
History | History

The Real Stories Of Nine World War II Soldiers Portrayed In Band Of Brothers

From Dick Winters to Lewis Nixon to Herbert Sobel, meet the real World War II soldiers who served in Easy Company and inspired "Band of Brothers."

History | History

How Pearl Harbor's Attack Hit Home for Surfers at San Onofre

The day that will live in infamy, December 7, 1941, started with a sunny morning of head-high surf before news of Japan's surprise attack broke on the beach.

History | History

7 groundbreaking technologies that won WWII

The range of technologies that were created and adapted during the course of World War II reshaped the 20th century in ways few could have anticipated at the time: both the battlefield and society. As is often the case, the pressure to succeed in war we t

History | History

D-Day: The Great Crusade Was Greater Than You Know

 Imagine picking up every man in a medium-sized city, everything they’ll need to eat and drink and rest for a few days, any vehicles they might need, gasoline, of course, plus lots of guns and ammo — did I mention this was a hunting trip? — and then moving all those men and all that stuff in a few short hours a distance of anywhere from 30 to 125 miles or so.

History | History

Watch Vintage Newsreel Footage of the D-Day Landings in Normandy

This 80-year-old archival footage shows Operation Neptune—the code name for the landings on the beaches at Normandy.

History | History

Life as a Ball Turret Gunner in World War Two

Serving on a bomber in World War Two was almost a guaranteed death sentence. Depending on the unit and time of the war, US bomber crews could experience anywhere from 50% to just over 70% of their personnel becoming killed, missing, or taken prisoner. Wit

History | History

The Doolittle Raid: America’s revenge for Pearl Harbor

After Pearl Harbor, the full, if not immediately enthusiastic, participation of the United States in World War II was all but guaranteed. While there may have been murmurings of a possible attack in military circles, it blindsided the American public, and

History | History

50 Amazing Rarely Seen Photos From World War II

When you take a step back from it, modern war is genuinely bizarre. Nation-states, formed by drawing arbitrary lines on a map, fight it out over abstract principles of sovereignty, democracy, fascism, etc., and do so by trying to conquer pieces of one ano

Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous

It's been 79 years since D-Day landings. How experts say we'll continue to honor WWII veterans

The number of World War II veterans, especially those who participated in the Normandy invasion on D-Day, is dwindling.

News | NEWS

‘It means the world to me’: WWII vets return to Normandy in honor of D-Day

Army veteran Andy Negra almost missed his chance to return to the beaches of Normandy because he didn’t have a passport. Born

Miscellaneous | Interesting Links

The Last WWII Veteran on Active Duty Served for Nearly 55 Years After the War

Dr. Earl Russell Fox spent most of his life in and around the military. The son of an Army officer, he was born in an Army hospital in 1919. He joined the Navy during World War II, stayed in the Naval Reserve after the war and then joined the Coast Guard -- at 55 years old.

News | News

Setting The World Stage For War

As the Biden administration executes every diplomatic blunder to inch the world closer to global conflict, it would serve us well to recall the history of the major conflicts of the United States and who was at the helm at the genesis of each. An accurate

Entertainment | Entertainment

How Film Noir Reflected Society After World War Two

Following World War II, much of the world saw cultural shifts take place. What made them alarming was that these changes took place in the home.

History | History

Why Russia Can't Seem to Win in Ukraine: Study the Winter War of 1939

The Winter War, forgotten by many as an appetizer to World War II, has many similarities to Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

News | News

Sunday Digest: Anonymous Launches Attacks on Russian Targets; Hacks Gazprom, Russia Ministry of Defense

Welcome to the inaugural edition of Underground USA’s Sunday Digest; a digest of the day's most pressing and interesting headlines and why they are important. Please ‘like’ the post, leave a comment, and share us with your family and friends. A

News | News

Crisis in Ukraine: Without Sanctions That Have Real Teeth The World Is Facing a Very Dangerous Future

President Biden took to the podium and declared that the package of sanctions the United States has crafted in response to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine exceeds “anything that’s ever been done.” But that package of sanctio

History | Chicago History

Lost WWII love letters delivered to intended recipient

After almost 70 years, the letters written by a World War II sailor made the final leg of a mysterious journey Wednesday when they were turned over to Dorothy Bartos Carlberg, their intended recipient.

History | Chicago History

Life in Chicago during World War II (Gallery)

Over seven decades ago, Chicagoans had to come to grips with a cold, hard fact: The country was at war. Women by the droves went to work in defense plants and Chicago soon led the nation in war production. Consumer goods were scarce and rationed, so many

History | Chicago History

WWII love letters finally arrive in Chicago

Entrusting deep feelings to a flimsy envelope and an 8-cent stamp is an act of faith. But that's exactly what A.L. Fragakis did in 1945 when he was in the Navy and mailed two letters to his sweetheart back home in Chicago.

Politics | Politics

Kitty Werthman Speech 2010 - How a Democracy beset by creeping Socialism became NAZI Germany

The gradual creeping of Socialism transformed a Democracy of mostly-Catholic good people into the dictatorship of Hilter's NAZI Germany. Little changes here ...