Politics | POLITICS
WATCH: DC Crew Begins Dismantling Black Lives Matter Plaza
A Washington, D.C., maintenance crew began dismantling Black Lives Matter Plaza, which will be replaced with a project celebrating America's 250th anniversary that includes artwork by local artists.
News | News
Another plane almost crashed into a helicopter near Reagan airport, day before collision
The plane was forced to abort its first landing attempt at the airport on Tuesday after Air Traffic Control warned that a helicopter was in its vicinity. Also, the 2 "black boxes" have been recovered.
News | Antisemitism Watch
Pro-Hamas Agitators Surround the White House And Call for Dead Jews
Protesters from across the country descended upon Washington, D.C., on Saturday afternoon, surrounded the White House, and clashed with police officers while calling for Hamas terrorists to kill Israelis. "We don’t want no two states, we’re taking back 4
Politics | Politics
Exclusive – Republicans Rip Biden for Erecting Fence Around Capitol While Border Is Wide Open
Republicans are incensed that President Biden would erect a wall around the U.S. Capitol while Americans suffer from his open-border policies.
News | Standing With Israel
At 290,000-strong, ‘March for Israel’ is ‘largest pro-Israel gathering in history’
Another 250,000 watched via lifestream, according to organizers.
News | The News
Barbarians at the Gate: Shocking Video Emerges of Pro-Hamas Protesters Smearing Fake Blood on White House
A heaving mass of pro-Hamas protesters made their way to the White House on Saturday evening and smeared the northwest gates of The People's House with fake blood. Chants of "Allahu Akbar!" were heard by observers, a chilling echo of the refrain of the Hamas terrorists that massacred more than 1,400 Israelis on October 7.
News | Antisemitism Watch
‘You People Are The Devil’: Woman With Small Child Mocked, Yelled At For Being Jewish, Video Shows
A mother of three in Washington, D.C., was mocked and called “the devil” for being Jewish by a man whom she asked to stop blocking the bike lane so she could pick up her two other children from school, video shows.
News | In The News
Hamas-Harboring Qatar Set To Buy DC Sports Franchises, Parents Of Hostage Plead With Leagues For Help
The leadership of Hamas operates out of Qatar, which finances and protects the terrorist group. Yet the owner of the Washington Capitals and the Washington Wizards sports franchises is set to sell the foreign nation a 5% stake in the teams.
News | Fun With Islam
Exclusive Video: Pro-Palestinian Insurrectionists Occupy Federal House Office Building in Washington DC
About one hundred pro-Palestinian insurrectionists occupied a federal House office building in Washington, DC, on Wednesday, chanting "ceasefire now" and "let Gaza live."
News | The UN
At UN Security Council meeting, DC, Moscow and Paris take aim at Israel
Washington’s ambassador to the United Nations repeated claims that yet-untried Israeli suspects involved in a deadly incident earlier this month were terrorists.
Politics | Politics
The FBI Asks Americans to Report Crimes. Things Go About as Well as You'd Expect.
Officer, Americans would like to report the Biden Administration’s FBI for the act of social media trolling. After all, that must explain why the “premier law enforcement agency” and...
News | National News
House Republicans Highlight Foreign Interference In DC Elections
Republican-led House committees held a joint hearing on Wednesday highlighting foreign interference in Washington, D.C.'s elections.
Politics | BLM
Three Years Later, No Justice for BLM Insurrection in D.C.
“Our office prosecutes all acts of violence, regardless of political motivation, the same.” So said U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia Matthew Graves…
Politics | Politics
Is Mitch McConnell's Retirement Imminent?
On March 8, while attending a Senate Leadership Fund dinner event at the Waldorf Astoria (formerly the Trump Hotel) in Washington, D.C., Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell took a fall that resulte...
Politics | Politics
Washington, D.C.'s Vote-Stealing Law Is Treason
We’re reliably told by the Google machine that treason is “the crime of betraying one’s country.” Unless the Left changes the dictionary again, a distinct possibility, an act o...
Politics | Politics
If Donald Trump Wants to 'Drain the Swamp,' Why is He Helping Kevin McCarthy Become Speaker?
A moment of reckoning may be comping between Donald Trump and his oft-repeated political mantra,
News | News
PODCAST | The Hypocrisy of the Left's ‘Sanctuary Lie’
Vice President Kamala Harris’ insistence that the southern border of the United States is secure is a statement fully encamped in the realm of the absurd. And now that some of the more traditionally far-Left bastions are experiencing the many negative e
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News | The News
D.C. Mayor Says Unvaccinated Students Are Banned From In-Person Learning Ahead Of School Year, No Alternative Provided
Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser said Thursday that students 12 and older must show proof of vaccination against COVID within the first 20 days of the new school year to continue learning in-person at public and private schools.
Politics | The Hall of Idiots
Andrew McCarthy: The IRS has assembled 87,000 of the softest nerds in the history of dweebs
The IRS sure seems anxious to get guns in the hands of these nerds.
Politics | Politics
FBI Trump raid exposes Washington's secrecy shams
“The Presidential Records Act is critical to our democracy, in which the government is held accountable by the people,” Archivist of the United States David Ferriero declared.
Politics | FBI news
The FBI Keeps Interfering In Presidential Elections. Disband It
Sen. Chuck Grassley’s letter lays out a disturbing conspiracy inside the FBI to interfere in the 2020 election to help Joe Biden win.
Politics | Op-Ed
‘Nixonian’ Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
The 1968 presidential election was my first. I voted for the erstwhile Republican, Richard M. Nixon. And because I wrote a college paper about my decision at…
Politics | Congress
Meet the Members of Congress Who Have Been Around Longer Than Chocolate Chip Cookies
Who doesn’t love chocolate chip cookies? The chocolate chip cookie is such an American classic that it seems like it’s been around forever, but you might be shocked to learn that a few mem...
Politics | Liberal Hyprocacy
Victor Davis Hanson: Our New Antoinettes
Marie Antoinette, the beheaded wife of the beheaded French Bourbon King Charles Louis XVI, did not really say “Let them cake.” But in the short time that the…
News | Abortion
Pro-abortion activists block streets near Supreme Court & Senate office buildings in DC
"Seems insurrection-y."
Politics | Liberal Hypocrisy
Dr. Anthony Fauci Skipped WHCA Dinner, Citing Coronavirus Risk — but Appeared at WHCA Weekend Party Maskless
Dr. Anthony Fauci appeared at a White House Correspondents' garden party on Saturday even after he dropped out of the dinner.
Politics | Covid 19
Why Are So Many Democrats Comming Down With COVID?
But the real super spreader event occurred on Saturday night at the annual Gridiron Dinner as more than a dozen politicians and media types have all reported
Politics | Jan 6
New Verdict in Capitol Riot Case Throws a Wrench Into Political Narrative
His defense may also help other defendants, and it's already causing some on the left to melt down...
Politics | Donald Trump
Now You're Talking: Trump Offers a Proposal to Destroy the Deep State
Wouldn't government work more smoothly if the president were able to clear out unelected and unaccountable government employees who obstructed his agenda?
Politics | Opinion
Washington's betrayal has only just begun
On Tuesday, the Washington Examiner reported that Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) officers are actively plotting to murder former
News | News
Pentagon Shoots Down Polish Plan to Transfer MiG-29s to Ukraine
The Pentagon on Tuesday evening shot down a Polish proposal to transfer their MiG-29 fighter aircraft to Ukraine.
Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"
No Matter How Peaceful The American Freedom Convoy Is, Our Corrupt Regime Will Demonize It
Like those who only peacefully protested on Jan. 6, the truckers will be smeared as domestic terrorists by the administration and media.
News | In The News
“Havana Syndrome” stumps investigators as U.S. officials report injuries on White House grounds
U.S. officials say they were stricken with vertigo, confusion, and memory loss both at home and work in Washington, D.C. Scott Pelley reports.
Politics | Politics
Leftist Nonsense Is Killing DC. Let It Die
D.C. was never supposed to be like the Capitol in 'The Hunger Games,' where the wealthy clowns in charge destroy the vulnerable for sport.
Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"
Official in D.C. Mayor's Office: It's a 'Necessary Evil' to Allow 'Darwinism to Kill off' the 'Foolish' Unvaccinated
Elliot Tommingo, director of the D.C. Mayor’s Office of Veterans Affairs, said it is a "necessary evil" to allow "Darwinism to kill off" the unvaccinated.
News | NEWS
Live Feed: ‘Defeat the Mandate March’ in DC Joins Protests in Over 180 Cities Worldwide to Rally For Freedom
Live feeds of the Defeat the Mandates rally in Washington DC are available here or here. On Sunday, demonstrators will gather in more than 180 cities around the…
Politics | Op-Ed
The Next Fight For Civil Rights Lies In Ending The Federal City
D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser has banned nearly 60 percent of the city's black residents from bars, gyms, concerts, theaters, and more.
Politics | Liberal Fascism
DC Mayor Muriel Bowser reminds citizens they’ll need a photo ID ‘before heading out’ starting Saturday
So if you don't have a photo ID you're shut off from society.
Music | Music
CHRISTMAS ISLAND - FREE song download, by The Space Cossacks
track by The Space Cossacks
News | News
Smithsonian's new FUTURES exhibit asks visitors when we'll see 'single global government'
Another question on a screen at the exhibit asks the public if "shared world government" would unite people effectively.
Politics | Liberal Hypocrisy
D.C. Jail Transfers Out 400 Prisoners for Disgusting, Inhumane Conditions—But Not a Single J6 Detainee
One of the political prisoners being held in jail for participating in the Capitol riot, Nathan DeGrave, sent a letter that was released on Twitter alleging horrific conditions in the D.C. jail for Ja...
Politics | Leftists & Antisemitism
Climate Change Group Boycotts D.C. Voting Rights Event over 'Zionist' Participation
The District of Columbia chapter of the Sunrise Movement said it would not participate in voting rights rally because of "Zionist" groups.
Politics | Joe Biden/Biden Administration
[WATCH] Crowd Boos as Biden Interrupts, Delays Congressional Baseball Game
Congressional Baseball Game was delayed for 15 minutes by the arrival of Joe Biden, as Democrats surrounded the president, seeking autographs and taking selfies
Politics | Politics
Justice Department’s Foremost Felony Charge May Be on Thin Ice
More than eight months after the worst attack on Washington since the Civil War, as Joe Biden describes it, not a single American has been charged with sedition…
News | Antisemitism Watch
Washington DC imam says - in English - that "Zionists" bombed Kabul airport - and they control America
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
Politics | Liberal Fascism
DC Mayor Scrubs Anti-Castro Slogan From Cuban Embassy Entrance
Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser (D.) removed a pro-freedom slogan in front of the Cuban Embassy a day after it was painted on the street to protest Cuba's communist regime, sparking criticism from Cuban Americans.
Politics | The Hall of Idiots
The Morning Briefing: Americans Waking Up to Fact That Kamala Harris Is An Idiot
Top O’ the Briefing
Happy Wednesday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Everyone join me in saying hi to Walt and Maureen in Michigan.
I’ve been working on a book about this past elect...
Politics | Corruption
D.C. National Guard Left Unarmed At Request Of D.C. Mayor Amid Potential Unrest After Chauvin Verdict
The hundreds of Washington, D.C. National Guard troops who are deployed throughout the city to protect civilians from potential protests after the trial
Politics | Congress
A Swamp Tale: The Bizarre Final Hours of ‘Impeachment Fail 2.0’
I have to admit I didn’t watch most of Donald Trump’s second impeachment trial. The article of impeachment from the House was hastily and carelessly drafted and…
Politics | Joe Biden/Biden Administration
Biden Ditches Trump’s Classical Architecture Order - American Greatness
Late Wednesday, President Joe Biden scrapped former President Donald Trump’s controversial executive order stating new U.S. government buildings must be…
Politics | BLM
BLM/Antifa March Through D.C. Calling to 'Burn It Down' If They Don't Get What They Want
Democrats finally paid attention to a riot on Jan. 6 after ignoring and/or justifying violent riots for months because they were being precipitated by radical leftists.
News | News
Democrats Push To Stack the Deck in the Senate with Push for DC Statehood
Thirty-eight Senate Democrats joined in co-sponsoring a measure by US Sen. Tom Carper (D-DE), that would advance a vote on
Politics | POLITICS
Deputy Homeland Security Secretary: Pelosi Asked For ‘Crew-Manned Machine Guns’ In Washington
Ken Cuccinelli told Fox News' "The Story" on Tuesday that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi asked for "crew-manned machine guns" to be a part of security forces.
Politics | Liberal Hypocrisy
Photos Emerge Of National Guard Living In Parking Garage In Democrat-Run D.C.: ‘We Feel Incredibly Betrayed’
Thousands of National Guardsmen were forced to vacate congressional grounds on Thursday and have been photographed having to sleep in parking garages
Politics | Politics
Trump revokes executive order that promised to 'drain the swamp' just hours before leaving office
'... nothing more than a prop in his demagogic play-acting before the American people'
History | History
5 Presidents Who Didn't Attend Their Successor's Inauguration
On the day of the 2021 inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden, President Donald Trump will join the small group of presidents who skipped their replacement's swearing-in ceremony.
Politics | Washington DC
VIDEO: Troops Posted On Every Corner...7,000 Troops Deployed In Washington, D.C.
Did you ever think you’d see America like this? Troops stationed on every corner like an occupying force. The only question is….are these the good guys or the bad guys? Have the Black Hats deployed them as their start to totalitarian rule, or
News | News
Barbarian Politics | Underground USA | United States
Jan. 7, 2021 - As we face the prospects of our nation being fundamentally transformed, two things are eating at me. One is how instantaneously the Washington Republican apparatus abandoned President Trump and the other is how disingenuously everyone is sc
News | News
Podcast | Underground USA | United States
Underground USA is an irreverent, brutally truthful, fact-based podcast. Are You Ready for the Fundamental Transformation of America? We now have one-party rule by Marxist-Progressives. How did it happen? Where do we go from here? Do we still have a Const
Politics | Politics
D.C. Police make several arrests ahead of major pro-Trump election protest
Protesters remained out in the street well into the night, with videos on social media showing some clashing with police.
Politics | Politics
Protesters Break Into Pelosi’s Office, Pilfer Her Podium
Some of the protesters who breached the Capitol on Wednesday broke into House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-CA) office.
History | History
Six Other Times People Broke Into the U.S. Capitol
Pro-Trump protesters broke into the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday. In doing so, they joined an infamous list.
News | NEWS
Ashli Babbitt, protester killed at Capitol, was Air Force vet from California
Ashli Babbit, who had 14 years in the service and did four tours of duty, was married and lived near San Diego, her husband told KUSI-TV.
Politics | Politics
Pence calls it a 'dark day' in Capitol as count resumes
Congressional leaders say they plan to finish their count over the next several hours rather than recess until Thursday morning.
News | The News
U.S. Capitol Descends into Chaos on Day of Electoral College Certification
The U.S. Capitol has descended into chaos as Trump supporters clashed with police as they stormed barricades outside Congress, where lawmakers are convening to vote on the certification of the Electoral College of the 2020 presidential election. The Libra
Politics | Liberal Hypocrisy
Proud Boys Leader Facing Jail Time, Banned From D.C. For Allegedly Destroying ‘Black Lives Matter’ Banner
A judge ordered Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio to stay out of Washington D.C. after the 36-year-old was charged Monday for allegedly destroying a Black
Politics | Politics
Proud Boys leader arrested ahead of DC protests to support Trump
Enrique Tarrio, who serves as Latinos for Trump's chief of staff, was arrested Monday ahead of protests challenging the 2020 election.
Politics | Op-Ed
A New Year Will Not Bring Relief - American Greatness
It is hard not to be happy about the end of 2020. Many people have said it has been the worst year ever, both personally and for the country. How could the next…
News | News
Last Potomac River ferry shuts down after more than 230 years of operation
The historic White’s Ferry, the last remaining ferry service to travel between Virginia and Maryland across the Potomac River, announced on Monday that it would be ceasing operations.
Politics | Politics
Inmates, Homeless Will Be Among First to Receive Vaccine in D.C., Mayor Says - Washington Free Beacon
District of Columbia mayor Muriel Bowser (D.) announced Thursday that prison inmates and the city's homeless population will be in the first wave of city residents to get access to a coronavirus vaccine.
News | The News
U.S. Atty Declines to Investigate 'Thugs' Who Attacked Rand Paul at RNC
Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) on Monday revealed that the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Columbia has declined to investigate the funding sources of the "thugs" accused of attacking him after President Donald Trump's 2020 White House nomination accept
Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"
Tolerant leftists just can’t keep their hands off this Trump supporter’s American flag at MAGA march
First, they steal her MAGA hat and then go after the American flag.
Politics | Leftists Are Insane
After attacking them earlier in the streets, Antifa and BLM now harassing Trump supporters at restaurants and hotels in DC
Antifa and BLM have followed pro-Trump marchers back to their hotels to harass them there.
Politics | Leftists Are Insane
DC Mayor Muriel Bowser Considering Proposal To Remove Thomas Jefferson, Other American Icons From Public Spaces
A commission created by Washington D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser has recommended a slew of changes to public buildings in the district that includes scrubbing Thomas Jefferson’s name from schools and potentially removing the Washington Monument. The District
News | News
The Full Story Behind the Controversial Rose Garden Redesign | Architectural Digest
From a dearth of crab apple trees to the very issue of roses, the newly unveiled garden has sparked reactions far and wide
News | The News
Rioters Near White House Try To Tear Down Presidential Statue, Set Up ‘Black House Autonomous Zone’
Rioters in Washington, D.C. tried to tear down a statue of former President Andrew Jackson near the White House on Monday while others set up a new “autonomous zone” nearby. The attack on the Jackson statue comes after rioters have destroyed o
History | History
A Brief History of the White House Bunker
Pearl Harbor prompted the White House to build a bomb shelter, and 9/11 might have prompted the construction of another.
Politics | Leftists Are Insane
Here’s All The Damage Rioters Did To Monuments And Memorials In Washington, D.C.
Rioters on Sunday night rampaged across the nation’s capital, defacing monuments and memorials and setting fire to St. John’s Episcopal Church, known as the church of presidents because of its proximity to the White House. St. John’s, built in 1816
Politics | Politics
Trump Silent As Nation Burns From Violent Riots
President Donald Trump remained silent late on Sunday as the nation burned from riots across the country, including an iconic church that was on fire across the street from the White House. The last tweet from Trump that addressed the riots currently rava
Politics | The "Squad"
After Blowback, Ocasio-Cortez ‘Clarifies’ D.C. Slavery Claim | Daily Wire
One of the ways Democrats are hoping to gain more electoral and congressional power is by changing the status of heavily Democratic Washington D.C. from a federally controlled district to the 51st state.
News | NEWS
40th Anniversary: Jews and Washington, DC’s African Art Museum | Jewish & Israel News Algemeiner
Washington DC’s African Art Museum. Photo: Wiki Commons. This summer is the 40th anniversary of an important but overlooked Jewish-American …
Science & Technology | Science & Space
The Washington Monument Is Transforming Into a Full-Scale Saturn V Rocket for the 50th Anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon Landing
Find out when and where you can watch the full-scale projection, accompanied by a short film about the 1969 Moon landing.
Politics | Donald Trump
TRUMP: I'll Salute The Military EVERY July 4! | Daily Wire
Speaking on Monday, President Trump, ebullient after the strong approval he got from much of the American public after his July 4 salute to the military, stated that he w
History | HISTORY
'Tanks' a lot: Trump 4th of July celebration isn't first time armored vehicles have rumbled into Washington
WASHINGTON – Tanks rumbled down Pennsylvania Avenue for Dwight Eisenhower's inaugural parade in 1953. John F. Kennedy deployed them eight years later – as well as missiles. Even a 1939 visit by England's King George VI prompted a splashy display of armored hardware rolling through the nation's capital.
Politics | Donald Trump
What protesters reportedly have planned during 4th of July ‘Salute to America’ just MIGHT end up in a Trump re-election
"He does it to them every time!"
News | Antisemitism Watch
The DC Holocaust Museum Has Now Weighed in on Ocasio-Cortez's Comments
We were all waiting for this one. While it was encouraging to see both Republican and Democratic lawmakers resoundingly reject Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's (D-NY) comparison between immigration detention centers and Holocaust concentration camps, now that the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum has weighed in, we may finally be able to put an end to this mess.
Politics | Leftists & Antisemitism
Seriously? Just Days After Rashida Tlaib's Holocaust Comments She Becomes First Muslim Woman to Preside Over House | Tre
It’s only been a few days since anti-Semitic congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) made the shocking statement that thinking about the Holocaust gives her a “calming feeling,” but rather than getting rebuked or censured, she has now become the first Musli
Miscellaneous | Resources
How Much Does AIPAC Spend on Lobbying? Less Than Beer Sellers, Public Accountants, and Toyota
Congresswoman Ilhan Omar’s controversial comments, repeatedly suggesting that the relationship between the United States and Israel is fueled by vast sums of lobbying money, have been condemned by several of her fellow Democrats. Still, her allegations
Politics | Corruption
Report: AOC’s Chief Of Staff May Have Funneled Money To Her Boyfriend Through PAC
National Review contributor and podcast host Luke Thompson was
Politics | Corruption
12 Things You Need To Know About The Inspector General's DAMNING Report on The FBI's Hillary/Trump Conduct
The Department of Justice Inspector General’s report on the FBI’s handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation is a damning indictment. Despite its attempt to paint most of the actions of the FBI as inherently reasonable, they simply don’t co
News | NEWS
How The Congressional Baseball Shooting Didn't Become The Deadliest Political Assassination In American History
You don't know the whole story of how close we came to one of the deadliest political shootings in US history last year.
Politics | Politics
Trump hammers Comey before big interview
The president continues to dig at the former FBI director.
Politics | POLITICS
DC officially renames street in front of Russian embassy after slain Putin critic
The Washington, D.C. city council on Tuesday officially renamed a street in front of the Russian embassy in honor of a slain critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
News | News
Lincoln Memorial vandalized with explicit graffiti - ABC News
This isn't the first instance of vandalism at the memorial.
Politics | Interesting Links
How Obama Dumped Hagel - Glenn Thrush - POLITICO Magazine
When President Obama first summoned Chuck Hagel to the Oval Office in October, he wanted to know how his Pentagon chief planned to cope with the dangerous new threat posed by the Islamic State that had drawn the reluctant president back into war in the Mi