Health & Fitness | Health
IBS Slideshow: Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Diarrhea, Constipation, Help, and Support
A quick overview from WebMD of IBS symptoms, causes, medicines, and trigger foods – along with lifestyle tips for managing this disruptive, but common, irritable bowel condition.
Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness Info
Pictures: Why Am I Constipated?
If you haven’t been able to go in a while, there are a few possible reasons for that. Find out more about why you might be constipated.
Humor | oh the humanity....
This Unicorn Changed the Way I Poop - #SquattyPotty
Buy at http://squattypotty.com - Pooping will never be the same. This Unicorn shows the effects of improper toilet posture and how it can affect your health....