Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help
Micro-Retirement: the reset you need to live the life you want - Workplace Coach Blog
Are you craving a new adventure? Has your once-steady career momentum fizzled—or worse, have you burnt out? Does the thought of grinding away another ten, twenty, or thirty years until retirement leave you feeling drained? If so, you’re not alone. Wha
Miscellaneous | Interesting Links
Capacitor Breakthrough: 19-Fold Increase in Energy Storage Potential
The latest advancement in capacitor technology offers a 19-fold increase in energy storage, potentially revolutionizing power sources for EVs and devices.
Politics | Woke Insanity
Biden Admin Cited 'Indigenous Knowledge' as Reason To Block Oil and Gas Leases
When the Biden administration stepped in last year to block seven oil and gas leases in Alaska, it said it was doing so in part to recognize the "Indigenous Knowledge" of the Native Americans who originally inhabited the land.
News | News
California electricity pricing exploded in the last three years, far outpacing inflation
Energy Toolbase’s latest analysis reveals, following six years of stable, inflation-adjusted electricity prices, California’s electricity bills have surged, increasing nearly three times faster than the Consumer Price Index.
Politics | The Hall of Idiots
Lego scraps plan to make bricks from recycled plastic, and the reason is TOO FUNNY
As we are all annoyingly familiar with, the push to 'go green' in every aspect of our lives has been massive in recent years, but it seems that the 'green' activists know very little about what it takes to actually 'go green.' Lego is finding this out the hard way and it's too frickin' funny.
Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help
Choosing Yourself: When it’s time to take a breather | Workplace Coach Blog
Choosing yourself: when it's time to take a breather--the benefits to taking a temporary career breather & how to do it gracefully
Politics | Blue State/City Life
The Hidden Factors Driving up Gas Prices in California
I am writing to address the concerns raised in a recent letter from your "Oil Czar," Tai Milder, regarding gas price fluctuations in the state. While it is commendable that you are taking steps to better understand these issues, I believe it is imperative to highlight the significant role that local, state, and federal gas taxes, as well as California’s stringent environmental regulatory regime, play in driving up the retail price of gasoline sold in California.
Miscellaneous | Interesting & Helpful Information
Electrifying your home is about to get a lot cheaper | Grist
Rebates from the IRA could help low- and middle-income households save thousands on heat pumps, weatherstripping, and other efficiency improvements.
News | News
A critical breakthrough: Researchers succeed in producing highly efficient, low-cost “green” hydrogen
A critical breakthrough: Researchers succeed in producing highly efficient, low-cost “green” hydrogen The research team: “Today, the production of ‘green’ hydrogen requires distilled water and precious and rare metals such as platinum, wh
Science & Technology | Cool Stuff
First Demonstration of Energy Teleportation | Discover Magazine
It's not just information that can move from one point in the universe to another, without passing through the space in between.
Politics | The Decline Of America
Induced Energy Crisis? Biden Admin Has New Pollution Limits for Power Plants
The Biden administration’s “solution” to every crisis is to make it even worse. As Americans face electricity shortages and high gas prices, Biden’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has announced...
News | In The News
Headlines: Family-Owned Restaurant in Chinatown Receives $13,000 Gas Bill
Hop Woo BBQ & Seafood Restaurant, the Chinatown-based eatery known for their Chinese turkeys, received a gas bill totaling more than $13,000 in charges for the month of January.
Health & Fitness | Sleep
5 Tips for Becoming A Morning Person
Even the most dedicated night owls can train themselves to become early risers.
News | Interesting Stories
Fuel Costs of Electric Vehicles Overtake Gas-Powered Cars: Study
The cost to fuel electric vehicles in the United States is higher than gas-powered cars for the first ...
News | News
PODCAST & ARTICLE | The United States' Dance With Political Persecution
For the record, I can take or leave Steve Bannon. When he came on the scene at Breitbart all those years ago after Andrew’s death – at which time I was writing for the Big Government section there, the online publication moved away from one of its cor
Politics | Climate Change
The Myth of Clean Energy
"Clean", like "smart", has become the prerequisite for all technology. Both are myths. Smart technology is surveillance technology. It is not smarter because of its inherent qualities, but because it sends and receives data that allows it to be "smarter"
Miscellaneous | Environment/Climate Change
Biden Administration’s Manipulated Energy Policy Demonstrates Ignorance of History
Consumed, as they have been, with the work of pushing revisionist woke ideology in the schools, it seems the Left missed the lesson that those who don’t know…
Politics | Climate Change
The Green Surrender
I sometimes wonder which policy of President Biden's has been or will be the most destructive of them all. There are so many possibilities.
Politics | The China Threat
U.S. Department of Energy Gives Revolutionary Battery Technology to China
The U.S. Department of Energy inexplicably allows China to walk away with superior battery technology funded by U.S. taxpayers.
News | The News
Tesla Asks Texans To Limit Charging Cars During Heat Wave As Wind Power Slows
Tesla is asking all Texas-based customers to avoid charging their electric vehicles during certain times of the day as the Lone Star State is currently experiencing a massive heatwave that is straining its electrical power grid.
Politics | Politics
How Biden Helped a Chinese Gas Giant Boost the Communist Nation’s Oil Reserves
President Joe Biden's decision to deplete America's oil reserves is helping a top adversary—China, which has built up its own stockpile while taking advantage of Biden's firesale.
News | Israel Around The World
IDF stopped hackers from hitting US power plants
This is the first time a current Unit 8200 official discussed such sensitive cyber intelligence sharing in public.
News | News
PODCAST | The Globalists Use of Climate Change As The New Chaos Creator
Ever since the 1967 Report from Iron Mountain, which outlined a transition from managed wars to climate change as the vehicle of choice for political transformation, the Progressives (read: fascists) in the United States have continuously hit the climate
News | News
PODCAST | Janet Yellen & The Rest Of The Biden Administration Unqualified
If you have been following the short tenure of Janet Yellen as US Treasury Secretary you will have already noticed that she hasn't been correct in any of the predictions or statements she has issued. From inflation being "transitory" to crypto being
News | News
PODCAST | The Manmade Climate Change Narrative & The Globalization Agenda
I feel it’s important to share a portion of a decades-long, ongoing conversation I am engaged in with a dear friend who has worked for the European Union Commission at the highest levels, serving as an analyst on various critical issues. He continues to
News | News
Why Our Self-Imposed High Gas Prices Are A Direct Threat To The People
Today the national average for gasoline hit $5 per gallon, translating to $65–$80 a fill-up for the average car. If you still need to be convinced that the pain you are feeling at the gas pump isn’t self-inflicted, courtesy of the Green Movement and t
News | News
PODCAST | The Disingenuous Manufactured Media Circus With Ringmaster Pelosi
You know that Nancy Pelosi and the fascist-Left Democrats have nothing to run on in the Midterm Elections when they have to beg a news network to sensationalize a manufactured media circus in what was the January 6th mini-series-esque sitcom broadcast on
News | News
Can Israel solve Europe's energy problems? We asked the experts
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has many looking at the eastern Mediterranean region for replacement gas to the EU, but significant challenges remain.
News | News
Diving into the Biden Administration's Rolodex of Blame
It's a legitimate question. Has the Biden administration taken responsibility for anything they have launched or affected since it took the helm in Washington, DC? From the energy crisis to Afghanistan, the devastation of the economy to the deepening
News | News
The Fascist Scheme of Federally Centralized Government
The word has been so misused over time that its meaning has been turned on its head. Fascism is not a product of right-wing ideology. It is – and there is no disputing this if you are being honest – a political philosophy more intricately aligned with
Politics | Politics
UK Energy Bills to Rise 14 Times Faster than Wages Amid Green Push, Sanctions War
British energy bills look set to increase some 14 times faster than British wages in 2022, the Trades Union Congress (TUC) has warned.
Politics | Joe Biden/Biden Administration
Report: Drilling Permits Plummet Under Biden Administration After Peaking in April
Data from the Bureau of Land Management shows approved drilling permits dropped substantially under the Biden administration after peaking in April, per a report.
News | News
Congress, Biden Must Couch All Special Interest Spending to Correct the Economy
The US House of Representatives has passed a massive $1.5 trillion omnibus spending bill meant to avoid yet another government shutdown. The chamber, marshaled by US Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), also passed a short-term Continuing Resolution as a stopgap spe
Politics | Joe Biden/Biden Administration
Killing Keystone: How Biden & The Left Destroyed American Energy Independence
A December poll by ScottRasmussen.com shows 59% of voters believe Biden's blocking of the Keystone pipeline project has contributed to rising gas prices. How did we get here? This timeline breaks down the project's history.
Politics | Joe Biden/Biden Administration
American Oil Drillers: Democrat Policies Blocking Energy Production
Oil drillers say they are working to fill the recent void in the oil market but are hampered by Democrat policies.
News | News
PODCAST: Biden Ignores His Policy's Roll in High Gas Prices; Blames Oil Companies, Putin
As the American people continue to have their household budget’s decimated by the costs of gasoline
News | News
Biden Ignores His Policy's Roll in High Gas Prices; Blames Oil Companies, Putin
As the American people continue to have their household budget’s decimated by the costs of gasoline and fuel oil, the Biden administration has launched an egregious gaslighting campaign to deflect from their transformative and opportunistic energy polic
Politics | Politics
Biden's Handlers Want Skyrocketing Gas Prices. The EPA Just Revealed Why.
Biden's handlers are pedal-to-the-metal on their zero-emissions agenda now, and with gas becoming too expensive to buy, we're all greens now.
Politics | The Hall of Idiots
Out-of-touch elitist Stephen Colbert jokes he doesn’t care if gas prices go to $15 a gallon because ‘I drive a Tesla’
"...a clean conscience is worth a buck or two."
Politics | Corruption
Which Greedy Execs Make All That Money From $7 Gas?
AAA announced that the U.S. average gas price is now slightly more than $4 per gallon. Gas is at its highest since 2008. But before gas prices took a jump due to the first Green New Deal War, being ho...
Politics | Politics
After Legal Setback, Biden Halts Oil and Gas Leases Even as Oil Nears $100 A Barrel
A federal judge blocked the Biden administration from deploying new rules that would have included the "social cost of carbon" when granting energy drilling leases. So the Biden administration imposed indefinite delay in planned oil and gas lease sales on
Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help
7 Tips for When You've Lost All Motivation | Psychology Today
What to do when you feel intensely sad or blah.
Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help
3 Tips to Help You Consume Less Sugar and Feel Energized
Improve the way you feel mentally, physically, and emotionally.
Politics | Politics
‘That’s what happens when you try to live in the fantasy of an adolescent girl’: Here’s a breakdown on global energy shortages
You can thank Greta Thunberg and her pals for global energy shortages.
Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help
How to Protect Your Energy in Times of Stress
Three simple tips to help you stay true to yourself and avoid becoming overwhelmed.
Health & Fitness | Sleep
What Happens to Your Body When You Start Napping Every Single Day
Curious about the benefits of napping? Here's everything to know after one day to six months down the line.
Health & Fitness | Sleep
The 7 Types of Rest, and How to Get the Kind You Need
If you never feel fully rested, it could be because you're not getting the right type of rest
News | News
Biden Delusional on Gas Prices, Says They Are ‛Well In-Line’ With Average
In a statement that defies the reality every American is feeling at the pump, the Biden administration is rebuking criticism that its...
Science & Technology | SCIENCE
This Nuclear Reactor Just Made Fusion Viable by 2030. Seriously.
Nuclear fusion has long felt like decades away. Now, the timeline accelerates, as TAE has announced it’s just 9 years from a commercial nuclear fusion plant.
Miscellaneous | Other Stuff
America Is Petroleum-Independent, for Now | National Review
Team Biden should not sacrifice these gains in a headlong rush toward an ambitious green agenda.
News | News
House Republicans Bring Bill to Reauthorize Keystone XL Pipeline, Cut Biden Out of Process
House Republicans have introduced legislation to re-authorize the Keystone XL pipeline, claiming President Biden’s first-day executive order canceling the project's permits as “catastrophic for American workers and families.” Eighty-five Republicans
News | National News
Texas Power Crisis Puts Keystone XL Cancelation in Perspective
Rolling blackouts in Texas have put the importance of oil pipelines into perspective, according to business executives. Ryan Palazzo, ...
News | News
The Podcast | Underground USA | United States
As we approach the opening day of "argument" in the unconstitutional second impeachment trial of Donald Trump - this time as a private citizen, the plague of untruths, fabrications, and outright lies by the neo-Progressive Left have to be addressed...
News | News
Schumer Says Biden Should Declare ‘Climate Emergency’, Rule Like A Dictator
For all the talk of bi-partisanship and respecting the rights of the minority party, US Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer
News | News
CANADA: Alberta Premier Threatens Sanctions Against US After ‘Insult’ of Biden Shuttering Keystone Pipeline
President Biden’s move to cancel permits for the completion of the Keystone XL pipeline was met with disappointment and concern
News | News
Biden Plans to Kill Keystone XL Pipeline During First Day In Office
In a move that was telegraphed by his radical choices in appointments, President-Elect Joe Biden plans to use one of
News | News
Incoming White House Climate Team Blames ‘Systemic Racism’ for Climate Change
Two of the top environmental aides to President-Elect Joe Biden have openly declared that “systemic racism” is a driver of
Health & Fitness | Sleep
The 7 types of rest that every person needs |
Are you getting your seven or eight hours of sleep a night -- yet you still feel exhausted? Here's why that could be happening, according to physician Saundra Dalton-Smith.
Politics | Leftist Lies
Musk: Electric Cars Will Require a Lot More Electric Power Than We Currently Have
Tesla CEO Elon Musk says we’ll need more electricity to power cars like his. A lot more.
Tesla Chief Executive Elon Musk said on Tuesday that electricity consumption will double if the worldR...
Politics | Politics
CA, Dependent On Solar Power, Has Rolling Blackouts In Heat Wave. Hint: The Sun Sets At Night.
In California, where reliance on solar power is favored over the idea of nuclear power, many Californians suffering through an intense heat wave over the last weekend lost power because of rolling blackouts. That loss of power was at least partially deriv
Health & Fitness | Sleep
Sleep and the Immune System and How to Support Them | Dr. Dyan
Sleep and the immune system go hand in hand. These tips help you to boost the immune system and sleep better by finding small pockets of rest.
News | Clean Energy
Futuristic Solar Plants Plagued by Glitches, Poor Training - Scientific American
Scientific American is the essential guide to the most awe-inspiring advances in science and technology, explaining how they change our understanding of the world and shape our lives.
Science & Technology | Israeli Innovation
Israeli scientists produce energy from plants
In step forward for renewables, researchers at Tel Aviv University say they have succeeded in making hydrogen from microscopic algae
News | News
UNPACKED - Sustainable Nation - Full Length Documentary Last Day to View May 2nd
UNPACKED – Sustainable Nation – Full-Length Documentary Last Day to View May 2nd Celebrate Israel through film. Presenting for the first time to a digital audience the award- winning film Sustainable Nation. Make sure you subscribe and
News | Clean Energy
After 40 Years of Hunting, Scientists Identify a Key Flaw in Solar Panel Efficiency
Solar panels are fantastic pieces of technology, but we need to work out how to make them even more efficient – and last year, scientists solved a 40-year-old mystery around one of the key obstacles to increased efficiency.
Health & Fitness | Sleep
Sleep Secrets That You’ve Been Searching For | Dr. Dyan
Get 3 easy sleep secrets that you can start tonight to help you sleep better, feel calmer, and connect mind and body. Sleep naturally with these simple tips
News | News
In milestone, Israel starts exporting natural gas to Egypt | The Times of Israel
Jerusalem's and Cairo's energy ministries issue rare joint statement announcing implementation of estimated $19.5 billion deal to pump gas from 2 massive offshore gas fields
Miscellaneous | Other Stuff
Child miners aged four living a hell on Earth so YOU can drive an electric car
Dorsen, just eight, is one of 40,000 children working daily in the mines of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The terrible price they will pay for our clean air is ruined health and a likely early death.
News | Clean Energy
The Hydrogen Economy Is Within Grasp And Progressive Energy Companies Know It
The hydrogen economy is within grasp — the type of progress that can rollback the effects of climate change. The goal is to produce hydrogen from a carbon-free source and in doing so, displaces fossil fuels.
News | Clean Energy
Thermal Battery Could Power Solar Systems Overnight - Geek
Solar power’s whole MO is converting sunlight into electricity—so nighttime use is usually out of the question. Or is it? Researchers from Curtin University in Australia are developing a thermal battery that would …
Business & Finance | Economics
The Reason Renewables Can't Power Modern Civilization Is Because They Were Never Meant To
Germans believed that the billions they spent on renewables would redeem them. Many of them will insist that the renewables effort was merely “botched,” but it wasn't. The Energiewende was doomed to fail.
News | Clean Energy
BBC - Future - How to rehabilitate old oil supertankers
The enormous ships that ferry crude oil around the world embody the fossil fuel era and its legacy of pollution. But can they be transformed to be good for the environment?
News | Clean Energy
Turning one greenhouse gas into another could combat climate change
Sucking methane from the air might deliver a bigger bang for the buck than just removing carbon dioxide.
Science & Technology | Technology
Are Electric Vehicles Really Better For The Environment?
Since the first modern electric vehicles took to the roads, critics have been quick to question the ‘clean’ label. With the amount of debate & misinformation troubling the waters, the facts behind the efficiency of electric vehicles have become cl
Politics | Leftist Lies
Which Kills More Birds? Oil Spills, or Windmills? | Investor's Business Daily
Any time there's an oil spill on the water, the media are filled with photos and videos of crude-soaked birds. The coverage is the cue for the self-appointed environmentalist defenders... Read More
News | Israel & The Jewish Community
Top US Official: Energy Independence Enables Trump to Take Stronger Pro-Israel Positions | Jewish & Israel News Algemein
An oil tanker is being loaded at Saudi Aramco’s Ras Tanura oil refinery and oil terminal in Saudi Arabia, May …
Politics | Politics
The Dirty Secret Of Renewables Advocates Is That They Protect Fossil Fuel Interests, Not The Climate
For 50 years, anti-nuclear groups have used renewables to greenwash the killing of nuclear plants and the inevitable rise in air pollution that results.
Advice & Self-Help | Meditation and Other Practices
These Routines Will Help You Wake Up Relaxed
You already have everything you need for a stress-free morning.
News | Clean Energy
Why the Tide Is Turning for the Energy Sector
The increasing demand for electric vehicles, air conditioning and renewable energy are all helping to shape the future.
Advice & Self-Help | Meditation and Other Practices
Quick Ways to Boost Your Energy Instantly
Beating the afternoon energy slump is easier than you think.
News | News
With Gas Set to Flow From Leviathan Field by End of Year, Israeli PM Extols Energy Independence as ‘Great Revolution’
Israeli Energy Minister Yuval Steinitz speaks, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu looking on, at the inauguration event of the newly-arrived …
Health & Fitness | Sleep
Study: Women Who Are 'Early Birds' Are Less Likely To Develop Depression - Study Finds
Women who find themselves feeling blue may want to consider changing their bedtimes. A recent study found that middle-aged women who both go to bed and rise earlier are less likely to develop depression than others in the same demographic.
Health & Fitness | Sleep
Deep Sleep A Natural 'Fountain Of Youth' In Old Age, Study Says
A new study finds that seniors who don't get enough deep sleep are more likely to suffer from memory loss and life-threatening ailments like heart disease.
Health & Fitness | Sleep
Sleep Deprivation Makes Your Anxiety Peak
According to two new studies, a lack of sleep is associated with both increased anxiety and increased anger, both of which can also lead to further sleep deprivation, creating a cyclical problem.
Health & Fitness | Health
Energy Foods Slideshow: Foods that Give Your Diet an Energy Boost
WebMD shows you which foods may boost your energy level and have a positive impact on your mood.
Science & Technology | Israeli Innovation
Australian-Israeli startup creates water-based fuel for electric vehicles
Electriq~Global presents technology at Tel Aviv's Smart Mobility Summit; touts zero emissions, longer range and lower price
Health & Fitness | Sleep
A new blood test may detect sleep deprivation
Sleeplessness can lead to a number of negative outcomes, from lost work to car crashes, but a new blood test may now be able to measure sleep deprivation.
News | Clean Energy
How Long Will Natural Gas Be A Bridge Fuel?
In a previous article, I addressed the fact that natural gas is serving as an important bridge fuel as coal is phased out. Today, I estimate how long that bridge might last.
Health & Fitness | Health News
Reiki to Ease Pain: What Should I Know?
People around the world have been helped by Reiki, but a lot is still unknown. WebMD explains what we do know about this Japanese folk treatment and how it may help you.
Health & Fitness | Sleep
Study: Sleeping Longer Can Lead To A Healthier Diet - Study Finds
In case you needed a reason to stay in bed more, a new study finds that sleeping longer may lead you to being a better eater.
Health & Fitness | Sleep
The 5 Most Impactful Findings From National Geographic’s “Science of Sleep” Issue | Thrive Global
Our sleep shortage affects our economy, productivity, and our health.
Health & Fitness | Sleep
Fall Asleep Fast
Tired of tossing and turning? Follow these four easy strategies to help you fall asleep faster.
Psychology | Health & Wellbeing
Can Bad Air Cause Anxiety? - Ask Dr. Weil
I've heard that air pollution can lead to anxiety. Could this be true? I also understand that pollution can lead to stroke. If true, this is pretty bad news for those of us who breathe bad air daily.
Health & Fitness | Sleep
Using an Alarm Clock, Alarmed in the A.M.
An alarm clock does just what its name suggests - it alarms us, every morning. That can't be healthy. Is there an alternative?
Health & Fitness | Sleep
Does "Sleep Hacking" Work? | Mark's Daily Apple
You can "hack" a lot of your health, diet, and lifestyle. You can cook the entire week's meals ahead of time, buy high-quality prepackaged foods and ready-to-cook meals, cover your nutritional bases with smart supplementation. You can condense y
Advice & Self-Help | advice and self help
What’s the Best Time to Write During the Day?
How to schedule your work according to your attention span.
News | The News
LA Is Doing Water Better Than Your City. Yes, That LA
With climate change on the horizon, Los Angeles is rushing to pull water from surprising sources. The goal: aqueous independence.
Science & Technology | Israeli Innovation
Israeli startup says it can slash telecom costs with fuel cell energy
GenCell's technology aims to replace diesel generators at telecom base stations with a low-cost solution using hydrogen produced from ammonia
Health & Fitness | Sleep
How to sleep better and live longer - just by re-setting your body clock!
The field of circadian biology — the study of the human body clock — is radically changing the way we understand how the body and the mind function. Here's how it can help you.
Psychology | Health & Wellbeing
Color-Changing LEDs Could Reset the Circadian Rhythm
Schools and hospitals are using specialized LEDs to combat the damage of indoor living.
Psychology | Health & Wellbeing
This Is Why You Can’t Resist French Fries When You’re Tired
There’s science behind your sleepy snack attacks.
Science & Technology | Cool Stuff
NuScale's Small Modular Nuclear Reactor Passes Biggest Hurdle Yet
NuScale’s small modular nuclear reactor completed the Phase 1 review of their design certification application by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. That’s a huge deal because Phase 1 is the most intensive phase of the review, taking more hours and ef
Science & Technology | Science
The Battery Boost We’ve Been Waiting for Is Only a Few Years Out - WSJ
Lithium-ion batteries get a little bit better every year, but capacity is about to get a much-needed major lift, thanks to nanotechnology and a shift in materials.
News | Interesting Links
Daylight Saving Time Is Deadly And Doesn't Save Energy — It's Time To Ditch It | Stock News & Stock Market Analysi
The European Union is studying whether switching their clocks back and forth each year to accommodate daylight saving time is worth it. The answer is, it isn't.
Cars & Motorcycles | Cars
Here's how every major automaker plans to go electric
Electric cars are coming soon to a road near you, and that could signal the beginning of the end for the internal combustion engine.
Science & Technology | Cool Stuff
NASA to Reveal Energy Breakthrough That Can Take Humans to Mars and Power a Home for 10 Years
The agency hasn't tried building a nuclear fission reactor for space since the 1960s.
News | In The News
The long wait for fusion power may be coming to an end
Some energy experts see commercial nuclear fusion reactors as soon as 2030, augmenting wind and solar power as well as helping make fossil fuel plants obsolete.
Health & Fitness | Sleep
Sleep Statistics - Research & Treatments
Need to know more about Sleep Statistics? Find expert research & treatment advice from the American Sleep Association - Official Site.
Health & Fitness | Sleep
Calming Rituals to Help You Fall Asleep
Tips for help to fall asleep fast by using calming rituals like yoga, deep breathing, meditation, and other relaxation methods.
News | News
Chart: The U.S. Is Smashing Its Clean Energy Forecasts | Statista
This chart shows the U.S. Department of Energy 2006 10 year predictions compared to actual 2016 results.
Health & Fitness | Sleep
Not a Morning Person? Learn How to Wake and Get Up Early
What are the best ways to wake and get up early? Discover simple solutions to make mornings easier, including alarms, morning sunlight, and caffeine.
Health & Fitness | Sleep
Vicious Cycle of Insomnia and Sleeping Pills
Talking to Matthew Walker, a sleep scientist and the author of the new book Why We Sleep, about sleeping pills and CBT-I.
Science & Technology | Cool Stuff
Nano aluminium offers fuel cells on demand – just add water
The accidental discovery of a new aluminium alloy could lead to portable hydrogen and could kick-start the struggling hydrogen economy
Health & Fitness | Sleep
How To Sleep Better During Allergy Season
If hay fever is keeping you awake at night during allergy season, try these techniques to help you sleep better.
Health & Fitness | Sleep
7 Sleep Mistakes You Don't Know You're Making
22% of people complain they have trouble sleeping, but are they working to fix that? Here are 7 solutions to the sleep mistakes you don't know you're making
Health & Fitness | Sleep
5 Ways To Combat Sleep Deprivation
A good night’s sleep boosts brain power, helps build muscle, burns excess fat, and sets you up for the day ahead. It is, quite simply, one of the most im...
Psychology | Health & Wellbeing
How One Small Shift in Focus Can Improve Your Everyday Health
Your body is like a machine that runs automatically. Every organ, every vessel, every cell is constantly working to keep you alive. You don’t even have to think about it — your lungs keep you…
Science & Technology | Israeli Innovation
Israeli Company Will Oversee $1 Billion Worth Of Solar Field Projects In Africa
Israeli Company Will Oversee $1 billion Worth Of Solar Field Projects In Africa
Health & Fitness | Sleep
Mastering Sleep Positions for Better Health
Many factors that facilitate restful sleep, including room environment, mattress and pillow, but sleep positions are key for better sleep and health.
Health & Fitness | Sleep
5 Science-Backed Ways To Have A Happier Morning
Even if you are not a morning person.
Miscellaneous | Interesting & Helpful Information
8 Things You Need To Know About Your Body's Energy Levels
Remember: The idea is to leave the gym energized, not exhausted.
Health & Fitness | Sleep
A Brief Guide on How to Sleep Better Every Night
Want to learn how to sleep better? Look no further. This guide walks you through everything you need to know to learn how to sleep better every night.
Advice & Self-Help | Meditation and Other Practices
Need a Midday Energy Boost? Skip the Caffeine, Take a Walk
Brief bouts of low-to-moderate intensity physical activity are more energizing than a 50 mg dose of caffeine (such as a can of soda or shot of espresso), according to a new study.
Psychology | Health & Wellbeing
It’s Not Just You — Allergy Brain Is Real
Scientists aren’t entirely sure why allergies make you fuzzy-headed, but they have a theory.
Health & Fitness | Sleep
Here’s a Weird Explanation for Why You Eat More When You’re Sleep-Deprived
Yet another reason to aim for a good night’s rest.
Health & Fitness | Sleep
How to wake up earlier—with minimal misery
Five simple steps to help you rise and grind, even if you're not a morning person.
Health & Fitness | Sleep
9 Ways To Bounce Back The Day After A Crappy Night's Sleep
Really, the most important thing is that next night — it’s what will keep one bad day from becoming a pattern of sleeplessness.
Health & Fitness | Sleep
Sleeping Through the Night Is a Relatively New Invention
Shorter chunks of shut-eye used to be more normal than one long, uninterrupted snooze.
Health & Fitness | Sleep
6 Counterintuitive Sleep Solutions To Try Tonight
Counterintuitive sleep solutions are the best sleep solutions
Health & Fitness | Sleep
15 Sneaky Reasons You’re Always Tired
Constant fatigue is a very uncomfortable, but very common, physical state. YouGov’s latest research shows that a significant number of Americans don’t fe...
News | That's News to Me
Scientists Measure Highest Radiation Levels Yet Inside Fukushima's Damaged Reactors
The latest measurements are over seven times the previously measured high—enough to fry a robot in two hours
Health & Fitness | Sleep
What a Good Night’s Sleep Looks Like, By the Numbers
A new report from the National Sleep Foundation outlines four criteria for measuring sleep quality.
Health & Fitness | Sleep
How to Fall Asleep Faster
A few simple sleep hacks to help you minimize the time between going to bed and getting to bed.
News | In The News
What's Next for the Dakota Access Pipeline? Some Protesters Wary of Future - NBC News
Reality soon began to sink in among the thousands who have been battling against the construction of the 1,172-mile Dakota Access Pipeline for months.
Politics | Politics
Trump dumped his stock in the Dakota Access pipeline owner over the summer
The sale would eliminate one possible conflict of interest for Trump, who has vowed to speed up permits for oil and gas pipelines in order to spur more oil and gas development in the United States.
Science & Technology | Cool Stuff
Next Big Future: MIT set nuclear fusion plasma record and proposes two Tokomak designs for vastly faster and lower cost
MIT set a new world record for plasma pressure in the Institute’s Alcator C-Mod tokamak nuclear fusion reactor. Plasma pressure is the key ...
Cars & Motorcycles | Cars
Audi's new energy-generating suspension will make you love potholes
Audi's innovative new eROT suspension replaces shock absorbers with electric motors that turn bumpy roads into electricity that saves fuel.
Advice & Self-Help | Spiritual Awareness
The Secret Power of Sexual Transmutation & Sacred Sexual Energy | Who Are Your Chosen Partner(s)
Sexual energy and sex transmutation play a fundamental role in our lives. Sex today is an open topic as we see it everywhere incomparable to conservative time frames before the 60’s and 70…
Miscellaneous | Health & Fitness
How to gain energy and have great health-11 steps
The concept of energy loss with age is pervasive: a myth. Not being able to control your health:another myth.Here's a good start-how to GAIN energy with age
Health & Fitness | Health News
Caffeine: The Performance Enhancer in Your Kitchen
Olympic athletes and other elite competitors turn to coffee and other caffeinated products for a perfectly legal boost.
Advice & Self-Help | Spiritual Awareness
Hidden Force & The Enslavement of Dark Matter
As it came to pass, I saw the alignment of the Sun and Jupiter. Illuminating the light of the Sun with the expansions of Jupitarian. The topic which is most often swept under the run came to the su…