Science & Technology | Science
Physicists discover what lies beyond a black hole's event horizon
Gravity exists in three dimensions within a black hole's geometry, whereas particle physics resides on its surface in two dimensions.
Science & Technology | Tech
3 essential abilities AI is missing
As the AI community puts a growing focus and resources toward data-driven, deep learning–based approaches, experts warn that what seems to be a human-like performance is, in fact, a shallow imitation that misses key components of intelligence.
Science & Technology | Science & Technology
Quantum computing may make current encryption obsolete, a quantum internet could be the solution
Sometime between now and 2030, the mathematical system that protects all of digital communications may fall victim to a superior quantum system. Preparing for that time may require us to reinvent the network itself.
Science & Technology | Science & Technology
The race to building a fully functional quantum stack | TechCrunch
As we approach the age of quantum computing, it is no longer a question of ‘if,’ but rather one of ‘when’ this technology finally matures and ‘who’ will lead this emerging industry.
Science & Technology | Cool Stuff
'Remarkable' Mathematical Proof Describes How to Solve Seemingly Impossible Computing Problem
You enter a cave. At the end of a dark corridor, you encounter a pair of sealed chambers. Inside each chamber is an all-knowing wizard. The prophecy says that with these oracles’ help, you can learn the answers to unanswerable problems. But there’s a catc
Science & Technology | Tech
An Apple store Genius shows how the iPad Pro can't replace a PC
Is this truly the post-PC era? The evidence of this man's Apple store visit suggests it hasn't quite arrived yet.
Science & Technology | Cool Stuff
Mathematicians Solve '42' Problem With Planetary Supercomputer
Mathematicians have finally figured out the three cubed numbers that add up to 42. This has settled a problem that has been pondered for 65 years: namely, can each of the natural numbers below 100 be expressed as the sum of three cubes?
Science & Technology | Tech
IBM Research explains how quantum computing works and why it matters | VentureBeat
Jeffrey Welser, vice president and lab director at IBM Research at Almaden, breaks down quantum computing in terms anyone can understand.
Science & Technology | Tech News
[Best of 2018] IBM proved quantum computers can do things impossible for classical ones
The debate over whether quantum computers will ever be able to do anything better than classical ones is over. A team of researchers just proved they can.
Science & Technology | Cool Stuff
These 'Spooky' Entangled Atoms Just Brought Quantum Computing One Step Closer
Physicists have pushed quantum computing one step closer to becoming a reality.
Science & Technology | Cool Stuff
MIT researchers turn water into 'calm' computer interfaces
Our lives are busy and full of distractions. Modern computing. with its constant notifications and enticing red bubbles next to apps, seems designed to keep us...
Science & Technology | Technology
The Era of Quantum Computing Is Here. Outlook: Cloudy
Quantum computers should soon be able to beat classical computers at certain basic tasks. But before they’re truly powerful, researchers have to overcome a
Science & Technology | Cool Stuff
Simon's algorithm run on quantum computer for the first time—faster than on standard computer
(Phys.org) —A team of researchers working in South Africa has reported that they've successfully run Simon's algorithm on a quantum computer for the first time. In their paper published in Physical Review Letters, the team describes how they ran the alg