
Pets & Animals | Cat & Dog Resources

Peeved Pups: Can Dogs Be Angry?

Last week, a client described his dog by saying, “He’s just wonderful! The kids can do anything to him!” When I hear such comments— which I do, often—my first thought is I need to know what the kids are doing to that poor dog. Frequently, “any

Pets & Animals | Cat & Dog Resources

Heartrending Viral Video Shows Dog Chasing Car That Abandoned Him

A heartrending video of a dog chasing a van that abandoned him on a road in Milton, West Virginia, has been gaining thousands of views on Facebook.

Pets & Animals | Cat & Dog Resources

Study Finds Dogs Are More Expressive When Someone is Looking at Them

A new study found that domesticated dogs show more facial expressions when a human is giving them attention, as opposed to, say, food.

Pets & Animals | Cat & Dog Resources

Our dogs can read our minds: The new neuroscience of animal brains and understanding

Understanding emotion in others is basic to survival, grounded in evolution. Animals have the skill just as we do