Science & Technology | Technology
The Most-read WIRED Gear Stories of 2017 | WIRED
It was a year of hellos—to the iPhoneX and the Essential—and goodbyes—to Flash, to Google's blob emoji, to the iPod, and to wired headphones.
Science & Technology | Tech
The 9 Most-Read WIRED Stories in June | WIRED
What do ticks, Apple, and a "Poppy" sensation all have in common? Well, your attention, dear reader.
Science & Technology | Technology
How the NSA's Firmware Hacking Works and Why It's So Unsettling | WIRED
One of the most shocking parts of the recently discovered spying network Equation Group is its mysterious module designed to reprogram or reflash a computer hard drive’s firmware with malicious code. The Kaspersky researchers who uncovered this said its