News | Jewish Community
Why Do Jews Eat Lox and Bagels?
I always thought that lox and bagels on
Sunday mornings is as “Jewish” as apple pie is “American.”
News | Israel & The Jewish Community
Twitter lashes out at ‘sociopath’ bagels sliced like bread
This is wrong — any way you slice it. A highly offensive photo of bagels, sliced as though they were loaves of bread, is spreading controversy across the internet. The man behind this crumby outrag…
Miscellaneous | NEW YORK CITY
The secret of New York City’s mythic bagel-making water - Quartz
There are essentially two elements—calcium and magnesium—in very specific proportions that make the water in the New York metro area unique. Fortunately, the ratio of those two ingredients to other minerals also happen to be ideal for baking crispy-on