
Politics | The Hall of Idiots

NPS Staffers Hang Upside-Down Flag in Yosemite to Protest Firings -- They Don't Get Reaction They Expect

 My colleague Streiff wrote about some of the firings in the National Park Service including this fascinating paragraph that he cited from the original Washington Post story.

Politics | Woke Insanity

Park Employees At Yosemite Violate Uniform Code For Pride March

'Nothing like a horde of people making a political statement while you're trying to enjoy your brief break from society,' someone commented.

Science & Technology | Social Media

This instagrammer’s epic shots of Yosemite National Park will make you want to travel right now

This collection of pics that will make you wanna pick your climbing gear, camping tent and head to California to enjoy one hell of an outdoor experience.

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

OS X Yosemite update tackles 'surprise' Mac security flaws

You know those unpatched Mac security exploits that Google revealed a few days ago? You probably won't have to worry about them any more. Apple has relea

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

Yosemite: Tweaking Safari's URL bar settings

Safari in Yosemite is a familiar yet new beast. Among the interface changes, I really didn't like the way the URL bar behaved. In particular, these things bugged me: Not being able to see the full ...

News | Interesting Stories

iPad 2014 | BGR

ROUNDUP: Here's everything Apple just announced!