat?
Politics | Opinion
Talk of Palestinian state post-Oct. 7 sign of US moral collapse
Such an eventuality would "embolden Hamas and make the PLO irrelevant," the Israeli minister told JNS.
Politics | Biden Administration/Congress
US obsession with two-state solution is ‘delusional’ - JNS.org
It's “shocking" that a U.S. administration would push for a Palestinian state under ordinary circumstances, let alone after Oct. 7, said former U.S. Middle East envoy Jason Greenblatt.
Politics | Opinion
Biden's 'Two-State Solution' To Reward Palestinian Terrorism, Destroy Israel :: Gatestone Institute
The declared policy... of the US and Britain since the 1993-95 Oslo Accords has been that a two-state solution should come as part of a negotiated settlement between Israel and the Palestinians. If the Oslo Accords are so cavalierly abrogated, what do
Politics | Opinion
America and Britain cross a treacherous red line
Their unhinged obsession with the “two-state solution” threatens to incentivise Hamas
Politics | Opinion
The ‘Two-State Solution’ Echoes Hitler’s ‘Final Solution’
Obviously, Israel cannot have adjacent a Palestinian state fixated on exterminating the Jewish homeland. Israel is here to stay.
Politics | Hamas, Gaza & The Palestinian Authority
Palestinians are the impediment to peace, not Israel's war: poll
Only five per cent of Palestinians support a two-state solution; three-quarters want Israel wiped off the map
Politics | Opinion
The ‘Two-State Solution’ is Terrorism
Giving terrorists a state only leads to more terrorism.
Politics | Opinion
Hamas atrocities explode the two-state myth
The United States may finally be prepared to let Israel defeat the Islamist terror group. But that shouldn’t lead to a push for a Palestinian state after that is accomplished.
Politics | Hamas, Gaza & The Palestinian Authority
We were fools to support the Palestinian cause
From the blog of Fred Maroun at The Times of Israel
Politics | Opinion
Surge in Palestinian terror is a preview of a two-state ‘solution’
Allowing Jenin to remain a base for attacks would be a replay of Israel’s Gaza disaster. So why are Biden and liberal Jews still fixated on turning that nightmare into reality?
Miscellaneous | Resources
A Modern History of Palestinian Rejectionism
Ben-Dror Yemini argues that media, academia, and the Israeli and global left have committed a huge deception in hiding the fact that the Palestinians have consistently rejected every serious Israeli p...
Politics | Hamas, Gaza & The Palestinian Authority
This Is What You Get When You Offer the Palestinians a State
Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid gives a press briefing at the Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem, April 24, 2022. Debbie Hill/Pool …
Politics | Hamas, Gaza & The Palestinian Authority
Israel: What is the '2-state solution' about?
Last week, after the House of Representatives overwhelmingly approved the supplemental spending bill for the Iron Dome program, everyone
Politics | American Politics
Elder Of Ziyon “Two State Solution Act" is an anti-Jewish bill that only demands concessions from Israel
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
History | History
A brief history: Israel did everything it could for peace and was rejected. Over and over again.
It is essential to know that the Palestinians turned down two concrete Israeli offers of peace according to their own demands, ending the occupation and creating a Palestinian state.
Politics | Hamas, Gaza & The Palestinian Authority
Ex-Terrorist Shocks Israeli Teenagers with the Truth About the Two-State Solution
This Arab Muslim lecturer once was a terrorist who tried to kill Israelis and IDF soldiers.
Politics | Opinion
Israel News: To all two-staters: Take this simple challenge
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
Politics | Judea & Samaria
Opposition questions Israel's future with Trump's peace plan
What will Trump decide to bring forth to the table?
Politics | Opinion
The Reality of the 'Two-State Solution' – Jewish Policy Center
Last week, Jared Kushner, one of the administration’s point men on the Middle East, dispensed with the term “two-state solution” in its impending peace plan for Israel and the Palestinians. “The two-state solution has failed,” he said. Not fo
Politics | Opinion
Analysis: AIPAC's moment to step back from two-state solution
AIPAC conference registered a first. It invited to speak an official representative from across the Green Line. Will it signal a more open position by the pro-Israel lobbying giant toward the Arab-Israel conflict?